dpm | good morning all | 08:16 |
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TLE | good morning | 08:57 |
TLE | so how did it go, did the builds work for lucid? | 08:58 |
TLE | dpm: ^^ | 09:05 |
dpm | TLE, hi, just a sec, for some reason the net is being a bit slow today... | 09:11 |
dpm | TLE, they've been built and uploaded to proposed: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/language-pack-ca-base (here's the Catalan one as an example, but I haven'T had the chance to test them yet) | 09:15 |
dpm | but it seems the Finnish FF translations are broken, given the feedback | 09:16 |
artnay | dpm: feedback where? #? | 09:24 |
dpm | artnay, on the translators list -> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-translators/2011-February/004395.html | 09:25 |
artnay | dpm: thanks, will look into it | 09:26 |
fromishps | Hey all | 11:00 |
fromishps | I'm a friend of jtv, I'm going to myanmar to the barcamps in Yangon and Mandalay | 11:01 |
fromishps | I will try to do an Ubuntu Install-fest | 11:01 |
fromishps | and can recruit translators | 11:01 |
jtv | dpm: ^^ | 11:01 |
dpm | fromishps, ah, cool! | 11:01 |
fromishps | what guides can I use to get people started | 11:02 |
dpm | let me give you the links... | 11:02 |
dpm | fromishps, you can start with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/QuickStartGuide | 11:02 |
fromishps | ok cool | 11:04 |
fromishps | I've just skimmed a bit of that | 11:04 |
fromishps | will look at it properly later | 11:04 |
dpm | fromishps, you'd also be interested in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Contact/ | 11:05 |
fromishps | Once I've got a bunch of volunteers, are there any stumbling blocks I should be wary of | 11:05 |
fromishps | ? | 11:05 |
fromishps | they'll probably be keen but a bit clueless about linux, with good english skills | 11:06 |
fromishps | most people I met there hadn't heard of IRC either | 11:08 |
dpm | fromishps, you should probably get familiar with the concept of upstreams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Upstream - apart from that, I'd say that the most important thing is to keep communication between the team, either with a mailing list, IRC, Forum, physical meetings, etc. | 11:08 |
dpm | and if you've got any questions, just ask them here or on the ubuntu-translators mailing list (in those links above^) | 11:08 |
fromishps | sure, thanks | 11:08 |
dpm | fromishps, let me know how it works, I think this is an awesome initiative | 11:09 |
fromishps | I'll do my best | 11:09 |
fromishps | Mozilla was going to set up a community there but the rep got his visa cancelled which has dismayed a lot of people | 11:09 |
fromishps | rejected I mean | 11:09 |
dpm | :/ | 11:10 |
fromishps | I still think that will happen, so there are motivated people there, and the BarCamps will definitely be the place to find them | 11:10 |
fromishps | one problem is the great lack of knowledge about linux | 11:10 |
fromishps | very few people seem to have heard about it | 11:11 |
fromishps | wanna change that | 11:11 |
dpm | cool | 11:11 |
fromishps | I'll keep you posted, I'm leaving on Friday and we should have 200 install CDs ready for Mandalay | 11:12 |
fromishps | that's 12-13 | 11:12 |
fromishps | feb | 11:12 |
fromishps | Yangon is 19-20 | 11:12 |
fromishps | btw anyone who wants to go still has time for yangon if they are near a myanmar embassy | 11:12 |
dpm | :) | 11:13 |
fromishps | Ok, I think I've just recruited one person already. She was the person mozilla were going to talk to. | 11:17 |
fromishps | not a bad start | 11:17 |
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dpm | brilliant :) | 11:27 |
Mirv | dpm: the Finnish firefox translation is btw untouched since last April, so the export feature has just somehow broken again | 11:29 |
dpm | hi Mirv, I think the exports are ok. I believe the problem lies in the po2xpi tool, which is used to create the FF xpis from the data exported from LP. I've also seen the same breakage in Occitan | 11:30 |
dpm | thanks for the testing, btw :) | 11:30 |
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Mirv | ok, po2xpi then :) | 11:32 |
dpm | Mirv, perhaps you can help me on that. I've seen that so far the only languages that have got broken FF translations are the ones put on a "whitelist" txt file in po2xpi. These are Finnish and Occitan. Any ideas why Finnish is on this whitelist? | 11:35 |
dpm | Did the Finnish translations not make in time for a particular Mozilla release and were included in Ubuntu through this whitelisting? | 11:36 |
Mirv | dpm: hmm, my only memory from that kind of thing is simply that "it used to work" after asac at some point in history did additional fixes to po2xpi. Firefox should be as translated as possible in upstream | 11:37 |
Mirv | asac might know more, it was possibly also because I was the one who debugged the po2xpi problems with asac at some point, so maybe he then whitelisted when he knew a language that for sure works | 11:38 |
Mirv | and kept others not sure cases non-whitelisted | 11:39 |
dpm | Mirv, right, do you happen to remember which problems there where with the Finnish xpi back then? | 11:39 |
dpm | I'm thinking of simply removing it from the whitelist, so that at least they can be generated without trouble, and worry about the po2xpi fixes later | 11:40 |
Mirv | dpm: well, exactly similar kind of issues, ie. XML errors which render the whole Firefox non-functional. | 11:42 |
Mirv | so these bugs https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.5/+bug/429835 | 11:42 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 429835 in firefox-3.5 (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 4 other projects) "[MASTER] chrome error when viewing untrusted https site using firefox with some locales (affects: 36) (dups: 4) (heat: 95)" [High,Fix released] | 11:42 |
Mirv | asac:"finnish is struck by the still open langpack-o-matic part of this bug because its one of the few whitelisted for po2xpi ... i removed fi from whitelist for now in 9.10 ... once its fixed we will enable it again." | 11:43 |
Mirv | no answer to why it was whitelisted :D | 11:43 |
Mirv | (comment #23) | 11:44 |
artnay | have you guys found this already? https://translations.launchpad.net/canonical-identity-provider/2.x/+pots/django | 12:53 |
artnay | not all the languages are being imported but it will hopefully change soon, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-identity-provider/+bug/715744 | 12:56 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 715744 in canonical-identity-provider "Inform translators what to do with partly translated languages (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] | 12:56 |
artnay | maybe the word should be spread via ML | 12:57 |
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