
pleia2finally created a http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Natty/Home which pulls the text from our index page on our site, for now it's just a straight copy, need to do some editing before we set up the redirect06:29
pleia2(and move it to regular /Home)06:29
AlanBelldid the rt request for the theme go in?08:23
elkyAda Lovelace Day has moved...10:55
pleia2AlanBell: not yet, I need to log into the server and give more specific paths to make it as easy as possible (I'll Cc you on the ticket when I do)17:18
pleia2hopefully get to that tonight17:18
jledbetter[?] organize Ada Lovelace competition for March 24: TODO is being done by whom? Maybe update to be new October date too.17:44
MichelleQjledbetter: have we gotten the new date for ada lovelace day?17:46
jledbetterMichelleQ, Yes, emailed you.17:47
pleia2wow, that's quite a date change17:47
MichelleQwow, ok then.17:48
pleia2maybe we should talk about replacing it in ou blueprint? it knocks it out of this cycle17:48
MichelleQyeah, keeping it in for this cycle seems silly17:49
jledbetterThat'd bump the competition. Maybe we could do something else? Like blogathon(or such) in honor of UDS-N?18:09
jledbetterUDS-O even. :)18:12
AlanBellwow, what on earth is the background to that ada lovelace change?18:25
* AlanBell moves it on http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/2011plan18:26
jledbetterI saw that she was thinking about it what? a month ago maybe? Can't remember a reason though.18:31
jledbetter"but this year we decided to shift it back to October to give everyone a bit more time to prepare."18:31
pleia2actually, maybe our general UDS attendance blog push is enough to fill this gap?18:37
pleia2we'll all blog about our experiences (in person and remotely), blog Q&As, give details about participation, little how-tos18:38

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