
arthurLKaia: Nope, it's a brand new one -_-09:16
arthurLJScreenFix overnight was a no-go09:30
brobostigonafternoonings everyone.13:43
brobostigonafternoonnings ianto and Luinar14:57
iantoHi you two14:57
LuinarHey. :-)14:57
LuinarThought I'd drop by and check out the Welsh chan.14:58
iantobrobostigon: Did you see the comment in the politics chan?14:58
iantoLuinar: Ah cool, you from Wales too?14:58
brobostigonianto: i am just reading it,14:58
LuinarYeah... well, not originally. Moved here 5 years ago when I went to uni and just never left!14:58
iantoAh brilliant, what uni was it?14:59
iantoHeh, we have a lot of people in here at Aberystwyth or have/are studied/studying there15:00
LuinarOh, cool. :)15:00
LuinarI'm actually back doing a Masters now.15:00
iantoOh cool, in CompSci?15:00
LuinarNope, in History of all things. I just like tinkering around with computers in my spare time.15:01
iantoI've just finished a Welsh exam paper for the Aberystwyth scholarships and I'm doing the CompSci one tomorrow15:01
iantoHopefully I'll get a merit or scholarship then I'll eventually be one of the Ubuntu Aberystwyth alumni ;)15:02
LuinarAh... pob lwc!15:02
LuinarI got in on a merit scholarship for my undergrad.15:02
LuinarThey're well worth taking the exams for!15:02
iantoYeah, all of my mates who've done it in the past have gotten the merit award so hopefully I will too. I feel rather confident about the Welsh exam that I've done, thinking that I had about 75%15:04
iantoNot sure what the grade target is for merits15:04
LuinarHmm, I'm not sure how they grade the scholarship exams either. They never told me what score I got, only that I received a merit.15:05
KaiaHello :D15:36
* Kaia pats arthurL15:36
brobostigonafternoonings Kaia :)15:36
KaiaLuinar: hello :D I'm an Aber student also :)15:36
LuinarHey. :)15:37
KaiaI know a history masters student :O you might know him15:37
LuinarWhat do you study?15:37
LuinarOh? What's their name?15:37
KaiaComputer Science15:37
KaiaLuinar: Kris Lovell, do you know him?15:37
LuinarHmm, doesn't ring a bell I'm afraid... I am terrible with names though!15:38
Kaiai'll PM you a picture15:39
Kaianice middle name Luinar15:40
Luinar:D thanks15:40
Kaiawere your parents pink floyd fans by any chance?15:41
Kaiado you recognise him?15:41
LuinarI do now, yes! We haven't spoken much through. Is he doing PhD?15:41
LuinarMy mum had been listening to a lot of Pink Floyd when I was born. She though I'd grow up to hate it, but I think it's awesome.15:42
KaiaI'm not sure, he's my signpost mentor15:42
KaiaI found you on facebook, we have 1 mutual friend, Sue McAusland15:43
Kaiashwmae Mr__T15:43
LuinarHeh, small world eh, Kaia?15:43
Kaiayep, Mr__T is an aber grad15:44
Kaia^show off :P15:45
Kaiawho is weird?15:49
Mr__T<Mr__T> ^__^15:55
Mr__T-uc_tumbleweed- Error: "__^" is not a valid command.15:55
Mr__TI guess there's a bot activated by commands starting with ^15:55
brobostigon!8ball is ianto a god?15:56
uc_tumbleweedbrobostigon: It is possible.15:56
Kaia!8ball is Luinar scared of us?16:02
uc_tumbleweedKaia: No clue.16:02
Kaia16:02 <lubotu3> Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-irc.  Thank you for your attention to detail16:02
brobostigon!8ball is Kaia our welsh queen?16:03
uc_tumbleweedbrobostigon: Of course.16:03
brobostigonshwmae Tm_T16:04
Narcissusshw'mae buttes16:37
Narcissusianto: IP address of ubuntu-cym.org is changing16:38
iantoNarcissus: Ah cool ok thanks for letting us know16:38
iantoNarcissus: Any idea what to yet?16:38
Narcissusit'll switch over on the 18th Feb16:39
iantoGoing to that IP in my browser loads up the homepage anyway..16:40
Narcissusbecause that's the first entry in httpd.conf16:40
NarcissusI've already migrated your site to the new server16:40
Narcissusyou just need to change the A record of ubuntu-cym.org to before the 17th16:41
Narcissusand then receive a PM from me with your new password for the new server16:41
iantoGonna have to go through the whole Ubuntu-eu process again... 8-)16:41
dariusHanyone about?19:11
dariusHBad answer19:12
iantodariusH: Fancy doing me a favour? ;)19:12
dariusHdepends what it is :P19:13
iantodariusH: Write in pseudocode an algorithm that finds all the prime numbers from 1 - 1000 ;)19:14
iantodariusH: Aber exam tomorrow, I dunno the maths behind it19:15
dariusHwell a prime is a number that can only be divided by 1 and itself19:15
dariusHso you'd create a for loop to go through each number19:15
dariusHthen in that loop try dividing that number by different numbers if it passes that it's a prime19:15
dariusHto pastebin19:17
Mr__TMae Llewellyn y llyfrgellydd o Lanelli wedi llyfu llawer o lyfaint19:18
Mr__Tllewellyn the librarian from llanelli licked a lot of toads19:18
dariusHhow do you do a for loop in pseudocode :S19:20
iantoi dunno, whenever I try to pseudocode it comes out looking like a C program without the preprocessor #include19:21
dariusHsomething along those lines19:26
dariusHbizarre pseudocode yes, but oh well19:26
dariusHthat's the general just of it19:27
dariusHcould even switch //is prime to add the number to a stack for extra points19:28
dariusHbut that's overkill for this exam really19:29
iantohttp://pastebin.com/CxQdy9SE = what I have19:29
iantoOops, line 13 should be if currentCount divided by currentPrimes has no remainder19:30
dariusHi don't remember this question being in my exam19:31
dariusHwhat papers this off?19:31
dariusHoh it was19:32
dariusHianto: what VPS are you using? and how much is it?19:33
iantodariusH: fsckvps.com at $8.50/mo19:33
ianto(15% discount)19:33
dariusHhow the discount?19:34
iantoBecause I asked for it19:34
dariusHall i want it a git server for backup at the moment19:36
dariusHi literally have no available money to spend :(19:36
iantoWell can't you use some git hosting company?19:36
iantoSome offer private ones19:36
dariusHbecause i'd rather have a VPS19:36
iantoCheck out here http://www.fsckvps.com/hosting/19:37
iantoI can get you 15% discount if you want it19:37
iantoBe warned they take their tiem with cancellation19:37
iantoSo if you need to cancel do it about 5 days before your billing ends19:38
ianto*billing period19:38
dariusHsuppose that is only £5 a month19:39
iantoThey may take like 24 hours to setup as well though depending on if anyone's working or not19:44
dariusHsays on the homepage 2 hours19:44
dariusHmight do that19:44
dariusHatleast for a month to test19:44
dariusHi'd prefer a UK based one (say in sovereign house) but they're hugely expensive compared to america19:46
arthurLdariusH: Here's some C for the prime thing: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Y2m4K5qg19:47
arthurLIn case you haven't cracked it yet19:47
arthurLGood grief, just realised how horrid the comments are...19:48
arthurLI did write this about 3 years ago...19:48
dariusHreckon IS would let me host a server? :P19:51
arthurLI don't see why not19:52
dariusHalthough that negates hte point of having it19:52
arthurLso long as it isn't a torrent slave or somesuch19:52
dariusHi wanted to back up outside the aber network19:52
dariusHwell mainly off central (far too unpredictable)19:52
arthurLEven when central is out of commission the webernets still work fine19:55
dariusHother problems being only 1 ethernet port and no wifi in pjm, i'd have to passthrough, and i'd have to relocate in summer, and i'm not paying the electricity bill for that :P19:56
arthurLSpare wireless router?19:56
dariusHnope, not one that works and doesn't make a horrible high pitched noise anyway19:57
dariusHplus even that's at home at hte moment, my parents can't hear the noise and claim it's not there :(19:57
arthurLWait, that C code was for Chris20:00
arthurLAnywho, I'd run the server at home like I'm doing20:00
arthurLAlso, I've learnt today that this stuck pixel isn't a stuck pixel. It's two dead sub-pixels :c20:02
arthurLo/ ianto20:02
ianto\o arthurL20:02
arthurLAnd because only one pixel is affected, they will refuse to replace it :(20:03
arthurLOh, cruel fate!20:03
dariusHdamage another20:10
dariusHand don't go to dell india :P20:10
dariusHneath's internet connection is horrible20:13
dariusHand virgin doesn't provide static IP's i don't think20:13
arthurLMine never changes for some reason20:41
iantoMine does with BT20:42
arthurLEwwww BeeeTeeee!20:42
brobostigonnos da, sleep well everyone,22:34

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