
rwwmadsailor: Hello! Anything we can help you with?00:16
madsailorrww, nope, just lurking.  Thanks!00:17
h00kmadsailor: as you can probably tell from the /topic, it isn't a place to idle in. Please feel free to /part at your earliest convenience00:18
madsailorh00k, ok, sorry.  Was just interested in the issues that you may deal with.  I'll see myself out.00:20
madsailorSorry, I also missed the topic *really* my bad00:21
elkyh00k, it's worth giving them the link to the logs when you usher them out.00:40
rwwI PMed them with it.00:40
rwwMight be worth putting in /topic00:40
h00kelky: yeah...you're right, I should have.00:40
h00krww: thanks for getting my back!00:41
=== elky changed the topic of #ubuntu-ops to: Welcome to the home of the Ubuntu IRC Team operators | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam | This channel is for operator/abuse questions in the IRC Team domain only | LoCo channel discussion/issues to #ubuntu-irc | Please exit the channel once your issue is dealt with. | We reserve the right to remove idlers | Channel is logged at irclogs.ubuntu.com
tonyyarussoWe should put a note in the topic saying that they should read the topic too!01:17
h00kRecursion...some people would never escape!01:23
madsailorHello all. Thanks for the redirect to the logs earlier.  I've noticed that questions go unanswered for long periods sometimes in #ubuntu-beginners.  Would it be possible to have ubottu msg a redirect to the main #ubuntu channel rather than leaving people to wait indefinately?  Would this be a bad idea for some reason?01:48
h00kmadsailor: That's a good question, and others involved in #ubuntu-beginners/ubottu are best to answer it02:19
h00kmadsailor: unfortunately, I'm not an op over in #ubuntu-beginners02:19
madsailorh00k, oh, I thought the Ubuntu family of channela sll fell under #ubuntu-ops.  Where should I go to ask.  I don't want to PM a channel op out of the blue02:20
elkyThe core channels come under this one, team channels go under #ubuntu-irc. you're more likely to find the right people there02:21
madsailorok elky, I'll check there.02:23
h00kmadsailor: ops throughout all of the channels reside in here, but we're not all ops all over the #ubuntu*-namespace02:23
h00kI mean...individually02:23
h00kif that makes sense?02:23
madsailorh00k, yep, I get it02:24
h00kThere is some hope!02:26
h00kthat not everyone that joins this is all ZOMG UNBAN ME and stuff.02:27
* gpc sets mode -b h00k*!*@*02:30
* h00k loads script autorun/revolvingdoor.pl02:31
bazhangGulfstream has set up a channel #ubuntuPE02:40
gpc"Professional Edition"02:41
GulfstreamHi, can I create the channel ##ubuntuPE?02:42
bazhangI just /cycle'd in there and now have +o02:42
gpcGulfstream: here is the thing02:42
gpc#channels are official project channels02:43
gpc##channels aren't02:43
Gulfstreambut if UbuntuPE is to be an official project, wouldn't #ubuntupe work?02:43
macobut it's not02:44
gpcfor it to become an official project channel then there are steps to follow02:44
Gulfstreamso I am not allowed to create a project called 'UbuntuPE'?02:44
macoWell, Ubuntu PE is not an official subproject of Ubuntu as of now, so it wouldnt get an official #ubuntu* channel02:45
FlannelGulfstream: What sort of changes are slated for it?02:45
macoand given Canonical's trademark rules regarding the word "Ubuntu" i doubt you would be permitted to start another distro with that name02:45
Flannel(changes from the original Ubuntu)02:45
GulfstreamI guess it's not worth it...02:46
maco*shrug* all he'd have to do is make up a new name02:46
macolike Ubuntu CE --> Ichthus, and Ubuntu ME --> Sabily02:47
FlannelDepending on his changes, he may be able to use 'remix' per TM policy.  But it'd depend on the nature of those changes02:47
gpcI think he wants to add java, codecs, adobe reader...02:47
FlannelWe'll never know!02:47
bazhangno changes. topic is do a recommended reinstall every six months02:47
bazhangso mint , minus the green wallpaper02:48
h00kbut probably the same menu02:50
h00kOH, and Chess.02:50
h00kHe mentioned Chess.02:50
gpcChess is fun02:50
gpcnot that 3d chess with the floating board, makes me dizzy02:50
FlannelIf he's just changing default packages installed, then from what my cursory re-read is, he could use 'remix'02:50
rww!mint =~ s/, p/. P/05:49
ubottuI'll remember that rww05:49
rwwanyone see a downside to appending "(webchat link: http://tinyurl.com/mintirc )" or something to the end of !mint?06:05
gpcfine with me06:08
rwwIn the interests of distro harmony, I will neglect to voice the opinions I have formed in the last 10 minutes about Linux Mint's choices when they set up their IRC channels.06:09
rww(meanwhile, the Mint user that just stomped out of #ubuntu hasn't been in #linuxmint-* that I can see.06:15
elkyfor some reason they never do seem to go there06:26
rwwI idled in there for a week once. Let's just say the channel isn't spilling over with answered support questions.06:26
bazhangits-me-again is not even using ubuntu08:49
bazhangchupacabra seems to want to cause issues09:25
ubottuKREDO called the ops in #ubuntu ()13:23
ikonia08:43 <+minty-fresh> hello how can i find my ip address that works for me.15:35
ikonia                     ifconfig one dont work and the one in15:35
ikonia                     http://www.whatismyip.com/   i am trying to set this up15:35
ikoniait-me-again asking in #mintsupport about the same problem he had aon "ubuntu"15:35
ikoniahello jungli, what do you want today ?17:40
Jungliikonia: good evening17:40
ikoniawhat do you want today ?17:40
JungliSir i want to talk about my ban17:40
ikoniathere is nothing to talk about17:40
Jungliplz sir don't be so rude17:41
Junglionce unbanned me17:41
ikoniaI'm not, I'm stating a fact, there is nothing to discuss17:41
ikoniayou will not be unbanned, so there is nothing to discuss17:41
Jungliso what should i do17:41
ikonianot use the ubuntu channels17:41
Junglisir i am ubuntu user too17:41
ikoniathat doesn't change anything17:42
Jungliits fair ?17:42
ikoniaso unless there is another issue apart from your ban you wish to talk about, please leave the channel17:42
Junglihey ikonia plz17:42
ikoniaJungli: nothing to talk about - take your jungli nick, your spicemaster nick, your john-smith nick and all the others and play elsewhere17:43
ikoniaplease leave the channel17:43
knomeerr ^19:03
* Pici shrugs19:03
PiciEr, why would someone address a question to chanserv in #ubuntu, chanserv isn't even in there?!19:36
h00kPici: :D20:06
knomeirc client shows private messages in the active channel window?20:07
h00kPici: you beat me to /at20:18
PiciHe seems to be looking for "prostitutas"20:18
mneptokhow much is he offering? because it's been cold here and i'm gonna have a killer heating bill.20:35
macomneptok: wouldnt you be a prostituto?20:40
h00kwe get all semantic-y over something like this. lol.20:53
mneptokmaco: again, how much is offered? for the right price ...20:54
PiciI left him muted, you're free to op up and see if hes still asking.20:57
mneptokhe probably won't cover travel expenses and wardrobe, so forget it.21:00

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