
=== cup is now known as LLStarks
LLStarksre bug 714719, no lockups on 945gm, so the problem shouldn't reside in shared code02:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 714719 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "[i915gm] GPU lockup (ESR: 0x00000001 IPEHR: 0x02000004) (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71471902:49
tjaaltonduh, some sort of dependency loop prevents upgrade to maverick06:57
tjaaltonbetween nouveau and libdrm06:57
tjaaltonhad to remove nouveau and video-all07:03
RAOFtjaalton: Upgrade to maverick, or from maverick to natty?07:35
tjaaltonRAOF: to maverick07:38
tjaaltonfrom lucid07:38
RAOFWeird.  I would have thought there would have been much complaining about that.  Perhaps you've hit an uncommon case?07:39
tjaaltonno idea, they both are the lucid versions07:39
mvogood moring! I used to be able to write Identifier "trackpoint"\nMatchIsPointer "on"\nOption "Emulate3Buttons" "on" (in the inputclass section). but with the recent xorg upgrade that does no longer seem to work after resume - worth a bugreport?09:02
tjaaltonmvo: probably so.. 09:04
* bryceh waves to RAOF, tjaalton, mvo09:05
brycehRAOF, btw just now noticed we're getting a lot of auto-dupes of bug #712785.  Might be something interesting going on there (haven't looked at the bug at all)09:05
ubot4bryceh: Bug 712785 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/712785 is private09:05
mvothanks tjaalton09:05
tjaaltonupgrade to maverick almost done, then reboot to check that it works, and then to natty alpha209:05
* mvo waves back to bryceh09:05
* bryceh unprivates09:06
brycehahem, bug #71278509:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 712785 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Xorg assert failure: *** glibc detected *** /usr/bin/X: corrupted double-linked list: 0x0a435968 *** (affects: 9) (dups: 8) (heat: 74)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71278509:06
tjaaltonmvo: btw, I had a weird conflict on upgrade from lucid->maverick, caused by nouveau and libdrm. solved it by removing x-x-v-nouveau, and all the logs should be on the disk if you're interested09:07
mvotjaalton: please mail them to me, can't hurt to check them09:07
brycehbug #711422 looks like a variant with it's own collection of dupes09:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 711422 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Xorg assert failure: X: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x089f5b20 *** (affects: 13) (dups: 12) (heat: 106)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71142209:07
tjaaltonmvo: ok, will do, after lunch :)09:07
tjaaltonthough it's really weird that it happened09:08
RAOFAh, hello GLX resource tracking.  How much fun are you!09:09
RAOFYeah, we should investigate and fix/send upstream.09:10
brycehRAOF, can you try to reproduce it?  I tried but I haven't seen it at all on my own hardware.09:16
brycehRAOF, if not, then yeah maybe bumping it upstream is the right next step09:16
RAOFbryceh: Yeah, I don't think I've reproduced it.09:16
RAOFOr maybe I have - it's probably another one of those on-shutdown crashes.09:17
mvotjaalton: sure, no rush09:18
RAOFHm, no, some people seem to have that bug kill their sessions.09:19
jcristauyou need to play more 3d games09:20
jcristaufor work.09:20
RAOFTime to fire up Civ V… FOR SCIENCE!09:23
brycehRAOF, I sent half of the gpu lockup bug reports upstream today.  The other half seemed less common; I'll send them up once we get some action on the first half.  That double free bug looks worth a bit more study before sending it upstream.09:23
RAOFI've got a patch series in mind to investigate there.09:23
brycehRAOF, you rock.  :-)  Ok, bedtime for me, cya tomorrow.09:32
RAOFCatch you!09:32
tjaaltonupgrade to natty complete, still no compiz on nouveau, unity or not13:24
tjaaltonI'll start digging if it might be fixed somewhere already13:24
mvoI have no copiz on nouveau too (fwiw). the unity checker claims I should be able to run it though13:40
mvobut no texture_from_pixmap iirc13:40
tjaaltoni get the same error as on bug 71058813:43
ubot4Launchpad bug 710588 in mesa (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "compiz assert failure: compiz: nv50_pc_emit.c:863: emit_flop: Assertion `STYPE(i, 0) == 0x09' failed. (affects: 16) (dups: 5) (heat: 100)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71058813:43
tjaaltonI'll try mesa from edgers next13:43
tjaaltonstill the same13:55
tjaaltoneven with libdrm/nouveau etc from there13:55
tjaaltonoh well, best to get a proper backtrace and see what to make of it14:21
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apwtjaalton, for that nv0 or whatever it was, i added xorg-edgers and dist-upgraded, is that sufficient to get support?15:07
tjaaltonapw: I think so yes15:07
apwhrm, then i think it doesn't work15:07
apwtjaalton, it is still saying 'sw renderer' ... am fully rebooting to be sure15:08
tjaaltoncheck for the (EE) lines of the logfile15:08
tjaaltonsee if they are the same15:08
tjaaltonor something else15:09
tjaaltonthough could be that the kernel drm from .38 isn't enough15:09
apwyeah says the same 'Erorr creating GPU channel: -1915:12
tjaaltonok, then maybe the drm code isn't fully baked yet15:13
tjaaltonthough 2d works15:13
apwyeah 2d is passable indeed, shame though15:14
apwi assume the official soln is binary drivers for these15:15
tjaaltonactually, you might be missing the firmware15:15
tjaaltonsuggested on #dri-devel15:16
tjaaltonthough I've no idea where those are15:16
apwahh yes, it says failed to load fuc409d15:16
apwwhich is ammusing to read15:16
tjaalton"extract it from a blob trace"15:16
tjaaltonthey'll write a free one later15:17
apwdo what?15:17
tjaaltondunno :)15:17
apwthat sounds like running windows or something15:17
tjaaltonno just the blob15:17
tjaaltonI think15:17
apwoh i see15:17
tjaaltonok, so compiz on nouveau works after all..16:27
tjaaltonafter I figured out that the profile had to be changed to default16:30
tjaaltontomorrow I'll try if unity works without the assert16:31
jaytaokobryceh: ping16:55
brycehhi jaytaoko17:06
jaytaokobryceh: hello17:11
jaytaokobryceh: I was wondering if the fglrx can be installed right now and work with the latest release of XOrg 1.1017:12
brycehjaytaoko, I wouldn't think so, unless amd has a new one for private testing available17:13
jaytaokobryceh: I was told that it wouldn't be released before march... Just checking with you about it17:15
brycehjaytaoko, yeah sorry, I'm fairly sure the options are either run -ati or downgrade xserver (and/or kernel)17:16
brycehjaytaoko, the updated driver will first be available via their internal testing program, but I think you're already subscribed to that?17:17
jaytaokobryceh: yes, I am17:17
brycehjaytaoko, ok yeah then keep an eye there for a fixed up driver17:17
jaytaokobryceh: ok, I will... In the mean time, I wonder how they are going to help us solve Unity on fglrx17:18
jaytaokobryceh: but, we have identified a few places that could help us resolve the issue...17:20
jaytaokobryceh: I will talk to them about it17:20
brycehjaytaoko, not to sound heartless but this sort of sounds like a problem of their own making ;-)17:20
jaytaokobryceh: yes, they knew XOrg 1.10 was coming17:21
brycehagain though, they could use a snapshot of ubuntu from prior to the xserver and kernel bumps if they need to do the dev work against older versions, or they could manually downgrade X and the kernel on a current snapshot if they prefer17:21
brycehor they could do the development using their development drivers that do support 1.1017:21
brycehseems like they have many more options than we do... ;-)17:21
brycehwell, at least one more17:22
jaytaokobryceh: in the meantime, we can work on the opensource driver and fix the issues that are there... 17:23
brycehsounds good17:24
brycehjaytaoko, are you aware of issues with unity and -ati?17:24
brycehI've mostly been focusing on -intel since the updates; it's the one with all the bug reports17:24
jaytaokobryceh: yes, there are some bugs such as random screens bugs.. things that you see only on the ati driver17:25
jaytaokobryceh: you don't get them on nvidia or intel...17:25
jaytaokobryceh: it looks more like low level driver issues17:25
brycehjaytaoko, ok, point me to bugs that look like driver issues; I should get those upstream asap17:26
jaytaokobryceh: I am searching in the bug list17:28
jaytaokobryceh: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/68499217:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 684992 in unity (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Artefact in launcher tooltip and icons (affects: 4) (dups: 2) (heat: 64)" [Medium,Triaged]17:30
jaytaokobryceh: I am still getting this one17:30
jaytaokobryceh: it is random, and only happens with the ati radeon driver. Never saw it on other GPUs17:30
brycehjaytaoko, yeah rendering artifacts like that are sort of a distinguishing characteristic of -ati ;-)17:32
brycehI'll forward it upstream.  I recall them discussing a rendering fix patch recently, perhaps they have something we can test17:33
jaytaokobryceh: thanks... I knew there was nothing in our rendering that could cause something like that... glad that you confirms it!17:35
brycehjaytaoko, yeah so if you can post X logs to the bug I'll forward it upstream today17:42
jaytaokobryceh: alright17:42
seb128bryceh, hey18:09
seb128bryceh, just for info debian landed a cairo build with the gl backend enabled and I did merge that in natty18:10
brycehseb128, oh, finally18:11
brycehseb128, yeah I know while I was blocked that debian has been working on getting wayland in themselves18:11
seb128bryceh, yeah sorry about the delay18:11
seb128bryceh, but didn't you work in ppa for it?18:12
brycehseb128, yes18:12
seb128ok, so "blocked" was for landing in the official archive only18:13
brycehseb128, but I couldn't upload the packages to natty until the dependency was available18:13
seb128anyway it's done now18:13
seb128sorry about the delay again18:13
seb128bryceh, right, but is there any interest to have wayland in the distro? like is it usuable for anything else than testing (which could be done in the ppa as well)?18:13
brycehseb128, I think I saw one blog post from someone interested in having wayland in the distro ;-)18:14
brycehbut no it won't be usable until GNOME or other window managers support it18:15
seb128bryceh, right, I'm just saying why it was not on top of my todo but no point arguing over upload delay since that's over and uploaded18:16
brycehso the motivation for getting it in is to make life easier for those folks that will be doing that development work18:16
seb128sorry if that blocked other tasks for you18:16
brycehok, yeah I've had enough other stuff to keep me busy, and you're right it seems few actual people have interest in wayland18:17
brycehhopefully I'm not wasting my time, although probably I am ;-)18:17
brycehseb128, anyway thanks for letting me know; I was going to ask about that.  Glad to have it done and I can wrap up work on this stuff.18:23
tjaaltonmeh, so nouveau dri2 is crashing, but the backtrace is useless even though I have all (?) the dbg-packages19:48
tjaaltonhas the X wrapper changed... there is no Xorg process anymore19:52
brycehlook for an 'X' process19:53
tjaaltonyes, but the path for Xorg19:54
tjaaltonnow we got something :)19:54
tjaaltonbut no time to debug further atm :)19:56
jaytaokobryceh: How do I generate an X log20:06
brycehtjaalton, hmm, "nouveau_bo_handle_get(nouveau_pixmap(ppix)->bo, &nvbuf->base.name);" has quite a few derefs in there20:07
brycehjaytaoko, how do you mean?  The Xorg.0.log should generate automatically from the server20:08
jaytaokobryceh: ok I have it... I though it was something else20:09
jaytaokobryceh: apport-collect won't let me add my system info to  68499220:32
brycehjaytaoko, hrm, what's it say?20:32
brycehjaytaoko, work around just attach your dmesg, /var/log/Xorg.0.log, /etc/X11/xorg.conf (if any), and output of 'lspci -vvnn'20:33
brycehI think that should be enough20:33
jaytaokobryceh: You are not the reporter or subscriber of this problem report, or the report is a duplicate or already closed. Please create a new report using "apport-bug".20:33
brycehjaytaoko, ok that makes sense20:35
brycehjaytaoko, you could file a new bug using 'ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-video-ati' then, and link to it from the original bug20:35
jaytaokobryceh: will do20:36
brycehjaytaoko, also if you can take a photo of the screen corruption you reproduce for comparison, that might be helpful too20:36
jaytaokobryceh: yes, I just took one20:36
jaytaokobryceh: here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/71540520:54
ubot4Launchpad bug 715405 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu) "Graphics artifact in Unity, around the tooltips (dup-of: 684992)" [Undecided,New]20:54
ubot4Launchpad bug 684992 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Artefact in launcher tooltip and icons (affects: 5) (dups: 3) (heat: 34)" [Undecided,Incomplete]20:54
brycehjaytaoko, ok upstreamed at https://bugs.freedesktop.org//show_bug.cgi?id=3405121:08
ubot4Freedesktop bug 34051 in Driver/Radeon "Graphics artifact in Unity, around the tooltips" [Normal,New]21:08
jaytaokobryceh: great!21:09
jaytaokobryceh: thanks21:09
brycehhopefully we will get a helpful response21:11
tjaaltonbryceh: ookay21:51
brycehtjaalton, I would set a break in that first routine and inspect the state of the variables21:52
brycehtjaalton, however given that the next call is from -nouveau to libdrm I would wonder if there's abi breakage or something21:52
tjaaltonbryceh: hmm ok, I could try edgers to see if I can reproduce it21:52
brycehit doesn't look like the function signature in libdrm changed recently though 21:53
tjaaltonbut that's for tomorrow21:53
brycehtjaalton, do you only see the crash when running edgers? 21:53
tjaaltonthe assert with unity should just be removed "and it should be fine"21:53
tjaaltonbryceh: no this is with stock natty21:53
tjaaltonlooks like my suspend issue should be fixed in .38rc421:54
brycehRAOF, what are your thoughts on the double free bug?22:12
RAOFI recall a series of patches on xorg-devel about GLX resource cleanup, one of which was to avoid a double free.22:15
brycehthat does sound promising22:15
brycehRAOF, are you able to reproduce the bug locally?22:16
RAOFI haven't managed to yet, but it's early in the day :)22:16
RAOFI don't think they got applied, or perhaps there's another codepath that needs fixing.22:16
brycehok, you thinking maybe just roll the patch(s) into a ppa and solicit testers?22:16
brycehsounds like a good plan22:17
RAOFI'll see whether I can reproduce locally first, and then make that happen.22:17
brycehbtw I've accumulated a few random -intel patches I'm going to put in22:17
brycehnothing earth shattering, just odds and ends and minor fixes that look worth including22:18
brycehoh there was one bug I was puzzled about the response on, which might make more sense to you22:19
brycehforwarded upstream at https://bugs.freedesktop.org//show_bug.cgi?id=3401722:19
ubot4Freedesktop bug 34017 in Driver/intel "[i965gm] GPU lockup during login" [Major,Reopened]22:19
brycehickle pointed to a commit which is already included in 2.14.0 that the user reported against; am I missing something obvious?22:20
RAOFI can't *see* anything obvious there, no.22:20
brycehok, well I pushed back to ickle maybe he'll flame me more sensibly ;-)22:21
brycehI think we're on the verge of bringing http://www.bryceharrington.org/X/Reports/ubuntu-x-swat/totals-natty-workqueue.svg back down.  Looks like we're able to dupe/close/upstream bugs as fast as they're coming in, 22:23
LLStarks /ns identify robert22:30
RAOFTime for a new throwaway password!22:31
LLStarksyes, i fear the righteous ubuntu-x team stealing my password22:45
LLStarksbtw, yay dithering22:45
RAOFFonud the problem?22:46
LLStarksit's fixed22:54
LLStarksin a custom apw kernel22:54
RAOFLet's see if I can trigger that double-free…22:57
LLStarksObservations, measurements23:05
LLStarkswrong cp23:05
LLStarksraof, you mentioned occasional graphical corruption on 945, what bug was that?23:16
brycehbug #710961 ?23:23
ubot4Launchpad bug 710961 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[i945gm] Screen Corruption with new Xorg stack (affects: 3) (heat: 505)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71096123:23
LLStarksyeah, seeing that from time to time23:23
LLStarksfirefox too23:23
brycehRAOF, do you think we should accept i8xx bug reports or just close them and redirect people upstream?23:34
RAOFI think close them and point them upstream, for the moment.23:34
brycehe.g. bug #714634 (which looks like a kernel regression in any case)23:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 714634 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "intel 82852/82855 cannot display login screen (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71463423:34
RAOFThat long-awaited hope of the kernel working around those hardware problems is still brewing; maybe in Natty+1 we'll be able to turn things back on :)23:35
brycehbit of an essay, but here's my spiel for 8xx - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/714634/comments/223:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 714634 in linux (Ubuntu) "intel 82852/82855 cannot display login screen (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Won't fix]23:48

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