
jammgz: I think the current 'best fix' is to just catch the error and re-raise something that indicates what files are involved00:03
jamit may not be the final fix, but it at least progresses us to where users get informed that there is a problem with specific files00:04
mgzjam: unrelated question, what's the minimum cython version that should work? had issues with _simple_set_pyx.pyx on my old debian box.00:06
jammgz: 0.11? I'm not really sure. pyrex 0.9.6 comes to mind00:07
jamI know 0.9.4 has bugs00:07
mgzhm, python-pyrex seems to be mispackaged on lenny though, and cython is only 0.9.800:08
mgzI'll leave it on the python versions till I get round to updating.00:09
=== mbarnett changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: vila | 2.2.4 officially released, 2.3.0 frozen. Release plugins ! Build installers ! (rm vila)
kkrevis --hardlink supposed to work on windows?  2.3 crashes here with that option: bzr: ERROR: exceptions.AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'link'01:07
jamkkrev: no, it could probably be made to work, but it does not currently.01:08
jammkanat, mwhudson: Are you guys around? I'm wondering if people are still getting the merge proposal emails for loggerhead. You don't have to do any reviews, but the team was changed to 'loggerhead-team', and I'm getting noisy bounces from a launchpad list01:11
jamso I want to make sure whether anyone is seeing the requests at all01:11
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mkanatjam: My contract with Canonical is unfortunately over.01:11
mwhudsonjam: i've seen some of them01:11
mkanatjam: I have seen the emails, though.01:12
jammkanat: no issue for me here, just making sure emails are getting out01:12
jamI didn't know if it was going dark because of the target change01:12
pooliejam, i suggest you request reviews from bzr people01:12
poolieand also get lp admins to repopulate that team appropriately01:12
jampoolie: I'm not really sure who should be in loggerhead-team, but I'm in ti01:13
jamfrom the discussions, lp is supposed to be taking over the review process, and I'm a little unsure what the short-term plan is for the branch.01:14
maxbWe need a timeline for merging 'experimental' into the new lp:loggerhead - in particular whether all of experimental will land at once, or if it's worth re-landing some of the smaller changes first01:14
pooliei got some of those bounces myself01:14
pooliethere is a thread about it01:14
jamI know I've read robert's stuff, but he seems to indicate lp squads will actually do something, which has not really been my experience01:14
jammaxb: I'm starting with getting it up to the level of pqm01:14
pooliei don't think they are as proactive on reviews as we are01:14
jamreverting all the way to 422 takes out a fair amount of stuff, like even the view pages01:14
poolieand we could do better, at that01:14
pooliei did get your review mails01:15
jampoolie: sure. The question is, who is actually going to say something about the future of that branch? I have direct commit rights still, so I could just do it TM01:15
poolieyou can certainly nag me or your other team mates01:15
poolielet's review them and commit01:16
jampoolie: there is still the 'experimental' branch issue, which needs oversite. Which robert had a rough proposal for, but needs someone actually doing the various bits. "watch production like a hawk after rollout", "try to load test on qastaging", etc.01:16
jamI'm willing to push a bit on it01:17
jamin the "get the stuff I did actually out to people" sense01:17
jamBut though I know a bit about the process, it still always feels nebulous01:17
jamand certainly, nobody other than lifeless seems to notice anything, which seems to go against the point of his experiment01:18
jampoolie: for example, what do we do with the SocketException code. You reviewed it, but is that 'official' enough to land it?01:18
jamI investigated the HEAD returns BODY bug01:18
jambut it seems a general WSGI issue01:19
jamthat is much bigger than "if REQUEST_METHOD == 'HEAD'"01:19
jamnamely, you have to get all the headers correct, so the general recommendation01:19
poolieyeah i was a bit afraid robert would say "yes we'll maintain it; revert; <crickets>"01:19
jamis to do all the work, and at the top-most level strip the body01:19
pooliei think wsgi makes it easy to get HEAD wrong01:19
jampoolie: did you see the link I posted to the bug?01:20
pooliewell, that's a very general issue01:20
pooliei did01:20
poolieif there are things that are expensive to compute and not mandatory to have present, we don't need to do them01:20
jamit basically says, because of how applications stack on eachother's content streams, it is very hard to get identical headers without actually doing all the work01:20
jampoolie: Content-Length is the biggest problem01:20
jamsince, you can omit it, but if you aren't omitting it from the GET request, you're technically in violation01:21
spivYou don't have to return Content-Length for a HEAD request, though.01:21
jamand you have to have Content-Length to preserve Keep Alive, I believe01:21
jamspiv: correct. *but* the spec says the headers must be identical to the GET headers.01:21
poolieno, not for a head request, since there must be no body in it01:21
jamThe quote he gave was: "The  metainformation contained in the HTTP headers in response to a HEAD  request SHOULD be identical to the information sent in response to a GET  request. "01:22
spivMy guess is in practice it's fine to omit Content-Length; I'd check with lifeless01:22
pooliewell, that's must vs should01:22
pooliei'm sure that's correct01:22
poolieanyhow, for dynamic resources01:22
jam"If the new  field values indicate that the cached entity differs from the current  entity (as would be indicated by a change in Content-Length"01:22
pooliethere is no guarantee that the length you get from one HEAD is going to have any necessary relation to what you get from a later GET01:22
jamthat makes Content-Length one of the things that should be preserved01:23
jampoolie: sure.01:23
jambut the question is, what is HEAD being used for?01:23
pooliein this case it's being used as "are you there"?01:23
poolie<turret voice>01:23
jampoolie: sure, I'd be fine just adding a HEAD_middleware that just omits the content bytes01:23
poolieso i do think it would be wrong to say "length=0"01:24
jamstart_response is the call that writes the headers01:24
jamyou can have it return a no-op write function01:24
jamand always yeild nothing, but consume the child apps01:24
poolieand i read that article as saying that wsgi's interface makes it very easy to get this wrong and end up with something saying the wrong length01:24
poolieanyhow, i think it's pretty obvious that returning a body on HEAD is a much worse violation of the rfc01:24
spivI've seen servers that return bodies from HEAD cause weird breakage.01:25
jampoolie: sure01:25
pooliethat is really not defensible01:25
jamApache strips it for us in the public site01:25
spivBecause it understandably screws up pipelining01:25
jamI think it is broken for 'bzr serve --http'01:25
spivSo it's a pretty severe bug (and one that tends to cause breakage on subsequent requests that are otherwise bug-free)01:26
poolieif we started sending last-modified dates and especially if we started respecting if-modified-since it would probably be important that HEAD sends the correct date01:26
poolieand it's just thrashing the machine to no good purpose01:26
jampoolie: just confirmed that 'bzr serve --http' does it wrong01:26
jampoolie: I doubt *thrashing* is the word for something that is requested every 10s on a reasonably small branch01:27
pooliehuh, i thought i tested that but perhaps not01:27
poolieok, 'loading'01:27
jampoolie: when I first tested it with socket.recv()01:28
jamI got it wrong01:28
jamI did an initial recv()01:28
jamand it returned just the header line01:28
jambut that was becuase it was busy churning through the rest of the data01:28
pooliei think i tested it using curl, and probably curl discards any body sent from HEAD01:28
jamonce it had been cached and up to date01:28
jamthen recv() started returning the full content01:28
spivjam: more or less load than ('x', 'y') vs. 'x:y' in hook registration? *wink*01:28
jamspiv: significantly more01:28
jambut not a startup overhead01:28
poolieok, so we'll agree that bug about head should be fixed?01:29
pooliespiv, how's bug 603395?01:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 603395 in Bazaar "bzr commit in a heavyweight checkout does not propagate new tags" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60339501:29
jampoolie: I agree there is a bug that paste's HEAD handler doesn't strip the body, which I'll post a fix for in about 20 min01:30
spivpoolie: erk, closed the bug.  The confusion was that the merge proposal state didn't record the fact that while one fix was rejected for 2.2 it was landed on 2.3 (trunk at the time) instead.01:34
pooliethanks jam; there's a bug number for that too01:36
poolieno, there isn't?01:36
jampoolie: the HEAD stuff? there isn't a separate bug AFAIK, just bug 70132901:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 701329 in Launchpad itself "loggerhead OOPS - error: [Errno 32] Broken pipe" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70132901:37
jambut I can report one if you like01:37
pooliei just did, bug 71620101:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 716201 in loggerhead "loggerhead sends body content on HEAD request" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71620101:38
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vilahi all07:33
* fullermd waves vila around.08:03
vilafullermd: hey !08:17
vilaSGIBART and SIGTERM seem to behave differently regarding the children of the process receiving the signal, did that ring any bell ?08:18
fullermdNo, SIGBELL is for ringing bells...08:18
maxbSIGABRT ?08:19
vilaI couldn't find any answer to that with google :-/08:19
vilayeah, SIG -908:19
maxbthat's SIGKILL08:19
fullermdI'm pretty sure neither signal (or any signal...) does anything to processes other than the one you're hitting with it.  It may _catch_ the signal and do something unspeakable to its kids, but that's nothing to do with the signal itself...08:20
fullermdAnd yeah, SIGABRT is 6.08:20
* maxb believes the same08:20
vilahmm, is it just that I mixed ABRT and KILL ?!?!08:21
fullermdMixing anything with KILL has unpleasant side effects   :p08:21
vilalike zombies maybe ? ;D08:22
maxbKILL is uncatchable death; ABRT is catchable coredump-and-die08:23
viladamn damn damn, my google history confirms I've been climbing the SIGABRT tree, ctrl-alt-del08:23
* vila notes: -9 != SIGABRT08:26
vilaok, SIGKILL passed a test that SIGABRT didn't... weird08:29
vilaso the test is spawning a 'sh -c yes' and killing the shell08:30
vilaI've seen 'yes' staying alive... and detach from the test process08:30
fullermdThe shell may catch SIGABRT and kill its children.  It doesn't have a chance with KILL.08:31
vilaright, no change with KILL is clear, but how is 'yes' killed ?08:31
vilaI call kill with the pid of the shell, no fancy group stuff or else08:32
vilaanything else (gee tyops day)08:32
fullermdIf I "sh -c yes", sh just exec's yes, it doesn't hang around to do anything.08:32
vilahmm, no, I'm pretty sure I had distinct processes08:34
fullermdI don't.08:34
vilathe sh one being reported as defunct08:34
fullermd 45845 sh       CALL  execve(0x800c30378,0x800c30260,0x800c30270)08:34
fullermd 45845 sh       NAMI  "/usr/bin/yes"08:34
fullermd 45845 sh       NAMI  "/libexec/ld-elf.so.1"08:34
fullermd 45845 yes      RET   execve 008:34
fullermd(same pid that starts out the run as 'ktrace', exec's sh, exec's yes)08:34
vilaright, looks like subprocess.Popen(...shell=True...) is not exactly sh -c yes then08:34
vilafullermd: *not* same pid even if 'sh -c yes' is clearly (or is it) what 'ps jef' displays...08:40
fullermdDefunct would mean it's a zombie.08:41
vilayup, and its children got reparent to 108:41
fullermdWhich you'd expect.08:42
vilawell, no, because 'yes' is still connected to its grand-parent process via pipes08:43
vilaI managed to kill it when it reaches the 8GB mark one of the first times I debugged it ;)08:43
fullermdThat doesn't matter.  When the parent goes away, it parents right off to init.08:44
vilayup, understaood08:44
vilabut what I don't get is why this occurs with ABRT but not KILL08:44
vilamay be I should just forget about that, I shouldn't use ABRT anyway08:44
fullermdThere are some things man was not meant to enquire into...08:45
vilaafter all, the bug I'm after is about a children clogging the pipes, leading to a parent hang. 8GB collected is good enough proof that the parent is not hanging anymore (even if I can only reproduce it manually)08:46
vilafullermd, maxb: Thanks for the teddy-bearing, ABRT != KILL08:49
vilajelmer: hey ! Are you feeling better ?08:54
jelmervila: hey09:09
jelmervila: good enough to work.. perhaps I'll stick to easier things today09:10
vilajelmer: it's amazing how this flu is spreading... I'm not feeling that good myself but I thought I should blame my gf which is getting back to work today09:10
vilaand now spiv got one too...09:11
jelmerand jam's son09:11
vilaindeed ! poolie ! watch out ! :)09:15
thropeis it possible to use bazaar with a samba share on os x?09:21
thropelooks like there is an open bug09:22
thropebut I wondered if anyone knew a workaround09:22
thropethe bugs been open for 4 years09:22
jelmerthrope: which bug?09:22
jelmerthrope: are you sure it's a samba server on the other end, not a windows machine?09:23
thropeits a ubuntu server09:23
jelmerat least newer versions of samba should support os locking I think09:23
thrope10.10 fresh install09:24
jelmerprobably mac os x that doesn't support os locks over smb then :-/09:24
thropeah ok - my apologies, I guess not really a bazaar bug then09:26
thropebut it would be nice to be able to do it09:26
vilathrope: don't forget to meeto the bug (#98836 in this case, 31006 is a duplicate)09:26
vilathrope: it's on the TODO list, but not high enough yet :-/09:26
jelmerthrope: it's fundamentally a mac os X bug, but that bzr bug you linked to would work around the mac os X bug09:26
thropeok got it09:27
thropedo you think smbfs over fuse would have the same problem?09:28
throperather than the os x built in one09:28
jelmerthe fusesmb homepage doesn't say anything about locking, but I'm not sure09:29
fullermdvila: Well, don't sneeze in my direction!09:54
* vila aims...09:55
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
maxbIs anyone else finding bzr's new behaviour of dumping the full plugin list to stderr when a traceback occurs to be somewhat annoying?11:57
maxbSince the traceback disappears off screen11:57
Takis that new?11:57
fullermdI can't say I've noticed it, but I don't think it would bug me that much...  the traceback is already way offscreen anyway.11:58
maxbWhy is it already way offscreen? before the plugin list was added, there were only a few lines after it11:59
fullermdI'm pretty sure those "few" lines were already half a term full.  There's only 25 lines to work with...11:59
fullermdAnd the traceback itself is often 20 or so frames deep, with 2 lines per frame, so it couldn't fit even by itself.12:00
fullermdBut that's what scrollback is for anyway.12:01
maxbfullermd: But, the exception is at the bottom of the traceback, and formerly there were only 9 lines after it. So, you got to see the exception.12:06
maxbNow, you don't12:06
* fullermd shrugs.12:06
vilamaxb: IIRC the idea was to output only the plugins that are potentially out-of-date API-wise12:06
fullermdI always remember having to scroll back to figure out what was going on anyway.  It's not something that happens to me often either way.12:06
vilaI don't remember the intent was to display *all* plugins12:06
maxbSomewhere along the way it turned into a full `bzr plugins` output12:06
vilaworth filing a bug then, I don't see what value is added by displaying perfectly fine and probably unrelated plugins12:07
maxbI have sidestepped the issue for now by adding bzrlib.crash._format_plugin_list = lambda: '*elided*' to ~/.bazaar/plugins/maxb.py :-)12:07
asabilstatik, ping ?12:15
maxbyou don't like my hack, vila?12:16
vilathread is a python module (use discouraged in favour of threading), I forgot about that when creating bzrlib.thread12:16
vilamaxb: oh no ! As long as a bug if filed so we don't forget your valid point12:17
vilaso I need to find a new name... safethread sounds a bit pretentious catchingexceptionthread a bit long...12:17
vilathreadeling ?12:18
vilacethread ?12:18
maxbOr, you could declare that you're looking forward to the future where relative imports are explicit only :-)12:19
vilavade retro satanas ;D12:19
vilaI'll go with cethreads for now and see what reviewers think12:20
viladoh ! rm bzrlib/thread.pyc, I hate that one12:21
vilaeeerk ! plugin list !!!12:22
vilamaxb: gee, now I see your point :-}12:22
maxbha :-)12:22
vilait's ~120 lines here 8-}12:23
vilafullermd: *4* lines by plugin12:23
vilaI'm so used to scrollback on exceptions that I didn't notice earlier12:25
maxbfiled bug 71638912:28
ubot5Launchpad bug 716389 in Bazaar "In-terminal crash report is far too long, containing full `bzr plugins` output" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71638912:28
vilathanks !12:29
fullermdIt's all about choosing where to apply pressure, see...12:30
fullermdIf we make the crash report painful enough, we create pressure to make sure things don't crash   :p12:31
vilamaxb: metoo'ed12:31
vilahehe, the original intent was to point people to their outdated plugins *before* they file a bug against bzr12:32
maxbfullermd: In that case we need an "I'm a developer just show me a traceback" debug flag12:32
vilawell, I'm a lazy dev , running plugins from their trunk and I often forgot to update them in a timely manner ;)12:33
vilahmm, it's even worse than that, I use a mix of plugins installed in the system libraries and some in ~/.bazaar/plugins (which is a farm link to add to the fun ;)12:34
vilaanyway, 120 > 84 and I have no plan for a 30" screen yet12:35
fullermdI do.  I totally do.12:35
fullermdNow, _budget_ for a 30" screen, that's another matter...12:35
vilastop spending that much in ECC and raids ;-D12:54
quicksilverafternoon all.12:54
quicksilvercan loggerhead do a diff between two branches, like bzr merge --preview?12:55
fullermdPfft.  If I did that, bzr would crash and I'd never be able to read _anything_ on my terminal   :p12:58
Taksomething in the lp stack is doing it...12:59
quicksilverno loggerhead experts?13:24
maxbNo, loggerhead cannot13:25
quicksilvermaxb: thanks.13:26
quicksilvershame ...13:26
quicksilverit's nice to be able to review code before deciding to merge, and it's nice to be able to paste around links that other people can use to review possible merges.13:27
jamvila: yeah, my son finally doesn't have a fever, though he threw up this morning.13:29
jamvila: so be careful. I've had large swaths of people I know hit by feeling sick13:30
vilajam: :-/ Such a nice way to start the day :-/13:30
quicksilvermaxb: OK, I think I can merge from trunk into the feature branch, and then persaude loggerhead to show me the diff between the head of the feature branch and the recently merged trunk revision (which is a dotted revision number)13:30
quicksilvermaxb: does that sound plausible13:30
vilaright, so I should blame you for Valentine's flu then :-D13:30
quicksilverunfortunately I'm bitten by https://bugs.launchpad.net/loggerhead/+bug/602600 so I need to upgrade loggerhead.13:30
vilaquicksilver: check with jam, loggerhead's trunk is not anymore what it used to be13:31
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quicksilvervila: in my description I wasn't talking about loggerhead's trunk13:32
quicksilverI was talking about my own repositories trunk :)13:32
jamquicksilver: lp:loggerhead recently reverted to an old old revision13:32
jamwhich doesn't include the history-db code, and thus couldn't be affected by bug 60260013:32
ubot5Launchpad bug 602600 in loggerhead "Error on dotted revisions" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60260013:32
vilaquicksilver: sry, I got confused, but are you talking about lp's loggerhead or an instance you're running yourself ?13:33
jamhowever, lp:~loggerhead-team/loggerhead/experimental has all the updates13:33
quicksilvervila: I didn't say that, so the confusion is of my making, sorry.13:33
quicksilvervila: we have a local loggerhead install.13:33
quicksilverjam: did lp rollback for a good reason? Should I avoid upgrading my local install to 1.18?13:33
vilajam meets quicksilver, quicksilver meets jam, I'm sure you have interesting bits to share ;)13:34
vilajam: should I answer that while you take a deep breath ?13:35
jamquicksilver: loggerhead hasn't had a strong maintainer in a while. lifeless wanted the launchpad-team to take over maintenance, but basically wanted to roll back to the point where loggerhead has been deployed in production13:36
jamI'm slowly pushing to get things back up to where it was13:37
quicksilverah. scary.13:37
vilaquicksilver: not for you unless your instance can receive the same kind of load as lp13:37
jamquicksilver: loggerhead's old trunk (now "experimental") seems very stable for most installs, but what Launchpad needs as a giant codehosting site is a bit different13:37
quicksilverwe've been running the debian package of "1.17+bzr424-1"13:37
vilaquicksilver: I meant, not scary for you13:37
quicksilverI see.13:37
quicksilveryes, we only have a handful of users.13:37
quicksilverwe just want repo browsing + diffs13:38
quicksilvermostly diffs, actually. We paste the urls into our automatic commit emails.13:38
jamquicksilver: I think the experimental stuff will have some very big long-term gains, which is why I'm pushing it, but it potentially regresses some immediate concerns.13:38
* quicksilver nods13:38
quicksilverit's been fine for us, until I wanted to generate a URL for what git people call a "pull request"13:38
quicksilverand discovered that I couldn't do that.13:38
quicksilverI could make a throwaway branch and actually do the merge in that and use that as a URL, I guess.13:39
jamquicksilver: isn't that just "please merge my tip"? I don't see exactly what you are wanting out of the pull request13:40
jamor is it that they want "pull" to work, rather than "merge"?13:40
quicksilverjam: I want them to be able to examine the diff before they do it.13:40
quicksilverfor code review.13:40
quicksilverobviously they can run bzr merge --preview locally13:40
Takyeah, people want the nice merge request interface like launchpad13:40
quicksilverI just wanted a URL which contained the output of bzr merge --preview13:40
quicksilverand looking nice.13:41
=== vila changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: vila | 2.3.0 is officially out ! (rm vila)
jamquicksilver: sure. We use launchpad merge proposals for that, but it doesn't cover people just using loggerhead13:41
* quicksilver nods13:41
quicksilverI think I'll do the throwaway branch thing13:41
jamquicksilver: I think it would be reasonable to add a feature/bug request on loggerhead for a merge --preview type view13:42
jamI don't know who would actually get around to coding it, but it does seem like something you should be able to get from loggerhead13:42
quicksilverjam: well the other alternative would have been to actually commit the reverse merge13:42
quicksilver(which is quite common practice anyway, to resolve conflicts before merging)13:42
quicksilverthen I would have a 'dotted revision' to diff against.13:42
quicksilverwhich loggerhead ought to be able to do - but see the bug above :)13:43
jamquicksilver: well, you could always show the diff vs the "ancestor:" but loggerhead should make that available, rather than you having to do it yourself13:43
jamand merge --preview exists because you can get conflicts while merging13:44
* quicksilver nods13:44
jamvs "diff -r ancestor:" which will never show a conflict13:44
quicksilverI don't think I know what ancestor: means.13:44
jamquicksilver: try "bzr diff -r ancestor:../other-branch"13:44
jamit finds the most recent common ancestor of this branch and other-branch13:45
quicksilverah, handy.13:45
jamso 'bzr diff -r ancestor:../other/branch" shows you what is new in your current branch, vs the ancestor of the othe rbranch13:45
quicksilverI normally dig manually through the output of bzr log -n0 and copy-paste the ancestor revno :)13:45
jamso you don't see the changes in trunk being removed in your branch13:45
jamquicksilver: bzr log -n0 -r ancestor:../other/branch should show you what rev it is :)13:46
* quicksilver nods13:46
quicksilvergetting software right is hard.13:47
quicksilverI can't even understand how we managed to install the squeeze deb of loggerhead when we're only running lenny on this machine.13:51
maxbheh :-)13:51
quicksilvereach rabbithole leads to a door which opens into a deeper rabbithole13:51
quicksilverI don't think uprading loggerhead is going to be the most time-efficient thing for me to do this afternoon.13:52
maxbquicksilver: tbh, I think for most people the best way to "install" loggerhead is probably just 'bzr branch lp:loggerhead'13:52
maxband then upgrading is "bzr pull"13:53
quicksilveryou may be right.13:53
quicksilverIt looks like the debian package has no harsh dependencies13:53
quicksilverso I think someone just downloaded it from squeeze and dpkg -i'ed it by hand.13:54
maxbbtw, of the package you are running, the only thing of importance that got removed from trunk was the initial landing of the history-db branch13:54
maxbAlso, if you want to go to 1.18, 1.18 doesn't include anything that was removed from trunk13:55
quicksilvermaxb: what odes the history-db branch do?13:55
maxbIt's jam's big make-it-faster-by-caching-stuff project13:56
shakaranHi, I need help for solve a conflict of type "Contents conflict in " I read the doc on http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.0.92/en/user-guide/conflicts.html14:02
shakaranso, I am using bzr mv as:14:02
shakaranbzr mv Connection.java.OTHER Connection.java14:02
shakaranbzr: ERROR: Could not move Connection.java.OTHER => Connection.java: src/ea/doma14:02
shakaranin/Connection.java is already versioned.14:02
shakaranthen, how should I proceed? The right file is .OTHER14:03
shakaranI know take-other option, but I need how to make with bzr mv14:03
shakaransome help?14:08
maxbshakaran: The particular documentation URL one you pasted is a very old one - bzr 0.92 is positively ancient14:10
maxbAs for the error, it sounds like you may want "bzr rm file; bzr mv file.OTHER file"14:10
shakaranmaxb: I search http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/en/user-guide/conflicts.html but it have 40414:11
quicksilverI don't think so.14:11
quicksilverthe .OTHER file is not versioned.14:11
quicksilverI think you just want normal "mv"14:11
quicksilvermv foo.OTHER foo14:11
quicksilver'chooses' the .OTHER as the version you want for foo.14:11
maxbquicksilver: No, the .OTHER file *is* versioned14:12
shakaranI did:14:13
shakaranbzr rm Connection.java14:14
shakarandeleted src/ea/domain/Connection.java14:14
shakaranbzr mv Connection.java.OTHER Connection.java14:14
shakaransrc/ea/domain/Connection.java.OTHER => src/ea/domain/Connection.java14:14
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
shakaranbut, now the Connection.java file is not added, so I need a bzr add Connection.java ?14:14
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maxberm. That's not what I expected at all :-/14:14
maxbshakaran: I don't suppose these branches are public?14:15
fullermdIf bzr mv mv'd it, it IS versioned.14:15
fullermdSee your stat output.14:15
LeoNerd'bzr mv' also has special logic; if it can't find the OLD file and the NEW file already exists, it presumes you are telling it about a 'mv' you already did14:16
shakaranok, I use bzr explorer on windows (it take a 20 second on refresh the folder with the icon) it is added14:16
shakaranhttps://code.launchpad.net/~shakaran/ea/angel it is my public branch14:16
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latexerAnybody encountered a bug on windows with "JUNCTIONS" (on win7 here) causing bzr to error out?15:14
latexerI'm using a tool that automatically creates a junction, and i would like to treat it as a regular folder so the contents of the folder pointed to get added/committed... suggestions?15:15
squall@latexer what error, or thing, happens when you do this? Are junctions like hard links, I forget, or do they work like mounts?15:31
latexersquall: let me pull it up exactly. I believe the tool is using windows vista & newer "junctions" which work like soft links to files/directories.15:34
squalluhuh ok. junctions were available on xp too and so on, but there were never any tools to manipulate them.. viz: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb89676815:35
latexersquall: the initial "bzr add" attempt just says "bzr: ERROR: [Error 3] The system cannot find the path specified: u'C:/Users/pete.johanson/dev/repo/mainline/wraps/openwrap\\*.*'15:35
latexerwhere the "openwrap" portion of that path is the junction.15:36
squallokay and that opwnwrap points somewhere else on your disk then.15:37
latexersquall: correct.15:37
squalland openwrap points to a bzr tree.   and "repo" is a repository I guess.15:37
latexerAnd looking, I think actually the ideal situation for me would be if the "JUNCTION" details (what path it points to) would be the thing committed. (I believe the same way symlinks are handled on *nix)15:38
latexerrepo is an initialized repository, "mainline" is a branch I've created.15:38
latexerthe junction wraps/openwrap points to wraps/_cache/openwrap-
latexer(hopefully that's clear)15:39
squallhmm. There probably is a bug about symlinks not working on windows already. As for what you're seeing, it probably should work I guess.15:39
latexeryeah, I found https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/81689 which seems to somewhat discuss the issue.15:40
latexer(that bug talks about checkouts, but I think fundamentally it's addressing the same thing)15:40
squallThere is this I find on wikipedia "Windows Vista supports a new symbolic link capability that replaces  junction points in Windows 2000 and Windows XP. They are designed to aid  in migration and application compatibility with UNIX operating systems"15:41
squallhave you tried this new symlink stuff?15:41
latexerthat's the thing... the openwrap utility/tool is the one creating this junction/link, I don't really have control of it...15:41
jamquicksilver: actually, history-db is "change from caching and always accesessing the entire history", to "cache the history in a way that we can access just the recent stuff quickly"15:41
latexeri mean, I could fiddle with it, but I was hoping to not have to potentially muck with the openwrap internals.15:42
squallyeah I see. I just wondered if it's actually creating a "junction" or a "symlink" type of thing. I guess a junction.15:42
quicksilverjam: *nod*15:43
latexersquall: "dir" from cmd shows it as a <JUNCTION>, so I would guess it's a junction, not a symlink.15:43
squallright, okay.15:43
squallyes well, anyway it appears that bzr doesn't like them. that is the answer for now. We may need a new bug on this I am not sure I'll look in a minute. Perhaps you could try the "new" symlink approach by changing this "openwrap". It depends if you can do that or not.15:46
latexeryeah, can't hurt to try.15:46
squallSee, these junctions/symlinks have never been polular on windows at all. Probably becuase there are programs that fail to work correctly with them.15:46
latexerya, makes sense.15:47
squallI'll look around the launchpad to see if there is a bug already.15:47
latexersquall: thanks.15:47
squallhmm there doesn't appear to be any mention of junctions. Although this problem might be related to other symlink bugs, it's hard to say.15:53
squall@latexer I think perhaps it might be worth adding a bug about that anyway - and perhaps if if can demonstrate the problem without needing a repository. if that's possible, to make it easier to reproduce.15:54
latexersquall: hrm... the openwrap author just sent me a tweet mentioning a way to make it not use junctions/symlinks and instead do copies from the cache.15:55
latexersquall: so I may be able to work around the issue with the tool itself.15:55
squallyeah that's sounds good.15:55
squallDo you fancy filing a bug at launchpad about junctions. I would only I've got no windows around at the moment, so its hard for me to check.15:56
Lo-lan-doHi all :-)16:00
jelmerhey Lo-lan-do16:01
Lo-lan-doQuestion for jelmer: I see activity is starting up again on bzr-git these days… is support for roundtripping somewhere on the TODO-list?16:01
latexersquall: can do.16:02
squallCheers, may as well if you have the time. I might take a quick look. Although I've not looked at bzr for a while now.16:03
jelmerLo-lan-do: yeah, it's on the list of things to work on16:06
jelmerI have a better idea of how to do it now after talking to some of the git devs16:06
Lo-lan-dojelmer: Cool.  That's going to help relieve the tension we're starting to feel in FusionForge.16:06
Lo-lan-doFeel free to poke me if you need a tester :-)16:07
jelmerLo-lan-do: will do, thanks :)16:07
jelmerI guess you're already subscribed to the bug ?16:07
Lo-lan-doNot as far as I know16:08
Lo-lan-doAh, found it.16:11
latexersquall: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/71650716:11
rjekHi.  I have a bzr branch that I migrated from svn many moons ago.  When I use it now, I get this warning: "Fetching into experimental format RepositoryFormatKnitPack3(). This format may be unreliable or change in the future without an upgrade path."16:13
rjekSo what's the /current/ upgrade path, and how do I move to something supported?16:13
squall@rjek well I don't really know. But you could try running bzr upgrade on it. I would make a backup/copy of the repository first, though.16:16
cbzif you haven't used any subtrees you can just do bzr upgrade --2a16:16
rjekI don't believe I've used nested trees, but bzr upgrade say"bzr: ERROR: Cannot convert from format RepositoryFormatKnitPack3() to format RepositoryFormat2a().    Does not support nested trees"16:19
fullermdYeah, you have to end run around it.16:19
rjekCan I check to see if nested trees have sneaked in somehow?16:19
fullermdTry init'ing a fresh 2a branch, and pull'ing into it.16:20
rjekfullermd: That appears to do the trick, ta.16:21
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fullermdTechnically, it shouldn't work.  But technically, upgrade should check whether you're using the nested tree capability before complaining about how you'll lose it.16:21
fullermdSo two wrongs DO make a right   :)16:22
* rjek grins.16:22
* rjek now writes a script to automatically upgrade and archive a whole imperial buttload of branches.16:22
vilafullermd: by the way, did you start upgrading *your* branches ?16:28
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fullermdNot 'till I get caught up on sleep.16:30
fullermdSo we may wait 'till bzr 3.8 or so for it...16:30
vilaindeed ;)16:30
vilajelmer: b-d 2.5 ? I thought the *package* has already reached 2.6, what am I missing *again* :)16:31
jelmervila: I think I'm missing some context :)16:32
vilajelmer: reno 515 on bzr-buildeb trunk16:32
jelmervila: we're at 2.5.1 according to changelog16:33
vilaLo-lan-do: your fqdn is hilarious :D16:33
Lo-lan-doIs it?16:34
fullermdMaybe he just tpyo'd it in his mind...16:34
vilajelmer: nvm, I could swear I saw 2.616:34
vilalol, yeah, that should be it16:35
vilaLo-lan-do: well, at least to me mirexpress.internal.placard sounds quite fun :)16:35
Lo-lan-doIt comes from a long tradition of hostnames that match "mir".16:36
vilaLo-lan-do: but maybe I'm misinterpreting, as you can see above my mind play tricks on me ...16:36
vilaLo-lan-do: mireille, mirabelle, miroir-mon-beau-miroir ?16:36
Lo-lan-domonbomiroir is the server that does backups.16:37
Lo-lan-domirabelle is my current printer.16:37
vilayes ! 2 out of 3 :)16:37
* fullermd always liked 'Mireille'...16:37
Lo-lan-doI don't think I ever used mireille.  But I've had casimir, clodomir, minimir (my first laptop), miramax (the one used as a media center to play DVDs), mirific, dynamir, miracle, mokomir, mirador, mirenboite and prismirale (a plug computer)16:39
Lo-lan-doOh, and mircouleur, too, for a printer :-)16:39
Lo-lan-do(And I could go on with the list of past, current and future names :-)16:40
fullermdMirabile dictu   ;p16:40
vilalol@mircouleur :) So I was on the right joke track with mirexpress...16:41
vilaprismirale goes over my head though...16:41
fullermdI wonder if I've ever had a machine with 'mir' in the name...   can't offhand think of one.16:41
Lo-lan-dovila: Plug computer.  "prise murale".  Ahaha.16:42
vilamy current trend is on tools you can find in a bazaar: screw, scythe, saw, axe..16:43
vilaLo-lan-do: !!!16:43
Lo-lan-doI'm not claiming it actually is funny, just that I find it so.16:43
vilaLo-lan-do: wfm :)16:43
fullermdAll my systems (except my workstation) get named after mythologically significant constellations.16:43
vilathe first real "root" guy I met used islands from a map in his desk, vanuatu, tahiti, quite colorful...16:44
fullermdLaptop is pegasus.  An old dual-pentium was hydra.  A file server in a hyuge case was hercules.  Matched pair of diskless workstations were cepheus and cassiopeia...16:45
fullermdThere's a 386 in the closet that, if it still boots, will come up calling itself musca16:46
fullermdOur business systems are named after herbs.  We're about to (loooong overdue) retire rosemary.16:48
achianghow can i switch the view of my local tree to a tag? or is that not the bzr way to do it?16:50
fullermdYou can use update to pivot the working tree around.  Or pull to mess with the branch.16:51
achianghm, ok. thanks16:54
achiangi guess what i want to do is fork an upstream branch at a certain revision16:55
achiangand push it to my own place in launchpad16:56
fullermdIn that case, you'd probably want to use "branch -r" when you first create your branch.16:56
achiangso, maybe what i need to do is bzr clone the upstream to my local drive; figure out what tag/revspec i want, bzr branch -r and create a new local branch from that, hackhackhack, then commit and push?16:57
fullermdWell, you could use pull to reset the head of the branch once you have it, via a "bzr pull --overwrite -rX ."  (don't miss the trailing period)16:58
achianghm... does that allow me to keep all the upstream objects around, and merge my changes more easily if i want to?16:59
achiangsorry, i don't know a lot of bzr terminology, maybe "objects" isn't the right word16:59
achiang--overwrite seems scary and confusing, based on reading the man page17:00
achiangi actually can't figure out the difference between pull and clone/branch17:01
fullermdGenerally speaking, branch is for making a new branch; pull is for updating an existing branch.17:03
fullermd(in this case, we're using pull to "update" to an old revision, but that's just a special sorta case)17:04
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fullermdvila: Mmph.  I wish upgrade would shaddup about the metadir   :(17:38
vilarepro recipe please !17:38
fullermdWell.  Run it   :p17:38
fullermdSUMMARY: 6 upgrades attempted, 5 succeeded, 1 failed17:39
fullermdbzr: ERROR: The branch format Meta directory format 1 is already at the17:39
fullermdmost recent format.17:39
vilaI know I've seen it and thought the same but could never remember how17:39
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fullermdAh hah...17:48
fullermdbug 71656017:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 716560 in Bazaar "recursive upgrade sometimes tries to upgrade metadir, giving an error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71656017:53
fullermdWith script.  Getting rid of trees is the trick; a branch with a tree doesn't bother screwing with the metadir format, but without it it does.17:53
fullermdvila: ^^   (that took a little fiddling)17:56
vilafullermd: thanks17:56
fullermdPretty wacky.17:57
fullermdNote that it _doesn't_ error if we use pack-0.92 (which has an older branch format).  So going from 1.9 with no working tree, the individual branches would have nothing to upgrade; that's the case where they apparently try the metadir.  If there's a wt or branch format that's upgrade-able, it just does it and moves on.17:58
* fullermd should add that to the bug...18:00
jamvila: when the bug was a common problem, you hit it whenever you tried to upgrade something that was the newest format18:00
jamvila: and we still do18:00
jamgo to a fully up-to-date branch and run "bzr upgrade"18:00
jamIt certainly tells me that the Metadir is up-to-date, rather than the branch or repo, etc.18:01
vilajam: could be, but istm I still encounter it from time to time when I come across old branches in the basement...18:01
vilajam: yeah, that may be what happen here, update branch, update tree, oops, no tree, bad fallback, etc18:01
jamvila: the bug is that it says it is an *error*, rather than just saying "already up to date" without "bzr: ERROR"18:02
vilayup, worse, it's an error the user has no control over since the branch needed to be upgraded and was successfully upgraded (I think I haven;t look in details) fullermd can confirm my guess maybe18:03
vilafullermd: see my comment in bug #716560 for a new 2.3 command (and sorry for the lack of ``for`` ;)18:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 716560 in Bazaar "recursive upgrade sometimes tries to upgrade metadir, giving an error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71656018:29
jelmerjam: are you still hacking on reusable packs infrastructure?18:30
vilafullermd: and try without ``--null-output`` for additional fun :-D18:30
jamjelmer: it is still around, but I haven't been hacking on it18:31
jelmerjam: ah, ok - thanks18:32
* maxb scratches head - I'm *in* a bzr branch, but bzr is trying to open the svn working copy several directory levels above?!18:32
jelmermaxb: does the branch have a repository?18:32
maxbyes, it's standalone18:32
maxbah, but it's a brand new branch, with no revisions18:33
maxboh, sorry18:33
maxbFalse alarm, I ended up with a .svn dir I didn't know about18:34
vilaI'm nearly off, just wanting to mention that I made good progress on the p-i regarding bugs #589532 and #589523 (and thanks to the reporters for providing tyop-proof numbers, really mister boss mens, I appreciate) (with tests) and that I have a good hunch on the log file spamming18:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 589532 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "imports hang from time to time when talking to the mass importer" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58953218:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 589523 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "mass importer doesn't handle hung-inactive processes" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58952318:35
vilaSeriously, aren't those guys just great or what ?18:36
fullermdOnce upon a time, I had two phone lines, whose numbers differed by two digits being transposed.  It was great fun   :p18:36
maxbWas there a recent change causing API version requirement violations to be warnings rather than errors? Because I vaguely remember that discussion, but I can't find the change.19:19
maxbjelmer: When you said "The API requirements should no longer be strict - they should just cause warnings rather than be strict errors." what were you referring to? Plugins still fail to load for me if they violate requirements19:22
jelmermaxb: poolie was working on that, I though it had already landed19:22
jamjelmer: poolie made it so they would not show errors, but would just log that it is failing, and not import them19:49
jamso now you have to do "bzr plugins" to see the failures19:49
jamI think the next step he wanted to do was to make it so that they would still import19:49
jamand we would just have that info when there was a crash, etc.19:49
vilajelmer: This was discussed at Dallas, I thought you were involved ? They may have been some variations...20:01
jelmervila: I was, but not aware of how much of it was implemented20:01
vilamaxb: it's the same modification that display the plugins after the traceback20:02
vilasmall review queue, post-release effect20:03
pooliehi arjenAU, spiv, jelmer22:14
jelmerhi poolie, spiv, arjenAU22:14

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