
ochosiTheSheep: i'd probably have time later today to discuss your concerns about the theme13:55
TheSheepochosi: awesome13:55
ochosiTheSheep: one thing i wanted to mention though is that changing the theme has been on the roadmap for natty since the beginning13:55
ochosihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap > new objectives13:55
ochosisince there were concerns about accessibility13:56
ochosialso let me mention in advance that the current theme is based on the previous one and is a reworking towards more accessibility13:57
ochosiso i guess the real change was the one from Albatross to Bluebird, but i guess that's up for discussion13:57
ochosione reason to create Bluebird was to have a bright alternative to the dark theme13:58
ochosiTheSheep: sorry, seems now i kinda started the discussion when i just wanted to add a short prologue...13:58
ochosiTheSheep: we can continue later, i have a meeting now14:00
ochosiTheSheep: ping16:38
ochosii'm back and i have some time for discussion now, so in case you're available...16:41
TheSheepok, so let me just explain the motivation first16:41
TheSheepsorry, distraction16:47
TheSheepso, when you are chainging something16:47
TheSheepyou have to look at what you are doing16:47
TheSheepin many cases you can just plan ahead and tell the results in advance16:47
TheSheepbut with user interfaces that is not possible because people are too complicated and unpredictable16:48
TheSheepso you need a different way of telling whether the changes you are making are bringing the expected results16:48
TheSheepso "work on improving accessibility" is a great starting point16:48
TheSheepbut then you need to ask yourself "how can I tell whether the accessibility has been improved?"16:49
TheSheepbecause if you can't, you can't really be sure that you are improving it, and your changes may as well be worsening it or doing something entirely different16:50
TheSheepnow, there are several methods of telling that16:50
TheSheepthe simplest one is "there have been such and such issues reported, and we made changes so that the issues are not present anymore"16:51
TheSheepthis lets you fix obvious mistakes that have been well documented16:51
TheSheepanother one is "such and such percentage of people with disabilities have been using xubuntu before, but now more are moving to it"16:52
TheSheepobviously this requires some kind of poll or other source of statistics and is generally slow and inaccurate16:53
TheSheepbut it is a kind of feedback16:53
TheSheepanother one is user stories -- you identify a number of things you would like people to be able to perform, then measure how well they do it, and after changes, measure how another gorup performs with them16:54
TheSheep(or just try them out yourslef, if the improvements are obvious)16:54
TheSheepand last way I wanted to mention are goals -- you set yourself a goal like "sending an e-mail should require no more than 3 clicks"16:55
TheSheepand you verify that it was met16:55
TheSheepobviously, coming up with those criterions is a lot of work16:56
TheSheepand they are sometimes arbitrary -- that's ok, they at least show you that you are moving16:56
TheSheepok, so now fo the questions, I'd like to do a kind of retroactive thing16:57
TheSheepand aks "what has been improved"16:57
TheSheepfor example, there was a reported issue that the theme was too dark16:58
TheSheepand that issue has been resolved -- the new theme is brighter16:58
ochosihm, may i comment on what you wrote above before we continue with the "list of issues"?16:59
TheSheepof course16:59
ochosik, thanks16:59
ochosiso, i mostly agree with you, you can't always predict the effects of your changes17:00
ochosiand i guess when moving away from Albatross (as default!, it's still shipped)17:00
ochosiit was already a few accessibility questions and during the cycle of maverick those questions came up more and more17:00
TheSheepdo you remember those questions?17:01
ochosithe direction of this move (towards more accessibility) came mostly from charlie-tca, i would say17:01
ochosithe panel icons weren't visible enough and i guess a few other things17:01
ochosii guess they weren't properly written down17:01
TheSheepI can write them down in the next iteration, if that helps17:02
ochosithat's something you can criticize around here, that things are not always perfectly documented (but in fact you might find this in old meeting minutes, if it was mentioned there)17:02
TheSheepI mean issues with themes17:02
TheSheepI don't want to criticize17:02
ochosiyeah, i mean themes are just a very tiny part of "accessibility"17:02
ochosiwell, i guess i meant to ;)17:02
TheSheepah, that's another thing17:03
ochosias in your example above: "how many clicks does it take" -> that's maybe a lot more importatnt17:03
TheSheepin my experience, when you are changing a lot of things at the smae time17:03
TheSheepyou often can't tell which change actually brought the effect17:03
ochosibut with the kind of manpower the xubuntu project has atm it's something you can't even spend time on thinking about17:03
ochosibecause you can't change those things in most cases17:03
ochosiabout changing a lot of things at the same time: i agree, but (even though it might seem differently) i didn't do that17:04
TheSheepif you concentrate on one thing at a time, it often helps to pin down what was done right and what needs further improvement17:04
ochosiif you compare the two themes, what i changed is (colorwise): menubar, xfwm-theme, panel-color17:04
ochosithe rest are really smaller modifications17:04
TheSheepespecially when our resources are limited17:04
ochosii also agree on that17:04
TheSheepI guess I thought I would have more concrete and helpful questions17:05
TheSheepthe bottom line is that I need to pay more attention17:05
TheSheepdo you know where most of the ui discussions are taking place?17:05
TheSheepmailing list? bug tracker?17:06
ochosiwell, either here or in #shimmer tbh17:06
ochosithe ml is practically dead (i know it's not a nice thing to say, but it's true...)17:06
ochosiand the bug tracker, hmwell, not sure that's used so much for theming issues (apart from a chromium theming bug i solved for greybird)17:06
ochosishimmer is the project i'm part of17:07
ochosii'm not really an official member of the xubuntu dev-team17:07
ochosii'm something like a freelance contributor17:07
TheSheepme neither17:07
TheSheepI'm not even a contributor17:07
ochosiif you're interested in the development-part of what i'm doing you can a) either hang out in #shimmer or b) monitor these pages: http://wiki.knome.fi/17:08
ochosibut it would be nice if you would test the theme and report issues you find17:09
ochosifeel free to ping me about that (that's the way specified in the wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Artwork/Natty )17:10
TheSheepsounds interesting17:10
TheSheepthe project, I mean17:10
ochosiabout the kind of feedback i collect for the theme:17:10
ochosifor accessibility/visibility-issues i mainly rely on charlie-tca (well, or myself of course, if something is obvious)17:11
ochosihe is very good at spotting those problems17:11
ochosiand then of course i'd be happy to get more feedback from the community, i also had a longer discussion with thorwil17:12
ochosieven though i couldn't resolve one of his suggestion (at least not yet) for "more vibrant colors" we discussed it17:13
ochosibut in general i have to search for feedback, there's hardly any17:13
TheSheepI will make a new install over the weekend and try to comment on specific things that I see17:18
TheSheep(my workstation install is too heavily customized for that)17:18
ochosia vbox install could also work17:19
TheSheepI need to fix my libvirt one day :)17:19
TheSheephi maciekPL 20:19
maciekPLI`m herejust to ask about strange bug... when i was trying to change theme of xfce something crashed and now i cannot login20:20
TheSheepah, yes, one of the xfce themes is broken20:20
maciekPLi managet to start graphical enviroment again as root20:20
TheSheepdon't do that20:21
maciekPLwell, I already did that :P how i can fix it so I can use normal user again?20:21
TheSheepedit ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfwm4.xml20:21
TheSheepfor that user20:21
TheSheepand either change the theme line or remove it20:22
maciekPLok, I`ll do that and tell if it helped20:22
maciekPLthanks a lot ;)20:22
mr_pouit(this is a xorg bug, fixed in natty btw)20:22
maciekPLwell, i downloaded an .iso image yesterday, installed it today and it was broken, so developers might want to know that20:23
maciekPLxubuntu 10.1020:23
maciekPLok, I edited this file, let`s see if it worked ;)20:24
maciekPLIt worked, thank a lot! :D20:27
maciekPLI hope that`s the only bug I`ll find, but now I`ve got some work to do20:29
maciekPLthanks again ;)20:29

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