
n1md4anyone using squeeze + dovecot?00:51
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
n1md4Well, there are some sieve issues, but commenting out managesieve parts 'fixed' that.01:03
=== emma is now known as em
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
phonex01hello guys i need help07:20
phonex01i have problem with tor i cant connect to tor i have this mesg " connecting to a relay directory " ??? so whats the problem ??07:21
phonex01even i use bridges cz in my university they use smart filter proxy ,07:21
phonex01guys i need help !!07:23
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
=== cps` is now known as cps
cpsmorning peeps :)08:02
* daubers makes some coffee08:02
* cps loves how he can't install packages using synaptic yet he can do so in the terminal08:04
cpshey smittix08:16
DJonesGood morning all08:37
BigRedSGoood morning!08:39
MartijnVdSde-tiling kitchen wall == noise08:53
danfishoops, didn't mean the '\'08:58
MartijnVdSdaubers: *\o/*09:00
MartijnVdSdanfish: or even *\o/*09:00
smittixMartijnVdS: Is that a cheerleader?09:02
TheOpenSourcerermorning everyone.09:02
MartijnVdSsmittix: 'tis09:05
danfish\o^  <--- teapot :)09:06
MartijnVdSdanfish: <O/ <- big teapot09:07
cpsdebian \o/09:08
danfishMartijnVdS: vg :)09:08
* AlanBell installs debian in a VM09:09
* TheOpenSourcerer updates eclipse on one machine and installs it on another.09:10
AlanBellgoing to install eclipse in this debian VM09:11
* MartijnVdS hands AlanBell some extra CPU power09:11
* AlanBell stares at a black window with nothing much happening in it09:11
AlanBellhmm, bit of virtual CD activity for a minute, then nothing09:13
AlanBellcould they not have done a splash screen or anything!09:13
BigRedSThere is a splash screen09:13
BigRedSit normally comes up for about a week09:13
AlanBellseeing nothing in virtualbox09:13
BigRedShmmm. It might be just taking a while... though it's had two minutes already09:14
BigRedSjust use netbeans09:14
BigRedSor vim09:14
* AlanBell taps fingers09:14
* AlanBell looks at an ubuntu iso09:14
BigRedSI very much liked netbeans for its "fix my file hierarchy" function09:14
AlanBellI think my upstream adventure may be coming to an end09:15
BigRedSHave you tried running it in a terminal to see what's spat to stdout?09:15
AlanBellrunning virtualbox in a terminal?09:15
cpshello czajkowski09:15
AlanBellI don't think there would be any output from inside the VM09:16
BigRedSno, eclipse in a terminal in the vm09:16
AlanBellI can't get debian installer to start09:16
BigRedSI'm assuming you've a Debian VM up, and are waiting for eclipse to start inside it?09:16
BigRedSI thought it was eclipse that was broken09:16
AlanBellno, I am failing at the first hurdle09:16
AlanBellI need eclipse in a VM today, just thought I would use the shiny new debian 6 iso to create it09:17
BigRedSShiny new Debian 6?09:17
BigRedSDebian stable doesn't come in 'shiny' or 'new' :)09:17
AlanBellso I see09:17
AlanBellor working09:17
cpsBigRedS, I think Debian 6 is shiny and new :309:18
cpsthat's the main reason why I switched to it this morning09:18
cpsanother reason is because my hdd needed reformatting09:18
BigRedScps, it's new, but I use it precisely because it's not shiny09:22
* AlanBell installs ubuntu 10.10 in a vm09:25
nigelbAlanBell: you run lucid?09:27
nigelb(I mean normally)09:27
AlanBelljust I want to kind of have a VM per customer for dev work09:28
nigelbgood idea ;)09:28
AlanBellthen I can move them to different machines, have different servers running on them, break my host operating system by doing silly things to it etc.09:29
AlanBellso why didn't debian 6 boot?09:29
AlanBelldidn't even see grub happening09:30
* BigRedS downloads a debian 6 iso09:30
* cps has all 8 DVD ISOs09:30
TheOpenSourcererProbly the "free" kernel. Maybe it needs some non-free firmware for the VM manager?09:30
cpswell, all 8 DVDs for that matter :p09:30
* cps installs kdenlive09:31
AlanBellvirtuabox boots a heap of other operating systems unmodified09:31
TheOpenSourcererIncluding OSX (although that does need modifying briefly).09:31
BigRedSThere's a non-free install CD isn't there?09:32
BigRedSor do you need to do acrobatics to use external media?09:32
AlanBelllooks like it might be broken09:35
popeyMorning all!09:35
cpsmorning popey :)09:36
czajkowski             ▗09:36
czajkowski▛▚▀▖▞▀▖▙▀▖▛▀▖▄ ▛▀▖▞▀▌ ▛▀▖▞▀▖▛▀▖▞▀▖▌ ▌09:36
czajkowski▌▐ ▌▌ ▌▌  ▌ ▌▐ ▌ ▌▚▄▌ ▙▄▘▌ ▌▙▄▘▛▀ ▚▄▌09:36
czajkowski▘▝ ▘▝▀ ▘  ▘ ▘▀▘▘ ▘▗▄▘ ▌  ▝▀ ▌  ▝▀▘▗▄▘09:36
soneillbad czajkowski09:36
gordand my streak of randomly picking up bits of hardware and them working with ubuntu flawlessly continues, this week, some silly usb audio jack thing that is designed for a mac, woo09:36
* cps hi5's soneill 09:36
* DJones takes glasses off & squints heavily to make sense of that09:37
TheOpenSourcererHmm - Just got "invited" to let our son go on the school ski trip next Jan. £840 smackeroos!09:37
cpsDJones, oh dear09:37
BigRedSHah. Looks like debian has exactly the opposite of the problem Ubuntu does09:37
gordi don't use a monospace font for irc, its all gibberish to me ;)09:37
cpsmonospace fonts ftw09:37
AlanBellgibberish ftw09:37
BigRedSWhere any given prerelease Ubuntu has been incredibly thoroughly tested in VBox but almost nowhere else, and apparently nobody thought to try Debian in a VM09:38
DJonesgord: You'll have to leave -offtopic  & defocus, that'll reduce the gibberish :)09:38
MartijnVdSBigRedS: debian on hardware, ubuntu in vm :)09:38
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: nice invite!09:38
MartijnVdSit's what they're for09:38
BigRedSMartijnVdS: yeah, I think that's the way round most people do it09:38
gordpre-release ubuntu gets tested on a *lot* of hardware09:39
gordbelieve me, i see the bug reports09:39
BigRedSYeah, probably. Just from the MLs it appeared that 90% of the 'testers' were doing it in VBox on top of a stable install on the metal09:39
BigRedSthe -user ML not testers09:39
BigRedSso, yeah, not at all representative. I was being a bit facetious :)09:40
DJonesgord: Are you aware of a bug on natty with grub where the list of operating systems/kernels is corrupted & almost unreadable?09:40
DJones09:22 < chupacabra> that message told me nothing i didn't know09:40
DJonesWhere did that come from09:40
MartijnVdSDJones: you use that list? :)09:40
gordDJones, nope, doesn't happen here either09:40
DJonesgord: Hmmh, I'll have to have a look later, I did an upgrade at the weekend & the grub menu is virtually unreadable09:41
DJonesMartijnVdS: Not really, it just appears because the machine has an XP install going back donkeys years09:41
AlanBellwell ubuntu is installed and started, debian hasn't booted yet09:42
screen-xmorning :)09:43
cpshey screen-x09:43
screen-x\o cps09:43
DJonesgord: Sounds like the grub problem could be this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/701111 might try & diagnose/fix tonight if I get chance09:45
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 701111 in grub2 (Ubuntu Natty) "corrupted and flashing grub screen on T400" [High,Triaged]09:45
cpshello bigcalm :)09:48
bigcalmMorning peeps :)09:48
=== screen-x` is now known as screen-x
JamesTaitGoeie dag, mense!09:57
TheOpenSourcererhow can I tell what arch my ubuntu is? i.e. 386 or 64bit09:57
cpsuname -a I believe09:58
TheOpenSourcereryep. eclipse wasn't booting on my lappy as it running i686 not x86_64. Doh.10:00
davmor2morning all10:00
* TheOpenSourcerer downloads helois again.10:00
nigelbMorning TheOpenSourcerer, DaveMorris10:02
DaveMorrismorning all10:03
TheOpenSourcererhi nigelb10:03
nigelbwait, I wanted to say good morning to davmor2 earlier ;)10:03
davmor2morning nigelb10:04
* cps returns10:07
* czajkowski slaps davmor2 and walks off 10:14
n1md4BigRedS: Doh!10:14
davmor2Yay! czajkowski is back prod10:14
bigcalmIt's so peaceful when I forget to load Outlook in the morning10:28
directhexTheOpenSourcerer, you should use dpkg-architecture, as it's technically possible for uname to report something different to your ubuntu install10:31
* davmor2 gives czajkowski a big hug10:32
TheOpenSourcererdirecthex: Thanks. uname -a was correct in this instance but that is useful to know.10:33
TheOpenSourcereralord@lobsang:~$ dpkg-architecture10:33
TheOpenSourcererThe program 'dpkg-architecture' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:10:33
TheOpenSourcerersudo apt-get install dpkg-dev10:33
directhexthere's that, of course10:33
screen-xdirecthex: when would uname give the wrong answer?10:35
BigRedSWhen you've told dpkg to use some arch other than that which your kernel is10:37
directhexscreen-x, when your kernel doesn't match your debian arch10:37
directhexscreen-x, e.g. using an amd64 kernel with i386 userland10:37
screen-xdirecthex: ah ok, thanks.10:45
dwatkinsor if you just installed a new kernel but havn't rebooted10:45
directhexor have an ARM chroot on amd64 :)10:45
dwatkinssounds funky, directhex10:45
hoovermornin folks10:47
screen-xsup hoover10:47
hoovernot much screen-x, yourself?10:48
screen-xwork ticking over..10:49
hooveryeah, same here... suffering from burn- and bore-out at the same time 8-P10:49
screen-xwriting xml as a human is like trying to pursuade a robot to be more creative10:52
smittixCoffee Just isn't working today10:55
X3Nhave an apple10:59
X3Nor apple juice10:59
jpdsX3N: Both?10:59
X3Nor both10:59
* screen-x forgot his lunch :(11:00
X3Nsame :(11:00
screen-xI even got it all ready in a plastic box11:01
BigRedSI bought mine on the way in today...11:03
smittixX3N: Yeah, I heard an apple works just as good as a latte!11:06
rowinggolfergood morning11:09
popeyhi rowinggolfer11:10
rowinggolferhi popey.11:15
rowinggolferpopey, I've been writing a little app.11:15
rowinggolfernot ready for mainstream yet, but it has got some viral attention this am11:15
AlanBellwe were talking to someone yesterday about openmolar11:15
rowinggolferAlanBell, I am working on a postgres version of that.11:16
rowinggolferwhich will be much better than my original hack.11:16
AlanBellhow about an openERP module?11:16
AlanBellwhich has postgres at the back end11:16
AlanBelland is written in python11:17
rowinggolfernot familiar with openERP11:17
BigRedSI'm after a way of seeing each redirect my browser follows. Any suggestions of plugins? I specifically don't want to prevent it following them, though11:17
rowinggolferBigRedS, which browser?11:17
BigRedSI'm using firefox by default, but I don't really mind which I use for this11:18
rowinggolferAlanBell, that looks very interesting11:18
shaunoBigRedS: I use a ff plugin 'live http headers'.  would fit the bill, but perhaps overly verbose11:21
dogmatic69BigRedS: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/live-http-headers/11:21
BigRedSshauno: dogmatic69 Cheers!11:22
AlanBellrowinggolfer: we had a nice long meeting in a pub with this partner http://www.openerp.com/node/55411:24
AlanBellthey are interested in openerp for primary care11:24
popeyrowinggolfer: "Yay!" Just what linux needs! Another non-linear video editor ;)11:29
BigRedSshauno: dogmatic69 live http headers just worked perfectly. Cheers!11:30
popeyrowinggolfer: can I recommend you create a separate ppa rather than have just one personal one?11:30
MartijnVdSpopey: it's easier to build your own than it is to fix an existing one11:30
popeyapparently so11:30
rowinggolferpopey, good point.11:30
rowinggolferpopey, like I said... I wasn't really expecting any movement yet.11:31
popeylooks nice11:32
directhexAlanBell, we've been trying a new ERP path11:33
rowinggolferpopey, ty11:33
gordi tried to use pitivi to do a simple task the other week, didn't end well.. sucks we don't have a good video editor yet11:35
popeypitivi crashes reliably with any video from my camera :(11:36
rowinggolferthe problem with pitivi... IMHO is that gstreamer takes it down.11:36
rowinggolferI suspect 99% of pitivi issues are actually gstreamer issues.11:37
directhexpopey, i'd blame those greasy monkeys at collabora multimedia for any and all pitivi issues11:38
rowinggolferand the majority of those are down to being pc with codecs.11:38
rowinggolferpopey.. have you seen bug no 1 for auteur ?11:38
popeybug 71510411:43
lubotu3Launchpad bug 715104 in Auteur "Final Cut Pro has majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71510411:43
screen-x!info lombard11:44
lubotu3Package lombard does not exist in maverick11:44
screen-xwell thats one less.11:45
* cps returns from a nice soak in a hot bath11:50
daubersI quite like FCP11:54
daubersPlays nice with shared storage :)11:54
screen-xdaubers: hows your uber busy febuary going?11:56
daubersscreen-x: Busy :(11:56
daubersscreen-x: Got home at 11:30 monday, got home at 8:45 yesterday. looks like I'll be working till 7 tonight too11:56
daubersand no-one sells decent SCSI cables anymore so I'm having to get some custom made!11:57
directhexscsi is ancient history11:57
daubersscreen-x: Way things are going within 6 months minions+=211:57
directhexit's like complaining they don't sell morse code transmitters at currys11:58
daubersscreen-x: Tape drives don't take SAS yet11:58
daubersalso, customer supplied that tape drives11:58
screen-xis there any advantage of sas of sata for ssd?12:00
MartijnVdSnot really12:00
daubersNope, drive speed is the bottleneck12:00
MartijnVdSPCI-E SSDs ++12:00
screen-xMartijnVdS: to they have SATA controllers on board, or are they completely new controllers?12:01
MartijnVdSscreen-x: they're completely new controllers12:01
screen-xhmmm, so compatibility issues?12:02
MartijnVdSscreen-x: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3eFgClKGMc12:02
BigRedSAlanBell: which ISO were you using earlier for Debian?12:09
BigRedSI've an installer going now12:09
BigRedSin vbox12:09
screen-xMartijnVdS: no audio here, so cant hear what he's saying, but there are some big number on the screen behind..12:10
AlanBelldebian 6 64 bit12:10
BigRedSAlanBell: this claims to do both12:10
BigRedSthe netinstall12:10
BigRedSI say 'claims'. I've just seen the file name has "-amd64-i386-" in the name12:11
DJonesAlanBell: Is this any interest to you http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/02/09/michael_meeks_talks_libreoffice/12:17
czajkowskiHe's a very good speaker12:18
BigRedSI quite enjoyed that talk12:18
BigRedSwas not expecting to find myself interested in an office suite12:19
* czajkowski spent most of the Sunday in the Libre office room12:19
BigRedSAh, I was in perl and cloud12:20
BigRedSmixture of obsolescence and buzzwords12:20
ajbinniehi folks, anyone had any experience with setting up ekiga for BT broadband talk?12:27
=== TheAshMan is now known as ls12styler
AlanBellDJones: it is of general interest to me and I will be going along to the plugfest thing12:37
DeathSlingi've lost my ssh connection to my server.... and at home, arhh f...13:28
SuperMattI try to avoid doing install remotely13:37
SuperMattin case that kind of thing happens13:38
SuperMattsame with rebooting13:38
screen-xThis is a great advantage of VMs (as long as you have access to the host..)13:39
screen-xor ipmi..13:39
davmor2screen-x: or the wonders of byobu/screen in that if you lose your connection you can log back in and pick up where you left off13:40
davmor2DeathSling: How did you lose it,  did you have to reboot in which case you might need to give it a couple of seconds before you reconnect13:41
screen-xdavmor2: screen doesn't help you much if you need to reboot a remote box..13:41
davmor2screen-x: this is true but if you lose your connection while it's up it does :)13:42
screen-xyep :)13:42
screen-xscreen -x \o/13:42
DeathSlingi waited, i can ping it but connection is now refused. Was looking to see if it has anything to do with libvirt13:42
davmor2screen-x: byobu ftw13:42
screen-xscreen -x works fine with byobu..13:43
screen-xthough sadly it isnt required as often, as byobu auto rejoins the runnins session.13:43
brobostigonafternoonings everyone.13:43
screen-xafternoon brobostigon13:43
davmor2screen-x: I know but if you lose connection you just need to log back in and byobu automatically reconnects you :D13:44
brobostigonstupid apt, it wanted to remove xserver-xorg, :(13:44
screen-xbrobostigon: apt knows best, maybe you shouldnt be using X?13:44
brobostigonafternoonings DeathSling and davmor2 nd screen-x13:44
brobostigonscreen-x: i dont think it does inthis case.13:45
davmor2brobostigon: lo13:45
screen-xbrobostigon: screen+links+irssi+mutt, sorted ;-)13:45
brobostigonscreen-x: fairpoint.13:46
DeathSlingi was ssh'ing to the host and trying to setup a virtual guest remotly. everything was fine until now when i rebooted13:46
screen-xDeathSling: did you add the host's nic to a bridge?13:46
brobostigonso i let it remove xorg, and reinstalled it again, apt defeated,13:47
DeathSlingdid but then removed it, didn't on the second host, but have lost both13:47
DeathSlingafter i changed sshd_config's port I restarted networking and loged on remotely13:48
davmor2screen-x: don't forget the nano13:48
davmor2nano ftw13:49
brobostigonnano seems to be the simplest, and easiest to learn.13:49
DeathSlingsince then I have installed virtinst13:49
screen-xvim is awesome and ubiquitous, what more could you want ;-)13:50
MartijnVdSscreen-x: http://secretgeek.net/fuv_intro.asp13:50
davmor2screen-x: nano!13:50
screen-xMartijnVdS: haha13:50
brobostigonscreen-x: it not good to learn. more or less impossible.13:50
screen-xMartijnVdS: reminds me of http://www.dangermouse.net/esoteric/petrovich.html13:52
shaunoI used to think vim was perfectly sane.  until I had to use it on a terminal which didn't have cursor keys recently13:52
* brobostigon found salt and vinegar pringles while shopping today,yummy,13:53
shaunohjkl on a dvorak keymap is mindbending13:54
screen-xahh yes, I can see that causing fury13:55
dwatkinsHow often does one type hjkl?14:07
andylockranhowdy guys14:07
andylockranczajkowski: playing rugby for the first time in AGES tonight :s14:07
screen-xdwatkins: vim command mode motion14:08
shaunodwatkins: they're left/down/up/right in vim, so either a lot, or never, depending on whether you have cursor keys available14:08
popeyand depending on whether you use vim :)14:08
popey* Note: Other editors are available :)14:08
dwatkinsoh I see, shauno - no cursor keys?14:09
shaunoa 'dumb' terminal (as a description of offence, rather than the technical meaning), that didn't understand them properly.  and not using it long enough to care to fight for them14:10
czajkowskiGlee is addictive14:10
popeyWatched one episode. thought it was bobbins, never watched another.14:12
DeathSlingHAHA    my f-up with ssh was due to me having  bad drbd.conf    (someone was able to look at the screen for me and press a magical button of 'abort')14:12
popeyI am however neither female nor gay, so not in the target demographic :)14:12
czajkowskipopey: yer very odd at times14:12
TheOpenSourcerer!info popey14:18
lubotu3Package popey does not exist in maverick14:18
lubotu3popey is the UK alternative to elvis.14:18
TheOpenSourcererThat's the cookie.14:18
czajkowskinever ceases to make me laugh14:18
davmor2popey: you got through an episode14:18
popey\o/ hamitron14:21
bigcalmBobbins, great term14:22
hamitronhi popey :)14:22
popeyyou've been missed14:22
hamitronawwww \o/14:22
hamitronwell, back now, after 5 days of toothache14:22
hamitronbit behind with some work I got here still :/14:22
czajkowskievil tooth aches14:23
hamitronplus for some weird reason, my ISP have not been always giving me an IP14:23
hamitronwhich hasn't been great14:23
bigcalmIf you have no IP then you have no connection14:24
hamitronI know14:24
bigcalmAh :(14:25
hamitronI am wondering if maybe my router was not loading the TCP module correctly14:25
hamitronseems ok atm14:25
hamitronI was not in the mood to phone some foreign support line whilst I was in pain, and now it is just working, so guess they've had a lucky escape14:27
hamitrondoes it again and I will moan and complain as normal :)14:27
* popey invites hamitron to #ubuntu-uk-minecraft :)14:33
hamitronwe not allowed to talk it here now? ;)14:34
* BigRedS wants a multi-server capable minecraft client14:35
hamitronwhy? ;/14:35
hamitrona distributed server network server mode would interest me more14:36
hamitronmerge existing server worlds into 1 big world sorta thing :D14:36
pr0ph3thi all14:38
pr0ph3tin natty canberra-gtk-play seems to have disappeared, do you have the same problem?14:39
* dwatkins notes that the flash player update that fixes fullscreen playback on dual monitors is also available for linux14:43
dogmatic69what was the issue there?14:44
dwatkinsdogmatic69: it would un-fullscreen when you clicked the other display, dogmatic6914:44
dogmatic69how about the 'picture freezes in full screen'14:44
dwatkinsI'm not aware of there being a problem with that, dogmatic69.14:45
dwatkinsDoes this happen reproducably on your system, dogmatic69?14:47
dogmatic69dwatkins: ye i even found a fix14:47
dogmatic69i could not play full screen on anything, ff, chrome etc14:47
dwatkinsWhat's the fix, dogmatic69?14:47
dogmatic69any site, youtube, iplayer etc14:48
dwatkinsWhat was the fix?14:49
AlanBelldwatkins: is that an update from adobe or is it sensibly packaged?14:49
AlanBellor is it even a sensibly packaged update from adobe?14:49
dwatkinsit updated automatically on my machine, AlanBell, but I'm not running a linux at the moment14:49
dogmatic69it was, right click -> display -> turn off hardware acceleration, then add a line (dont remeber) to a file (dont remeber) that disabled some validation in the data apparently and then restart browser and put the hardware acceleration back on14:49
dogmatic69looking for the line added now14:49
dogmatic69another one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/68603514:50
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 686035 in firefox (Ubuntu) "when I "fullscreen" youtube video,it stops" [Undecided,New]14:50
dogmatic69dwatkins: it was on my laptop which the gfx is not proper supported also.14:50
dwatkinsAlanBell: it's available as an RPM or a DEB14:51
dwatkinsalso a tar.gz or YUM, but those are a little less useful to us14:51
dwatkinsdogmatic69: were you using the stable release version of the player and the OS itself?14:52
dogmatic69dwatkins: 10.10 all the updates and stuff from apt-get14:52
dwatkinsWhat hardware, specifically the graphics card, dogmatic69?14:53
dogmatic69not sure14:53
dwatkinsknowing that would really help, do you have the same issue on your current machine if you enable hardware acceleration, dogmatic69?14:54
dogmatic69sudo echo \"OverrideGPUValidation = 1\" >> /etc/adobe/mms.cfg14:54
dogmatic69what can i run to get the hardware dump14:54
dwatkinspastebin me an "lspci -vv" if you would, please14:55
* dwatkins notes you can stop youtube from automatically playing videos14:55
dogmatic69that was the cmd i ran btw... and now it works14:57
dwatkinsexcellent, it shouldn't need acceleration turned off, that's what concerns me14:57
dogmatic69i put it back on14:57
dwatkinsdoes the original problem still occur?14:58
dogmatic69it can now play in full screen14:58
dogmatic69thats where i found the fix15:01
dwatkinsI'd be interested if it's still an issue in the new version, 10.215:02
dwatkinss/interested/interested to hear/15:02
dogmatic69im updating now15:03
dogmatic69i should just remove that line and try?15:03
dwatkinsyes, set it back to the default please15:04
dogmatic69nope its broke15:06
dogmatic69works in chrome15:07
dogmatic69broken in ff still15:07
dogmatic69never mind, just closed and opened full screen and its borked in chrome too15:08
dwatkinsI assume nothing much else is running and the video itself is downloaded okay, and the same machine is able to play fullscreen video ok in general, dogmatic6915:10
dogmatic69dwatkins: i paste that line in the file F5 and it works, remove the line and F5 then it dont15:13
dwatkinsThe line containing "OverrideGPUValidation", dogmatic69?15:15
dwatkinsdogmatic69: I am concerned that means the problem resides with the driver and flash player interaction, but I don't know much about that level of things.15:16
dogmatic69sounds like it15:16
dwatkinsI would probably need to talk to a gfx driver expert, are you able to tell me what exact graphics driver you have installed, dogmatic69?15:17
dogmatic69its a packard bell easynote15:17
dogmatic69good luck finding *any* info on that15:17
brobostigonxorgs llog should say whatdriver sis being used.15:17
dogmatic69unless there are some linux commands, there is no data on the net for them15:18
dwatkinsas brobostigon says, and also the output of xdpyinfo and/or glxinfo, iirc15:18
dwatkinsyou can just pipe them all into the pastebin command, I imagine15:18
brobostigonglxinfo | pastebinit15:18
brobostigon| is a pipe.15:19
dwatkinsI have to go to a meeting, but will remain logged-in unless my server happens to experience a catastrophic failure...15:20
dogmatic69dont have that and apt-get dont know about it15:21
brobostigondogmatic69: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get intall glxinfo15:21
dogmatic69xdpyinfo: pastebin.com/dJ0DmMYJ15:22
screen-x!info mesa-utils15:22
lubotu3mesa-utils (source: mesa-demos): Miscellaneous Mesa GL utilities. In component universe, is extra. Version 8.0.1-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 26 kB, installed size 132 kB15:22
dogmatic69brobostigon: E: unable to locate package glxinfo15:22
screen-xdogmatic69: its in mesa-utils15:22
brobostigondogmatic69: doas screen-x said, replace glxinfo with mesa-utils15:23
dogmatic69glxinfo: pastebin.com/E1TVSQUC15:24
=== fabien is now known as Guest30999
* screen-x enjoyed living in guidlford. 15:55
screen-xerr that'd be wrong window...15:55
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
danfishscreen-x: giudlford - is that the town where everyone is known by their own unique number rather than name :P15:57
danfishhah - s/giud/guid :D15:57
brobostigon"i am not a number, i am a man!!" quote, number 6.15:59
screen-xdanfish: see what you did there ;-)15:59
screen-x.   /nick 2e1384e1-099c-8daa-e368-bf24bd0fce4115:59
dutchiemaking absolutely really sure you didn't accidentally run that one :P15:59
DJonesscreen-x: Is that an IPV6 nick?16:00
danfish2e1384e1-099c-8daa-e368-bf24bd0fce41 <-- rolls off the tongue well doesn't it - can we just call you 2e for short?16:00
MartijnVdSdanfish: "e41"16:00
brobostigonDJones: lol, :)16:01
andylockranhey guys16:06
andylockranI'm trying to get a mail alias to run a script for me16:06
brobostigonshwmae andylockran16:06
andylockranat the moment it does it fine16:07
andylockranhowever, I want the bash script to run ssh $remote -x /path/to/command/16:07
andylockranI've setup ssh keys, but how do I run that command so that it picks up the ssh key for the right user?16:07
dutchieandylockran: -i /path/to/ssh/key16:10
dutchieor use .ssh/config16:10
andylockrandutchie: ta16:10
andylockran :)16:10
andylockransecond question..16:10
andylockranhow can I parse the contents of the email using that script?16:10
andylockrani.e. aliases says 247support: |/bin/support.sh16:10
AzelphurHaha, android is about to become the #1 gaming portable16:15
AzelphurHTC Just chucked 40 mill at OnLive16:15
screen-xandylockran: I guess there are the two standard answers, use a library that does it properly, or just extract what you need with a bunch of regexes16:16
bigcalmAny Brummies about atm?16:22
bigcalmWe're seeing Punt & Dennis at Birmingham Town Hall tonight. Which would be the best car park to use?16:22
brobostigonafternoonings cps :)16:29
cpshey brobostigon, how's you? :)16:29
brobostigoncps: tired, and worn out. how about you?16:30
cpsbrobostigon, tired as well16:30
cpscouldn't sleep last night, which was a bit of a bother16:30
* brobostigon hugs cps 16:30
* cps hugs brobostigon back :)16:30
brobostigoncps: i havent been sleeping too well recently either,16:31
cpsbrobostigon, yeah. I think the trip I went on 2 weeks ago would have something to do with it16:32
cpswent down to preston with my mates16:32
cpshad to get up at half four in the morning16:32
cpsI was tired when I got home but for some reason I couldn't sleep16:32
brobostigoncps: yes, i think that migh have thrown your sleeping patterns out.16:33
cpsI often end up sleeping during the day16:34
brobostigonmakes sense, your body is still trying to keep up, when it cant. you need to straighten your sleep patterns out again.16:36
* brobostigon scp's cps a fresh pot of coffee.16:47
cpsthanks brobostigon :)16:48
brobostigonyou're welcome :)16:48
shaunoI wonder if it's sensible to be disappointed that my employer have changed my email address from a TLA, to something long and ugly :(16:59
cpsthat'll be my thinkpad running out of battery power then16:59
* cps can't be bothered recharging it at the moment16:59
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
Azelphurhmm, I think nautilus is leaking memory o.O17:22
AzelphurIt's using 1.7GB right now17:22
rowinggolfer_Azelphur, that always happens to me when I browse .hidden in my Videos folder ;)17:24
rowinggolfer_actually I'm loving F3 in nautilus17:29
pr0ph3thi all17:40
dutchieBigRedS: splits the window17:40
brobostigonafternoonings pr0ph3t17:40
pr0ph3thow do I add a kernel command asus_laptop.wwan_status=1 (asus_laptop is a module)?17:42
directhexGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT line in /etc/default/grub17:43
directhexthen update-grub17:43
AlanBelldirecthex: what is your new ERP direction?17:43
BigRedSdutchie: ahhh17:43
directhexAlanBell, project open. it's in tcl! need to trial it17:44
AlanBelltcl, what fun17:45
* AlanBell tickles tcl17:45
=== dave is now known as Guest38650
czajkowskitcl is not nice17:47
HazRPGhey all :) \o17:53
brobostigonafternoonings HazRPG :)17:53
HazRPGbrobostigon: afternoon :)17:54
HazRPGbrobostigon: Apparently my extension on google's site has "73" weekly users :)17:55
brobostigonHazRPG: cool, :)17:55
dogmatic69HazRPG: what extention is that?17:56
HazRPGdogmatic69: its basically an updated version of the Google RSS Subscribe extension to allow for programs you may have installed on your PC17:57
dogmatic69ah ok17:58
HazRPGso instead of just being able to subscribe to online RSS readers, you can pick say Juice for your podcasts17:58
HazRPGmain reason was because I was upset that there wasn't an extension to load up my RSS feeds into Juice17:59
HazRPGhttps://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/gmkbolemmamlpfbnieckhgaghdccmkhe?hl=en <==17:59
rowinggolfer_BigRedS, F3 is the split pane view.18:02
pr0ph3they all, do I close a bug report myself if I opened it or should I let someone else decide?18:10
pr0ph3tbug #70062718:12
lubotu3Launchpad bug 700627 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Huawei E620/EM770 not working: Network Manager switches 3G modem radio off at boot" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70062718:12
shaunoI think I'd be tempted to leave that one open for, so they can track whether that requires a fix that needs to be integrated  (assuming you're not the only person in the world with that ubuntu on an asus laptop, using that modem)18:14
AlanBelllooks like more of a workarround has been discovered rather than a fix18:14
AlanBellask in #ubuntu-bugs about it18:14
pr0ph3tthanks will do18:16
* cps retreats to his bed18:17
cpsabsolutely tired18:17
brobostigongood night cps :)18:17
davmor2has everyone seen this http://www.pcpro.co.uk/blogs/2011/02/09/can-we-run-pc-pro-on-ubuntu/18:29
BigRedSwell of course they can18:31
davmor2BigRedS: We know that :)   be interesting to follow and chip in with any help they may need though :)18:32
BigRedShaha, I can't help but think the "can we 'really' run our PCs on Ubuntu" kinda keeps up this idea that you can't18:32
BigRedSbut I'm exposed less and less to people who don't already, I suppose18:33
czajkowskiMyrtti: http://www.computerweekly.com/blogs/inspect-a-gadget/2011/02/breaking-nokia-hardware-to-adopt-windows-phone-7-instead-of-symbian-and-meego.html18:41
brobostigonyou can run android on an n900.18:42
* brobostigon thinks a chilli is in order.18:43
Myrtticzajkowski: bft.18:53
Myrtticzajkowski: I wonder why they are still hiring MeeGo engineers to Helsinki if they're dropping it18:54
Myrttiso, I doubt they are18:54
Myrttidropping it, I mean18:54
dauberscor blimey, pre3 has a 1.4GHz processor in it18:58
daubersPalm/HP Phone :)18:59
MartijnVdSAh, not a beta release :)18:59
daubersHeh, that was the Pre 218:59
dutchiemy last laptop was only 1.6GHz18:59
daubersThe WebOS tablet looks quite nice too19:01
=== risc is now known as eurisko
daubershttp://www.engadget.com/2011/02/09/live-from-hp-palms-think-beyond-webos-event/?sort=newest&refresh=60 If you're interested19:01
AzelphurDaviey: what happened?19:15
Azelphurexplosions D:19:18
AzelphurDaviey: explosions? D:19:18
Azelphurpopey: care to send an SMS davieys way telling him katana.vpserve.com has 50% packet loss?19:18
DavieyAzelphur, "Fun19:19
popeyi am not his secretary19:19
Azelphurah here he is anyway :P19:19
Davieypopey, I wish you were.... :)19:19
popeyonly on tuesdays19:19
popeyi read that as "you wish you were"19:19
mfraz74popey: what's the release schedule for UUPC?19:19
popeywe're working on stuff at the moment19:20
popeynew website etc19:20
MartijnVdS*\o/* UUPC people *\o/*19:20
popeywe also have new segments planned :)19:21
popeywhich should be fun19:21
czajkowskisounds fun19:34
smittixEvening all19:38
=== cbx333 is now known as cbx33
ubuntuuk-planet[Matthew Garrett] LCA 2011 - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/133979.html20:02
Laneythe PS3 ITV player is So Bad™20:17
duvelhedzI am glad it was hacked to run Linux again though20:18
domjohnsonduvelhedz - it was?20:51
domjohnsonThats cool :)20:51
duvelhedzLook up fail0verflow, geohot went and published the root key, cats out of the bag now for Sony.20:55
duvelhedzNo firmware updates will fix it now20:55
duvelhedzLinux has been successfully run on a ps3 slim which never had the other OS to begin with20:56
domjohnsonThats why Sony shouldn't p*ss off the Linux community :P21:00
duvelhedzI agree, I wonder would one of the old PPC builds of ubuntu run on it21:01
duvelhedz7.04 was the last I think21:02
brobostigoniwould go with debian, its much newer and uptodate powerpc build, and more mature,21:02
duvelhedzIt would be very powerful bit of hardware especially if graphics drivers can be written.21:08
duvelhedzSony never officially allowed access to the GPU of the console21:09
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
TheOpenSourcererUpdate on my Chilli growing: https://twitter.com/#!/opensourcerer/statuses/35449670033620992 :-D21:27
TheOpenSourcererTime for a bit of TV and a G&T I think.21:28
=== Craig_Dem_ is now known as Craig_Dem
brobostigonnos da, sleep well everyone,22:34
* hamitron sighs23:22
dogmatic69anyone know where mysql stores the raw db files?23:25
popey /var/lib/mysql isnt it?23:26
SuperMattwhy have I never seen this before? http://www.gotsars.com/view.php?id=512723:26
dogmatic69thanks popey23:26

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