
=== DaBeast_ is now known as DaBeast
Ralliashow do I tell sendmail to foreward mails over ssl port 587?00:52
twbDon't use sendmail.00:58
twbYou ought to install postfix (or possibly exim4), or if it's a satellite host, possible msmtp.00:59
Ralliastwb: Sendmail is the only thing that will even accept mail, and I need to foreward mail to my other email account on hotmail.01:03
twbAre you talking about sendmail-the-MTA or sendmail-the-API?01:08
twbBecause /usr/sbin/sendmail(8) is *not* always sendmail-the-MTA.01:08
Ralliassendmail the mta01:09
twbIn that case, you're wrong.  Plenty of MTAs accept mail.01:09
RalliasI'm not wrong. I'm going from something called EXPERIENCE.01:10
Ralliasbelieve it or not, I'm not as stupid as you may think I am.01:10
twbHint: if you ask volunteers for technical support, don't assume you know better than them.01:11
RalliasI'm not.01:11
RalliasI'm just saying you are calling me stupid and I don't appreciate that.01:11
* pmatulis re-reads01:12
pmatulisnope, don't see any stupid in there01:12
Ralliasi'm sorry. I'm having a hard day today.01:15
=== _TechAway_ is now known as _Techie_
RalliasI must not have been clear. Every mta but sendmail is returning undeliverable whenever I try to send a test message.01:17
mike_millerI'm trying to migrate a stock Ubuntu server instance to my own AMI(now that I've customized it). I'm following http://webkist.wordpress.com/2010/03/16/creating-an-amazon-ec2-ebs-ami-from-a-running-instance/. I get the following errors when booting the AMI: http://pastebin.com/ZvikvYGk.01:19
mike_millerany ideas?01:19
mike_miller(this is on Amazon EC2)01:20
RoastedHas anybody ever set up FreeRadius on Ubuntu? I tried through a gui with Ebox (Zentyal) but it seems to have failed, and I'd like to install it manually or with another gui fi somebody can point me to a good guide to use or a good GUI to use.01:21
twbmike_miller: AMI?01:21
pmatulisRallias: it's a matter of configuration.  postfix can forward to another address01:22
Ralliaspmatulis: Thats not my problem. My problem is that it won't even accept mail in the first place.01:22
mike_milleramazon machine image. for the purposes of helping me, just think that I rsync'd over '/' to a device, and am hitting errors when booting from the device01:22
twbAh, right.01:22
mike_miller"ALERT!  /dev/disk/by-label/uec-rootfs does not exist.  Dropping to a shell!"is the main error, I think01:23
pmatulisRallias: well, then it's an even more basic configuration issue then01:23
twbRoasted: ebox is the web UI recommended by ubuntu/canonical, but personally I haven't been impressed with it, nor any other web UI.  I suggest doing it from the CLI and seeing how you go.  I haven't used freeradius, but I may be able to help with generic issues related to CLI use.01:23
RalliasI just copied a working config from a different server with postfix, but it still won't work.01:23
pmatulisRallias: maybe pastebin output to 'postconf -n' as well as the full error logs01:23
twbmike_miller: by-label is the ext2 filesystem label; it might not be correct or udev might not be updating /dev/disk/by-*/ on the fly.01:24
zairohi. ubuntu svr 10.10. i am following this: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/certificates-and-security.html my error msg: caught SIGTERM, shutting down01:24
mike_millertwb: https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?threadID=52633&tstart=-2&messageID=197585 says to run update-grub; I will try that01:24
Ralliaspmatulis: let me dig up an old archive that I have.01:25
twbmike_miller: you could try passing root=/dev/X where X is something like sda1 or xda01:25
twbmike_miller: you can also type "ls /dev/disk/by-label" into the rescue shell to see what IS there01:25
mike_millerI can't see the rescue shell01:25
mike_millerI can see the output01:25
twbmike_miller: ok01:25
mike_millermight be able to get in somehow, but not sure01:25
mike_milleris update-grub likely to solve the issue?01:26
twbzairo: you're getting that from what command?01:26
twbmike_miller: possibly, but I doubt it01:26
twbmike_miller: update-grub tell it to use something other than root=/dev/disk/by-label/uec-rootfs01:27
zairotail /var/log/apache2/error.log01:27
mike_millertwb: so what command should I try to fix the image up?01:27
zairotwb: i think that i am having issue with certificate and key01:27
twbzairo: that is not sufficient information.  Try pastebinning the entire error.log01:28
mike_millertwb: I'm not sure what "I've changed it to /dev/sda1 as described in the Guide:" means. Do you have some insight?01:28
twbmike_miller: OK, let me describe the boot process.01:28
twbmike_miller: the BIOS loads the bootloader (grub).  Grub loads the kernel and ramdisk.  They then use the root=/dev/XXX option grub gave them to find the root filesystem, and they mount and enter it.01:29
mike_millerwhere is that parameter set?01:29
twbmike_miller: grub.cfg or menu.lst, in /boot/grub/01:29
mike_millereverything is root=/dev/sda101:30
twbmike_miller: now, EITHER grub is passing the wrong value, OR grub is passing the right value, but something is wrong (e.g. missing drivers) in the kernel/ramdisk01:30
zairotwb: only this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/564770/01:30
twbmike_miller: it's hard to diagnose because you can't actually type diagnostic commands into the rescue shell.01:30
mike_millerlet me see if  I can get in01:31
twbzairo: OK, you need to work out how to make apache emit more information.  It might already be doing so in /var/log/syslog.  I'm not familiar with apache, so wait patiently for someone else.01:31
twbzairo: you can also try #httpd (the apache httpd channel)01:31
zairotwb: somehow i think this more related to ubuntu rather than apache hu201:32
twbzairo: shrug.  You may be right.01:32
zairotwb: here's my /etc/apache2/sites-avaiable/abc.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/564771/ i think my cert file and key file is wrong01:34
zairostep 6-8 in manual is quite confusing to me though https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/certificates-and-security.html01:34
twbzairo: http://paste.debian.net/106975/ is what I have in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl, FWIW01:37
zairocan i use the default?01:39
zairoi mean default-ssl01:39
twbI don't see why not.01:39
twbIt may not be best practice, I suppose.01:40
zairolet me try using default-ssl first and see how the outcome01:42
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donvito2hello why i cant install tspc on my ubuntu01:50
zairotwb: still the same error msg01:52
zairoi mean does not match server name01:53
RoastedHas anybody ever set up FreeRadius on Ubuntu? I tried through a gui with Ebox (Zentyal) but it seems to have failed, and I'd like to install it manually or with another gui fi somebody can point me to a good guide to use or a good GUI to use.01:54
zairotwb: i'll ask on channel httpd. may be a good suggestion after all. thanks anyway bro.01:58
tf2ftwi ssh-ed into my server and then lost power on my remote machine. I was in the middle of a dist upgrade. how can i check the progress of the upgrade now that im back on line with the remote?03:43
patdk-lapdid you screen it?03:46
tf2ftwi was typing commands from my local computer :/03:47
patdk-lapthen most likely it died along with your ssh session03:47
tf2ftwshit. apt locked too03:47
patdk-lapwell, see if apt is running03:47
patdk-lapif not, most likely it's just a stale lockfile03:48
tf2ftwyeah its locked03:48
twbGrr, why is tcc i386-only in lucid03:48
tf2ftwpatdk-lap, thakns. how would i unlock it?03:49
twbAh, upstream didn't grow amd64 support until .2503:49
* twb grudgingly installs gcc on the varnish-flavoured reverse proxy03:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #715579 in krb5 (main) "krb5-kdc-ldap plugin crashes krb5-kdc sometimes when password policy is set" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71557904:12
isleshocky77When trying to install ubuntu 10.04LTS it fails on installing the grub boot loader. I've done this setup with RAID 1 following the tutorials online. I believe the problem is I was never able to mark the root partition as bootable and I just moved forward anyways. 1, why would it not let me? 2, is there a way to mark it bootable after the fact. 3, can i install grub after without redoing the whole installation?04:16
twbisleshocky77: are you using LVM?04:17
isleshocky77twb: I don't believe so04:24
twbThen I duno04:24
isleshocky77Any idea why I can't turn the bootable flag on? I hit enter on it says it's doing something and then no change.04:37
cjwatsonthe bootable flag doesn't make much difference anyway04:38
cjwatsongrub certainly doesn't care.  it's for legacy OSes04:38
isleshocky77Oh, I figured that would be the only reason why it was unable to install the grub bootloader.04:38
cjwatsonDOS/Windows still cares about it, I believe04:38
cjwatsonwhat were the error messages?04:39
cjwatsonI wouldn't recommend guessing04:39
isleshocky77cjwatson: Hold on I'm in rescue mode trying to install the bootloader again.04:40
isleshocky77cjwatson: It seems to want me to partition the drive again in order to install the bootloader and is now giving me a warning up deleting things during the install. Does this sound right?04:41
cjwatsonI would prefer to work from the exact messages04:42
isleshocky77cjwatson: Sorry. Is there any place I can find the error logs from the bootloader failing initially?04:42
cjwatsondon't know, it depends what package management tool you were using, but the most recent messages are most likely to be easily debuggable04:43
cjwatsoncan you show me the output from what you're doing right now?04:43
isleshocky77cjwatson: Currently it says "The file system on /dev/md1 assigned to / has not been marked for formatting. Directories containing system files (/etc, /lib, /usr,  /var, ..) that already exist under any defined mountpoint will be deleted during the install. Do you want to return to the partitioner?"04:44
cjwatsonthat's not rescue mode04:44
cjwatsonthat's an attempt to do a fresh install04:45
isleshocky77I already installed the entire system up to the bootloader. It failed installing the bootloader so I hit continue without. I then loaded the cd back up and hit rescue mode.  Then it had an option for install bootloader. Hit that and it brought me back to the partitioner.04:45
isleshocky77Yeah, that's what it sounded like to me as well.04:45
cjwatsonI don't think you actually selected rescue mode properly04:45
isleshocky77If I go to rescue mode I can bring up a root shell in /dev/md104:45
cjwatsonbecause rescue mode completely disables the partitionere04:45
isleshocky77ok, so I have "Enter rescue mode ... Device to use as root file system"04:46
cjwatsonpick whatever you used as your /04:46
isleshocky77/dev/md0 is supposed to be my swap with /dev/md1 as my root. So I hit /dev/md104:46
isleshocky77So I now have a root prompt in /dev/md104:47
isleshocky77How can I get grub installed correctly and booting up /dev/md1 ?04:47
cjwatsonwhat are the device names for the drives that make up /dev/md1?04:47
isleshocky77/dev/sda2 and /dev/sdb204:48
cjwatson(one thing though, if it crashed during the install, installing the boot loader isn't actually quite the last step in the installation, so your installation will have a few things a bit wrong)04:48
cjwatsongrub-install /dev/sda04:48
cjwatsonthen if that works:04:48
cjwatsongrub-install /dev/sdb04:48
cjwatson(oh, if you continued without installing a boot loader, that will have covered the last few steps in the installation, so disregard my last parenthesised comment ...)04:49
isleshocky77cjwatson: /usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: This GTP partition has no BIOS Boot Partition embedding won't be possible!. /usr/bin/grub-setup: error: embedding is not possible, but this is required when the root device is on a RAID array or LVM volume.04:50
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isleshocky77*GPT not GTP04:51
isleshocky77cjwatson: Think it might have something to do with this:04:53
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 506670 in partman-base ">2TB/GPT: Must warn if BIOS boot partition is missing (unbootable system!)" [Undecided,New]04:53
cjwatsonOK, so you'd better go and create one of those04:59
cjwatsonhas instructions on creating it04:59
* cjwatson -> bed05:02
cjwatsonI agree 506670 is a problem though05:05
DiagonalArgAnybody up for a udev question?  I'm trying to figure out why this won't change my disk permissions: KERNEL=="md*", SUBSYSTEM=="block", ATTR{size}=="146483072", GROUP="vboxusers".05:05
isleshocky77cjwatson: Thank you very much for trying to help me and listening. Think I got it.05:11
amin_hi I need a ssh program which let me connect to server  and go through with my command even if I closed it and give my back the rest of process left when I log in again07:01
ecelisamin_: use screen from your ssh session07:01
amin_Does it do it?07:02
twbOr you could use nohup, dtach, or tmux.07:06
twbScreen is the most popular, though.07:07
twbe.g. ssh example.net nohup wget www/fred &07:07
twbEr, ssh example.net "nohup wget www/fred &"07:07
twbThat will connect to example.net and run wget in the background, and it nohup will prevent wget aborting for lack of output terminal07:08
amin_ecelis: is there any program like screen07:10
eceliswhy not use screen?07:10
ecelistwb: gave you some other good options too07:10
twbI should also mention byobu, which is a user-friendly wrapper around screen.07:11
twbIf you are new to screen, it is probably a good idea to use it07:11
SpamapSI just heard about tmux for the first time recently07:14
SpamapSthey were talking about adding it to NetBSD since screen is GPL or something07:14
lifelessSpamapS: hey07:24
lifelessSpamapS: what was that bug you filed, api bug search being slow always07:24
twbSpamapS: right; tmux uses a "please exploit me" license07:27
SpamapSlifeless: long time ago, I think I accidentally said "give me all bugs"07:48
SpamapSlifeless: I may not have been the original reporter.. its not in my +reportedbugs07:49
lifelessSpamapS: :(07:49
lifelessdo you stil have the script that reproduces it?07:50
SpamapSlifeless: possibly. standby, I'm expanding my search a bit more07:50
SpamapSlifeless: https://api.launchpad.net/1.0/bugs ... I recall it was taking > 20s07:54
SpamapSlifeless: takes 7.50s now07:54
lifelessmmm, I thought it was more specific than that07:54
lifelessanyhow, if its better, cool.07:54
SpamapSlifeless: believe it or not.. I'm grepping my irc logs ;)07:56
* lifeless believes it07:57
SpamapSlifeless: this is the first thing I ever discussed in #launchpad-dev08:01
SpamapSlifeless: I was wrong, it was one that has gotten even better08:03
SpamapS11:15 < SpamapS> https://api.launchpad.net/beta/bugs/?assignee=clint-fewbar08:03
SpamapS11:15 < SpamapS> 11 seconds. :(08:03
lifelessbtw, /beta/ - bad08:03
lifeless /1.0/ or /devel/08:04
lifelessSpamapS: its still 11 seconds08:05
lifelessSpamapS: and you didn't file a bug for it ?08:05
SpamapSI can't find one in my reported bugs08:05
SpamapSmaybe the irclogs will tell the tale08:05
SpamapSlifeless: apparently the main result of the conversation was that you filed/"tickled" bugs that would give you better oops reports on API calls08:07
lifelessoh yes08:08
lifelesswe have that now08:08
lifelessthough ++oops++ doesn't work08:08
lifelesswe get a header if a query genuinely oopses08:09
lifelessI don't think we do that for soft oopses08:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #715640 in libezmorph-java (main) "Package does not generate Maven artifacts" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71564008:41
=== FkCek is now known as FkCek|a
JenniferB2Hi folks.. we have ubuntu server on a separate machine.. ssh using a login the specied login and password.. create a user for myself.. added to sudoers and gave a password... su myusername and enter password... all fine.. but my command line starts with a dollar $ and doesn't behave the same as the username I was given.. why not ? how can I fix this ?09:04
SpamapSJenniferB2: su to a user name does not give you the env of the user completely.09:05
SpamapSJenniferB2: try 'su - username'09:06
JenniferB2No directory, logging in with HOME=/09:06
SpamapSJenniferB2: ahh, how did you create the new user?09:07
JenniferB2sudo adduser09:09
JenniferB2not right ?09:09
SpamapSthat should be ok09:10
SpamapSJenniferB2: somehow your user didn't get assigned a home dir09:10
JenniferB2yeah.. it appears so09:11
JenniferB2noithing under home09:12
JenniferB2why not ? :(09:12
JenniferB2try again ?09:12
SpamapSyeah I suppose09:12
DigitalFluxHi Guys09:12
DigitalFluxI'm writing an init script for an app that i have09:12
DigitalFluxShould i go with upstart method on Ubuntu 10.04 ?09:12
DigitalFluxThe docs at upstart.ubuntu.com mentions some stuff that looks like it didn't land on 10.04 ..09:12
DigitalFluxI have upstart 0.6.5-709:13
SpamapSmy brain is a little bit fried so not really able to think right now. ;)09:13
SpamapSDigitalFlux: upstart has changed very little since 0.6.5-709:13
JenniferB2SpamapS: sudo -s ; sudo adduser jen ; sudo adduser jen admin ; sudo passwd jen ?09:13
twbSpamapS: like in that silence-of-the-lambs sequel09:13
DigitalFluxSpamapS: Hmm, i see i have no initctl command09:13
DigitalFluxno /etc/inittab ..09:13
SpamapStwb: nolittle brain, fried ;)09:14
twbDigitalFlux: that's old stuff09:14
SpamapStwb: take 2.. action.. "no that was a little brain, fried"09:14
twbDigitalFlux: what are you trying to do?09:14
DigitalFluxtwb: Well, first of all, where can i write the events ?09:14
twbDigitalFlux: here's a simple upstartization example: http://paste.debian.net/107012/09:15
twbDigitalFlux: in 10.04 they're in /etc/init/09:15
DigitalFluxAha ! those are commands not config file directives ..09:15
JenniferB2SpamapS: now it works.. I logged in as sudo -s ... earlier I did sudo adduser09:15
JenniferB2from the non-root account09:15
DigitalFluxActually they are config file parameters but they should go under /etc/init too :)09:16
DigitalFluxI thought that /etc/init files contains just the actions09:16
DigitalFluxand the events should be written somewhere else09:16
DigitalFluxSo that initctl command is kinda deprecated ?09:18
SpamapSDigitalFlux: no its not at all09:19
DigitalFluxSpamapS: well, i can't find it with 0.6.5-7 with Ubuntu 10.0409:34
DigitalFluxSpamapS: should i install an additional package or something ?09:34
SpamapSDigitalFlux: what can't you find?09:34
DigitalFluxSpamapS: the initctl command09:42
DigitalFluxOK it is there :)09:43
SpamapSDigitalFlux: if you don't have /sbin/initctl .. your system is broken09:43
* DigitalFlux dump me 09:43
twbSpamapS: ah, sorry, I was thinking that was a binary that upstart didn't provide09:45
=== FkCek|a is now known as FkCek
SpamapSpretty important to the boot09:48
twbWell, its aliases like "start" are09:48
SpamapSinitctl is too.. used to init some of the events09:49
SpamapSanyway, I'm much to sleepy to think about this09:49
* SpamapS passes out09:49
twbYeah, because there's no event -> initctl symlink09:50
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uvirtbotNew bug: #715686 in tgt (main) "tgtd should be respawned by init job" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71568611:01
Davieyoh joy.11:07
atretesIs there any eucalyptus experience here?12:56
atretesI'm currently setting up a cloud base on 10.04 and I've downloaded a repackaged image from ubuntu uec but when I launch it into the cloud and attempt to ssh into it I get 'No route to host'?12:58
rkhshm1hi all13:00
rkhshm1I'm trying to build libaxis for eucalyptus and i get tihs error http://pastie.org/154470413:00
rkhshm1i would be grateful if anyone can give me some leads...13:01
rkhshm1anyone here guys ?13:04
knxvilleDo you recommend using a custom font for a banner or simple make a banner picture with the font in it?13:11
knxvillecause I have trouble using the custom font in my .css file.. Is there a way to see what "name" the server have registrered it under13:11
qman__knxville, the server doesn't care what fonts you use, only the client rendering the web page13:25
qman__as such, only fonts which the client has installed will work for that client13:26
qman__if you want to use a font that you don't expect people visiting your web page to already have, you should make an image instead13:27
knxvilleAlright! :)13:27
pmatulisrkhshm1 + atretes: try #ubuntu-cloud13:28
uvirtbotNew bug: #715765 in krb5 (main) "Can't change kerberos password" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71576513:46
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann_
RoAkSoAxmorning all14:01
JamesPageRoAkSoAx: morning14:03
zulhey RoAkSoAx14:04
RoAkSoAxhow's it going today guys?14:05
JamesPageRoAkSoAx: good thanks - any you?14:07
RoAkSoAxJamesPage: with a flu... but good ;) thanks!14:09
JamesPagenice :-)14:09
Roastedanybody ever play with freeradius, or zentyal?14:20
atretespmatulis: thanks will try it14:22
Err404NotFoundi have a server with nfs mount in fstab, how do i assure that even if there are any issue in mounting it, server still boots up14:34
patdk-wkwith I knew14:35
patdk-wkusing the _netdev option is suppost to do that14:36
patdk-wkbut I can't get it to work, for me atleast14:36
Roastedam I fighting a losing battle trying to set up freeradius?14:45
RoastedI feel like I've been on every google and linux site that exists as well as a series of linux/server based chats, all without anybody saying oh yeah I know how to do this.14:46
alvinErr404NotFound: subscribe to bug 275451, bug 504224 and bug 38434714:57
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 275451 in sysvinit "nfs mounts specified in fstab is not mounted on boot. " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27545114:57
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 504224 in mountall "NFS mounts at boot time prevent boot or print spurious errors" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50422414:57
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 384347 in util-linux "_netdev not working" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38434714:57
alvinOh, he's gone already.14:57
Err404NotFoundIf i am looking to have domain.com, www.domain.com, and www3.domain.com to be on https, i need a UCC SSL, right/14:59
=== Kiall is now known as Kiall|AFK
alvinErr404NotFound: For your previous question: subscribe to bug 275451, bug 504224 and bug 38434715:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 275451 in sysvinit "nfs mounts specified in fstab is not mounted on boot. " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27545115:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 504224 in mountall "NFS mounts at boot time prevent boot or print spurious errors" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50422415:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 384347 in util-linux "_netdev not working" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38434715:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #715818 in ec2-api-tools (multiverse) "ec2-api-tools FTBFS in natty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71581815:01
Err404NotFoundalvin: i used noauto in fstab, and used rc.local to mount the nfs volume15:01
alvinIs that how far Ubuntu has come? Using rc.local to mount volumes... (I don't blame you though)15:02
JamesPagehggdh: we need to talk minimal server install size for natty15:09
hggdhJamesPage: let's do it15:09
JamesPageOK so the test case say 'less than 500MB'15:10
hggdhJamesPage: yes. I found it -- on manual install -- to be 529 M15:11
JamesPagehggdh: so todays amd64 ISO minimal install was 602MB - was the 529MB a i386 or amd64 install15:12
JamesPagetodays i386 was 577MB for reference15:13
RoAkSoAxwin 915:14
hggdhJamesPage: weird. an i386 was around 519, amd64 52915:14
JamesPageso a few questions then;15:14
JamesPagea) are we installing the right kernel - its passing in the tests so I would assume so15:14
JamesPageb) that makes the testing overlay huge! Maybe the python libraries we are using are doing something odd.15:15
hggdhit might be. A way of findinf out our direct overhead is to manually install the minimal, measure, and then install our packages and measure again15:16
hggdhthen run the tests and measure again15:16
hggdhJamesPage: and now we save the d-i syslog, one more M in the pot15:19
JamesPageThe overlay installs the following packages; openssh-server python-couchdb subunit python-subunit python-junitxml15:21
JamesPagehggdh: have you got a handy minimal install kicking around?15:22
RoastedHas anybody used a GUI called "dialupadmin" for use with FreeRadius? If so, please inquire.15:22
JenniferB2Hi folks.. I am trying to ssh to a server and have the username and password already filled in as part of the url... what is the syntax and command ? >> ssh jen:mypassword@ ... I thought that was it.. but I am being logged in as user jen:mypassword and asked for a password15:22
hggdhJamesPage: no, not now (had to reinstall)15:23
JamesPageOK - I'll install one now....15:24
* patdk-wk notes ssh != wget, ssh doesn't use url's15:24
patdk-wkssh jen@
patdk-wktype in password15:24
hggdhJamesPage: and right now I am running some SRU tests on Hardy under KVM, so my laptop is, ah, busy15:25
JamesPagehggdh: whats killing your performance at the moment? bonnie++?15:26
cjwatsonJamesPage: do you have the d-i syslog from that minimal install?15:27
hggdhcjwatson: they are all saved now :-)15:27
cjwatsonhggdh: URL?15:27
JamesPagecjwatson - yep - finding one now15:27
JamesPagecjwatson: http://hudson.qa.ubuntu-uk.org/job/natty-server-i386_minimal-virtual/ws/66/test-results/d-i-syslog.log/*view*/15:28
JamesPageJenniferB2: if you are trying to avoid having to interact i.e. type in a password to login to the server I would suggest you setup key based authentication.15:29
hggdhheh JamesPage was faster by a *lot*15:29
hggdhcjwatson: full logs for this run:
JamesPagehggdh: must fix that annoying bug where all workspaces contain all every test result - its no longer required....15:31
hggdhJamesPage: yes... I found it the hard way, when my /var went backrupt15:31
JamesPageJenniferB2: take a look at the SSH Keys section of the server guide - https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html15:32
JamesPagehggdh: oops - its on my todo list just have not had time.....15:32
cjwatsonyour testing overlay certainly pulls in a non-trivial amount of cruft15:33
hggdhcjwatson: yes. But even on a manual install it was 19/29M over15:34
cjwatsonyeah, there's definitely unnecessary stuff here15:34
hggdhi.e., no hudson overhead15:34
cjwatsonI'm sure you can live without language-selector-common, say15:34
cjwatsonor indeed language-pack-en15:34
RoastedHas anybody used a GUI called "dialupadmin" for use with FreeRadius? If so, please inquire.15:35
hggdhcjwatson, JamesPage: for reference, this is bug 71214515:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 712145 in ubuntu-meta "ubuntu-server JEOS ISO install uses 519M of storage" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71214515:36
cjwatsonI'll have a poke at the preseeding after meetings15:36
patdk-wkheh, upx :)15:38
ChrisBuchholzHello. How would i change the ssh port 22 to port 443 on my 10.04.1 server?15:43
compdoc443 is an https port, no?15:45
RoyKChrisBuchholz: see ListenAddress in sshd_config (5)15:45
ChrisBuchholzand are there any security vulnabilities involved in doing this? I need this because a few of the places where i use wifi frequently only have port 80 and 443 open, so i cannot ssh to it to create an ssh tunnel there15:45
RoyKcompdoc: normally used for https, yes15:45
ChrisBuchholzcompdoc: yes, but read ^^15:46
RoyKChrisBuchholz: should work15:46
ChrisBuchholzRoyK: i will check it out15:46
RoyKChrisBuchholz: you can start one manually too, sshd -p 44315:46
ChrisBuchholzRoyK: but wouldnt i need to let openssh on the server accept ssh requests on port 443, no?15:47
RoyKChrisBuchholz: sshd is the ssh server, so yes :P15:47
ChrisBuchholzRoyK: oh, i just read `ssh -p 443`;)15:48
* RoyK hands ChrisBuchholz his glasses :P15:50
ChrisBuchholzRoyK: would there be any vulnabilities involved? Do i need to remove 443 as a https port or something?15:50
RoyKdifferent processes can't listen to the same port15:51
ChrisBuchholzand what will i sacrifise by doing this?15:51
RoyKbut no, it shouldn't be any security problems with it15:51
RoyKgotta go - bbl15:51
ChrisBuchholzokay, now it works on port 443.15:55
compdocits not likely that anyone would try to connect to 443 with an ssh client - should be safe15:55
ChrisBuchholzcompdoc: sounds great. I checked today that 443 is open, so i hoped im not mistaken15:56
compdocyou dont run apache?15:56
ChrisBuchholznow i just need to get irssi to use my SOCKS-proxy, which uses the ssh-tunnel, and i should be able to use irssi in school15:57
ChrisBuchholzcompdoc: yeah, i run apache15:57
compdocgood luck - gtg15:57
ChrisBuchholzstupid university-it-administrators15:57
ChrisBuchholzokay, bye15:57
EtienneGkirkland, as you saw, we're getting busy with likewise16:09
EtienneGwe'll beat the thing into shape, promised16:09
kirklandEtienneG: nice ;-)16:14
ChrisBuchholzI just noticed, that now i have added the "ListenAdresse" to my sshd_config, and i now can ssh'e on port 443, ssh on port 22 doesnt work, even though sshd_config still have "port 22"16:16
ChrisBuchholzIsnt it possible to have both applied?16:16
shaunoI believe you should be able to have two Port lines, but without the :443 on ListenAddress16:17
kirklandRoAkSoAx: uploaded powernap 2.3 last night16:17
RoAkSoAxkirkland: yeah saw it!! thanks ;)16:23
zulEtienneG: good because the person who tested is gone ;)16:28
EtienneGzul, who was that?16:30
zulEtienneG: ttx afaik16:30
ttx... and it was a bit painful ;)16:31
ttxthat said, last time I looked, it was owned by Likewise and proxied by the Desktop team16:31
EtienneGttx, I've got a minion doing it16:31
zulEtienneG: huzzah for minions16:33
EtienneGtalking about minion, here he is16:33
ehwhey now16:34
EtienneGkirkland, ttx, zul, be nice to ehw, I have the poor guy install Windows and stuff16:34
highvoltagewhere do you get these... minions? I want ones too :(16:34
ehw7 years win-free and now I'm elbow deep in ads :(16:34
EtienneGhighvoltage, that's the thing: I don't get them, they come to me!16:35
EtienneGhighvoltage, btw, just curious, are you in Sherbrooke these days?16:35
ehw(or get volunteered by their managers)16:35
highvoltageEtienneG: yep, I am indeed!16:36
ttxAh I remember that. Did it once, saved it in a VM16:36
EtienneGhighvoltage, cool!  Welcome, my new compatriot!16:36
zulheh i amost went to school in sherbrooke16:36
ttxso that I didn't have to set up ADS ever again16:36
EtienneGit's a nice city16:37
highvoltageEtienneG: :)16:37
* highvoltage -> Lunch16:37
EtienneGsame here, off for lunch16:37
JamesPagehggdh: my minimal amd64 virtual install is only 466MB!16:39
hggdhJamesPage: now I am confused16:40
hggdhJamesPage: I will repeat it16:41
JamesPagehggdh: I did the F4/Minimal virtual install option on the first boot menu - that was right?16:47
ChrisBuchholzshauno: can you further describe how to do it?16:47
JamesPagehggdh: overlay looks to be +44MB installed16:47
hggdhJamesPage: yes16:47
hggdhI will repeat now16:47
ChrisBuchholzshauno: okay, it seemed i could just ditch the ListenAddresse and just specify two Ports16:51
DaBeastHow can i see on how much ghz the server is running?16:52
JamesPagehggdh: it could be that the autotest preseed does not disable kernel headers - 96MB installed - which would get us to about the right ballpark16:52
JamesPagehggdh: whereas the preseed on the ISO does disable installation of headers....16:53
hggdhJamesPage: hah!16:53
hggdhso it is a fluke...16:53
JamesPagehggdh: may just need a preseed template change then!16:53
RoAkSoAxwin 217:03
Roastedfreeradius. anybody.17:04
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina-lunch
cjwatsonJamesPage: where do the autotest preseeds live?17:13
cjwatsonJamesPage: I would like to be able to modify them when I change CD preseeds, if possible17:13
cjwatsonJamesPage: I think we should remove language-selector-common and language-pack-en from the minimalvm profile as well - do you agree?17:13
JamesPagecjwatson: the preseeds are templated in the ubuntu-server-iso-testing project17:15
JamesPagecjwatson: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server-iso-testing-dev/ubuntu-server-iso-testing/trunk17:15
JamesPagecjwatson: however at the moment any preseed change needs a re-package of the project; this is not great.17:15
cjwatsonas in an upload to natty?17:16
JamesPagecjwatson: I have it on my TODO list to put the test metadata including the preseed templates into a separate branch so make this easier to manage17:16
JamesPagecjwatson: no - its PPA managed at the moment17:16
JamesPagecjwatson: not sure about removing  language-selector-common and language-pack-en from minimalvm profile; are they completely superfluous in a minimal install?17:18
cjwatsonI think so17:20
cjwatsonlanguage-selector-common is so that you can determine which language-support packages to install, and they're mostly desktop17:20
cjwatsonactually, given the current preseeding, it's a bug that it's installed17:21
cjwatsonI suppose language-pack-en is fairly harmless to keep, and might be slightly useful in cases where C isn't the same as en_US17:21
patdk-wkmy servers installed via 10.04 minimal have 4 language packs installed, nothing depends on them17:21
cjwatsonit's under a megabyte anyway17:21
* patdk-wk wonders why language-pack-gnome-en(-base) is installed17:22
cjwatsonI'm more worried about l-s-common pulling in half the lower desktop stack17:22
cjwatsonpatdk-wk: didn't seem to be in the natty log JamesPage provided17:22
patdk-wkya, this is a 10.04 install :)17:22
cjwatsonso I assume that's been fixed17:22
patdk-wkjust seening what I'm currently on my servers :)17:22
JamesPageOK suggest we remove language-selector-common but keep language-pack-en17:22
JamesPage(as its so small anyway)17:22
cjwatsondo you know the fix you need for headers?17:23
patdk-wkhmm, on 10.04 it's hard of ubuntu-standard? changed in natty?17:23
JamesPageyep - just picked it from the preseed on the iso image itself.17:23
cjwatsonno, language-pack-gnome-en has never been part of ubuntu-standard17:23
patdk-wkno, language-select-common17:23
cjwatsonoh, yes, that used to be in standard17:24
cjwatsonJamesPage: lp:~ubuntu-cdimage/debian-cd/ubuntu data/natty/preseed/ might be generally more convenint17:24
JamesPagethanks for the pointer.17:25
NoiseEeeim on ubuntu server 10.04, i've set a static IP via "/etc/network/interfaces" properly, and its been great.  then without word, reboot nor warning, I was just given a DHCP address.  I've since done a " /etc/init.d/networking restart" and I'm back with my specific IP, but any idea how that happened??17:28
RoyKNoiseEee: if for some reason the dhcp client is started (manually), it'll ask for an IP and override whatever's set17:30
RoyKbut there is no way ubuntu will start that unless you tell it to do so17:31
NoiseEeeyeah i would figure as much :\17:33
RoAkSoAxkirkland: still around?17:43
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JamesPagehggdh: I can pickup the preseed template update tomorrow if you like17:46
cjwatsonJamesPage,hggdh: pkgsel uploaded, should get rid of language-selector-common17:46
hggdhJamesPage: if you do not mind, thank you, I am in the middle os the kernel SRU tests, and figuring out all the multiple issues on them :-(17:47
hggdhcjwatson: thank you very much, sir17:47
JamesPagehggdh: will do first thing17:47
hggdhJamesPage: IOU, dear sir17:47
JamesPagecjwatson: thankyou!17:48
kirklandRoAkSoAx: yo18:00
RoAkSoAxkirkland: is this what you were thinking of? http://me.roaksoax.com/Screenshot.png18:01
RoAkSoAxRoasted: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15178118:04
Roastedbeen there18:04
Roastedand there18:04
NightDragonquick question -- is there software out there similar to deviantart's propriatary stuff that would allow image hosting/tagging/etc?18:19
RoastedIf I wanted to just launch OpenLDAP on Ubuntu, how would I do it? In synaptic I see ldap-utils but not openldap in particular. Curious if that's it or not18:20
EtienneGRoasted, look for slapd instead18:27
EtienneGnot obvious, I know18:27
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Roastedwhy do you sya that EtienneG18:32
soupdegraceHello! I'm trying to build php 5.3.5 from source but I'm having some problems...18:32
EtienneGRoasted, if you want the OpenLDAP *server*, look for slapd in synaptic.18:33
EtienneGthat's the name of the package18:33
Roastedoh! I gotcha. I thought slapd was an atlernative to openldap. My bad.18:34
RoastedEtienneG, I'm not seeing it in 10.04. Is it only in 10.10 repos or something?18:40
EtienneGRoasted, it's there, look carefully!18:42
EtienneG"slapd" is the package name18:43
zulso yeah....mysqlclient fun18:46
bcessahi there, any one knows about some docs or stuff to get nginx + php-fpm working with PHP 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.7 on a 10.04 server, I keep getting some bad gateway errors18:46
SpamapSzul: I'm just wondering if this has happened to any other libraries.18:46
zulSpamapS: it probably has18:46
SpamapSbcessa: as I understand it, the fpm that was included in 5.3.3 and earlier was fairly buggy18:47
SpamapSzul: so making the soname libmysqlclient.so.16.1.0 would at least allow us to move forward w/o recompiling the whole world..18:47
zulSpamapS: possibly we will have to test it again18:48
bcessaoh, and any ideas on how to make it work properly? this apparently random bad gateway erros are really getting old quickly :/18:48
zulSpamapS: but this is starting to give me the hebbie jebbies18:49
SpamapSbcessa: You could try backporting the 5.3.4 package from natty, or try compiling the upstream fpm.18:50
SpamapSzul: I think we need to give mysql a chance to respond more formally.18:50
SpamapSThat may also have been a poorly informed bug triager.18:50
zulSpamapS: agreed18:50
bcessaok, looking into it, thnx18:50
zulcan you open up a bug agabout it18:50
SpamapSzul: yeah I wanted to wait a few business hours to see if there was a response before doing so18:51
SpamapSzul: mostly because that one is very highly rated on google searches for the error string18:51
zulSpamapS: maybe talk to jpugh about it18:51
SpamapShehe.. yeah.. Oracle is going to say "see! just let us manage every ubuntu user's mysql.. we know better" ..18:51
SpamapSand we're going to *laugh* *hard* and *loudly*18:52
zulSpamapS: i mean he might have a contact that might be able to do something about it18:53
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RoyKbcessa_: apt-get source the package, download the original source, copy the debian/ directory into the original source, dpkg-buildpackage18:58
RoyKbcessa_: apt-get source the package, download the original source, copy the debian/ directory from the ubuntu source into the original source, dpkg-buildpackage18:58
bcessa_RoyK amm let me give it a try19:00
SpamapSzul: I thought we had 5.3.4 merged into natty already19:00
SpamapSRoyK: thats going to get ugly actually.. there are a ton of patches in debian/patches19:01
zulnope 5.3.319:01
SpamapSthat have been applied upstream19:01
RoyKSpamapS: for that particular package?19:02
RoyKSpamapS: anyway - if building a package, it's easy to roll back19:02
RoyKfar easier than if installing from source19:02
SpamapSRoyK: php5 ... yes.. php5 is a cherry picking machine19:02
RoyKbcessa_: are you having problems with the current install?19:03
RoyKif no, don't upgrade19:03
SpamapSthe fpm we shipped in lucid is really broken..19:03
SpamapSRoyK: you may want to scroll back. He's having lots of issues w/ fpm.. most are known I'm sure.19:03
RoastedEtienneG, hey you still out there?19:04
RoyKSpamapS: wouldn't it be a good idea to fix it, then? an LTS release should, at least in theory, be somewhat stable.....19:04
zulSpamapS: im thinking now punting it into universe19:05
SpamapSRoyK: right, the fix has been at least discussed to backport the entire FPM module from 5.3.4 into the lucid php5 package...19:15
Picisoupdegrace: Please mind your language here.19:18
soupdegraceBut.. but.. my Ubuntu Server just a launched a swarm of nanobots against me.19:19
soupdegraceThey look serious too19:19
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soupdegrace*Argh* they are ... turning ... my anatomy into .. grey goo19:21
soupdegraceI'm melting over here! Just because I tried to build php5.3.5 from sources19:23
soupdegraceYes, my defence implants are starting to counter attack...19:24
soupdegraceWhee - take that anti matter grenade, Ubuntu Server!19:24
SpamapSzul: yeah, given http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=59106 too .. to universe it goes19:25
soupdegracePhew, that was a close one19:25
soupdegraceNeed to replace the server tho19:25
SpamapSsoupdegrace: Maybe also replace some of your meds?19:26
NoiseEeehi folks, if i'm planning on making a folder on my Ubuntu Server system available to Windows, is it just "apt-get install samba" or is there something in addition i need?19:26
soupdegraceMy medichines? Not my precious medichines!19:26
SpamapSNoiseEee: you'll need to share the folder .. if its permanent you'll probably want to add it to /etc/samba/smb.conf19:27
NoiseEeeSpamapS: gotcha.  but still, "samba" is the only package i need to install to get this up and running?19:27
SpamapSNoiseEee: if you just use basic user auth yes it should be pretty simple.19:29
NoiseEeethanks SpamapS19:29
uvirtbotNew bug: #716026 in openssh (main) "regression: ssh-agent running but not working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71602619:36
Roastedhas anybody tinkered with openldap on ubuntu?19:52
SpamapSRoasted: its a popular use case.. covered well in the server guide19:55
SpamapS!server guide19:55
ubottuThe Ubuntu server guide may be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/19:55
_Techie_does anybody here have experience with linksys wireless N products, routers or modems?19:58
RoastedSpamapS, do you know if there's a way in openldap to suck up the contents of an MS Ldap user base?20:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #716043 in sysstat (main) "Sync sysstat 9.1.7-2 (main) from Debian sid (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71604320:01
_rubeni'll add ldap to my todo list again once support is there to store public keys in it and have sshd use em20:02
_rubennative support that is, don't feel like doing my own patching20:03
SpamapS_ruben: thats what kerberos is for20:04
mfraz74I've only been running Ubuntu server for a little over a month now, but how do I know when after doing an update that the server needs rebooting?20:05
_rubenSpamapS: you mean like SSO and stuff like that? i'm not fond of tieing my linux boxen into the corporate AD20:08
RoyKmfraz74: it'll tell you during login20:08
mfraz74RoyK: That's what I thought, but I've done kernel updates and not had a notification20:09
_rubenSpamapS: and won't work for "outside" access20:09
RoyKSpamapS: kerberos is the old three-headed dog that guards the entrance to Hades20:09
RoyKmfraz74: log out, and then in, if the intro screen doesn't show "recommended reboot", don't worry20:10
SpamapS_ruben: kerberos works fine w/o AD. The outside access problem of kerberos is indeed one that requires some thought.. IIRC there are ways to make it work w/o exposing your KDC's to the net and w/o requiring extra auth layers.. but I forget them at the moment.20:11
_rubeni guess the "standard" option would be to use a nfs share for /home which would hold your keys .. but i'm no fan of nfs (for this purpose) either .. yes, i'm picky ;)20:13
NoiseEeehi folks, don't know if i should take this to #samba, but for the life of me, I cannot get samba to recognize the workgroup name i've given in smb.conf20:24
NoiseEeei'm always showing up in Windows under "WORKGROUP" which was the default... even after restarting smbd over and over20:25
NoiseEee[global]   workgroup = NEWTHING20:25
Roastedhas anybody set up openldap before? I'm wondering how long the SASL/EXTERNAL authentication process takes. IT's been running for quite a while.....20:25
RoyKNoiseEee: windows will cache that for a while20:26
RoyKiirc ipconfig /registerdns will reset it20:26
NoiseEeeRoyK: It's even showing up that way when I'm browsing the "Windows Network" from another Ubuntu desktop box20:26
markattoI was installing cacti, and I accidentally selected "apache" instead of "apache2" in the automagic setup scripts20:27
markattoI have tried a remove/purge and reinstall, but every time it tries to install it for apache 1.x20:27
RoyKNoiseEee: sorry, no idea20:27
leniosmarkatto, try removing apache and installing apache220:28
markattolenios: apache2 is installed20:29
markattoi will check if it tried to install apache20:29
markattolenios: thank you, that seemed to do the trick!20:30
* markatto grubles about too much "magic" in his packages20:31
SpamapSzul: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=6006120:32
SpamapSzul: a response to that bug (or both of the linked bugs) is required before we go anywhere with libmysqlclient from 5.520:33
zulSpamapS: cool i just subscribed to it20:34
pmatulisis it possible to have a server request a dhcp lease upon cable connection like netwok-manager does on the desktop?20:38
pmatulisdbus script perhaps?20:40
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leniosif there's no cable, isn't interface down?20:47
pmatulislenios: i suppose20:47
leniosyou must be able to force dhcient on ifup then20:48
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_rubendoesn't dhclient do that by itself already ?20:51
leniosactually, i think it does20:54
zulmathiaz: hey20:55
mathiazzul: hello!20:55
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uvirtbotNew bug: #716097 in bind9 (main) "Sync bind9 1:9.7.2.dfsg.P3-1.1 (main) from Debian sid (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71609721:17
uvirtbotNew bug: #716099 in quota (main) "Sync quota 4.00~pre1-7 (main) from Debian sid (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71609921:17
robbiewRoAkSoAx: well done on the indicator21:19
RoAkSoAxrobbiew: hehe thanks!21:19
claydI think i am missing something.  I have set up a apache server with php on ubuntu 10.04.  i have also installed postfix as i am under the impression i need that in order for php to send mail.  for some reason i still can not.  any thoughts on were to look for something the check?  sorry for being so open ended.21:25
mrmistCheck to see if you can send email outside of php. That should at least narrow it down to which component.21:29
claydi will give it a try21:30
_Techie_Doesn't php use sendmail to send over postfix21:30
claydi think sendmail is installed when you install postfix21:31
claydi think21:31
_Techie_Quite possibly,  but it never hurt to install it just incase21:31
mrmistpostfix is a sendmail replacement, it fudges the sendmail exe for compatibility21:34
claydi think my issue is in my postfix configuration21:34
mrmist/var/log/mail.* might give you some clues as to what is wrong21:37
claydwarning: unable to look up public/pickup: No such file or directory21:38
intel352hey guys, can anyone suggest a good solution to ensure that a mount bind exists on reboot for chrooted environments (virtual hosting)? the chroots are created via a shell script, so it would be best to avoid having to add entries to fstab (or similar)21:41
mrmistclayd: anything relevant on this page? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66601821:42
metriccan anyone help me get CVSD working?21:45
lirakismetric, have you heard of git?21:46
lirakisserious question.. not trying to be a jerk21:46
metriclirakis, yes, I have also heard of svn :P21:47
metricproblem is I have a repo with like 50 projects totally roughly 20K lines of code21:47
metricand I need to move it from my windows server 2003 to ubuntu server and thought I installed everything correctly but when I do a "netstat -tap" its not listeneing21:48
lirakisi havent set up a cvs server... ever  ... and an svn one in ages .. so im sorry i cant help21:49
lirakismetric, do logs show anything?21:49
lirakiserrors, config issues etc.21:49
metricwhich logs should I check?21:50
lirakiswhew...  ...21:50
lirakis/var/log/ .... messages .... cvsd    ?21:50
metricI've never used linux for anything difficult :P21:50
metricgive me a sec21:51
metriclirakis, I got a couple errors, but nothing related to CVS21:53
metrichmm I just tried to do a local checkout and it says no CVSROOT is specified21:55
metriclirakis, i have to go, I'm gonna try again, thanks for the help so far21:57
lirakiswhew ... dodged that bullet21:58
AtomicSparkHas anyone used/seen/heard of FOSS software that can interact with HP's Lights Out management or that can poll some of the health things on the server? Like check to see if any hardware has failed, etc.22:01
claydjust wondering does a lamp server need postfix or sendmail in order to send mail?22:02
AtomicSparkLAMP only includes apache, mysql, and fastcgi (php)22:02
AtomicSpark(and their proper respective package names)22:03
stgraberAtomicSpark: I don't know of any FOSS one, though the one shipped on the CD by HP usually works fine and can quite easily be integrated with nagios or similar monitoring system22:03
AtomicSparkstgraber: I was thinking of adding an "icon" to byobu or something simular.22:04
AtomicSparkI should have checked if the cd came with a linux binary or some such.22:04
mrmistclayd: you can use either.22:04
claydwhat is that?22:05
claydwait... sorry22:05
claydmy brain is slowly crapping out on me.22:05
AtomicSparkI set up a mail server awhile back, never got it to work (gmail requires ssl) and I don't remember the steps I had taken. Oh well.22:05
stgraberAtomicSpark: the cd usually comes with a debian repository on it and at least two useful tools, hpacucli and hp-health22:05
stgraberhp-health is used for monitoring and is probably what you want to play with22:05
stgraberhpacucli is to configure/monitor raid controller (smart array)22:06
AtomicSparkstgraber: Thank you. I'll look into that.22:08
claydmrmist:  that article you sent me to a bit ago helped.  sendmail and post fix were both running22:08
claydonce i stopped sendmail everything is working22:08
mrmistclayd: *nod* good.22:08
claydsame back.  thanks a ton22:09
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hallynis it me, or does the dovecot postinst file dealing sith postfix look whack?22:55
hallynit wants to only tweak postfi settings of POSTFIX_BCK doesn't exist.  But before checking -e $POSTFIX_BCK, it does mv $POSTFIX_BCK $POSTFIX_BCK-`date`, essentially22:55
=== _Techie_ is now known as _TechAway_
hallynzul: in a 'debian/*.postinst' file, what is '$2' usually?  (where i can find that documented?)23:08
ZacLnxNewbRoyK:  You on?23:08
ZacLnxNewbI have a question, say I wanted to hook up speakers to my server and be able to play sound across the house, using my netbook as a remote.  What could I use?23:09
hallynPLUS ssh-agent keeps dying on me silently, once a day or so23:15
SpamapSdamn.. launchpad ro...23:19
SpamapShallyn: debian policy defines what $1 and $2 are23:20
SpamapShallyn: I believe $2 is the old version or new version depending on $123:20
ZacLnxNewbSpamapS:  Hi. Do you think you could give me an answer? :p23:20
SpamapShallyn: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-maintainerscripts.html23:20
SpamapSZacLnxNewb: good question. :)23:21
SpamapSkirkland: don't you use a web app to manage your MP3 collection on a server? Does it have the ability to play the music server side?23:21
kirklandSpamapS: yup, 'sudo apt-get install musica'23:22
hallynSpamapS: kewl, thanks23:22
SpamapSZacLnxNewb: ^^23:22
kirklandSpamapS: oh, wait ... "server side"23:22
kirklandSpamapS: what do you mean?23:22
ZacLnxNewbkirkland: play the music at the server's side23:22
SpamapSIts a cool idea23:22
kirklandZacLnxNewb: ah, no, not yet23:22
SpamapSand makes sense really23:22
kirklandZacLnxNewb: i'm working on that part23:22
kirklandZacLnxNewb: i have some ajax hackery that should get that going one day23:22
kirklandZacLnxNewb: when i implement it, it will go into musica23:22
ZacLnxNewbkirkland:  D: but we don't have any working examples yet?23:23
kirklandZacLnxNewb: not yet23:24
ZacLnxNewbkirkland:  So you're building musica?  I look forward to it working.23:24
kirklandZacLnxNewb: i wrote musica in 1998 and continue to maintain it ;-)23:24
SpamapSssh: connect to host bazaar.launchpad.net port 22: Connection refused23:25
ZacLnxNewbSpamapS:  3:23:26
ZacLnxNewbkirkland: isn't there a lot of trouble with sound card support?23:30
kirklandZacLnxNewb: nope23:30
kirklandSpamapS: Launchpad is undergoing maintenance and is in read-only mode. You cannot make any changes. You can find more information on the Launchpad system status page.23:31
SpamapSkirkland: thanks. ;) I just want to bzr pull. :(23:31
kirklandSpamapS: i think you have to use the bzr+ssh:// url23:32
kirklandSpamapS: or the http url23:32
SpamapSOr play sim city for an hour while they finish.. :p23:32
ZacLnxNewbSpamapS:  Sim city 200023:33
ZacLnxNewbGood sir. >:3{=]23:33
SpamapSZacLnxNewb: #!#$^^==@#!..||op23:34
ZacLnxNewbSpamapS:  What's that mean?23:34
SpamapSWhen you can decipher it, you are ready for the knowledge it imparts.23:34

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