
JamesTaitBonjour, mes amis.09:46
duanedesignmorning friends10:18
ryeduanedesign, morning!10:38
ralsinagood morning everyone!11:44
duanedesignhello rye11:49
duanedesignhad a note here to ask you about a bug....11:50
duanedesigndidnt write the bug number down though :)11:50
* duanedesign goes looking11:50
alecuhello all!13:09
nessitahi alecu, how are you?13:24
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
alecufine! a bit sleepy :-)13:26
ralsinahola alecu13:29
nessitaalecu: how was your time off! which remind me...13:29
ralsinaalecu: good news, the unity team says the notification APIs are in trunk now and should do useful stuff this week.13:29
karnijoin ubuntuone-mobile13:31
alecuralsina: that's great news13:33
alecunessita: reminds you of what?13:33
nessitaalecu: I've just asked ralsina if I can take a holiday next Monday since I'm attending to Cosquín Rock and I plan to get wild :-p13:34
nlsthznSo... Ubuntu One client for Kubuntu on the horizon yet?13:35
ralsinanlsthzn: not  before natty. A Qt client for a little after natty, if I can pull it off.13:35
ralsinaAnd then that can be used as a basis for a "real" KDE client13:35
nlsthznralsina: cool... good luck with it... I am sure there a number of users waiting (im)pariently :)13:36
alecunessita: rock on!13:36
karniralsina: sounds promissing. KDE guys will be happy (still, I'm running Gnome)13:36
* ralsina still has a ralsina@kde.org email address13:37
ralsinakarni, nlsthzn: since the windows client will be Qt-based, a part of the work will be done by Canonical. The rest I'll have to do on nights and weekends.13:37
nlsthznWould have been annoying as hell if Windows had gotten there client before Kubuntu :p13:38
karninlsthzn: it's already there o_O13:38
karninlsthzn: the Windows client, that is13:38
* karni is pretty sure13:39
nlsthznoO oh noes... So MS got the love before KDE users!!!13:39
ralsinanlsthzn: the gtk client works on KDE too13:39
alecunlsthzn: don't despair. The client runs on all linux desktops. It's just the UI13:39
karniralsina: I'm sure you'd get some support from the devs on the KDE client13:39
karnior, KDE integration, so to speak.13:40
ralsinanlsthzn: that's one way to see the cup as half-full or half-full OF OMFG! :-)13:40
nlsthznhmmm... don't want to "contaminate" KDE with GTK :p ... guess CLI could work as well13:40
ralsinanlsthzn: don't be a purist, pragmatists have way more fun ;-)13:41
ralsinanlsthzn: besides, usually u1 has no visible parts!13:42
nlsthznralsina: true (now that I think about it...) but dont' I need dolphin integration or something?13:43
nessitanlsthzn: what browser do you use?13:43
karniralsina: before you start to look for the missing "Publish/Sync this folder" in the context menu ;D13:43
ralsinanlsthzn: a u1 context menu for dolphin could be done using the CLI tool13:43
ralsinanlsthzn: emblems.... much harder13:43
nessitaralsina: the CLI tools is blocking...13:43
nlsthznnessita: I am using FF13:43
karniI think having full CLI support would be freaking awesome.13:44
ralsinanessita: oh, right. Ok, then after the public API is done13:44
karniQuestions about headless installs would end, terminal-fans would publish files from CLI/scripts, etc13:44
nessitanlsthzn: FF (used to?) depend on serveral GTK libs...13:44
ralsinanlsthzn: such as.... GTK itself ;-)13:44
nessitanlsthzn: I was a KDE-only person as well. But I was in love with firefox and with pidgin, so I ended up having both toolkit installed13:45
nlsthznGuess that means I do have it installed... makes sense why FF isn't installed by default :p13:46
nlsthznso to install ubuntu one is a simple apt-get away?13:46
nessitanlsthzn: it should, honestly I haven't test it myself13:46
nessitanlsthzn: what system are you running?13:47
nessitawhat kubuntu version, I mean13:47
nlsthznKubtunu 10.10 (KDE 4.6)13:47
nessitanlsthzn: you can try and let us know if we have some packaging/dependency bug :-)13:47
nlsthznk... I am going to try ubuntuone-client and see what happens :p13:48
yofelhm, is the natty client functional in any way? tought I would try it on kubuntu, but it only gives me some credentials error in the syncdaemon log13:48
nlsthznwow... that is a whole host of additional packages needed13:49
ralsinayofel: it should be functional13:49
ralsinayofel: what errors are you getting exactly?13:49
nlsthznok, I installed ubuntuone-client (and several other packages)... what now? Not sure how to interact with it now?!13:53
ralsinaalecu nessita thisfred dobey: standup in 7'13:53
thisfred¡ sí!13:54
ralsinamandel is at the doctor waiting for an X-ray so he won't be joiing us13:54
ralsinaIt feels like late-december again, we are so few :-(13:54
mandelralsina: i;m here :)13:55
mandeli just got back13:56
ralsinamandel: oh, cool :-)13:56
ralsinamandel: how's the hand?13:56
yofelralsina: sry, got a kernel panic - here http://paste.kde.org/4324/13:56
mandelralsina: in the xray it looks as bad as it was more than a week ago, kets see if the doctor says something good on thrusday13:56
ralsinayofel: version of ubuntuone-client?13:56
ralsinamandel: :-(13:57
mandelralsina: anyways, it could be worse :P13:57
ralsinamandel: if they say it's not improving, that's the priority, windows port be damned13:57
ralsinayofel: looks like you are not running gnome-keyring (yes, currently it's required)13:58
ralsinayofel: there was a bug lately about it not being started automatically, but it's not in that version13:58
ralsinathe FIX is not in that version that is :-)13:58
mandelralsina: lets wait 'til thrusday. ill keep everyone updated13:59
yofelhm, I have " 3591 ?        00:00:00 gconfd-2" running, do I need something else?13:59
ralsinamandel: ok13:59
ralsinayofel: in 10',we have a standup to attend :-)14:00
alecuDONE: took two days off14:01
alecuTODO: catch up with API work14:01
alecuBLOCKED: no14:01
alecuNEXT: nessita14:01
nessita     31 DONE: started with bug #714583. Pinged people in ISD about bug #709496. Reviews.14:01
nessita     32 TODO: more for #714583. Follow up conversatrions with people in ISD about #709496.14:01
nessita     33 BLOCKED: nopes14:01
nessita     34 NEXT: ralsina14:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 714583 in ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Support share subscription in Folders tab (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71458314:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 709496 in canonical-identity-provider "Need a way to set the 'name' property for newly created accounts using REST API (affects: 1) (heat: 19)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70949614:01
alecu(sorry, new irc client)14:01
ralsinaDONE: reviews, desktop integration call, canonicaladmin14:02
ralsinaTODO: reviews, management stuff, sprint planning, triage another 8 tons of bugs14:02
ralsinasomeday actual coding ;-)14:02
ralsinaBLOCKED: no14:02
nessitaNEXT: thisfred, sorry14:02
mandelDONE: Doctors appointment for a new xray.14:02
mandelTODO: allow to run windows sd tests on 64 with a 32 version of python. Update child branches. Fix buf in file system branch.14:02
mandelBLOCKED: No14:02
mandelHATE: THe spanish version of the NHS14:02
nessitathisfred: ahora!14:02
mandeluh, this got messy….14:02
thisfredDONE: started on Bug #70205514:02
thisfredTODO: API work, and now that all the infrastructure is in place, Bug #702075, Bug #702128, Bug #702138, Bug #702144, Bug #702172, Bug #702176, Bug #70218314:02
thisfredBLOCKED: no14:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 702055 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Syncdaemon needs to send a notification when a new UDF is available for subscription (affects: 1) (heat: 141)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70205514:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 702075 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Syncdaemon needs to add an entry to the messaging menu when a new UDF is available for subscription (affects: 1) (heat: 166)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70207514:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 702128 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Syncdaemon needs to send aggregated notifications about completed operations (affects: 1) (heat: 166)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70212814:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 702138 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Syncdaemon needs to send a notification when a new share offer comes in (affects: 1) (heat: 166)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70213814:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 702144 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Syncdaemon needs to add an entry to the messaging menu when a new share offer comes in (affects: 1) (heat: 166)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70214414:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 702172 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Syncdaemon needs to send a notification when a folder shared to the user exceeds the owning user's quota (affects: 1) (heat: 166)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70217214:02
thisfrednessita: !14:03
ralsinaI think that's everyone until dobey wakes up14:03
thisfredeh, mandel14:03
thisfredok :)14:03
ralsinaSo, comments?14:03
nessitaralsina: any news on our sprint?14:03
ralsinanessita: we are asking for official approval today before we can proceed further14:04
thisfredoh: +TODO: catch up with alecu and ask him some questions14:04
thisfredalecu: see #u1-internal :)14:04
nessitaralsina: ack, thanks!14:04
ralsinaI have team leads call today, so I'd appreciate if privately everyone posted a quick report on their tasks?14:04
dobeyλ DONE: shotwell plug-in research, start moving python code to use pth mathic14:07
dobeyλ TODO: shotwell plug-in research, finish bug 673012, evaluate SRUs for maverick14:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 673012 in desktopcouch (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Async monitoring of _changes (affects: 1) (heat: 43)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67301214:07
dobeyλ BLCK: None.14:07
nessitaralsina: eom!14:07
ralsinadobey: pth mathic?14:07
ralsinayofel: try running gnome-keyring and try again14:08
yofelaah, "The program 'gnome-keyring' is currently not installed."14:08
alecuyofel: gnome-keyring-daemon ?14:09
ralsinaalecu, nessita: aha! missing dependency, I say14:10
dobeyralsina: sorry, every time i see pth it makes me think of a lisp. magic. basically, installing our python packages such that we don't have to worry about conflicting __init__.py and such14:10
nessitaralsina: in maverick, ussoc depends in gnome-keyring...14:11
ralsinadobey: ok, just curious :-)14:11
ralsinanessita: yofel is on natty, I think?14:11
yofelI am, and gnome-keyring-daemon is part of gnome-keyring14:12
yofelok, *now* I get the sso client14:12
nessitaralsina: on natty, we don't depend on gnome-keyring but on any freedesktop keyring implementation14:12
dobeydepending != starting14:12
ralsinanessita: ok, then I have no idea about the error14:13
yofelan the sso client in natty doesn't the depend on gnome-keyring here14:13
yofelsee: http://paste.kde.org/432514:14
nessitayofel: it does not depend on the keyring, but on a keyring dbus service that implements freedesktop keyring spec14:14
nessitaas far as I know kwallet implemented that? or was supposed to?14:14
mandelralsina: ping14:14
ralsinamandel: pong14:14
yofelcould be a bug in kwallet then maybe, I'll search around later14:15
mandelralsina: the fix_runner branch now should run the tests if you have python 32 in a 64 machine :)14:15
nessitayofel: if kde provides a services implementing http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/secret-storage-spec, ussoc should work14:15
ralsinamandel: oh, joy :-)14:15
mandelralsina: you can test it whenever you have time14:15
ralsinamandel: after team leads, I suppose14:15
nessitayofel: we access the org.freedesktop.secrets DBUS service and use the API detailed in the link I pasted14:16
mandelralsina: when ever you can, i'll move to other branches no worries14:16
ralsinamandel: cool14:16
alecunessita, yofel: that spec was made by both the developers of Gnome Keyring and Kwallet. http://code.confuego.org/secrets-xdg-specs/14:16
alecuyofel: so perhaps we need to tweak something to make it work with kwallet, because we haven't tested it yet, but it should mostly work.14:17
ralsinaksecretserviced is not released yet14:18
ralsinaOr it was released in 4.6 that is not in Kubuuntu yet14:18
yofelno, kubuntu has 4.6, I think they postponed ksecretserviced14:19
ralsinaSo MAYBE we have some part of kde with a wrong provides?14:20
ralsinayofel: it would be cool to find who is satisfying u1-client's dependencies but my apt-fu is weak14:20
thisfredalecu: hey, don't know if you saw, but I will take care of the interesting_events queue14:35
=== teknico_away is now known as teknico
nessitaalecu: ah, I forgot to mention. AWESOME work with the notifications!14:48
alecunessita: thanks :-) they look a lot better now.14:54
alecuthisfred: saw it, cool.14:54
nessitadobey: so, did lucio got back to you about making a release?14:54
nessitaverterok: I approved your branch from yesterday, if you could seek a second approval, we can ensure we release this fix soon14:55
dobeywell i mailed the shotwell list; hopefully will get a few useful replies15:24
ralsinadobey: cool15:28
snap-lFiles service appears to be generating 503 errors15:38
mandeldobey: ping15:40
dobeymandel: hi15:41
snap-lhttp://ubuntuone.com/p/bVa/ <- Example URL15:41
mandeldobey: helllo :), can you give me a very quick review on this; https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-dev-tools/fix_missing_man_info/+merge/4893315:41
mandeli forgot to update the man last time15:41
nessitasnap-l: let me ask to server maintainer's15:43
dobeymandel: typo, but otherwise fine :)15:44
snap-lnessita: thank you!15:45
mandeldobey: hehe nice comment, i'll fix that15:45
nessitasnap-l: we're in the middle of servers updates, it shouldn't take long15:47
mandeldobey: it has been sorted out15:47
snap-lnessita: Ah, thanks. Might want to update the status? :)15:47
nessitasnap-l: that is what I'm trying to find out. Seems like that for weekly updates we don't update the status page... but I'm trying to convince we should do it15:48
snap-lnessita: as a customer, I would appreciate at least some notice that public stuff may not work. :)15:50
ralsinasnap-l: we have support for service status notifications, but it's not done yet15:51
ralsinaoops, PLANNED support15:51
nessitaralsina: right, but maybe we should coordinate with joshuahoover/rye to update the status page, manually15:52
ralsinanessita: yes15:52
nessitasnap-l: status page will be updated soon15:53
snap-lCool, thank you!15:53
nessitayou're welcome!15:53
nessitasnap-l: all services should be working normally now16:06
snap-lnessita: Thank you! Working fine now!16:16
dobeyok, lunch time16:33
ralsinaalecu nessita thisfred: Stuart will be coordinating your API work directly, since he's the one that knows the big picture16:37
alecuralsina: cool16:38
thisfredI mean Awesome!16:38
thisfredthe keys are like right next to eachother ;)16:38
ralsinayou are not on loan or anything, but he will decide what part of the API work go first and that kind of stuff16:39
thisfredThe futures are now!16:39
thisfredI for one welcome our aquarian overlords16:39
teknicothisfred, that flaxseed sure tastes good ;-)16:43
thisfredas usual, you've lost me :)16:44
thisfredBut I like flaxseed16:44
nessitaralsina: ack16:46
ralsinadobey, about bug #65067116:54
ubot4Launchpad bug 650671 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu Natty) (and 5 other projects) "UbuntuOne "out of space" dialog is broken (affects: 14) (dups: 3) (heat: 81)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65067116:54
ralsinaWhat action is missing to finally get that into Maverick?16:55
ralsinamandel: ping16:59
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
ralsinamandel: ping, and when I call your phone I get a german girl telling me my call is unauthorized :-)17:16
dobeyralsina: well i guess we need to fix bug #712674 so we won't have to do another sru for a while17:19
ubot4Launchpad bug 712674 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu Natty) (and 5 other projects) "Nautilus offers publishing files within shares while it's not allowed on the server (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71267417:19
dobeyralsina: then we can do an sru for maverick17:19
ralsinadobey: oh, that one17:19
ralsinadobey: we'll take a look at it tomorrow, promise17:19
ralsinaI'm having a bit of a chaotic day today ;-)17:19
thisfrednessita: alecu: what's the best way to open the control panel to the shares/udfs tab from ubuntuone-client?17:23
nessitathisfred: ubuntuone-control-panel --swicth_to=volumes17:38
thisfrednessita: that's both udfs and shares right?17:38
nessitaor --switch_to=folders, can't remember17:38
nessitathisfred: yes17:38
nessitaactually,  --switch-to=volumes17:38
thisfrednessita: hmm, so do I use subprocess or something?17:39
thisfredI'll figure it out17:39
nessitathisfred: yes, subprocess.Popen17:39
thisfredI hope the messaging menu likes that ;)17:40
=== ralsina is now known as ralsina_lunch
dobeyanyone want to give a second review on https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-dev-tools/fix_missing_man_info/+merge/48933 real quick?17:49
thisfreddobey: on it17:50
thisfreddobey: done17:50
mandelralsina_lunch: pong17:54
ralsina_lunchmandel: you should have gotten a mumble invitation from ivanka for thursday17:54
ralsina_lunchIt's a bit late today and I am leaving for lunch anyway17:54
mandelralsina_lunch: sorry, irc chrashed  i did not notice, i was in the vm17:54
mandelralsina_lunch: what for?17:55
ralsina_lunchmandel: it's to discuss what we are going to do with the Windows UI17:55
mandelralsina_lunch: ok, but i though it would the same as linux17:56
mandelisn't it?17:56
ralsina_lunchmandel: welllllllll no. Not exactly.17:56
ralsina_lunchmandel: since we are doing it from scratch we may be useful as guinea pigs for the next cycle17:57
ralsina_lunchBut nothing radically different, probably just looks17:57
mandelralsina_lunch: oh well, that sounds good17:57
ralsina_lunchmandel: does the windows port support UDFs?17:57
mandelralsina_lunch: we will support everythig supported by sd17:58
mandelralsina_lunch: but there are issues we have to talk in term of user interaction, like file locking17:58
ralsina_lunchmandel: precisely what I was going at. We need to think the whole user experience with that on Windows.17:59
ralsina_lunchAnyway, I am really out to lunch now, we'll talk it later/tomorrow17:59
mandelralsina_lunch: one last thing, ca we do it later, i have to go to the doctor18:00
ralsina_lunchmandel: talk to ivanka, I am happy with anything you agree18:00
ralsina_lunchexcept if it overlaps team weekly call18:00
mandelivanka: ping18:01
nessitaverterok, ralsina_lunch: can I have a quick review for https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-client/get-sharesdir/+merge/48954 ?18:02
ivankamandel: hi18:05
ivankamandel: shall we mumble?18:09
thisfrednessita: on my maverick I only seem to have ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk. Is that aliased on natty?18:10
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
nessitathisfred: nopes, sorry, that is the one18:11
thisfrednessita: ah ok, so then this needs to be in platform, that works18:12
ivankamandel: all I really need in advance of Thursday is to make sure I have seen all your latest work. I don't mind if it is screen grabs or the actual app18:12
ivankamandel: I will have a windows machine tomorrow morning that I can use18:12
ivankamandel: I have a train to catch - I will speak to you Thursday if not tomorrow!18:15
nessitathisfred: would you be available for a review?18:15
thisfrednessita: if you're in a hurry, yes, if not I'd rather finish this branch. But if you weren't in a hurry you probably wouldn't have asked18:16
thisfredtldr: yes18:16
nessitathisfred: the hurry is not that big, I have another branch about to depend on this one: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/share-subs/+merge/48955 but you can do it after you finish your branch18:17
thisfrednessita: I'll do it now so I won't forget18:18
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
thisfrednessita: all the folders are greyed out, on your branch. Is that because I'm on maverick?18:31
alecuthisfred, ping. there are two bits missing, that I'll add in my next branch if you didn't work on those yet: backend support for updating the progressbar and for connection/disconnection from the server (to update the progressbar pulse)18:31
thisfredalecu: I have not started on any  of that yet no. Messaging is almost done though :)18:32
nessitathisfred: nopes, there must be an error. Are you running syncdaemon from nightlies?18:32
thisfrednessita: yep18:32
thisfredI updated today18:32
nessitathisfred: what's the output of u1sdtool --list-shares in  a terminal?18:33
alecuthisfred, cool :-)18:33
=== ralsina_lunch is now known as ralsina
thisfrednessita:  https://pastebin.canonical.com/42991/18:34
thisfrednessita: it does say File Sync in progress18:34
nessitathisfred: you don't have the latest client... what does aptitude show ubuntuone-client says, regarding version installed?\18:35
thisfrednessita:  https://pastebin.canonical.com/42992/18:35
* dobey wonders why people use aptitude18:36
thisfreddobey: well they won't be on natty :)18:36
nessitathisfred: can you u1sdtool -q && u1sdtool -c? you updated but you have an old client running18:37
nessitathisfred: https://pastebin.canonical.com/42993/ (see how shares have a 'subscribed' attribute that yours don t have)18:37
thisfrednessita: that's weird, I just updated and restarted18:38
nessitathisfred: I use aptitude on natty18:38
nessitait rocks18:38
thisfrednessita: oh I thought it was removed18:38
thisfredIt was when I upgraded18:38
nessitais not installed bu default18:38
thisfrednessita: no change when I do u1sdtool --list-shares18:39
nessitathisfred: can you please sudo aptitude reinstall ubuntuone-client ?18:40
nessitathisfred: there is something odd with your system... share subscription landed on 840~18:40
thisfrednessita: I don't have aptitude18:41
nessitawell, whatever equivalent version for apt18:41
thisfrednessita: I apt-get removed and reinstalled, did the quit and restart thing, and still no change18:43
thisfrednessita: guess I'll abstain?18:44
nessitathisfred: no, can you please run syncdemon from trunk?18:44
nessitathisfred: in U1 trunk:18:44
nessitaPYTHONPATH=. ./bin/ubuntuone-syncdaemon18:45
thisfrednessita: ok18:45
thisfrednessita: still no 'subscribed' property in list shares....18:46
nessitathisfred: what do you have on trunk/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/volume_manager.py line 142?18:48
nessitayou should have18:49
nessita    142     subscribed = True  # old shares should be automatically subscribed18:49
thisfrednessita: yep, that's there18:49
nessitacan you please kill current SD, and then:18:51
nessitafind -name '*.pyc' | xargs rm18:51
nessitaand start it again from trunk?18:51
nessitathisfred: I'm freaking out :-)18:51
nessitathisfred: also, when runing u1sdtool, you're pointing pythonpath to trunk, right?18:51
nessitanessita@dali:~/canonical/u1/client/trunk$ PYTHONPATH=. ./bin/u1sdtool --list-shares18:52
thisfredah no18:52
thisfredlet's try that again18:52
thisfrednessita: that worked18:52
nessitaah! fiuuuu18:52
thisfredlet's see if the control-panel is also working now18:53
nessitathisfred: ok, if you leave the trunk syncdaemon running, u1cp should work18:53
thisfrednessita: it does. WHEW :)18:53
thisfrednessita: although unsubscribing does not :(18:54
nessitathisfred: meaning what exactly?18:55
thisfrednessita: when I click a checkbox, the panel greys out, then comes back with the checkbox still checked18:55
nessitathisfred: what does --list-shares says? and do you have any ERROR on the terminal you're running the backend?18:56
thisfred2011-02-08 13:55:15,725 - ubuntuone.controlpanel.gtk.gui - ERROR - on_volume_settings_change_error: args (<VolumesPanel object at 0x23a5dc0 (GtkVBox at 0x25a0ba0)>, dbus.String(u'e57470bc-96fe-4973-85a6-bbe58e960937'), dbus.Dictionary({dbus.String(u'error_type'): dbus.String(u'VolumesError'), dbus.String(u'error_msg'): dbus.String(u'(dbus.String(u\'e57470bc-96fe-4973-85a6-bbe58e960937\'), AttributeError("\'SyncDaemonTool\' obje18:56
thisfredct has no attribute \'unsubscribe_share\'",))')}, signature=dbus.Signature('ss'))), kwargs {}.18:56
thisfredIs that because something else is not up to date?18:57
nessitathisfred: yeah... we need to add the path to the SD trunk when running the control panel backend :-(18:58
nessitathisfred: is so weird that your system SD does not have this18:58
thisfrednessita: perhaps the 64bit one was not built for nightlies?18:59
nessitamaybe... dobey?18:59
dobeyno it was18:59
thisfredlet me see if anything is in /usr/local18:59
nessitathisfred: what do you have on /usr/share/pyshared/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/volume_manager.py:14218:59
dobeylatest trunk revision is 84618:59
thisfrednessita: yeah, the subscribed = True is not there19:01
nessitathisfred: well... not sure what else to say19:01
thisfredme either, I have nightlies enabled19:02
thisfredand have dist-upgraded19:02
thisfredeven reinstalled ubuntuone-client19:02
nessitathisfred: you can abstain, I don't want to steal more time from you19:03
nessitathanks anyways!19:03
thisfrednessita: ok. ALso: a keybinding to close the control panel would be most welcome :)19:03
nessitathisfred: such as? atl+f4 works19:04
thisfrednessita: nope19:04
thisfrednot for me at least19:04
nessitathisfred: you mentioned this before, but it does work, I just confirmed it19:05
nessitathisfred: maybe it does not work on unity?19:05
thisfrednessita: possibly because your window manager catches it. The window itself does not19:05
nessitathisfred: what window manager are you running that is different than mine? I added no special settings on mine19:06
thisfredwell I have, I'm running xmonads ;)19:06
thisfredso I admit not many people are going to have this problem19:06
thisfredbut I think it's still the right thing to do19:07
nessitathisfred: and wil other windows close with alt+f419:07
thisfredthough I'm not a gnome expert so maybe not19:07
thisfrednessita: yep, some do19:07
thisfrednessita: some want CTRL-Q or CTRL-W19:07
thisfredthe control panel listens to none. It would also be ok if it had a menu to close it19:08
thisfredbut it does not either19:08
thisfredanyway LOOOOOOOOOOW priority19:09
ralsinathisfred: then it's whatever xmonad uses to close windows ;-)19:12
thisfredralsina: I don't think it has anything, it's up to the app. xmonads does not show the window decorations, for one thing19:13
ralsinamod-shift-c by default19:13
ralsinagoogle knows everything, you know19:13
thisfredralsina: true that19:14
thisfredralsina: still I wonder why for almost every other app does one of the usual key combos work19:14
thisfredanyway, this works for me19:15
ralsinathisfred: because they have menus and add the standard items with standard shortcuts?19:15
mandelralsina: ping19:15
thisfredI will now garbage collect all other keybindings from my memory19:15
ralsinamandel: pong19:15
thisfredralsina: yeah probably19:15
mandelralsina: did you have the time to run the windows tests?19:15
ralsinawhy xmonads can't use Alt+f4 like everyone else, is probably a side effect of programming haskell.19:16
ralsinamandel: about to start!19:16
ralsinamandel: have 5' to wait for it?19:16
mandelralsina: and have you talked with the msi guy?19:16
ralsinamandel: not yet. I will very early tomorrow19:16
thisfredralsina: I have *many* apps on linux that don't respond to alt-f4. it seems about 50-50 between CTRL-Q and ALT-F419:16
mandelralsina: i can wait, no problem19:16
* ralsina has had an insane day19:16
ralsinathisfred: alt++f4 is a WM thing19:17
dobeyalt+f4 is a windows thing19:17
thisfredah right. But even in metacity that doesn't always work, IIRC19:17
dobeylots of WMs implement it, for compatibility's sake19:17
dobeythisfred: it always works, unless you changed the binding, or the app is totally hosed and refusing to die19:17
dobeyzombie uprising and all19:18
ralsinamandel: link to the branch? I misplaced it19:18
mandelralsina: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/fix_runner/+merge/4627519:18
ralsinamandel: ok, branching and merging19:19
ralsinadamn bzr is slow on windoes19:21
ralsinamandel: one of these days we need to really think where our lives went wrong, and we ended being the windows guys19:22
karniverterok: hi! please don't bother with profilng authentication code of u1-java-sp client, I switched the order (from conn->auth->set_caps) to conn->set_caps->auth and it's set_caps that generates the GC now.19:22
karniverterok: all in all, looks like it's handshake related or something. I'll look into it, so don't waste your time for now, if you planned on haveing a look at that.19:22
karniverterok: :)19:22
mandelralsina: i tried to fix it braking my arm, did not work19:23
mandelralsina: could we worse, we could like it19:23
ralsinamandel: I'll try eating random mushrooms19:23
ralsinaok, it's complaining I don't have u1trial19:23
ralsinacan't open file 'C:\Python27\\Scripts\u1trial'19:23
mandelralsina: oh well, that is good :)19:23
ralsinaWell, at least it knows where python is :-)19:24
mandelralsina: get lp:ubuntuone-dev-tools and setup.py install19:24
ralsinamandel: ok, on it!19:24
mandelralsina: we do not have a ppa for window ;)19:24
ralsinamandel: you slacker! ;-)19:25
ralsinano coverage. Easy_installing...19:25
ralsinaexecuting the tests!19:26
thisfrednessita: If I want to say "new udfs available" how would I formulate that in user speak? "New Cloud Folders Available" ?19:26
ralsinano pylint19:26
thisfredalecu: ah, none of the strings are i18n-ed yet right?19:27
mandelralsina: be happy we do not use any glib library… :)19:28
thisfredin aggregator.py that is19:28
thisfredI'll do that on a separate branch then19:28
ralsinamandel: ImportError: No module named configglue.inischema19:28
mandelralsina: wtf, is that fro ubuntuone-dev-tools ?19:29
mandelor something else from easy install?19:29
ralsinamandel: u1lint, it seems19:29
ralsinano module called simplejson19:29
nessitathisfred: I would say something like 'Pictures folder is now available to sync in this device'?19:29
ralsinathat is a bug, it should try to import json and only if it fails, simplejson19:29
nessitathisfred: anyways, cparrino is the string owner19:30
mandelralsina: which version oof python are u using, 2.6?19:30
nessitathisfred: you can make a list and we should run that list by him19:30
ralsinamandel: 2.719:30
ralsinajson is included since 2.5 I think19:30
ralsinano module named oauth, easy_installing...19:30
thisfrednessita: no we only have 1 entry (with a count) in the messaging indicator, so it can't say which UDFs19:30
thisfrednessita: anyway, I'll do Cloud Folder(s) for now, since that's in the control panel as well19:31
alecuthisfred, no i18n yet, right.19:31
ralsinamandel: no module named mocker ... easy_installing19:31
thisfredalecu: ok, cool19:31
janimo_is there a REST API planned for shotwell uploads this cycle, or photos are synced to U1 by other means?19:31
thisfredalecu: that's an easy branch :019:31
ralsinadev-tools should really install all these things...19:32
nessitathisfred: what about... 'New cloud folders'19:32
dobeyralsina: install all what?19:32
mandelralsina: haha I though you had all those...19:32
ralsinayay! tests!!!!!19:32
ralsinadobey: mocker, oauth, others19:32
thisfrednessita: yeah I'll see what fits19:32
ralsinamandel: the simplejson one is really a bug19:32
dobeyralsina: no it shouldn't19:32
dobeydevtools doesn't use oauth19:33
ralsinadobey: well, can you do dev work without them?19:33
mandelralsina: is strange, i have not had that19:33
ralsinaI thought the goal of dev-tools was to provide us with an environment to do dev work in19:33
dobeyralsina: it's dev-tools not dev-install-everything-i-need-to-do-work19:33
ralsinaBut anyway, mandel: +1 :-)19:33
mandelralsina: did the tests run?19:34
ralsinaYes, failing in interesting ways19:34
alecuralsina, the package you are looking for is "ubuntuone-developer-dependencies"19:34
dobeythe goal of dev-tools is to consolidate all the duplicated test cases and stuff we use, and provide a test runner and lint wrapper to test and lint our code19:34
ralsinaalecu: on windows?19:34
dobeyalecu: not for client stuff19:34
ralsinadobey: ok19:34
alecuralsina, oh, not on windows, sorry.19:34
* mandel evil laugh 19:35
dobeyalecu: or for client stuff. that is for server19:35
ralsinadobey: u1lint requires pylint, and setup.py install doesn't install it19:35
thisfrednessita: ooh. When I call ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk --switch-to=whatever *twice* it opens two panels...19:35
ralsinadobey: u1lint requires configglue, and doesn't install it19:35
nessitathisfred: well, yes19:35
thisfredthat's suboptimal19:35
* ralsina could be missing where those requirements came from though19:35
dobeyralsina: linux kernel requires a compiler but "make" doesn't install gcc either19:35
thisfredand makes the name "switch-to" really wrong :019:36
dobeyu1lint doesn't require configglue19:36
mandelralsina: if you are in windows you can also  look at this, but you will need to read the code and use u1trial to run just the os_helper tests19:36
ralsinadobey: "provide u1lint" != "provide a working u1lint"19:36
ralsinadobey: ok, something required it, and something didn't install it ;-)19:36
dobeyralsina: u1lint does not include pylint, so it does not install pylint.19:36
dobeyit requires it.19:36
dobeyit's like when you buy a game add-on "Requires Full Version of Doom"19:37
ralsinadobey: usually, when you setup.py install a pythn package, it installs dependencies19:37
ralsinadobey: if it doesn't, it's broken.19:37
dobeyralsina: you and i have a very different idea of usually19:37
dobeyralsina: because that is so not true.19:37
ralsinadobey: oh, yeah? Show me two python packages that don't.19:37
mandelralsina: did you submit your review, i'd like to have it state that there was annother windows machine involved19:37
dobeyralsina: oauth, mocker, ubuntuone-storage-protocol, ubuntuone-dev-tools, ubuntu_sso19:38
mandelhaha most of them have someone fro canonical involved :)19:38
dobeyralsina: i think you're confusing setup.py, and pypi or whatever that other thing is that can install other things19:38
dobeysetup.py is not CPAN19:39
ralsinadobey: setup.py done using setuptools, like most python developers have used the last oh, 5 years or so.19:39
dobeyi have never seen a setup.py install other things, in fact.19:39
dobeysetuptools doesn't have dependencies19:39
* ralsina mixes them up often19:40
dobeydistribute does i think, but the way they work is still rather bleh19:40
ralsinasetuptools and distribute do, section install_requires.19:42
ralsinadistutils doesn't.19:43
ralsinamandel: fun, it seems the bat is unstoppable :-D19:44
mandelralsina: that is the test runner, are u using cygwin?19:45
ralsinamandel: no19:45
mandelralsina: thentry ctrl+c and you  ight be lucky, best option, kill the process19:45
ralsinamandel: no problem19:46
mandeli call this xtream tdd :P19:46
ralsinamandel: it just takes a while to stop :-)19:46
ralsinamandel: basically I got a lot of None is not iterable. Is that what you get?19:46
mandelralsina: yes, it is due to the fact that the branch only allows to run the tests, all of them fail19:47
ralsinahahaha ok, then mission accomplished ;-)19:47
mandelralsina: I have to go step by step, and even when you do that the diffs are huge19:48
ralsinamandel: sure, it's progress, man!19:48
mandelralsina: if you are still on windows, can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/implement_windows_os_helper/+merge/4663019:57
dobeyralsina: you are not still at lunch!19:57
ralsinamandel: sure, in 2'19:57
ralsinadobey: thanks for reminding me, missed it on the cnonical server19:57
mandelralsina: ok, in this you can run a subset of the test rather than all of them19:58
ralsinamandel: ok, bzr-ing it now20:00
mandelralsina: do you know how to run a subset of the tests ?20:01
ralsinamandel: not yet, start typing ;-)20:01
mandelralsina: just call u1trial with the path that contains the test cases to run, is that simple20:03
ralsinamandel ok20:03
ralsinamandel: bzr is complaining, so I haven't started yet20:04
mandelralsina:  and make sure that you do it from the root of theproject, so that the path are set correctly20:04
ralsinamandel: ok20:04
mandelralsina: about the merge?20:04
ralsinamandel: it's giving a bullshit error about error removing pending lock: Directory not empty: "C:/Users/ROBERTO/Desktop/Cano20:05
ralsinanical/implement_windows_os_helper/.bzr/repository/lock/lea3t7nhar.tmp": [Error 120:05
ralsinamandel: I deleted and started over, so in 1' we'll see20:05
dobeybrb, snack20:06
mandelralsina: windows tiene que ser por lo menos elpurgatorio….20:06
ralsinamandel: well... mumble does work nicely ;-)20:07
ralsinafark! I can't do bzr branch anymore!20:07
ralsinabzr: ERROR: Failed to rename C:/Users/ROBERTO/Desktop/Canonical/ubuntuone-client20:07
ralsina/.bzr/checkout/limbo/new-15 to C:/Users/ROBERTO/Desktop/Canonical/ubuntuone-clie20:07
ralsinant/libsyncdaemon: [Error 5] Access is denied20:07
mandelralsina: try to remove the limbo using your admin account20:08
mandelstart the cmd as admin ad try to del the dir20:09
ralsinamandel: trying20:09
ralsinamandel: I am as admin. Deleted one-folder higher and retrying20:09
ralsinaI can't even branch or clone lp:ubuntuone-client20:13
ralsinahey, yes, I could20:14
ralsinait just fixed itself. Go figure.20:15
ralsinare-re-re-re branching20:17
ralsinamandel: conflict20:19
ralsinamandel: Text conflict in ubuntuone/platform/windows/os_helper.py20:19
mandelralsina: hm, merging with trunk?20:25
ralsinatrunk -> fix_runner (does nothing) -> implement_windows_os_helper20:26
dobeyoh sweet tasty wondeful real sugar20:27
mandelralsina: ok, i'll fix that tom, it must be a stupid diff since thecorrect one is the one of the second branch20:30
ralsinamandel: ok, I'll pop in early so we can look at it before you walk the dog :-)20:30
mandelralsina: I'll pig u tom :)20:30
ralsinaI'll be here at 9AM UTC20:30
mandelralsina: dont worry i'll be around20:30
ralsinamandel: ok20:31
mandelall: laters!20:31
ralsinabye mandel!20:31
=== nessita1 is now known as nessita
ralsinaEOD for me. Have a nice evening everyone!20:58
thisfredthx you too21:11
thisfredalecu, our work is starting to pay off: this branch closes 4 bugs!21:20
thisfrednessita: also ^21:20
nessitathisfred: tomorrow I'll review!21:21
thisfrednessita: thx!21:22
dobeyi kill bugs all the time, but i suppose that comes with living next to a forest21:22
thisfredooh and it's under 500 lines!21:22
thisfredthat I had not expected  :)21:22
alecuthisfred, coool!21:24
alecuthisfred, reviewing21:24
thisfredI even used a closure21:25
alecudobey, hahahah21:26
thisfredalecu: no wait, I screwed that closure up, I think :)21:33
nessitaI'm gone, bye all!21:39
thisfredalecu, sry about that,  r850 is more stupid, and hence more likely to work ;)22:13
thisfredalecu: there would only ever be one instance of the StatusFrontEnd right?22:14
thisfredthe code won't break if there are more, but you would get multiple messages probably22:14
alecuthisfred, right. And I'm thinking it ended up being so thin that perhaps it should go away altogether.22:14
thisfredI made it a little fatter, but yeah we could fold it back into the aggregator22:15
thisfredfewer layers is always good22:15
alecuthisfred, oh, ok. Well, doesn't matter anyway... it's for some other time.22:15
thisfredyeah, should not be much work (and not much fatter, don't worry)22:16
alecuok, reviewing it!22:16
thisfredexactly 500 lines of diff now. I rock :D22:18
thisfredand with that I'm EOEnergy, and so EOD22:23
alecuthisfred, great branch so far!22:25
alecuthisfred, perhaps _callback in StatusFrontend could be named more descriptively.22:30
alecuthisfred, also, I think that new_share_available should also pass _callback to messaging.show_message22:31
alecuthisfred, otherwise, great work.22:31
thisfredalecu thx will fix those, probably tomorrow morning23:12
alecuok. byes!23:18

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