
=== excid|mbp is now known as excid3|mbp
linuxman410wrst u here02:19
wrsthey linuxman410 i'm here02:32
linuxman410hey quick question for you02:32
linuxman410did you ever get a os on that little computer02:33
wrstwell linuxman410 i did sorta but never worked right kinda put it off to theside02:34
linuxman410is it possible to put linux on one of those cheap netbooks running windows ce02:35
wrsti may try arch or debian on it i would like it for an irc server02:36
wrsti don't know you know what model netbook it is linuxman410?02:36
linuxman410it is a augen ego02:36
wrstlet me look at something02:37
wrstpossible but not simple linuxman41002:39
linuxman410do you know how02:39
wrstthat link has instructions, not simple, but not impossible but i probably wouldn't buy it if it had to go02:40
linuxman410that does not look like he got it all the way running02:42
wrstno looks possible but not very easy at all02:43
wrsti would stay away :)02:43
linuxman410wrst i have one here playing with it it is a pos02:43
wrstha ha linuxman410, hey might be worth the try then :)02:43
linuxman410i got it for 23 dollars02:44
wrstwell for 23 bucks... ;)02:45
linuxman410when i bought it the inverter was gone out and there was only 1 on ebay and it was 4 bucks02:45
wrststill under 30 bucks :)02:46
linuxman410i replaced inverter and got it going for a total of 27 bucks02:46
linuxman410the wireless works and it will play youtube videos and it is only 248 mhz02:46
wrsthmm my phone has 3 times the processor :)02:52
linuxman410my phone has more processor it is a new blackberry 930002:54
linuxman410the linux phone did not work out kept locking up02:55
wrsti've been really happy with my android03:00
wrstnow natty, not ready to say i'm happy with it ... yet03:01
linuxman410i am using peppermint os and peppermint ice03:05
techMilesice ice baby?03:05
wrstbreak it down techMiles03:07
=== Svpernova09 is now known as MidsouthMakers
wrstAll right stop03:08
wrstCollaborate and listen03:08
wrstIce is back with my brand new invention03:08
wrstSomething grabs a hold of me tightly03:08
wrstFlowin like a harpoon daily and nightly03:08
wrstIce Ice Baby03:08
=== MidsouthMakers is now known as Svpernova09
linuxman410wrst i am selling my other atom it is going bye bye03:09
wrstwhat is it linuxman410?03:09
linuxman410http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110645458764&ssPageName=ADME:X:BOCOC:US:1123#ht_500wt_1156 this is it03:10
wrstnice linuxman41003:12
wrstif i hadn't just bought a video camera etc i would be game for that03:12
linuxman410i am using my shuttle03:13
wrsthello vychune03:19
vychunewhats up03:20
vychuneand is cyber here?03:20
wrstprobably lurking somewhere vychune03:23
wrsti'm finished lurking for the night, goodnight everyone03:24
techMilesgoodnight wrst03:24
wrstnight techMiles!03:24
=== excid|mbp is now known as excid3|mbp
wrstmoprning vychune15:04
wrsterrr morning even15:04
=== pace_t_zulu_ is now known as pace_t_zulu
vychunehows it going15:19
wrstpretty good vychune another nice cold morning here, hey pace_t_zulu15:22
pace_t_zulumorning wrst15:22
pace_t_zuluhow did y15:22
pace_t_zulull fair with the weather?15:22
wrstpace_t_zulu: by the looks of the nashville news you all are suffering a class 3 kill storm :)15:22
* wrst hopes someone gets the kent brockman simpsons reference15:23
wrstpace_t_zulu: we have i guess 2-3" nothing to write home about15:23
pace_t_zului must have missed that episode15:23
pace_t_zuluthe roads last night were chaotic15:24
wrstyeah it was pretty funny, but i love having reporters out to tell us that its snowing15:24
wrstpace_t_zulu: they are still slick here but we generally get a lot of this so i guess a little better suited to handle not to mention no where near as much traffic which makes a huge difference15:24
* vychune waits to see who takes the bait15:25
pace_t_zuluwrst: yea... some people are exceptionally stupid when it comes to driving at snow15:33
pace_t_zului was tailgated the whole way home15:33
wrstyeah that just burns me up my wife and i had that last night15:34
pace_t_zulufor some reason people thing pulling bumper to bumper alleviates traffic15:46
vychunememphis is ranked worse driving for a reason15:47
vychuneanybody got epson ink they arent using? 68 and 69s16:39
cyberangerwrst: nice19:39
cyberangerKent Brockman: Roads closed, pipes frozen, albinos...virtually invisible. The National Weather Service has upgraded Springfield's blizzard from "Winter Wonderland" to a "Class 3 Kill-Storm"!19:39
wrstthanks cyberanger19:57
=== excid|mbp is now known as excid3|mbp
pace_t_zuluany rtorrent users here?21:37
cyberangerjust got in, I'm a user of rtorrent21:53
cyberangera fond user too21:54
cyberangerwrst: that's my 2nd favorite ket brockman quote21:55
cyberangergiant space ants is no. 1, but it's such a meme now, rare I can quote the weather one21:55
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: are you needing help with rtorrent?22:00
pace_t_zulucyberanger: i managed to use it to get what i wanted22:01
pace_t_zulucyberanger: any suggestions on encryption settings for rtorrent?22:01
cyberangerdepends on if your ISP gives your a reason or not22:02
cyberangerbut as a minimum, I'd set allow_incoming22:03
cyberangerit's a step up from disabled, allows those on a messed up connection to use encryption22:03
cyberangerI use enable_retry myself, which seems to be best if your isp doesn't medle with plaintext22:05
cyberangerallow's incoming encrypted or plaintext22:07
cyberangerand if plaintext fails, it tries rc422:07
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: does that help?22:58
pace_t_zulucyberanger: yea22:58
pace_t_zulucyberanger: ty22:58
cyberangerquite welcome23:01
wrstcyberanger:  your favorite kent brockman quote?23:20
cyberangerwrst: do you remember Homer Going to the ISS? started the Giant Space Ant Overloard meme?23:43
wrstwhy yes i do remember that one23:44
cyberangerthat one is, becuase it so perfectly highlights how often the media gets it wrong23:45
cyberangerand how simple fact checking could be23:45
cyberanger(as for the simpsons in general, Eat my Shorts! and Don't have a cow, man!)23:46
wrstwell i agree on the fact checking once upon a time that was a sign of good journalism23:52
cyberangernot a bart simpsons fan?23:55
wrstoh no i am that also :)23:58
wrstbrb rebooting natty... i hope23:58

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