
=== emma is now known as em
johnjohn101just loaded alpha 2.  will there be an ubuntu with the standard ubuntu shell?03:12
johnjohn101i'm giving unity a thumbs down...03:12
=== root is now known as Guest87964
Guest87964hi, need help, after last upgrade, got into dependency hell, with nvidia vs xserver-xorg-core10:10
Guest87964it says nvidia provides xserver-xorg-810:11
susundbergYou might want to see: http://www.linux.com/archive/feed/4891010:12
susundbergit might certainly also be a bug10:12
Guest87964the worst thing is i dont understand why i can't do it manually i mean rmmod nouveau and insmod nvidia10:13
Guest87964should be that simple10:14
Guest87964susundberg: i'll check it out latter i get to desktop lynx is not much sexy10:14
susundbergif problem is nouveau you need to blacklist it10:15
susundbergyou cannot rmmod it as you are probably using framebuffer that requires that10:15
susundberg(i have found nouveau better than nvidia and i am using currently it)10:16
susundbergat least last nvidia (binary) installer though _does_ blacklist the nouveau10:17
Guest87964susundberg: can you tell me please, i'll write down how did you install nouveau10:17
eruditehermithello, does fglrx work with natty?10:18
susundberginstall nouveau10:19
susundbergGuest87964: install nouveau?10:19
susundbergapt-get install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau10:19
susundbergand update your /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:19
Guest87964susundberg: ok, i'll try now and tell if succesed of failed10:19
Guest87964susundberg: yes, i have to replace nvidia with nouveau right in xorg.con?10:20
eruditehermitnevermind found it10:20
susundbergGuest87964: yup10:20
root_564902 i got error!10:29
root_susundberg: it's me10:29
pr0ph3thi all, do I need to add a PPA to keep compiz updated in natty?10:54
ior3kdoes nouveau work well for everyone?10:59
ior3kI get "[drm] Unable to open device" or similar11:00
ior3kafter the x upgrade, only nv works well for me11:00
ior3kwell, only nv works, period11:00
root__susundberg: hi, remeber me?11:05
root__susundberg: you said that nouveau is better11:05
susundbergsorry i am busy with real work11:05
root__susundberg: ah11:05
susundbergwhats the problem?11:06
root__susundberg: ofcourse that's not work for me either11:06
root__susundberg: problem with X can't start11:07
root__susundberg: can you pastebinit your xorg.conf11:07
root__it says VGA mode is choosen but options available iirc11:09
jukhi, need help with xorg, 564923 and 2411:18
jukanyone who using nouveau drivers can paste xorg.conf for me?11:18
=== evilvish is now known as vish
tzangerjust a quick question regarding natty... so far it's been great and I'm excited to help test it12:41
tzangerI've been using gpg-agent and ssh keys for years now... with natty though it seems terribly broken.12:41
tzangerI've updated from 10.10, which was updated from 10.04 on this particular machine.  it was working great in 10.10 but now even though I see the agent running and see the environment variable, the agent doesn't seem to get invoked.  ssh will ask for the key's passphrase on the CLI instead of using the pin agent12:42
tzanger/etc/alternatives/pinagent correctly links to /usr/bin/pinentry-qt4, and /usr/bin/pinentry-qt4 runs12:42
tzangeris there anything specific I should be looking for to help track down the trouble?12:42
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
dumbushey guys whatsup with nvidia xserver conflict14:15
dumbusnvidia no longer depends on X?14:16
lamalexWhen will the nvidia driver for x 1.10 be uploaded?14:30
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
pr0ph3thi all, what is wrong with canberra-gtk-play? why is it nowhere to be seen?14:38
tzangerI've found this channel is less for actual support of those testing the alphas and more for people coming and complaining14:39
tzangerI've been here for the past 24h and only one actual conversation has taken place14:39
PiciWell its certainly not as active as our other channels, but depending on what can be supported, many of us at least ry.14:40
pr0ph3ttzanger, I am not complaining if you were referring to me, the fact that I'm running natty makes me a tester of some sort as a matter of fact and I've found a possible bug14:40
tzangerno no14:41
tzangerI am saying that as the official channel for support for the alphas, this has been pretty disappointing14:41
tzangerI am trying to report bugs as well14:41
tzangerI find the bugtracker more responsive but when you need interactive help it's less useful14:41
pr0ph3twell have you had the same problem of no sound at login because canberra-gtk-play is not in /usr/bin/ ?14:44
Picipr0ph3t: Looks like its missing from the file listing of libcanberra-gtk014:44
pr0ph3tPici, interesting point14:45
Picibug 689434 *might* be related.14:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 689434 in libcanberra (Ubuntu) "Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module": libcanberra-gtk-module.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68943414:45
Picipr0ph3t: Actually, it looks like canberra-gtk-play is shipping in libcanberra-gtk3-0, but as the changelog for libcanberra (0.26-1ubuntu6) says we're not using gtk3 by default.  http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/libc/libcanberra/libcanberra_0.26-1ubuntu9/changelog14:50
pr0ph3tPici, I don't have libcanberra-gtk3-0 installed, I only have libcanberra-gtk014:51
Picipr0ph3t: Right. I'd still say its a bug, but you may want to mention that it was moved to a new package in your bug report.14:54
pr0ph3tPici, and that is the problem, installing libcanberra-gtk3-0 solved it. As I was installing I got the apt messages "selecting previously deselected package licanberra..."14:54
pr0ph3tso during the upgrade these packages were deselected right? I upgraded as opposed to doing a clean install14:55
PiciI'd have to check my natty install, but it may be that they're not properly setup as dependencies.14:56
tzangerpr0ph3t: no, I have sound... my trouble is that gpg-agent/ssh-agent don't seem to work even though the env vars are set, the agent's running (it's setting the env vars) and pinentry's executable15:01
alvinIs there a way to boot into something resembling text mode. (I don't know how to call it). I can see the grub menu, so it is possible to change things there. After that, nothing is readable.15:38
meborcis there a recovery mode in the grub menu?'15:39
alvinThere is, but when using that, the output to the screen is also garbled.15:42
alvin(intel videocard)15:42
alvinX crashed on Lucid, and I wanted to know whether Natty was better. So far, it's a command line install.15:43
ActionParsnipalvin: see the MOTD15:43
meborcif you boot up into normal mode, can you ctrl+alt+F1 to get into tty?15:43
alvinNot a readable one15:43
ActionParsnipalvin: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-February/032378.html15:44
alvinActionParsnip: thanks15:44
ActionParsnipalvin: it was there when you logged in....15:44
alvinYes, I'm reading the bug now15:44
alvinIt's not relevant. That bug is light corruption under X. X isn't even installed here.15:48
dnearyIs anyone else seeing a conflict between libegl1-mesa and libdgles2 on Natty in the last couple of days?16:18
patdk-wkI didn't yesterday16:19
dnearypatdk-wk, I don't suppose you have the MeeGo ARM SDK installed, do you?16:21
dnearydgles2 gets pulled in by qemu16:21
dnearyah, well16:21
galamari once got help here for making my joystick work as a mouse while running 11.04. i am now running 10.04 and cant remember the program that i was told to use?18:13
* patdk-wk notes the topic18:14
tzangerjust a quick question regarding natty... so far it's been great and I'm excited to help test it18:16
tzangerI've been using gpg-agent and ssh keys for years now... with natty though it seems terribly broken.18:16
tzangerI've updated from 10.10, which was updated from 10.04 on this particular machine.  it was working great in 10.10 but now even though I see the agent running and see the environment variable, the agent doesn't seem to get invoked.  ssh will ask for the key's passphrase on the CLI instead of using the pin agent18:16
tzanger/etc/alternatives/pinagent correctly links to /usr/bin/pinentry-qt4, and /usr/bin/pinentry-qt4 runs18:17
tzangeris there anything specific I should be looking for to help track down the trouble?18:17
=== arand__ is now known as arand
bananasPici: I was wondering, is there a way to upgrade to 11.04 using a ppa or something like that?19:34
bananasI'm not too keen on using up another CD for a 2nd alpha rofl19:34
Picibananas: No need, just sudo do-realease-upgrade -d   or update-manager -d if you like the gui19:34
PiciIt should be mentioned in the Alpha 2 link in the topic.19:35
bananasrealease, or release?19:35
Picibananas: er, release.  (typo(19:35
bananasoh, how silly of me I visited that page before and completely overlooked it, hehe19:35
alkisg_webI'm having problems with grub, natty and btrfs. As in, "grub rescue>" after every grub upgrade.19:53
alkisg_webGrub postinst complains about "unknown filesystem". Anything I can do to make it btrfs-aware?19:54
alkisg_web...the temporary solution that I use is to boot with the Lucid live cd, chroot into natty/btrfs, and run `apt-get install -f`. os-probe works from there, no idea why.19:58
alkisg_webrebooting, brb19:59
Daekdroomalkisg_web, as far as I know, you shouldn't put /boot/ in a btrfs partition19:59
DaekdroomMake a separate /boot partition as ext4.19:59
alkisg_webDaekdroom: I think a patch was added to grub to support btrfs booting19:59
alkisg_webAnd it does, it's only grub.postinst that fails19:59
alkisg_webAnd grub.postinst succeeds if ran from `chroot` from lucid20:00
alkisg_webSo I believe it's now a problem with os.prober20:00
alkisg_webbrb, rebooting...20:01
BUGabundo!info notification-daemonĀ 20:25
ubottunotification-daemon (source: notification-daemon): daemon to displays passive pop-up notifications. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.0-2ubuntu1 (natty), package size 56 kB, installed size 352 kB20:25
BUGabundoI have no idea why that doesn't work for me20:26
BUGabundoI can even remove it, and nothing depends on it :\20:26
BUGabundo!depends notification-daemonĀ 20:26
alkisgOK got it, the problem was that I had enabled compression in fstab for the btrfs natty partition20:31
BUGabundothat's bad!20:31
alkisgSo when I was using the live cd to recover grub, it wasn't using compression (wasn't reading fstab)20:31
BUGabundodon't enable compression on btrfs20:31
alkisgCompression is the *only* reason I was trying btrfs :)20:32
alkisgExporting a btrfs partition via nbd20:32
BUGabundoI'm because of snapshots and SSD20:32
alkisgIt's supposed to consume less bandwidth than an ext4 partition20:32
BUGabundoand does it ?20:32
alkisgI haven't gotten to actual testing yet, but I don't see why not20:33
coz_hey all20:43
BUGabundohey coz_20:44
coz_BUGabundo,  hey guy :)20:44
BUGabundo"guy" LOL20:44
coz_BUGabundo,  you are a man ...yes?20:45
savedvarsi just upgraded to natty on my desktop, but Im stuck on the boot screen. Its not frozen but its inactive. any keyboard shortcut to drop to a terminal or something?20:47
savedvarsi tried rebooting into recovery mode but grub isnt showing at all, so cant figure out a way to.20:47
alkisgGrub isn't showing even if you have shift pressed while booting?20:50
savedvarsdidnt try that. sec20:50
guntbertsavedvars: press the left <shift> key20:51
savedvarsaye, works, got a netroot. thanks20:53
alkisgOooops unity is seriously broken in horrible ways...20:58
alkisgAny quick way to get a terminal while using unity?21:00
alkisgScrolling doesn't work in "applications" so I can't locate it there21:00
alkisgAlt+F2 doesn't work either21:00
coz_alkisg,   did you try to create a launcher21:02
alkisgcoz_: ty, forgot about them21:02
coz_alkisg,   just right click the  see if you can create a launcher for gnome-terminal21:02
alkisgFinally, I got power again in my hands :D21:03
coz_alkisg,  is this an nvidia video ?21:03
alkisgNo, intel21:03
coz_ah ok21:03
savedvarsgrr, installed nvidia 270 drivers but still no luck getting past boot screen. in recovery mode i can get to a tty, but sudo start kdm just opens a new tty. any idea?21:03
bjsnidersavedvars, the nvidia blob doesn't work with the current...21:05
bjsniderwait, how did you install that driver?21:05
savedvarsfrom nvidia"s website21:06
savedvars270 is said to support 10.121:06
bjsniderthe nvidia installer isn't compatible with ubuntu21:06
bjsnideryou have now damaged your system21:07
savedvarsive been using it for years, never had issues.21:07
bjsniderfurthermore, the 270 blob is only compatible with an earlier version of the current xserver21:07
alkisgOuch, xrandr with unity don't get along well21:08
Daekdroomsavedvars, really, "never had issues" doesn't apply to a alpha software.21:10
savedvarsyeah but saying the nvidia installer isnt compatible with ubuntu is harsh, given that its always worked.21:10
DaekdroomOf course it's not harsh.21:10
* alkisg hugs his "Ubuntu Classic Desktop"... :)21:11
DaekdroomIt's always worked because nvidia had a time to compile new drivers. You're pretty much skipping that time by using Alpha software.21:11
bjsnideryeah, you can use the nvidia-installer and it will install and work. but it will also overwrite system files in favour of its own, making it difficult or impossible to switch drivers if necessary21:12
bjsniderand by the way, you need to switch to nouveau right now, and may not be able to21:12
DaekdroomBy the time Natty is released, nvidia will be working. You're comparing oranges (stable versions) to apples (alpha).21:12
savedvarsim not talking about abi compat, i was replying to the "nvidia installer" compatibility.21:12
bjsniderand also, nvidia recommends using the distribution installer instead of its own right here: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=7249021:13
savedvarsanyway, TTY lines are very slow to print (like a throttle), is that expected?21:13
DaekdroomThe installer should work. What shouldn't is the driver.21:13
savedvarsyea im installing nouveau atm21:14
savedvarsbjsnider, any known issues with nouveau?21:16
bjsnideron your system there probably will be because you may be missing mesa files now21:17
bjsniderwe do have the x-updates ppa for new nvidia drivers to be installed the right way21:18
savedvarsbjsnider, do they work at all?21:19
bjsniderdoes what work?21:19
savedvarsthe nvidia drivers in x-updates ppa21:19
bjsniderright now, they conflict with everything in natty because if anyone tried to use them they wouldn't work21:20
bjsniderso they're not installable21:20
bjsnideras a safety measure21:20
bjsniderbut we get those drivers in there the same day they're released21:21
savedvarsbjsnider, nouveau works, i just had to edit xorg.conf manually21:24
BUGabundoanyone think they can help me? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notify-osd/+bug/71613621:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 716136 in notify-osd (Ubuntu) "getting old ballons for notifications" [Undecided,New]21:56
BUGabundowhat happened to ATOP ???22:59
BUGabundoits soooooooooooooo different22:59
=== duff2 is now known as duffolonious

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