
bcurtiswxgood morn'14:07
bcurtiswxmaco, I think i'll take you up on your offer to let Tamarah borrow your laptop.  You won't mind her keeping it for the entire semester, right?15:36
macobcurtiswx: yeah thats fine16:19
bcurtiswxshe works just across the street from where you live.  when r u home today?16:20
macoprobably about 716:20
bcurtiswxhow about when do you go in?16:20
bcurtiswxto work16:20
bcurtiswxyou take the SS metro to work, right?16:22
bcurtiswxi guess thats a given.. maybe I can schedule a meetup, since she gets there around 8/8:3016:22
bcurtiswxwhen would work best for you? the NOAA building that you get onto the metro by.. is where she works.. lol16:24
macooh ok16:24
macotomorrow morning ok?16:24
bcurtiswxi would assume so16:25
bcurtiswxwhat time?16:25
bcurtiswxmaco, works for her.  How did you want to set up the comp?16:34
macoi can just make a new user with a stupid password16:35
macooh gotta warn ya, its kde16:35
bcurtiswxi'll learn KDE with her, but i imagine most of the stuff i'd need is easily accessible16:36
macoand i have no way whatsoever to install gnome, since i have no internet access at home, and it has a broken optical drive16:36
bcurtiswxmaco: i can make a USB bootable disk if you need16:38
bcurtiswxmy internet at home and work is pretty good16:38
macoit doesnt do usb booting16:39
maconeither of my laptops do16:39
bcurtiswxnice laptop..16:39
macoi havent tried on my netbook yet. i hope THAT at least boots usb16:39
bcurtiswxit better, its new16:39
macothis one's a core duo with 2gb ram from 200616:39
macothe core 2 duo with 4gb from 2008 doesnt do usb boot either16:40
macoi mean, if the usb is an *actual hard drive* both will boot from usb fine16:40
macobut a usb flash drive doesnt boot16:40
bcurtiswxyeah, it's NBD, I only think she'll be doing the usual internet(facebook, flash games, built-in games) and IM and using SSH to remotely program16:41
bcurtiswxmostly it's so she can use the schools computers for her Viz class (OpenGL and C)16:42
bcurtiswxOK, 9:45AM tomorow morn in front of the NOAA building?16:43
bcurtiswxthe one next to the metro, and if anything screwy arises you have my cell and I can relay anything to her16:45
bcurtiswxmaco,whats the screen size/weight of it.. j/w16:46
maco15" about 7lb16:47
bcurtiswxi may buy her a laptop, but I'm going to wait for deals online.  I really appreciate this tho :)16:50
bcurtiswxkubuntu 10.10 ?16:54
macoeither 10.04 or 10.10, im not sure17:05

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