
greg777hello all, does anyone here know if xfce-battery-plugin will work on lxde? i'm running salix os lxde and there is no battery monitor available. attempted to install xfce-battery-plugin and it does not show up as an available applet for lxpanel01:57
sebastianhi everyone, can somebody help me please?04:55
bioterrorhard to idle for a while05:15
AscavasaionHOw do I share a directory for a windows machine toa ccess via the network?11:08
bioterrorsudo apt-get install samba11:12
bioterrorand edit /etc/samba/smb.conf ;)11:12
Ascavasaionbioterror, Oh, no right click share?  Aaaaw. hehe11:14
bioterrorI tell you a secret11:15
bioterroryou can use ssh to access files ;)11:15
Ascavasaionum, yes?11:15
AscavasaionI know :)11:15
bioterrorif you have another *nix computer in your network11:15
AscavasaionBut this is  aWindows 7 machine.11:15
bioterrorbut yeah, I use samba too as I watch movies with a networked media tank11:15
AscavasaionOne look at smb.conf and I think itis time to go back to Windows... sheesh11:17
AscavasaionWOW, poor support for Windows file sharing hey?  I wonder why Lubuntu does not have some decent networking tools?11:20
MrChrisDruifAscavasaion: What are you talking about?11:22
MrChrisDruifAre you talking about samba?11:22
AscavasaionMrChrisDruif, I was hoping to share a directory on my Lununtu machine so that a Windows 7 machine can upload stuff into it... I took one look at smb.conf and realised that it is way out of my league.11:23
AscavasaionYes, Samba.11:23
MrChrisDruifWell...samba is also on normal Ubuntu ;)11:23
MrChrisDruifSo it wouldn't get any better there..11:24
AscavasaionMrChrisDruif, I know... hehehe11:24
MrChrisDruifAnd samba is the only tool for windows file-sharing in linux...11:24
AscavasaionMrChrisDruif, Just thoght there would be a nice little application to share directories, even have it built into the file manager, but I se nothing.11:24
AscavasaionE: Couldn't find package dropbox11:26
* Ascavasaion sighs11:26
MrChrisDruif2GB free, cross-platform...free upgrading to 8GB11:26
AscavasaionI wonder why every single thing in Linux is such a mission.11:26
MrChrisDruifDropbox isn't in the repos ofc :P11:26
MrChrisDruifJust go to dropbox.com and download the .deb11:26
AscavasaionOf course it is not... why would Linux guys ever want to make it possible to network with Windows machines... Only the fact that 90% of the other computers it will ever link with are Windows machines heehhe11:27
MrChrisDruifThere is some manually/scripting involved because it's "designed" to work with nautilus...11:27
MrChrisDruifAscavasaion: You don't go to websites? ;)11:27
AscavasaionAaah man.11:27
MrChrisDruifA lot of websites run on Linux afaik11:28
AscavasaionMrChrisDruif, hehe  You know what I meant... direct file sharing beween computers ona  network hhe11:28
MrChrisDruifOn a network....don't you control all the machines on your network? ;)11:28
MrChrisDruifYou must mean business network or something :D11:29
AscavasaionMrChrisDruif, I do, but if it is such a mission to connect two of them, then I maya s well swap hard disks, copy the stuff and pop them back into their machines.11:29
MrChrisDruifI meant that you could install Linux on all your machines ;)11:29
AscavasaionThe one machine is not my machine.  The Windows one that is.11:30
AscavasaionDruif = one grape in Afrikaans... a language in South Africa :)11:32
AscavasaionDruif = one grape in Afrikaans... a language in South Africa :)11:33
Ascavasaionbut I see you are Dutch, so you would know that hehe11:33
MrChrisDruifDruif is indeed grape in English....how every it's is indeed also Dutch and not just African :P11:34
AscavasaionAs I aid above.11:35
AscavasaionDropbox is a flippen remote thing... argh!11:40
MrChrisDruifAscavasaion: You could try it this (http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/05/19/how-to-share-files-and-folders-in-ubuntu/) works on lubuntu11:43
AscavasaionI wonder.11:43
MrChrisDruif(I've got neither Lubuntu installed nor Windows accessible atm)11:43
MrChrisDruifIt uses an older version of Ubuntu as you can see, but should probably be working almost the same in Lubuntu....at least; that is what I hope...11:46
AscavasaionNop, no right click share in Lubuntu.11:48
AscavasaionI give up, seriously... Maybe another day when I have patience for this junk.11:48
MrChrisDruifMaybe another day will someone be here who knows about this :)11:51
AscavasaionMrChrisDruif, What is there to know?  Ubuntu has crap support for the largest operating system in the known galaxy :)11:54
MrChrisDruif1Ascavasaion: Linux has crap support for it...but there are multiple versions of samba, because Windows changed things here and there....so some version works better with XP than Vista etc...11:58
MrChrisDruif1And in what way is "it" the largest OS? ;)11:58
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D33RHi everybody13:14
bioterrorAscavasaion, hey13:29
bioterrorAscavasaion, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/565368/ add that kind of line end of your smb.conf13:32
bioterrorremember to change workgroup and you're good to go ;)13:34
D33Rflash 10.2 crash on chrome13:53
D33Rnice update13:54
strycoreI noticed something weird ... the first pic I see when going to the lubuntu website is a girl holding a XO Laptop, and yet I can't seem to find a clear tutorial on installing lubuntu on a OLPC XO Laptop...13:54
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jmarsdenstrycore: If you have an XO and can write us such a tutorial, that would be great :)16:22
bioterrorthats just mediasexy!16:22
strycorejmarsden, I'll give it a try some day16:26
jmarsdenstrycore: Thanks!16:26
strycorebut if I get lubuntu on the XO i'd rather make images directly writtable to a SD card, making a tutorial useless (much like DebXO does for Debian)16:28
endlesshello all16:56
stlsaintbioterror: so whats going on here??17:11
bioterroratm nothing i guess17:11
T44hm, i am using xfce4-notifyd on lubuntu, and its working perfectly - except that for some reason the notifications dont disappear again18:59
T44but if i send a test message with notify-send it works fine19:00
T44its weird19:00
T44any ideas?19:00
T44(on xfce systems it works)19:00
T44i prefer xfce4-notifyd to notification-daemon or notify-osd (or whatever the gnome one was called)19:01
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Logan_WP#join thing23:18

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