
PennBotTitle: Firefox 4, 5, 6 and 7 to be released before the end of 2011 (at downloadsquad.switched.com)04:29
andrewso, it took over 6 years to go from 1.0 to 4.0 (which we aren't quite at yet), but the next 4 will be out this year?04:30
SamuraiAlbaPh'nglui mglw'nafh Bacon R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn! IÄ! IÄ! Bacon Ftaghn!13:15
InHisNamegood bacon to you too! SamuraiAlba13:29
SamuraiAlbaThe one 160 is still viable and available :)13:32
SamuraiAlbaSold the switch, finally13:33
SamuraiAlbaGuy then texted me since it wasnt giving him an IP from his comcast modem.13:33
SamuraiAlbaI explained he needed a ROUTER to do that.13:33
SamuraiAlbaHe realized that and then forgot to plug the router in...13:33
* SamuraiAlba facepalms13:33
SamuraiAlbafunny thing.  He forgot to run a cable from the router, and to the switch... after plugging the router in13:34
InHisNameHa ha13:36
InHisNameI am about to head out to class, but could pass by on to your place before I start, SamuraiAlba13:37
ChinnoDoghi PhilliePhresh17:18
andrewhrm, PhilliePhresh is from NJ17:18
PhilliePhreshsrry afk17:29
PhilliePhreshyeah just over bridge17:30
PhilliePhreshus-nj team is mostly north jersey17:30
andrewAnyways, we have a lot of cross river membership as it is17:30
PhilliePhreshim looking for a Tutorial on how to set up a pure-ftpd server with a Postgresql backend for autentication.17:34
PhilliePhreshi can only find ones for Mysql Backend though17:34
PhilliePhreshany suggestions17:34
ChinnoDogpure-ftpd... oh hey I am running that. I forgot!17:35
PhilliePhreshi would go with a mysql backend but i heard its going to no longer be open-source soon17:37
PhilliePhreshand since im just starting to learn php and sql anyway i thought i would start on postgres instead17:37
ChinnoDogI'm using unix and PAM auth, not SQL. MySQL auth won't be open source? hrm17:38
PhilliePhreshThats what someone said the other day in the bookstore17:39
ChinnoDogpure-ftp is BSD license without any proprietary components or support that I can see17:39
ChinnoDogIt seems highly unlikely that the mySQL auth would become proprietary, and even more so that the existing code would become unavailable17:40
PhilliePhreshthats good to hear17:41
ChinnoDogI've read lots of good things about Postgres but most open source apps are built against MySQL17:42
ChinnoDogPostgres pops up in special use cases and custom apps where capacity and features are a must but I haven't found a good excuse to install it let alone an opportunity to take advantage of it.17:43
PhilliePhreshso maybe it would be better to start on mysql anyway?17:43
ChinnoDogIf you are learning it for general usefulness, yes. The skills you learn will be transferrable.17:44
pleia2people are really paranoid about the future of mysql, but all the Oracle people I've spoken with claim they are still committed to keeping an open source license17:44
pleia2and even if they don't, a forked free version will always be available17:44
pleia2it's used it too many places by too many huge companies for it to fall out of open source land17:44
PhilliePhreshlike the "community-edition"17:44
ChinnoDogA "community edition" is usually the open source version of a proprietary product, but you wouldn't see that unless Oracle closed parts of the source and continued to offer an open source version.17:45
ChinnoDogIf someone forks it then it becomes a new product.17:45
ChinnoDoglike LibreOffice17:45
pleia2if you're on ubuntu just "apt-get install mysql-server"17:46
pleia2ChinnoDog: the mysql that everyone uses (and ships with ubuntu) is the "community server"17:46
PhilliePhreshoh ok17:46
PhilliePhreshty for clearing that up17:46
ChinnoDogOh. I see. I didn't realize ther was an Enterprise edition. (I just looked.) I thought their revenue came from support exclusively.17:47
PhilliePhreshyeah its around $2k if im not mistaken17:48
ChinnoDogSeems to me I would have to have a pretty good reason to go with an enterprise edition of MySQL. If I were starting a new project I'd rather start with Postgres if I needed the high end features.17:48
PennBotTitle: MySQL :: MySQL Editions (at www.mysql.com)17:49
PhilliePhreshcorrection its $5k17:50
PhilliePhresha year17:50
PhilliePhreshDoes anyone from us-pa team set up events near philly , actively17:52
PhilliePhreshi would like to attend if so17:52
pleia2the last one was a geeknic in september up near king of prussia17:52
pleia2I think jedijf is looking into doing some ubuntu hours17:53
ChinnoDogAnyone here use CrashPlan?18:34
ChinnoDogUnlimited backup for $4.17/mo for one PC and ~$10/mo for 2-10 pcs?18:36
ChinnoDogwith Linux support18:36
TravelerQue Pasa ?18:37
ChinnoDogAnd if your workstation goes boom they will optionally ship you a hard drive with your backup on it18:40
ChinnoDogAnd if you have a massive amount of data to back up they can optionally ship you a hard disk to make your first backup set onto18:40
ChinnoDogUnlimited backup plan for up to 10 PCs is only $6/mo if you pay for 4 years of service.18:41
=== lynx_ is now known as PhilliePhresh
Dev_N00bgood bacon to all!18:49
Travelerall quiet this evening23:31

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