
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
gary_posterbac, benji, gmb, mumble/kanban in 213:28
gary_postergmb, could you add me to https://qastaging.launchpad.net/~malone-alpha please?  db hasn't updated that yet I guess13:46
gmbgary_poster: Sure.13:46
gary_posterthank you13:46
gmbgary_poster: I've added you and made you an admin.13:47
gary_posterthank you again13:48
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
* gmb -> afk for a bit14:27
bachi gmb16:28
gmbHi bac.16:28
bacgmb: 90 sec mumble?16:28
gmbbac: Sure.16:28
bacgmb: when mumbling you're super loud and blown out16:33
gmbYeah, I think it's because I set up Mumble with the built-in-mic but I'm now using my iphone earbuds. I need to reconfigure it.16:34
gmbThanks for the heads-up.16:34
bachurrah, i'm making an accordion with no external assets.16:49
benjibac: I'm in need of a task.  Anything I can help you with?19:07
* bac thinks19:08
benjigary_poster: here's my first cut of a "how to access the webservice from JS" document: https://dev.launchpad.net/yellow/JavaScriptAPIAccessDraft19:08
* gary_poster looks19:08
bacbenji: i'm wrapping up my task to include the gallery stuff.  i need to write up a quick wiki article about it.  after i push the branch you may want to have a look around.  other than that i can't think of anything ATM.19:09
gary_posterbenji, I'll think about it in a sec.  one comment as I read: some APIs are exposed via collections19:10
gary_posterand I think we hope to have more of those19:10
benjibac: ok, thanks anyway.  I'd be interested in any feedback you have on https://dev.launchpad.net/yellow/JavaScriptAPIAccessDraft.19:10
gary_posterfinding out where those are/how to use them is something that I wouldn't know how to do systematically19:10
gary_posterother than stare at interfaces and their annotations19:10
benjigary_poster: I don't know how those work, so I didn't include them. :)19:10
gary_posterwhich may be the only answer19:10
benjiwell, I got an idea from reading the code, but I didn't want to lead anyone astray19:11
gary_posterheh, ok, makes sense benji.  since that's a known gray area rather than a yet-to-be-discovered gray area, I recommend highlighting it as something that exists but that isn't explained here yet.19:11
benjigood idea19:12
gary_posterwill get back to reading the doc, but here's one small useful thing to do: look at comment #6 on https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/64925219:14
_mup_Bug #649252: No unsubscribe link in emails for non-verbose bug notifications <easy> <email> <lp-bugs> <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:Triaged by yellow> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/649252 >19:14
gary_posterbenji, you could do that pretty quickly, and move a card along in gmb's lane19:15
* benji looks19:15
gary_posterbenji, back to the draft: "The URI is the webservice entity URI, not a URI normal human-readable web page" I think maybe there is a helper to convert one to the other?  Maybe that was just a desire that someone expressed once rather than something we actually have...19:17
benjigary_poster: I'm not aware of a way and a cursory look at the JS client doesn't reveal one.19:18
gary_posterok, benji :-/  must have been a desire then19:18
benjimaybe you're thinking of the reverse; there is now a web_link attribute on most resources that points to a human-readable web page19:18
gary_posterwell, I was thinking what I said, but maybe I just misunderstood19:19
gary_posterbenji, this is a good start, thank you.  How do you know what the success JSON will look like?  Or...is that saying that it will generally give you "instances" of webservice representations of server objects, and you can do...the usual things, whatever the usual things are, on those objects?19:20
gary_posterIn general, that's the part I think you probably have an answer for that I still don't understand after reading19:21
benjigary_poster: Is your question: what does the JSON returned by retrieving a resource look like?19:23
gary_posterbenji, well, what are those success callbacks supposed to do, benji.  If we are supposed to handle the JSON, then I want to know what the JSON looks like.  If the JSON is handled for us, then I don't care.  But generally, if I call a named operation, how do I know what to expect to do about it in the success callback?19:24
gary_posterheh, sorry for double19:24
benjiI think you accidentally a word.  ;)19:25
benjithe success callbacks get an object, the JSON attributes are mapped into object attributes.19:25
benjiI tried to say that but may have failed.  I'll rewrite that bit.19:25
gary_posterbut what are those objects?  You look in the WADL to find out?19:26
benjioh!  I don't know what you look at for them, I've just been looking at the JSON or HTML generated by them.  I'll see if there's something better than that and write it in.19:27
gary_posterbenji, moved things around so that your card could be in feature work 1 where it belongs.20:34

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