
=== _TechAway_ is now known as _Techie_
=== _Techie_ is now known as _TechAway_
=== emma is now known as em
=== q_a_z_steve1 is now known as q_a_z_steve
=== q_a_z_steve is now known as lookmomnohands
=== lookmomnohands is now known as q_a_z_steve
=== jay is now known as Guest63714
Guest63714hello i was wondering if i could get some help about my wireless network09:32
brotGuest63714: whats your problem?09:33
Guest63714my wifi adapter doesn't seem to show up09:33
Guest63714i've been looking for drivers or some way around it finally had to hook up my ethernet cable09:34
brotwhat version of ubuntu do you run, and what wifi adapter do you have?09:34
Guest63714i'm on Xubuntu 10.04, and my wireless adapter is a Actiontec 802AIN09:35
Guest63714all i can find is 802UXX, but oddly my adapter has worked on ubuntu09:35
Guest63714lol i usually try not to ask for help but i'm at the end of my knowledge on this distro and overall linux09:37
Guest63714i'm performing a update so perhaps that will fix the problem09:42
knomeGuest63714, asking is okay09:43
knomeGuest63714, what works in ubuntu should really work in xubuntu, so there's hope09:43
Guest63714thanks i'll be back i have to restart i'll give you an update on the situation09:45
jay_didn't seem to work09:51
=== _Techie_ is now known as _TechAway_
bluedoorHello, I'm a happy user of Xubuntu 10.04(LTS). Some background: I have recently decided to try out i3 tiling windows manager. I'm able to chose i3 session from login screen, and after i3 starts, I no longer see the xfce panels. Here's the problem: I cannot connect to wireless network from console.13:42
Sysilog into xfce, alt+f2 'i3 --replace' and save session on logout13:43
bluedoorevery post I've seen recommends a sequence of commands: iwlist, iwconfig, dhclient and I run them, however dhclient displays only "NO DHCPOFFERS received" at the end13:43
bluedoor@sysi, thank you, this might work, I'll try that.13:44
bluedoorone more thing - when I run "sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid 'linksys' " (my router has default configuration, no password) and then execute iwconfig, the essid near the wlan0 is some complicated text.13:47
bluedoor...and when I connect through xfce panel, it's the network name (linksys). Is it possible that there's the problem?13:47
Sysiwireless from CLi is just something i won't touch13:48
psycho_oreoswireless managers like network manager and wicd usually inhibits any manual operation13:50
psycho_oreosdmesg usually proves as such, one will see device is not ready, etc13:50
Sysicnetworkmanager does exist though13:51
bluedoorI've just downloaded cnetworkmanager, that seems to solve my problems, thank you!13:58
crondHi, my 'Other' menu in the Applications menu is just randomly going missing.  If I restart X, it's back for a couple of minutes, then... poof, gone again14:57
crondcan anyone help me with this bit of oddness? :)14:57
crondthis is so bloody odd.15:05
crondITS GONE AGAIN15:31
crond Does anyone know why an entire menu category in xfce would just go missing, then come back after a restart, then go missing again?15:34
TheSheepcrond: sounds like whatever generates it on startup does it differently than on update15:37
crondits driving me bonkers15:38
crondOh, now its back, for now, with no restart.15:38
jewardMy Mac Pro is having trouble booting from either the 10.10 or 11 alpha CDs.18:24
jewardI get to: 1. 2. Select CD-ROM Boot Type :18:24
jewardAnd I can't get it to go beyond that prompt.18:25
Sysijeward: might be more of mactel business18:40
jewardSysi: What does that mean?18:45
Sysiirc.oftc.net #mactel18:46
=== _TechAway_ is now known as _Techie_
=== _Techie_ is now known as _TechAway_
mark76Why's Xubuntu going grey with Natty?21:03
Sysinew theme? :P21:09
mark76But... Grey?21:09
mark76I mean... Grey!?21:09
TheSheepshh, could have been yellow21:09
zillari like the black and blue21:09
mark76Black and blue's good21:09
TheSheepnobody tells you to change your settings21:10
Sysigrey is way better than brown21:10
mark76Are they trying not to look like LXDE?21:10
mark76I mean Lubuntu21:10
Sysitrying to look less smurf i guess21:10
TheSheepI don't think it has anything to do with branding21:10
Sysijust new default theme, why not21:10
charlie-tcaI don't think Xubuntu ever tried to look like Lubuntu, did they?21:10
Sysiblue one will be available anyway21:11
=== _TechAway_ is now known as _Techie_
=== _Techie_ is now known as _TechAway_

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