
spriteanyone know an irc channel i can go to for hp proliant support?00:10
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
siyaEvening all01:05
siyaJust had the weirdest thing01:05
siyaMaking screen shots my Amarock indicator came up01:06
siyaNow my 2nd screen is zoomed into the active app (not F11 style)01:06
siyaand my mouse pointer is gone01:06
siyaSeems hitting F2 and running compiz gave me my mouse pointer back01:14
siyathen had to "mess" with the screen settings turning 2nd monitor off/on and changing resolutions on both several times has sorted it01:15
beagleis there much updated from 10.041 to 10.10 it didnt look like it06:16
beagledid they add video drivers06:16
beagleits a pain setting up ubuntu06:16
beagleatleast i wrote down how06:16
beagleit wasnt much different when it had opengl either06:17
beagledoes it emulate directx as well06:17
beagleas opengl06:17
* MartijnVdS waits for mr electricity man (who will replace the entire electrical system in my house with one from this century)07:11
hoovermornin all07:27
TheOpenSourcererMorning all08:10
MooDoohello all08:26
DJonesGood & Happy Thursday to all08:31
BigRedSGood Morning!08:32
DJonesczajkowski: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/02/10/job_site_breach/ Hope you weren't registered on this site08:44
dwatkinsouch, that's not good - one more reason to use my smapbox (i.e. hotmail account) for such things09:08
dwatkinsalso, spambox09:08
screen-xmorning :)09:14
screen-x<-- should buy some mudguards09:15
DJonesscreen-x: Or not go off-roading09:16
screen-xDJones: was bad enough on the road this morning..09:16
DJonesscreen-x: Just general rubbish on the roads or following a tractor type vehicle09:17
screen-xDJones: Wasn't raining, but must have been raining over night, so roads had a film of water on the surface.09:18
* screen-x guesses python syslog interface09:19
JamesTaitBore da!10:02
screen-xmorning JamesTait  :)10:07
czajkowskiDJones: aye10:11
MooDoomorning all10:13
DJoneshi s-fox10:20
s-foxHello DJones . How are you?10:21
MooDooblimey what a morning10:22
DJoness-fox: Not bad thanks, hows you10:22
screen-xWhats going on MooDoo?10:23
MooDooscreen-x: just busy...:)10:23
screen-xwhile :; do todo=$(( $todo +1 )); done10:25
dwatkinsIs that not recursive?10:29
dwatkinsoh, I thought it would add the text, not perform maths.10:31
s-foxI am okay thank you DJones , little tired but okay thank you.10:31
cpsmorning peeps :)10:34
s-foxHello cps . How are you ?10:34
cpss-fox, I'm alright, you?10:34
s-foxNot too bad thank you, looking forward to Saturday :)10:36
s-foxMy birthday is on the monday, but friends are taking me out for dinner on saturday night. Also wales are coming to murrayfield on saturday, so generally in a good mood cps =)10:38
cpscool :)10:38
dwatkinsThe Drobo seems to be a really easy to use NAS, and makes me wonder if it would be possible to setup Ubuntu to allow automated rebuilds of md disks in an array in the same manner, but actually implement NFS and CIFS shares in an open fashion - does anyone know if this is already being done?10:40
popeydwatkins: people have tried10:41
popey<- one of those people10:41
dwatkinspopey: ah, I imagine it's not easy to automate it all, but in theory should be possible, no?10:41
shaunoit's certainly possible, else drobo wouldn't be doing it ;)10:43
LaneyIf car A is trying to go straight on at a crossroads and car B is trying to turn right from the opposite side to car A, who has priority?10:43
AlanBellMeeting Thursday February 10th 21:00 GMT in #ubuntu-uk-meeting  http://tinyurl.com/uukmeet10:43
dwatkinsshauno: true, but they seem to have closed clients10:43
screen-xis snort still the IDS of choice?10:43
AlanBellLaney: car A, unless there are lights10:44
AlanBellI think10:44
AlanBelldid you get hit by car B?10:44
Laneyno, just honked at10:44
screen-xLaney: yeah, car A, as they would have to cross the other carriage way10:45
BigRedSAh, but legal technicalities don't really have that much of an effect upon the way people drive10:45
Laneyyeah, well it's not really an uncommon situation10:46
shaunoI think if it's a 4-way stop, it's whoever got there first.  if there's no stops (signs/lights), then A has to have right of way in their own lane10:46
screen-xdo we even have 4 way stops?10:46
LaneyThey are a US-ism AFAIK10:46
BigRedSno, we have roundabouts10:46
dwatkinsin the US, you can turn right on a red signal10:46
screen-x\o/ roundabouts10:46
shaunothat varies by state dwatkins :/10:47
dwatkinsshauno: ah ok, didn't know that10:47
BigRedSI don't think i've ever seen that sort of response to a roundabout :)10:47
Laneyanyway yeah, I thought you always passed offside-to-offside unless directed10:47
dwatkinsmagic roundabouts \o/ \o/10:47
Laneyso, /me basks in being right10:47
dwatkinsLaney: I agree10:47
shaunoI like right-on-red, until you're somewhere new and not sure if it's allowed or not10:47
screen-xBigRedS: much more fun than traffic lights10:48
MooDoobest round about i've seen is one in hemel hempstead10:48
shaunoI do like roundabouts with roundabouts on them.  they're fantastic foreigner-filters.  not so sure about lights on roundabouts tho10:48
AlanBellI always shut my eyes when driving round the hemel one, it keeps me calmer10:48
AlanBellwhen I don't have my peril sensitive sunglasses on10:49
diploSwindons magic roundabout10:49
screen-xdiplo: wut?10:50
MooDoouh ho! popey goes ops10:50
screen-xthats crazy10:50
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List: http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines - http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting Thursday February 10th 21:00 GMT in #ubuntu-uk-meeting http://tinyurl.com/uukmeet | \o/ Chickens, minecraft, trains, cake & roundabouts
diploGod awful isn't it10:50
diploGot to be the worst ever10:50
LaneyI like how you can end up going backwards around it10:50
DJonesCan anybody explain this from teh BT website talking about estimated speed of broadband "BT always give you the best speed possible on your line.The speed prediction we have given here is an estimate.The actual speed is dependent on several factors such as the processing power of your computer"...How does the processing power of the computer affect the download speed?10:51
BigRedSwell, if they get fast enough your NIC could be a bottleneck...10:52
screen-xDJones: its possible in the case of a USB ADSL modem10:52
shaunoused to get that with softmodems (glorified soundcards)10:52
dwatkinsDJones: if you have a slow PC it might have issues, but also BT's exchange regularly checks the capacity of the broadband connection and ramps it up or down depending on the quality/bandwidth - if you shut down your router over night, it will actually *slow* your broadband connection in general (which seems crazy but has been explained to me by a BT engineer in great detail)10:53
shaunoI imagine at the right speeds, things like throughput to disk could become real factors tho10:53
rowinggolferBT connection woes?10:53
DJonesAnd there was me thinking that the download speed would be independent of computer10:54
dwatkinsI wish my internet connection was that fast, shauno ;)10:54
dwatkinsDJones: it's a case of where the bottleneck[s] are/is10:54
DJonesdwatkins: True10:54
rowinggolferDJones, have you tried tweaking the MTU?10:54
dwatkinsif you have wifi, you might not get more than 10 MBit throughput, because that's about as much real-world speed you're going to get from 802.11g, I gather10:55
DJonesrowinggolfer: Its not me, my dad is looking to change from F2S/Tiscali/Opal to BT Broadband and asked me to have a look at it & that was just a comment on the bt website10:55
rowinggolferah, ok. I jumped in half way through.10:56
dwatkinsI have BT at home, and have been in regular contact with their UK support department due to frequent drop-outs of my connection :-/10:56
dwatkinsBT broadband, that is10:57
shaunoit used to be that tiscali lines were just resold BT ones.  dunno if that's still the case.10:57
rowinggolferdwatkins, i had huge issues with my BT connection here until I lowered the MTU. I'm still wondering if I'm the only person that has found that to be of value10:57
dwatkinsbethere uses BT lines, but doesn't have quite so many bandwidth issues, somehow10:58
DJonesF2S used to be really good, but since they got bought by Tiscali, my dad's been getting a lot more problems & mostly seems to be problems with their equipment rather than the BT line10:58
rowinggolferdwatkins, ditto virgin.10:58
dwatkinsrowinggolfer: interesting, what did you lower it to, 1400?10:58
BigRedSDJones: it's only the copper that's BT's10:58
rowinggolferdwatkins, in the end 512 :(10:58
dwatkinswow, rowinggolfer10:58
BigRedSEr, ^^ was aimed at dwatkins10:58
dwatkinsBigRedS: yeah, so I gather - I guess that means bethere have their own routers at the exchange10:59
popeyDaviey: etherpad seems to be down11:05
popeycan anyone else get to http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/2011plan11:05
s-foxFailed for me11:06
Davieyah yes11:06
DJonesService Temprarily Unavailable11:06
moreatipopey: I can reach Apache, which reports 'Service Temporarily Unavailable"11:06
Davieyi knew that...11:06
rowinggolferanyone here use wmii2?11:08
screen-xrowinggolfer: used to use wmii, now I use compiz + grid plugin :)11:10
andylockranHowdy Peoples!11:12
andylockranczajkowski: can I bring along a few peeps to the #ubuntu-uk-rugby meetup?  Making a weekend of it for my birthday celebrations.11:12
rowinggolferscreen-x, ty looking11:13
czajkowskiandylockran: the more the merrier11:14
davmor2morning all11:15
screen-x!info compiz-fusion-plugins-extra |rowinggolfer11:15
lubotu3None: compiz-fusion-plugins-extra (source: compiz-fusion-plugins-extra): Collection of extra plugins from OpenCompositing for Compiz. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.6-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 3494 kB, installed size 9736 kB11:15
andylockranmorning davmor211:15
screen-xrowinggolfer: has to be enabled in ccsm11:15
davmor2hugs czajkowski to spread the ubuntu love11:15
czajkowskiandylockran: just update your acceptance to +number11:17
Davieypopey, back11:21
andylockranczajkowski: ok, ta11:23
* screen-x finds out how to get detailed cpu utilisation graphis in xymon/hobbit :)11:23
kazadeyou guys watching the #ubuntupro hashtag?11:24
MartijnVdSpeople watch hashtags?!11:24
kazadePCPro have switched to Ubuntu for the day11:24
kazadethey are all micro-blogging about it and live blogging here: http://www.pcpro.co.uk/blogs/2011/02/10/live-blog-running-pc-pro-on-ubuntu/11:24
kazadeso far it's not been great :/11:25
kazadewell, in fairness it doesn't sound like they did much prep11:25
davmor2kazade: but the issues they are having are fairly minor to be fair11:25
davmor2the biggest one is the video playback11:25
kazadeyeah, the graphics issue is the most severe one11:25
kazadealso the guy who has to reinstall each time he activates the ATI driver11:26
kazadethat's pretty bad11:26
MartijnVdSyou shouldn't enable the ATI driver unless you need a feature the free driver doesn't provide11:26
MartijnVdSsame with nvidia11:26
DJonesHeh "Canonical have found out about our Ubuntu experiment, and are sending over a support engineer11:26
DJonesI wonder who's missing from -uk irc today11:26
davmor2kazade: he possibly doesn't need to install the driver to do what he needs throughout the day the free one works11:27
kazadeyeah, he said he wanted to try Compiz11:27
MartijnVdSDJones: Maybe sabdfl is going over himself :)11:27
BigRedSDJones: Doesn't that defy the point slightly?11:27
kazadeBigRedS, I don't think so. If you have trouble with Windows, you turn to someone who knows about it.. it's just with Windows that's pretty much any techie within reach11:28
davmor2DJones: weren't support engineers :P  there are a couple in the millbank office though iirc11:28
DJonesBigRedS: I don't think it would, if a commercial organisation was to change to ubuntu, there's probably a good chance they'd take out a support contract which I'd think would offer a support engineer if necessary11:28
davmor2BigRedS: They are making a list of everything the engineer does and to be honest I don't think he'll be raced off his feet11:29
kazadeThat guy with the graphics issues is now having problems with his updates11:30
BigRedSYeah, it's just that, publicly at least, it looks like "we can switch to ubuntu if Canoical send along some of their finest"11:30
kazadehe can only boot into an old kernel11:30
BigRedSI'd just prefer it if they didn't end up needing them, or could do it all from IRC/google/forums.11:30
BigRedSthough, admittedly, they probably need to get some work done, too :)11:30
DJonesPerhaps somebody should put a reply to their twitter/email & invite them into -uk to get assistance as well11:32
n1md4Hello.  Has anyone set up heartbeat before?  I'm playing around with some config, but can't quite get it right. http://pastebin.com/TF8jecAH if you can help.11:32
DJonesOr maybe they're already here spying on us11:32
davmor2BigRedS: to be honest on office based rollouts you probably have some one proficient set it all up anyway,  they all seem to be using wubi which can have issues anyway but on the whole should just work11:33
screen-xwubi wubi wubi wubi ahh ahh ahh ahh ahahhhhhhhhhhh11:36
BigRedSdavmor2: Yeah, I just wanted it to be a better propaganda excercise :)11:36
DJonesn1md4: Can't say I've heard of heartbeat, if you don't get an response here it might be worth asking in #ubuntu11:37
raphaHi all11:38
screen-xDJones: heartbeat is for HA/failover, but I've never used it.11:38
raphaFunny, that PCPro experiment ...11:38
screen-xrapha: yeah, we've just been talking about it :)11:38
raphascreen-x: bit unfair though - their Windowses are already set up and all, and Ubuntu they need to configure for themselves first11:38
screen-xrapha: yeah11:39
screen-xrapha: they'd have many problems if they all arrived at work with wiped machines, and had to setup a windows network from scratch11:39
kazadetech support from canonical has arrived11:39
kazadethey are working on that graphic card problem11:39
screen-xI wonder who they sent..11:39
kazade£Our tech support from @gerrycanonical has arrived. Mike Jennings' graphics cards is his first challenge... #ubuntupro£11:40
raphaalso what's with "trying to find an IM tool" - they're going at this with a Windows mentality, assuming there wasn't one built in11:40
screen-xrapha: though they do mention pidgin higher up11:40
raphayeah but pidgin is NOT the one that's built in11:40
raphashouldn't have had to install anything at all11:40
kazadeI don't think that the messaging menu is as prominent as it should be on first run11:40
Laneyapplications -> internet?11:41
kazadeif you don't know it exists you would go looking for stuff like that11:41
kazadeLaney, fair point :)11:41
raphamaybe not, but then, if i installed win7 for the first time, stuff wouldn't be obvious either11:41
kazadegod Gwibber sucks11:42
raphacan anyone imagine what mikejennings did to get "dozens of error messages" after updating? i never ever got that11:42
BigRedSit's entirely possible that he's under the impression that any output at all is an error message11:42
BigRedSit is incomprehensible unless you actually read it, and many people don't like reading it11:42
BigRedSOh, or he could've used the clicky interface...11:42
kazadeI still reckon that Ubuntu needs to be more robust when it comes to borked graphics..11:43
raphahmm yeah i've had that problem when installing older ubuntu versions on people's computers11:43
raphabut 10.10 doesn't really show any output during booting11:43
kazadereally, it shouldn't be possible to stop your PC booting by clicking that "Activate driver" button11:43
kazadeI think we might see a few people joining the channel :)11:47
DJoneskazade: Just noticed the hint on twitter11:47
raphathe only prob i've ever had with graphics drivers is with the 11.04 alpha with my Sandy Bridge built-in graphics11:49
screen-xsandybridge eh?11:50
kazaderapha, you obviously weren't around when Breezy came out ;)11:50
screen-xrapha: any stat issues?11:50
raphai've been using ubuntu since the first version11:50
raphascreen-x: stat?11:50
screen-xoops s/stat/sata/11:50
raphascreen-x: yeah, can't get Windows XP to work with AHCI11:51
directhexrapha, got a calendar handy?11:51
raphadirecthex: i use my phone for that, sorry11:51
raphadirecthex: try Sunbird yet?11:51
directhexrapha, usefully, my computer informs me of the required data, i.e. which year it is11:52
rapharather, Lightning, as it is called now11:52
screen-xrapha: I dont think AHCI is supported in XP, unless you have a specific driver.11:52
raphadirecthex: well, mine does that, too :-D - upper right corner, don't need no calendar for that11:53
directhexXP is a decade old. decade-old OS in "doesn't magically love <decade old hardware"11:53
raphascreen-x: well, one did come with the mainboard...11:53
directhexif we stuck with old technology, nothing would ever improve. much like IE6 did for years.11:53
raphascreen-x: but you probably were referring to the chipset problems; those apparently only apply for the slower 3GB/s SATA ports11:53
screen-xrapha: ah ok :)11:53
raphadirecthex: need XP for some legacy apps ... it's okay though - just need to change to IDE in the BIOS11:53
screen-xrapha: or use a VM, sounds like quite a spiffy machine11:54
directhexusing IDE emulation on a modern system makes baby jesus cry11:54
screen-xdirecthex: its ok, it didnt happen, there are no disks, just an iSCSI connection to a RAM SAN11:55
raphascreen-x: tell me once you get graphics acceleration to work in VirtualBox11:55
screen-xI thought that worked in v4?11:55
raphascreen-x: maybe i should try again, then11:56
directhexno NCQ in IDE mode, iirc11:56
nigelbAhoy Ukers11:58
morleypotterHi all, Just a (potentially) quickie if you don't mind please?12:00
BigRedS(long questions are acceptable, too)12:00
morleypotterwhen running Ubuntu desktop from a external disk, is it possible to power it down when idling without causing any problem?12:01
morleypotter@bigreds - lol12:01
nigelbAnyone build a cool app they want to showcase during Ubuntu Developer week? :)12:01
screen-xmorleypotter: potter power down the external disk? and by idle do you mean suspend to disk?12:02
morleypottersorry - yes power down the disk, but not suspend as such. [I have Ubuntu running on a 3.5 disk in a caddy linked to my Joggler and it's getting a bit warm!]12:03
screen-xmorleypotter: which partitions/mounts are on the external disk?12:04
morleypotter1 partition, no swap, mounted at /.12:04
moreatimorleypotter: I don't think that would be safe. Ubuntu would see it as a disconnection without unmount, which risks corrupting data on the disk12:04
screen-xmorleypotter: yeah, not a good idea to disconnect the root partition.12:05
screen-xmorleypotter: even if it was ok, you'd struggle to find a mount binary to mount it after reconnection12:06
morleypotterright, ok, i assumed it would work like an internal disk though?12:06
Oli``Any Sound Ninjas around? System crashed today and now PulseAudio won't add my sound card as a sink, leaving me with no sound. When I start PA manually it thinks the card is busy. There's more detail here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/25622/my-sound-stopped-working-today-how-can-i-fix-it12:06
moreatimorleypotter: and disconnect/powering down an internal disk like that would also be bad12:06
morleypotterwill it be doing any damage to the disk leaving it on all the time?12:07
moreatimorleypotter: point of clarification - exactly want did you mean by powering down the disk?12:07
morleypotterI probably could have explained myself better, apologies.12:08
morleypotterbasically my concern is damaging the disk, so i assumed i could stop the disk spinning when the o/s is idling.12:09
moreatimorleypotter: By what means, unplugging the power?12:10
morleypotterno, by using some sort of power save mode, or something already built in to Ubuntu.12:11
moreatimorleypotter: Now I'm not following you. You want the computer to continue running, but the disk to be not spinning. Ubuntu should automatically allow the disk to spin down *when there is no disk activity*12:13
morleypotterI thought that, but I can feel the disk "moving" everytime I check and the caddy is now really warm to the touch (has been on for 48 hours now)12:15
moreatiWhat are you running on the machine?12:16
DJonesI wonder whether the settings for the screensaver might help, there is an option on teh power management tab to spin down hard disks when possible12:16
moreati(by that I mean what programs/services does the machine run/provide?)12:17
morleypotterIt has Skype on it, which may keep it going. other than that a private web server (rarely accessed)12:17
rowinggolferkazade, that live blog is damn positive IMO.12:17
morleypotterno odd services, it's a fairly new install12:17
moreatimorleypotter: Skype could cause regular disk activity. If left running it can use the machine as a node in the skype network - for routing calls or something12:19
morleypotterI didn't think of anything like that until you just mentioned it.12:19
dwatkinsThat reminds me, I should check how to monitor disk usage with 'sar'.12:20
moreatimorleypotter: finding such programs can be a game of whack-a-mole12:20
morleypotterI'll try turning it off, and check it in a while12:20
morleypotterhow long do you think it should take to spin down?12:21
dwatkinsThe system will modify each file every time it is accessed unless the filesystem its on is mounted with 'noatime'12:21
dwatkinsSo if you have any cron jobs running, or any processes at-all with files they are writing to, the disk will be very unlikely to spin down12:21
morleypotter@dwatkins - How can i check that? with sar?12:21
dwatkinsmorleypotter: sorry but I don't know an easy way of doing this, it depends what you are running - is it a minimal server, or a desktop machine, i.e. with a GUI?12:22
dwatkinsat least if it's not running anything graphical there's less that it will be doing12:22
moreatidwatkins: given Skype, it' a GUI machine12:22
morleypotterIt's a desktop install, it has to be so i can access the original features of the joggler12:23
dwatkinsah yes, moreati12:23
dwatkinsmorleypotter: you could start by looking at the output of this command at the terminal: /usr/sbin/lsof12:23
dwatkinsThe entries which relate to things in /dev are less likely to cause disk activity, but it's worth looking at the rest to see what's being run12:24
morleypotterThanks dwatkins12:24
dwatkinsmorleypotter: the 2nd column is process ID, you can grep the 'ps -ef' output for those numbers, have fun :)12:25
moreatimorleypotter: This  should tell how your disk is mounted: cat /etc/mtab | grep ' / '12:25
moreatiIf noatime or relatime aren't mentioned, then every disk read actually results in a write as well.12:27
Oli``Anybody have an idea what might be causing arecord to run as root all the time? It's blocking my sound card and I don't know why it's running in the first place12:28
morleypottermoreati, dwatkins - I really appreciate your help, I've got a lot to be getting on with then. I'll report back shortly - Thanks again.12:28
* moreati notes his / partition isn't mounted (no|rel)atime and wonders whether the above is wrong12:29
moreatiI'd assumed that the Ubuntu partitioner/setup set one of those as a default12:29
popeythanks Daviey12:31
morleypottermoreati: output of the command you suggested, all seems ok then for me? /dev/sda2 / ext4 rw,noatime,errors=remount-ro 0 012:33
morleypotterdwatkins: /usr/sbin/lsof returns 'no such file or directory'12:34
moreatimorleypotter: indeed that is a fine setting - reads won't become writes12:34
moreatimorleypotter: just lsof, it's actually in /usr/bin/lsof12:34
morleypotteroh, i see, sorry.12:37
morleypottermoreati: That's a lot of information!12:39
moreatiOne of the #ubuntupro tweets is asking about swapping the window buttons back. Is Ubuntu Tweak a good suggestion these days? The download page mentions nothing after Karmic12:40
lubotu3In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side12:40
DJonesmoreati: That last link should be the answer12:41
DJonesI've already replied to that one with the link12:41
moreatiDJones: Fair enough, I was thinking Windows IT types might prefer the TweakUI-ness of UT12:43
moreatiin fact i was very beaten by several :)12:44
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
dogmatic69any recommendations (apps etc) for using amazon on ubuntu13:10
BigRedSdogmatic69: doing what? compute or storage? backups or general access?13:11
dogmatic69general access13:11
dogmatic69login, download etc13:11
TheOpenSourcererdogmatic69: A web browser?13:11
dogmatic69i only have the key/secret thing13:11
dogmatic69no username/pw13:11
moreatidogmatic69: Banshee is good for Amazon MP313:11
TheOpenSourcererI was joking ;-) You mean Amazon EC2 rather then the online shop I take it?13:12
dogmatic69is BigRedS the only one that is with me today :D13:12
screen-xdogmatic69: there is at least one fuse filesystem for s313:16
dogmatic69i just need the name, apt-get <something>13:17
moreatidogmatic69: what are you after? Something to run inside your EC2 instance, or something to run on your desktop for managing EC2 instances?13:18
BigRedSdogmatic69: duplicity is a backup tool for ec313:18
dogmatic69like i said, just want to download files off it13:18
BigRedSbut it's not a good tool for using it as an attached disk13:18
screen-xdogmatic69: http://code.google.com/p/s3fs/wiki/FuseOverAmazon13:18
BigRedSI don't think I've ever come across a prebuilt way of doing that. It's quite easy to write, though13:19
BigRedSOh, screen-x has :)13:19
BigRedSI've never looked, thinking about it13:19
screen-xThere is a package here, but it may not be very mature: https://launchpad.net/~zlj/+archive/test-daily/+buildjob/181581413:20
dwatkinsmoreati: sorry, I was checking from a different distro13:44
moreatidwatkins: np, no harm done13:46
* dwatkins considers an S3 account for backups13:47
bastubisstupid question - how to I edit the events list?13:48
DJonesbastubis: Do you mean the 2011 events list/plan?13:51
bastubisthis: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-uk/events13:51
bastubisor is that not the right one?13:51
DJonesbastubis: If so, just go to http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/2011plan13:51
DJonesAh, that one I linked was the suggestions for things to do this year13:52
bastubisNo, this is something ubuntu-related we're running, just to let people know13:52
DJonesGive me a sec13:52
bastubisno probs :)13:52
DJonesbastubis: I'm not sure if users can edit those pages13:54
DJonesMaybe popey AlanBell or Daviey would know about that13:54
s-foxAnyone keeping an eye on pc pro today?13:55
Davieybastubis, are you logged in?13:55
* s-fox is enjoying the running commentry on their blog 13:55
DJoness-fox: Yep13:55
DJoness-fox: Its quite interesting, along with the occasional discussions in here13:56
* s-fox got a mention in their twitter DJones , lmao13:56
bastubisyes, I'm logged into launchpad with open ID - do I need an admin login?13:56
s-foxDJones,  http://twitter.com/#!/pcpro/status/3569558210215936013:56
DJonesUgh, why don't people know the difference between their username and their password for logging into things13:59
bastubiswhat'd I do?14:00
dwatkinsThat's pretty fundamental, DJones :-/14:02
screen-xDJones: I had to help someone the other day who couldnt open a directory with acrobat reader14:09
moreatiDJones: easy solution: set them both to the same value14:11
DJonesmoreati: You mean like password & password14:12
moreatiyeah, or djones and djones :)14:12
dwatkinsI've used systems (admittedly inside a corporate network, so not much of a security risk) which had username == password14:14
DJonesWhen my dad registered for his broadband, he had problems getting it set up & rang the ISP, they did it for him and set the password as "password"14:18
DJones(for the online ISP website/account)14:18
shaunowe have a system where the default new user is username==password.  and a manager who delights in logging into people's accounts and giving them new passwords14:21
shaunohaving to call him up and ask him what he set your password to is a lesson you only learn once :)14:21
AlanBellhi bastubis14:27
AlanBellbastubis: reading back you want to add an event to the loco directory?14:28
bastubisDon't know if you recognise my nick, I'm Paula from Fossbox14:28
AlanBellyeah, I know14:28
AlanBellso here http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-uk14:28
bastubisOK :)14:28
AlanBellyou should see an Add New Event link at the top below the main header buttons14:29
AlanBellif you are logged in14:29
bastubisyes, /events14:29
bastubisI'm logged into launchpad14:29
bastubisusing open ID14:29
AlanBellwhich takes you here http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/ubuntu-uk/add/14:29
AlanBellnot /events, below that14:29
bastubisYou can not add a new event for this team. You are not member of the team or on the LoCo Council.14:30
bastubisit did some grumbling when I logged in with openID14:30
AlanBellwhat is your launchpad name?14:30
DJonesLooks like it'd work for me, I've got to the Add new Team Even for Ubuntu UK page14:31
bastubisnormally it's bastubis but I used the fossbox openID14:31
bastubisthinking it would avoid confusion :D14:31
AlanBellhttps://launchpad.net/~bastubis nope14:31
AlanBellhttps://launchpad.net/ top right it should show your name14:31
AlanBellnext to the log out button14:32
AlanBellfound it ;)14:32
AlanBellyou need to join the UK team on launchpad14:32
bastubisi logged out of openID and loggedback in as bastubis14:33
AlanBellyeah, but the launchpad ID of bastubis is pmg-gmx14:34
bastubisyes - I should never have confused the issue by using my fossbox openID lol14:35
bastubisok, I've now logged in with the same email addie I use for the list14:35
bastubisand applied to join the team14:35
bastubisI generally manage to confuse myself doing this kind fo thing ;)14:36
AlanBellX3N will shortly approve that no doubt14:36
bastubisOK thanks!14:36
AlanBellthen you will be able to add events on loco directory14:36
bastubisGood - it's only just occurred to me that it might be a good thing to do ;)14:36
bastubismmmm lunch14:39
AlanBellit is an excellent thing to do14:39
bastubisIndeed - I don't know why I didn't think of doing it before!14:39
bastubisIt was really helpful to meet you guys, easier to engage when you can put faces on people14:40
=== bigcalm_ is now known as bigcalm
AlanBellyes, real world events are great14:51
AlanBellshould be interesting, RMS is quite a character http://www.ffsuk.org.uk/rms2011/14:51
DJonesAlanBell: Character is one of describing him, I can't get over this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7C6r6fG4k40&feature=fvw or this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7t96m2ynKw014:55
AlanBellvarious videos of him leave a lasting impression14:57
* AlanBell waits for someone to link to the toe cheese one14:57
screen-xAlanBell: that sounds nasty14:58
popeythere you go15:00
* AlanBell doesn't click15:01
DJonesI'm actually hoping that that is a link to a Rick Astley video15:02
popeymissed opportunity15:03
stuphiFor those that don't want to watch it all, 1:5615:03
bigcalmEw ew ew ew15:03
stuphiI think I need a new keyboard, I have just messed this one.15:04
bigcalmThis video can help in weight loss only as part of a callorie controled diet15:04
* AlanBell wonders if the PC pro team have arrived15:04
AlanBellif so, don't click the link15:04
kazadePC Pro engineer mystery solved: "Meet Jonathan Davies (who we’ve been mistakenly calling ‘John’ on the blog all day, like a bunch of Del Boys addressing a foreign barman), our Canonical tech support chap for the day"15:11
DJonesEven with a picture http://www.pcpro.co.uk/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/JonDavies.JPG15:12
dwatkinsDJones: Why is he dancing with a laptop in the first video you pasted about 20 minutes ago?15:13
DJonesdwatkins: Good question15:14
dwatkinsI think I need the mind-bleach now15:15
screen-xdwatkins: look at the flashy thing15:16
screen-xyou saw nothing15:16
* dwatkins looks blankly at screen-x 15:16
bastubisWell, he's got good company in the MIT vid lol15:16
dwatkinsHello there, where am I?15:16
screen-xdwatkins: you are at your desk15:16
dwatkinsah ok15:16
screen-xdwatkins: you have not seen any videos yet today15:17
dwatkins*shuffles papers*15:17
screen-xdwatkins: time to file a tps report15:17
DJonesI hope dwatkins doesn't have a laptop on his desk, it might bring back bad memories15:17
=== moose_ is now known as mchild
bastubisEvolution crashes every time I alter the priority on a task15:18
AlanBellgo jpds \o/15:18
dwatkinsah yes, screen-x15:19
Joeb454jpds: hope things are going ok at pcpro :P15:23
davmor23 cheers for jpds running out of issue hip, hip, you know the rest..... jpds good job that man15:29
MooDoodavmor2: er what? lol15:30
AlanBellMooDoo: http://www.pcpro.co.uk/blogs/2011/02/10/live-blog-running-pc-pro-on-ubuntu/15:31
davmor2MooDoo: We ran out of problems for Jon to solve, so he’s popped back to Canonical HQ with our thanks.15:31
* czajkowski stabs MooDoo and kicks davmor2 15:34
* popey reports czajkowski for CoC violation!15:35
* MooDoo backs away from czajkowski then goes and give her a kiss on the cheek15:35
* czajkowski frowns at popey 15:35
* czajkowski goes back to her caramel cake 15:35
screen-x\o/ cake15:36
davmor2czajkowski: share the cake and we let you off with a warning ;)15:36
* screen-x just had 2nd lucnh15:36
MooDoodavmor2: oi no, she's back to normal now, lets pound her back :p15:37
davmor2MooDoo: Shhh not while popey is threatening CoC ;)15:37
MooDoodavmor2: ah ok :)  /me hugs czajkowski15:38
jpdsczajkowski: Sounds unhealthy.15:38
* czajkowski pokes popey see they do it too 15:38
MooDooczajkowski: why so grumpy this afternoon?15:39
screen-xjpds: Whats are the pcpro offices like?15:39
czajkowskiMooDoo: I'm not I even just booked tomorrow of work15:39
czajkowskias in I'm not doing any work tomorrow15:39
MooDooczajkowski: ah ok...carry on poking then15:39
jpdsMooDoo: No, the joke is "czajkowski: Why so Sirius?".15:40
jpdsscreen-x: Like... an office.15:40
MooDoojpds: badum tish15:40
czajkowskijpds: oh gods15:40
MooDoojpds: or i should of said sirius-ly?15:40
screen-xjpds: insightful ;-)15:41
DJonesscreen-x: Looking at the photo on the pcpro blog, I'd say the offices were "messy"15:44
davmor2MooDoo: you spoke and czajkowski went into a rage ;)15:44
* screen-x listens to the pcpro podcast (while uupc is hibernating)15:46
popeyits quite good15:46
popeyI listen to it15:46
popeyalthough one of them does like to put the boot in about ubuntu, which is balanced by another who really likes it15:46
MooDoodavmor2: czajkowski loves me.....or is that loath?15:46
* davmor2 hands the mic over to czajkowski for a love loath update15:47
MooDoodavmor2: must be love...lost for words, or mouth stuffed with cake15:52
TheOpenSourcererOooh tres cool if you're an OEM: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog16:02
dwatkinsTheOpenSourcerer: interesting, the wifi card in my Eee is listed but the audio card is not :)16:06
dwatkinsI'm waiting to see if it's possible to triple-boot a Macbook, popey16:08
popeyi dont see why not16:08
popeyi dual boot mine16:08
popeytriple is just one more partition and entry for refit16:08
dwatkinsindeed, I just don't know what hardware is supported in terms of the wifi, sound etc.16:08
popeyoh, I see.16:08
dwatkinsI know Windows will run on it16:08
dwatkinsjust not sure about Ubuntu16:08
popeyI run Ubuntu on mine16:08
dwatkinsoh excellent, is everything (camera included) working well enough?16:09
popeywell enough :)16:09
shaunoI never did get my trackpad in line, but there is a whole slew of info at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook16:10
dwatkinsthanks shauno16:10
=== theone_ is now known as Guest73699
czajkowskiAlanBell: wont be at meeting tonight may want to plug the bug jam event in april17:01
AlanBellwill do17:09
* AlanBell hums Just the two of us http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/687/detail/17:10
MartijnVdSAlanBell: wow.. I thought "I know that name..."17:12
MartijnVdSAlanBell: "Weybridge was the location of a battle in which a Martian fighting machine was destroyed."17:12
MartijnVdSAlanBell: (I've just re-read WotW)17:12
AlanBellthey landed in Woking17:13
popeythere's one still there :)17:13
MartijnVdSoh wow :)17:15
* popey is going to Woking on saturday17:16
MartijnVdSHm.. a web shop that only ships after threatening to complain to their payment processor17:17
czajkowskiI got lost again today in Woking17:18
MartijnVdSczajkowski: but you got out (or are you ircing from a mobile device?)17:20
czajkowskifrom work17:22
czajkowskispo all good17:22
davmor2czajkowski: you got lost at work man that must be a huge office ;)17:29
MichealHOptions Evening tonight :D17:34
MichealHIm excited :P17:34
gr33npeaceafternoon all.  Following the update today, the flash plugin for chromium crashes with gmail everytime I load it...17:50
gr33npeace...anyone else experiencing this?17:50
MartijnVdSgr33npeace: flash crashes randomly for me, not just on gmail17:52
MyrttiI want to play minecraft but I'm too tired :-(17:52
MartijnVdSMyrtti: write a bot to play it for you17:52
gr33npeaceMartijnVdS: is this since the update?  I mean... I've had problems before with youtube etc, but normally it's *mostly* ok17:53
MartijnVdSgr33npeace: I don't know, I'm running the alpha version (natty)17:53
MartijnVdSgr33npeace: lots of other things are also broken17:53
gr33npeaceMartijnVdS: ah!! ok thanks man17:53
AlanBellpopey: I wonder if the pcpro peeps discovered minecraft17:58
shaunowe don't find out for about 20 hours, when they look up and discover what time it is17:59
MartijnVdSshauno: ...17:59
shaunoMartijnVdS: that's what my first minecraft session looked like :p17:59
TheOpenSourcererhello from monty (6)18:02
AlanBello/ Monty18:02
AlanBellwhat have you been doing today Monty?18:03
TheOpenSourcererI have been telling the time with mummy18:03
* AlanBell hands over to Kieran18:04
=== AlanBell is now known as KieranBell
TheOpenSourcerero/ kieran18:05
TheOpenSourcererI am a O:-)18:06
KieranBellI had sausages18:06
KieranBellDaddy cooked them18:07
MartijnVdSKieranBell: were they as good as my pizza? or better?18:08
TheOpenSourcererwe are having macaroni cheese18:08
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: sounds like an Italian night as well :)18:08
KieranBellThey were as good as pizza18:09
TheOpenSourcererKieranBell: Do you want to come to my house to play sometime?18:09
ZMohi, how can i prevent apache user to execute php code in a <Directory>?18:10
KieranBellYES PLEASE18:10
MartijnVdSZMo: do you want to run it as another user, or not at all?18:10
=== KieranBell is now known as AlanBell
TheOpenSourcererok i will ask mummy to ask your mummy18:11
ZMoMartijnVdS, not at all18:11
MartijnVdSZMo: and only a specific directory? or everywhere? (just making sure I understand the problem)18:11
BigRedSZMo: You could add a bogus filehandler. That'd break any PHP, so you'd not even be able to download the script. You'd get a server error message18:12
MartijnVdSBigRedS: you can also "unset" the php handler in <Directory> blocks I think18:13
TheOpenSourcererRight! It's time for tea for the Lords. Laterz18:13
BigRedSMartijnVdS: I'm just googling along those lines :)18:13
ZMoMartijnVdS, i think you've right18:13
MartijnVdSha! easy18:14
Jibadeehacan you put an old broken laptop in a wheelie bin or is that big no no cos of the mercury in the product?18:14
MartijnVdSphp_flag engine off18:14
MartijnVdSZMo: ^^18:14
MartijnVdScheck that stackoverflow page18:14
ZMoMartijnVdS, yes im reading18:14
BigRedSMartijnVdS: RemoveHandler18:14
ZMoMartijnVdS, anyway its what i was looking for18:14
BigRedSAh, I think that's already been found18:14
MartijnVdSBigRedS: Stackoverflow ♥18:15
BigRedSMartijnVdS: I used some dead tree :)18:19
=== cbx333 is now known as cbx33
AlanBellDaviey: http://paste.ubuntu-uk.org/18:33
AlanBellUnable to connect to database18:33
DavieyAlanBell, *18:35
AlanBelloh, cool, thanks18:35
* AlanBell fails18:35
MyrttiGROAR hungry18:50
gordi echo the previous sentiment18:52
daubers\o/ The wifes just gone to cook dinner18:52
pr0ph3thi all19:09
pr0ph3tI have this gnome panel which I wanted to replace with cairo-dock, so I removed everything on it and moved it to the side of the screen. Now I can't use it anymore, I can see it on the side of the screen but it won't pop-up when I hover my mouse over it and right clicking does nothing. I also tried stopping the process but it starts another one automatically19:16
pr0ph3tI just wanted to add the systray on that since the cairo-dock one is a bit funny19:17
MartijnVdSpr0ph3t: log out of the graphical environment, then in a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+F1) do:19:17
MartijnVdSgconftool – -recursive-unset /apps/panel19:17
pr0ph3tand when I try to start another one it tells me one is already running19:17
MartijnVdSgconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel19:17
MartijnVdSthen log back in19:17
pr0ph3tok, thanks19:17
MartijnVdSthen the panel should be back to "factory default"19:17
lubotu3To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »19:17
MartijnVdSmaco: oh they told the bot how to do it :)19:18
pr0ph3tgreat stuff thanks19:18
smittixEvening all.19:30
=== issyl0 is now known as Guest40317
MartijnVdSGuest40317: still haven't fixed irssi then? :)19:35
Guest40317Oh for goodness sake!19:36
Guest40317MartijnVdS: bah19:36
MartijnVdSGuest40317: my config bit didn't work?19:37
=== Guest40317 is now known as issyl0
issyl0MartijnVdS: to be honest I forgot. :(19:37
MartijnVdSok this is just bad19:40
MartijnVdSTwo Rod Stewart songs on at the same time (one on VH1 and one on the vault)19:41
=== bag__ is now known as Bag
smittixBES Express is a pain in the rear end20:31
popeymeeting started in #ubuntu-uk-meeting now21:01
itfHi guys, inspired by the PC Pro experiment, I'm trying Ubuntu.21:07
freesitebuilderhow's it going?21:07
itfEarlier in the day somebody posted a link which explained some small tweaks - it included making the fonts smaller and a package with handy things (Flash and some other things I think)21:07
itfI can't find that link.21:07
itfIt's going way better than last time I tried Ubuntu. Once I got the network up and running it's been pretty smooth so far.21:08
itfBasically it was (and I will get the terminology wrong, I'm sure) something that had 'lots of dependencies' (or something like that) but wasn't a program in itself, but it would install a few useful bits.21:08
popeyitf: ubuntu-restricted-extras21:09
popeythat was probably the package you were after21:09
itfThat might be it. I'll go look for it. Thanks.21:10
freesitebuilderlogs from earlier today for Ubuntu-UK http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/02/10/%23ubuntu-uk.html21:10
itfThanks guys. I just found the link I meant on Twitter http://blazemore.blogspot.com/2011/02/message-to-pc-pro-team.html21:11
itfOK, so I've installed ubuntu restricted extras now. I've not rebooted. Youtube is still asking for Flash (using Chrome)21:18
itfAny clues? Or does it just need a reboot?21:18
MartijnVdSitf: you might have to restart the browser21:18
pr0ph3tre all21:27
pr0ph3tI have a question about icons and pointers, I copied all of them in /usr/share/icons, but still the themes are not applied "system wide"21:29
pr0ph3tis there something I need to update to do that?21:30
iclebyteyea theme support isn't great21:30
pr0ph3tnot really, you can customise everything to the smallest detail in ubuntu21:31
pr0ph3tjust I don't know why my cursor theme changes depending on the window I navigate and the icons are not applied to all21:32
daubersAnyone have any idea when the next nvidia driver is landing in natty? Got loads of xorg packages waiting in the queue to update21:55
MartijnVdSnevar! :)22:01
daubersThat makes me a sad bunny :(22:03
* phillw here as requested.22:11
moreatiMartijnVdS: was that in jest, or has something significant happened wrt to Natty and Nvidia?22:11
MartijnVdSmoreati: nah, nvidia just havent caught up with Xorg yet22:14
MartijnVdSmoreati: natty has the new xorg22:14
MartijnVdSsame old story basically :)22:14
AlanBellWelcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List:  http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines - http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting Thursday February 10th 21:00 GMT in #ubuntu-uk-meeting  http://tinyurl.com/uukmeet | \o/ Chickens, minecraft, trains, cake & roundabouts22:14
moreatirighto, you had me worried with 'nevar!' :)22:15
MichealHAlanBell: fail :P22:15
=== AlanBell changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List: http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines - http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting Thursday March 3rd 21:00 GMT in #ubuntu-uk-meeting http://tinyurl.com/uukmeet | \o/ Chickens, minecraft, trains, cake & roundabouts
AlanBellbecause tab didn't work I copied and pasted and failed22:15
MichealH<MichealH> afail << That was a fail at tabbing your nick :P22:15
* AlanBell hugs popey 22:25
AlanBellum, may be some bits left to un-break22:25
popeygimme a chance :)22:25
popeyI am working on it22:25
popeyrefresh now22:25
popeywhats broken?22:25
AlanBelllinks in the top that I put there22:26
popeythey should be relative not absolute22:26
popeyI'll fix them22:26
popeyor you can :)22:27
AlanBellfixed, I think22:28
AlanBellit was the site URL on the general settings22:28
popeylooks good22:29
TOSDroidThe logo slides under the menu on my streak...22:32
TOSDroidIn landscape.22:32
phillwAlanBell: you wanted a UBT master / mentor to interview?22:32
popeyhmm, links broken22:34
* popey fiddles with apache22:36
bigcalmpopey: I thought you were one for lighthttpd?22:49
popeyi am22:49
popeybut right now the box has apache222:50
bigcalmPoor thing22:50
webpigeon_weband a few tents :P22:50
shaunoooh, gtk 3.0.0 is released.  good stuff.23:43

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