
ScottKRiddell: If the versioned boost build-dep is the only change, then I'd sync it.00:33
ScottKari-tczew: ^^^00:34
ScottKshadeslayer: ~around now.00:34
ari-tczewScottK: there is delta: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libktorrent/+bug/713790/+attachment/1836012/+files/debian-ubuntu.debdiff00:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 713790 in libktorrent (Ubuntu) "Sync libktorrent 1.0.5-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]00:35
ScottKari-tczew: I'd say fine for sync, but I don't have time for a detailed review.00:35
ari-tczewScottK: I'm too.00:36
ari-tczewRiddell: ^^00:36
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jussiRiddell: ping07:31
nigelbQuintasan: ping08:04
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debfxRiddell: you haven't bumped the package name in libindicate-qt1.symbols so the packages still depend on libindicate-qt009:32
Riddelldebfx: aah09:57
Riddellhi jussi 09:57
jussiRiddell: I followed up on the work item: "Get *buntu logos onto loco.ubuntu.com footer" But they are looking for an example, have you any idea where to find one? 09:59
Riddelljussi: an example of what?09:59
Riddellthe logo?09:59
jussisome other footer that includes the logo's10:00
jussibug 71448710:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 714487 in loco-directory "Get *buntu logos onto loco.ubuntu.com footer" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71448710:00
tsimpsonjussi: ubuntu.com10:07
Riddelljussi: I think the logo website has changed design since we looked at it during UDS10:07
kubotuRiddell meant: "jussi: I think the loco website has changed design since we looked at it during UDS"10:08
RiddellI'm not sure what I want from locos but some way of ensuring that Kubuntu is represented and supported in each loco10:08
valorieI think that might involve a brain transplant in the leadership10:12
Riddellvalorie: which leadership?10:16
jussivalorie: no, they are quite willing to include it, but just looking for ways.10:16
valorieI was thinking more of the local leadership10:16
valoriepeople just seem to have tunnel vision10:16
valorieleadership from Canonical/main ubuntu website would definitely help10:17
jussiRiddell: btw, how is the printer work going? do we have anyone doing that? 10:53
Riddelljussi: not really, dantii has his unfinished tools and system-config-printer-kde doesn't have anyone working on it10:53
jussiaww, thats sad. 10:54
jussiPerhaps we might identify 3 or 4 areas we really want done this cycle (from the list) and highlight them in a blog post ?10:54
valoriecan we participate in GSoc?10:55
valoriethey want more organizations this year10:56
valorieor at least push some of our "most wanted" as KDE projects?10:56
valorieack, nighters all10:59
Riddelljussi: can do, although for printing as I say we have two avenues and I don't know which is best to follow10:59
jussivalorie: perhaps, but its a bit far away, Im thinking things that can be done for natty10:59
Riddellnight valorie 10:59
jussiRiddell: ok, what are they?11:00
Riddelldantii's unfinished tools and system-config-printer-kde/printer-applet11:01
Riddellapachelogger, JontheEchidna, NCommander, nixternal, ScottK: remember to sign up for a debfx grilling http://doodle.com/sbufw9rpaq7vh9i311:20
NCommanderRiddell: a what?11:56
RiddellNCommander: his kubuntu-dev application (if you aren't feeling very kubuntu-dev-ish currently feel free to ignore)11:57
shadeslayerScottK: need help with DSO stuff ... iirc you've dealt with it before right?12:24
debfxshadeslayer: is it about dcmtk?12:26
shadeslayerdebfx: yes12:27
shadeslayerit somehow needs to be linked manually12:27
shadeslayerbut i quite get how to do that 12:27
debfxshadeslayer: why do we care about dcmtk?12:29
shadeslayerdebfx: koffice needs it12:29
shadeslayerRiddell: i've talked to Andrea about the LP bug and he say's it will be fixed for sure in the final release12:30
shadeslayersomehow the issue is now in rekonq itself12:30
shadeslayersince the same thing in kwebkitpart works12:31
debfxshadeslayer: adding -Wl,--no-as-needed to LDFLAGS should work around the problem12:39
shadeslayerah ... 12:39
shadeslayerdebfx: thanks! i'll look into this in a few minutes12:39
debfxbut we could just ignore it since it's only an optional dependency and the package is a mess (upstream doesn't even support building shared libraries)12:40
Riddellneon could do with an obvious way of making you aware it's a neon session, I just had a battle wondering why NM plasmoid wouldn't load without realising I was in a neon session12:47
shadeslayerhaha :P12:48
shadeslayerRiddell: you'll need to compile the plasmoid12:48
shadeslayeri agree12:49
shadeslayerRiddell: any suggestions?12:49
Riddellchange the wallpaper somehow, or the logo in the kickoff menu maybe12:49
shadeslayerhmm ...12:50
shadeslayerwe could ask for a new wallpaper for neon :)12:50
RiddellI don't think it needs a fancy wallpaper, I think it needs the normal wallpaper with "NEON" written in large letter on top of it12:50
shadeslayeri guess yeah12:51
shadeslayerworks for me ...12:51
shadeslayerQuintasan_: yofel_ ^^12:51
shadeslayerRiddell: kwin working fine for you?12:51
Riddellin Neon?  yes it was12:51
shadeslayermaybe i need to install the upgrades :P12:51
shadeslayeri'll upload a rebuild of ktorrent in a few minutes12:52
shadeslayerRiddell: any opinions on new rekonq alpha?12:54
shadeslayer( please dont mention the bookmark bug :P )12:54
* ryanakca wonders how difficult it would be to get per-package upload permission for packages I have DM-Upload-Allowed turned on in Debian...13:12
Riddellshadeslayer: works for me13:29
RiddellI haven't noticed much change so far13:29
shadeslayerUser Agent is new :P13:29
Riddelloh aye13:30
shadeslayerand the context menu's were trimmed down13:31
Riddellstill has separate Copy Image and Copy Image Location, which konqueror managed to merge years ago13:33
afiestasuh, in natty: konversation : Depends: libindicate-qt0 (>= but 0.2.5-0ubuntu2 is to be installed13:34
Riddellafiestas: known bug13:34
shadeslayerRiddell: i dont see copy image anywhere13:34
afiestasRiddell: WIP ?13:34
shadeslayerrather copy image location ( in konqueror13:34
Riddellafiestas: yes new indicate-qt uploaded, I'll rebuild the rest now13:34
afiestasRiddell: oks, thanks13:34
Riddellshadeslayer: exactly, it does both in one13:34
shadeslayerquite interesting13:35
* shadeslayer will look into this tonight13:35
Riddellshadeslayer: Qt copy can have multiple items with different mimeypes, so one image/png and one text/plain13:36
shadeslayeri read up on KAuth stuff as well13:37
shadeslayerdebfx: http://paste.kde.org/437413:38
shadeslayeri have no idea what's going on there @_@13:38
shadeslayersome file seems to disappear 13:39
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agateauRiddell: hi! what's the status regarding the new libindicate-qt?13:55
agateauRiddell: you are right about removing  kubuntu_02_fix_text_overlap_in_systemtray.diff  from plasma-widget-message-indicator btw13:57
Riddellagateau: it's all uploaded but I messed up a bit on the transition, the depending packages are rebuilding now to fix it13:58
agateauRiddell: great, thanks13:58
ari-tczewRiddell: so libktorrent can be synced?14:06
Riddellari-tczew: oh aye sorry, what's the bug number again?14:06
ari-tczewRiddell: bug 71379014:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 713790 in libktorrent (Ubuntu) "Sync libktorrent 1.0.5-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71379014:06
shadeslayerbtw how does one use -lpthread in debian/rules ?14:06
ari-tczewshadeslayer: do you want fix FTBFS with binutils-gold?14:06
shadeslayerLIBS = -lpthread nameofso14:07
shadeslayerari-tczew: yes14:07
shadeslayerari-tczew: i've added LDFLAGS = -Wl --no-as-needed14:07
shadeslayerbut it still fails14:07
ari-tczewshadeslayer: hmm. you should patch Makefile.in14:08
ari-tczewand .am14:08
ari-tczewno d/rules14:08
ari-tczewshadeslayer: check doko related-packages how he fix ftbfs14:09
Riddelldcmtk has a nasty build system, needs patching Makefile.in14:09
ari-tczewRiddell: how to check whether it's a nasty build  system?14:09
Riddellari-tczew: by looking at the souce and going "is this using cmake" if no -> nasty build system14:11
Riddelljust for confusion dcmtk does have cmake files around but it doesn't use them14:11
shadeslayerdcmtk uses configure :/14:11
Riddellbut it's not using autoconf, only automake, so it's taking a nasty build system and only using half of it, that makes it twice as nasty14:11
shadeslayerari-tczew: what's the source name for doko pacakges?14:11
ari-tczewshadeslayer: https://launchpad.net/~doko/+uploaded-packages follow for changes in packages14:12
shadeslayerseems i'm all out of bandwidth already14:13
ari-tczewshadeslayer: this guy also has fixed some ftbfs: https://launchpad.net/~udienz/+uploaded-packages14:13
ari-tczewshadeslayer: you don't need to download full source...14:13
shadeslayerari-tczew: i'm just saying :)14:13
ari-tczewjust look on launchpad how package has fixed14:13
shadeslayeri bet it's Norton  on the desktop eating up all my bandwidth14:13
debfxshadeslayer: you need to add "-Wl,--no-as-needed" (comma instead of space) 14:32
shadeslayeri did that :)14:33
shadeslayerit's correct in debian/rules14:33
shadeslayeri wrote it wrong here :P14:33
shadeslayerdebfx: make[3]: *** No rule to make target `../../config/include/dcmtk/config/cfunix.h', needed by `oflist.o'.  Stop.14:34
debfxhave you changed anything else?14:34
ari-tczewso this is next ftbfs to fix14:35
debfx3.6.0 built fine for me with the LDFLAGS change14:35
shadeslayerok lemme clean it out and see14:37
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
shadeslayerhuh ... builds now :/14:38
shadeslayerRiddell: does http://osdir.com/ml/linux.debian.devel.dpkg.bugs/2006-08/msg00123.html work for you in rekonq?14:40
Riddellshadeslayer: nope14:47
shadeslayeri fear i may have introduced a regression .... or maybe KIO is sucky14:51
ari-tczewRiddell: I'll ask you for ktorrent merge sponsorship when my pbuilder will pull libktorrent from archive, ok?14:59
Riddellari-tczew: sure15:01
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debfxScottK: do python modules (without native code) that are compatible with python 2 and 3 need a separate package for python3?15:42
apacheloggeragain no jt :/17:01
Riddellno what?17:05
apacheloggershadeslayer: do we haz news on phonon in qtwebkit?17:06
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shadeslayerdebfx: what do i do about this : dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol _ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE used by debian/libdcmtk1/usr/lib/libofstd.so.1.0.0 found in none of the libraries.17:31
shadeslayerthe build log is full of them17:31
shadeslayerapachelogger: nope ... it seems i'm far too busy with Project Neon + rekonq + sekret project17:32
debfxshadeslayer: ignore it, see http://bugs.debian.org/51012017:33
* shadeslayer looks17:33
debfxif you feel super motivated you can also fix the build system :)17:35
debfxi.e. link with -Wl,--no-undefined and add all required libs17:36
=== cmagina-lunch is now known as cmagina
Riddellsekret project sounds interesting18:10
QuintasanI bet it's a codename for doing nothing ;)18:14
Riddellno that's "I have exams"18:15
QuintasanThat gives him two excuses for doing nothing18:17
QuintasanOne > two :P18:17
QuintasanTwo > one18:17
debfxI hope it's not a math exam :P18:19
* Quintasan passed his math stuff with a B18:20
ScottKdebfx: Yes.  We want Python/Python3 to be separate at runtime.18:21
shadeslayerhaha 18:23
shadeslayerdebfx: no thanks ... im already scared of configure scripts and what not 18:23
shadeslayerRiddell: it's not so sekret .. http://blogs.forum.nokia.com/blog/sivan-greenbergs-forum-nokia-blog/2010/11/07/kde-ovi-qt-meego-syncml18:23
shadeslayerQuintasan: and i have exam from the 23rd of this month :P18:24
shadeslayerSorry, due to database inconsistencies the packages site is down for maintenance and rebuild of its tree. This is expected to take a while, we are working on it and are very sorry for any inconvenience caused.18:24
shadeslayeroh also KAuth18:26
* shadeslayer is going to be up all night today 18:27
debfxScottK: ok, do you have some time to review a package? I couldn't find much documentation on how build such a package19:03
ScottKdebfx: If not today, I should tomorrow.19:03
ScottKIf you want an example, pyyaml supports Python3.19:04
debfxScottK: this is the package: http://people.ubuntu.com/~debfx/pyudev_0.8-0ubuntu1.dsc19:07
debfxScottK: what does XB-Python-Version do?19:08
ScottKdebfx: It lists in the release file what versions of Python the package was built for.  It's obsolete and should be removed.19:08
ScottKdebfx: Looks reasonable to me.19:12
debfxScottK: ok, thanks. The dh buildsystem doesn't support python3, right?19:18
ScottKdebfx: I'm not sure.19:18
afiestasRiddell: Try Kamoso 2.0 git, it should fit your netbook now20:08
genii-aroundOn 64 bit 11.04 here, kubuntu PPAs. apt-listchanges tells me there is no changelog for kdepim. Is one not being kept?20:30
shadeslayergenii-around: probably because PPA changelogs are not handled the same wasy as official archive ones20:31
genii-aroundshadeslayer: OK, thanks20:32
shadeslayerbambee: \o20:41
shadeslayerRiddell: dcmtk done : https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+packages20:46
JontheEchidnakde bug 259333 is fun times20:55
ubottuKDE bug 259333 in kdeui "KExtendableItemDelegate crashes in extendRect() on initial paint" [Crash,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25933320:55
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: apachelogger is hunting for you, hide!20:55
JontheEchidnaI know, I stalk you guys on irclogs.ubuntu.com20:55
JontheEchidnathe overbearing IT at my college block most every port except port 80, so I cannot irc nor git pull/push20:56
JontheEchidnabut I am always watching ಠ_ಠ20:57
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: fancy talking at ubuntu developer week?20:58
JontheEchidnais it that time again already?20:58
shadeslayerbambee: kdebase ( it's called kdepasswd )20:59
bambeeok thanks20:59
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: yus21:00
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: anything in particular that needs talking about?21:00
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: kubuntu development21:00
apacheloggershadeslayer: you could talk about ninja foo21:00
shadeslayerapachelogger: but i want to talk about Neon21:01
shadeslayerwith Quintasan21:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: ever heard of syncevolution?21:01
apacheloggershadeslayer: what stops you from having 2 talks?21:04
apacheloggeralso I have not heared no nothing21:04
* apachelogger is hacking vlc stuff21:04
shadeslayerwhen is the talk supposed to be held?21:05
apacheloggershadeslayer: some free slot21:06
apacheloggersee wiki page21:06
* shadeslayer gogoduck's it21:06
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: hacking VLC? Like writing in native Blu-Ray support?21:07
apacheloggerif only you knew :P21:07
DarkwingDuckI hate not having native Blu-Ray support21:08
apacheloggerif only you knew :P :P :P :P21:08
DarkwingDuckYou are? 21:08
DarkwingDuckI will join the church of Sitter if you are... Oh :(21:08
shadeslayerChurch of Sitter <- LOL21:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: what would you say if i made your N900 sync stuff with KDE PIM AND with cloud stuff like the Ovi store?21:09
DarkwingDuckLooks lie England will win this one.21:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: and regarding UDW, i'll finalize a time tommorow 21:10
shadeslayersigh ... i should also work on my Kubuntu Dev application  and post to ML21:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: would be very nice21:11
shadeslayerwhat kind of insane times have you choosen? O_O21:12
shadeslayer4.30 AM21:12
apacheloggershadeslayer: talk to dholbach he can help you get a more convenient slot if possible at all21:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: not that ... i'm talking about the Kubuntu Meeting21:15
apacheloggerwhat meeting?21:16
DarkwingDuckKubuntu Meeting?21:17
apacheloggermy gmail is borken21:17
DarkwingDuckI must have missed an email21:17
debfxshadeslayer: I didn't you know you were going to apply21:23
shadeslayerdebfx: i'm thinking of applying21:23
shadeslayerwill decide till tomorrow :P21:24
* shadeslayer is hungry now21:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: you needs minion first21:26
apacheloggerdebfx: you too21:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: tazz is my minion21:27
apacheloggerI wonder if tazz thinks so too :P21:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: i certainly hope so .. ^_^21:29
apacheloggermeaning you do not know :P21:33
debfxJontheEchidna: you could use freenode's webchat interface21:34
JontheEchidnaI think I've tried that21:34
* apachelogger starts writing QtVlc21:35
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: behind a proxy?21:38
JontheEchidnaI could try a port 80 proxy I suppose21:38
shadeslayermy college has port 8080 open and i just ssh into my laptop from college and do stuff21:38
shadeslayerand if i can't do that, i use the web interface21:38
shadeslayerhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/59511828/cgroup_patch << ^_^21:39
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: run your ssh at home on port 80 :P21:39
shadeslayersee ^^ :P21:39
* shadeslayer listens to some Pink Floyd21:40
apacheloggerthat script is all sorts of fun21:40
apacheloggerespecially the comments21:40
apacheloggerreminds me of java21:40
shadeslayerhaha :P21:40
shadeslayeri just applied it21:40
* apachelogger abandons all hope for getting anywhere with coding today and decides to spend the rest of the evening with pizza and telly21:40
shadeslayerlet's see what happens21:41
kubotushadeslayer_ listened to "Hot Like Sauce Rustified Remix" by Pretty Lights [Unreleased 2010 Remixes] 3 days ago; -- see http://www.last.fm/user/shadeslayer_ for more21:43
kubotushadeslayer_ listened to "Kanye West All Of The Lights Remix" by Pretty Lights [Unreleased 2010 Remixes] 8 seconds ago; -- see http://www.last.fm/user/shadeslayer_ for more21:43
shadeslayerok time for bed21:44
shadeslayernight all21:44
* shadeslayer looks at the time and freaks out21:44
ulyssesapachelogger: I switched from Raster to Default/XRender, the desktop effects still suspended and cannot be activated22:10
triune[17:08] <triune> I'm trying to solve a KDE bug [17:08] <triune> and I need to identify what component Kubuntu ships in their distro [17:08] <triune> from this bug report comment #1 [17:08] <triune> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=265835#c122:11
ubottuKDE bug 265835 in general "KDE's draw-gtk-apps-like-qt-apps component ignores requests to draw text in black" [Normal,Needsinfo: waitingforinfo]22:11
triunesorry for the sloppy post :X22:11
triuneanyone know how i can identify what component kubuntu ships with?22:12
macotriune: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/maverick/kubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.manifest22:13
triunewould this be the right answer gtk2-engines-qtcurve 1.5.2-1ubuntu3 ?22:15
triuneThanks, I'll mention that to the KDE guys and wee what they think22:16
afiestas__what do you think?23:06
afiestas__Riddell: ↑23:07

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