
bonjoyeeis ubuntustudio restricted in audio/video formats like ubuntu?03:58
holsteinubuntustudio = ubuntu03:58
holsteinyou can use the same codecs03:58
holsteinthe same meta-packages are available as well03:59
holsteinubuntu-restricted-extras or whatever03:59
holsteinto answer the question, yes03:59
holsteinbut, ubuntu is not 'restricted'03:59
bonjoyeeholstein: i mean, in things like ffmpeg , mencoder...codecs like libfaac are not present ubuntu...same with ubuntu studio?04:00
holsteinsudo m@apollo:~$ sudo apt-cache search libfaac04:00
holstein[sudo] password for m:04:00
holsteinlibfaac-dev - an AAC audio encoder - devel files04:00
holsteinlibfaac0 - an AAC audio encoder - library files04:00
holsteinim running 10.0404:01
holsteinbut that would be in 10.04 ubuntu or ubuntustudio04:01
holsteinmabye not by default04:01
holsteinbut in either the main or partner repositories04:01
bonjoyeeholstein: no..i know faac, libfaac is available in the repos...but are things like ffmpeg , mencoder compiled with support for it?04:02
holsteinbonjoyee: tell me how to confirm that and i will04:04
holsteinif you have a file04:04
holsteini'll try it or whatever04:04
holsteinScottL: ping04:04
bonjoyeeholstein: could you pastebin the output of "ffmpeg -version"04:04
holsteinbonjoyee: the packages them selves are the same though04:05
holsteinFFmpeg version 0.6-4:0.6-2ubuntu6.2, Copyright (c) 2000-2010 the FFmpeg developers built on Nov  5 2010 10:51:45 with gcc 4.4.304:05
holsteinbonjoyee: if you know that the packages in ubuntu proper are not compiled with supprot04:06
holsteinubuntustudio doesnt have any different versions availalbe to it04:06
holsteinbonjoyee: that -version, is from 10.04 too04:07
holsteinbonjoyee: ScottL will know that04:07
holsteinbut, you can ask over in #opensourcemusicians04:07
holsteinif you need an answer right now04:07
holsteinfalktx would know that to04:07
bonjoyeeholstein: ok..thank you so much....:)04:08
holsteinScottL: is ffmpeg from the repos built with libfaac support?04:09
holsteinmencoder and whatnot...04:09
holsteinbonjoyee: http://paste.ubuntu.com/564211/04:12
holsteini see04:13
holsteinthats the good right?04:13
ScottLhuh, i don't know holstein, which version of ubuntu are you using04:13
holsteinScottL: im in 10.0404:14
holsteinbut i think this is kind of a general question04:14
holsteinand i think i know now04:14
ScottLoh yeah, if you ffmpeg -version that should show you it04:14
holsteinthe output of that is quite a bit of info04:15
ScottLyeah, i wonder if we could grep it04:15
holstein--enable-libfaac is in there04:15
bonjoyeeholstein: thank you once again..04:15
holsteinand if libfaac is in the main repos04:15
holsteinlike when JACK got moved there04:15
holsteinand we started getting packages with JACK support built in04:16
holsteinand we partied :)04:16
bonjoyeeholstein: i got what i was looking for..thanks:)04:16
holsteinbonjoyee: cool04:16
Mononasobukus: How exactly did you set your updates to stop while jack is running?  I'm having that problem, and could use some pointers.05:48
MononaHow do I diagnose the occasional audio dropouts I get while running the 2.6.33-29-realtime kernel and a m-audio fasttrack pro?  It happens sporadically in rhythmbox, vlc, and firefox (youtube, soundcloud, flash-based players generally).06:52
gordonjcpMonona: do you get it with the non-realtime kernel?07:48
Mononagordonjcp: Haven't tried yet, actually.07:49
gordonjcpMonona: I've found the realtime patched kernels to be more bother than they're worth07:49
gordonjcptotal pain in the backside07:49
gordonjcpsorry, I know that's not massively helpful07:50
gordonjcpMonona: the theory is that a realtime kernel will get you even lower latency, but I find the latency acceptable with just a normal kernel07:50
MononaI've found that I get xruns from normal kernels, even with 50ms+ latency.07:51
gordonjcphm, you've got something else wrong then07:51
gordonjcpyou're not doing something like trying to capture and play back on two different cardS?07:51
MononaIt should work, I figure.  I just don't know how to troubleshoot in Lucid.  Things were working fine in Hardy.07:51
gordonjcpdear knows, I switched to Arch for audio stuff07:52
gordonjcppulseaudio blew the backside out of it for me07:52
MononaI've heard good things about Arch.07:52
gordonjcpit's good if you like being able to be very very specific about what you want07:52
gordonjcpI spend about 75% of my time in Arch and about 25% in Ubuntu, the latter mostly when I'm testing things or writing docs since the bulk of users of my software are on Ubuntu ;-)07:53
gordonjcpmaybe half of them use Ubuntu, and the rest a mixture of other distros including Arch07:54
MononaNow that you mention it, I'm checking my sound settings and my input and input are both set to "Internal Audio Analog Stereo", even though my output is going through the fasttrack.07:54
gordonjcpMonona: in qjackctl?07:54
MononaI had set that before, but seems to have changed itself.07:54
gordonjcpif you lump the Debian users in with the Ubuntu users, maybe as many as nine or ten users on Debianish distros ;-)07:54
MononaJust for regular audio:  Rhythmbox, streaming audio through Firefox.07:55
gordonjcpoh, okay07:55
gordonjcpin which case if you're not using jack you may as well not bother with -rt07:56
MononaThings have worked ok in jack.  Just when I'm listening to music, it will drop out.  Rhythmbox suddenly stops playing the track, Firefox audio will just stop.07:56
gordonjcpright, got to go07:56
* gordonjcp -> work07:57
MononaI use jack for audio production, but I use the same box/login/etc for web surfing, tune listening.07:57
MononaThanks for the look, though.  I'll just keep digging. :)07:57
sobukusMonona: I changed the qjackctl scripts after start / stop of jack to run 'ervice cron stop / start09:09
sobukusand added a sudoers entry to make this passwordless09:09
sobukusas for the system updates ... I disabled the update notifier application in "Startprogramme" ... system menu, programs to run at startup or similar09:10
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dax2112rushDoes anyone know if E-Mu 0404 usb works on Ubuntu Studio?23:07
gordonjcpdax2112rush: don't see why not23:08
dax2112rushI don't think it's 100% usb audio class-compliant23:09
gordonjcpyou probably find it's okay at 48kHz or something23:09
dax2112rushok, do you own one?23:10
dax2112rushI just don't want to buy one and find out it's not working as well as I'd want23:10
dax2112rushor do you have any recommendation for a usb audio interface with low latency and good quality?23:11
gordonjcpdax2112rush: I don't, but I have seen people on one of the mailing lists I'm on use them23:11
gordonjcpdax2112rush: I use a Behringer UCA-20223:12
gordonjcpit's *okay*, not wonderful but not too terrible23:12
dax2112rushgordonjcp: ok, it's not too unsafe then, I guess23:12
gordonjcpthe annoying thing about the UCA-202 - and it shares this with a lot of other USB cards using similar chipsets - it's not phase-correct across channels23:12
dax2112rushyeah, I use mine to play guitar through FX, I'd need a preamp with the UCA-20223:12
gordonjcpone channel is delayed by a single sample23:13
gordonjcpdax2112rush: fuzzbox23:13
gordonjcpthat should have plenty of level to drive the line in23:13
dax2112rushgordonjcp: that wouldn't bother me23:13
gordonjcpdax2112rush: tell you what I'm very keen on is my Novation Xiosynth 2523:13
dax2112rushgordonjcp: yes, I guess. I could try it23:13
gordonjcpUSB audio in and out, and a nice wee synthesizer too23:14
dax2112rushgordonjcp: is it 24 bits?23:14
dax2112rushthe UCA-20223:14
gordonjcpno, again, it's class-compliant so it's 48kHz/1623:14
gordonjcpso is the Xiosynth23:14
dax2112rushoh every class-compliant dev is 16 bits?23:14
gordonjcpas far as I can tell23:15
gordonjcp16 bits ought to be enough for anybody23:15
dax2112rushnot too sure, I'm running guitar amp sim and I get lots of noise on high gain settings, I always thought this was probably due to quantization noise23:16
dax2112rushbut I'm not sure23:16
gordonjcpfor full-scale line voltage the LSB is around -100dBV23:17
gordonjcp-96dBV actually, now I work it out23:17
gordonjcpno, quantisation noise isn't really significant unless you're using unholy amounts of gain to compensate for poor gain structure23:17
gordonjcpdax2112rush: I can't even hear quantise noise at 12 bits, unless I listen really hard23:18
dax2112rushyeah, but I feed that sound through high gain amp sim23:18
dax2112rushso the noise floor must raise quite a bit after the sim23:18
gordonjcpdax2112rush: then structure your gain properly23:18
gordonjcpthink about it; if you amplify the signal so much that the LSB is making a noticeable contribution to the noise level, where are the peaks going?23:19
dax2112rushthere might be something to do, but It's actually commercial software, I don't have full flexibility23:19
dax2112rushhigher, but there's indeed lots of compression23:20
dax2112rushdue to the amp sim23:20
dax2112rushhow's the latency on your UCA-202?23:22
gordonjcpdax2112rush: I've currently got it set at about 40ms23:23
gordonjcpcould probably get it lower, but only by making the periodsize smaller23:24
dax2112rushis that measured or reported by jack?23:25
gordonjcpreported by jack23:25
gordonjcpI've got no real way of measuring it23:25
gordonjcpI guess I could fire a pulse in and time how long it takes to come back out23:25
dax2112rushthat's a bit high for me23:25
gordonjcpcbf though, it works, that's all I care about23:25
dax2112rushyeah something like that23:25
gordonjcpI could knock a whole 3ms off the latency by sitting three feet closer to the speakers23:26
gordonjcpas far as I can tell the largest periodsize is only 1024 frames, which isn't really enough23:26
gordonjcpwell, depends what you're doing; for recording audio it's fine23:26
dax2112rushI'm running a Fast Track Pro at 25623:27
dax2112rushyeah, but I use it to play live23:27
dax2112rushit's my replacement for a real guitar amp23:27
gordonjcpas an effects processor?23:27
dax2112rushI'm not like touring or anything just playing with friends and once in a while a small show23:28
gordonjcpI used to use softsynths and DAWs but I've pretty much done away with all that23:28

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