[04:53] morning superfly and everyone else [04:53] Maaz, coffee on [04:53] * Maaz flips the salt-timer [04:53] hi Kilos [04:57] Coffee's ready for Kilos! [05:01] Maaz, dankie [05:01] Groot plesier Kilos my vriend [05:34] police coffee FTW [05:35] * bmg505 takes out the bottle klippies opens it and throws away the cap [06:24] moonin [06:26] yo sakhi [06:28] howzit superfly ? [06:31] tired -_- and you, sakhi? [06:32] I'm good after morning jog. [09:27] we all good? [09:28] * sakhi connection problems this side. [09:51] always fine on this side ;-) [10:05] eish... was ldap issue but all is good. [10:32] Hi all [10:40] hi nlsthzn [10:41] Hey Mr. Kilos, all well? [10:41] howdy all [10:42] hi magespawn [10:43] hi magespawn [10:43] * Kilos thinks he part of all [10:44] yip ty nlsthzn and there [10:44] Always good :) [10:46] lol [10:46] coupla weeks ago you kinda sick member [10:53] later all [13:29] good afternoon everyone! [13:31] hi oomkoos! [13:34] hope you all doing ok. I have a query regarding softphone/SIP communication. I'm looking for a good client which we can use on ubuntu. I've tried Twinkle, Qutecom, Ekiga and linphone. However I seem to always run into some trouble. Either the software gives a port error or I'm unable to even set up the account correctly or there is audio problems or it cuts off immediately. Is there anyone that can give me some pointers or info? mayb [13:34] hi superfly. how you doing? [13:34] oomkoos, I'm Ok thanks [13:54] I also have an error when installing any packages. does not matter what i install i always get this error at the end. the app install successfully and i can use it but the errors are a bit concerning. here is the output of the error: http://pastebin.com/aSVw0NBX . would appreciate it if anyone could help me solve this [13:57] oomkoos: search for "Not supported low-power chip with PCI id" [13:59] hello everyone. i am looking for ubuntu 9.04 multimedia codecs. please help [14:18] Thanx superfly will look into it [14:22] Hallo... [14:58] kodez1: ubuntu-restricted-extras [14:59] hi superfly, where can i download it as i couldn't get the official link in packages.ubuntu.com [14:59] kodez1: it must be there [14:59] it's an official package [14:59] please note that i'm looking for 9.04 or 9.10 [15:00] they had already removed the links [15:04] try medibuntu.org [15:19] huh [15:19] can someone get to debian.mirror.ac.za? [15:23] Symmetria: in what way? I can ping it [15:27] *Hrm* someone said it was offline and I aint seeing that [15:28] the only issue I'm seeing right now is a disk space issue on diskspace3 and that will be sorted out as soon as this copy finishes [15:28] which has about half a terabyte to go === marcog_ is now known as marcog [17:20] heh [17:21] I think the next time I advertise for someone to work here [17:21] I should be fair and put a note on it "if you have a girlfriend or a wife, be warned, working here could change that fact" :P [17:22] o0 [17:22] ouch [17:23] lol, females dont like their other half working the kinda hours required by this business [17:23] it never ceases to amaze me that one of our employees, patrick, is still engaged and his relationship is healthy with the strange hours he keeps [17:24] and the only reason my last relationship lasted 6 years and only ended when the girl moved to another country was because she was a med student and worked the same type of hours I do [18:47] superfly: I have a feeling that we're in for some bad news on Friday [18:48] with Nokia seeming to move away from MeeGo [18:48] according to speculation and rumors [18:50] lol, people trying to sell ipv4 space [18:50] on craigslist [18:50] thats funny as hell [20:43] night all sleep tight [21:51] Maaz: weather for cape town [21:51] drubin: That didn't seem to agree with me [21:51] Maaz: weather for cape town [21:52] drubin: That didn't go down very well. Burp.