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mkanatIs there some way to not receive bug emails for ~loggerhead-team, but still stay in the team, and still keep receiving other bugmails?00:40
cody-somervillemkanat, if a contact e-mail address is set for the team then notifications sent to the team will be sent to the contact e-mail address instead of each individual member.00:41
persiaAnd if the contact address is the mailing list for the team, and you decide not to receive the mailing list, you're all set.00:42
mkanatYeah, unfortunately there is no mailing list and I don't want to affect the other members.00:44
wgrantI think that bugmail subscriptions to non-list teams are insane.00:45
wgrantMembers should subscribe individually.00:45
maxbYou can probably cut down on the volume by subscribing to loggerhead bugmail personally, at the "new and fixed bugs only" level (why isn't there a "none" level?) ... though I believe levelled bugmail is only visible to ~malone-alpha members at present00:45
persiawgrant, I don't suppose you want to encode that opinion as policy through code?00:46
maxbWhilst I quite like receiving bzr bugmail, I agree that it shouldn't be a forced attribute of membership of ~bzrr00:47
mkanatI can just remove myself from ~loggerhead-team for now.00:48
persiamkanat, Or you could ask the team admins to do the sensible thing.00:49
cody-somervillemkanat, You could create a new team, create a mailing list for it, set the mailing list as the contact address, make yourself unsubscribed from that list, and then add your team to ~bzr :P00:49
persiamaxb, "none" is expressed as "not subscribed".  It's just broken in terms of teams, especially indirect teams used for ACLs.00:51
persia(and inverse subscribtion doesn't work currently)00:51
maxbOther subscription areas in launchpad permit specific subscription with a notification level of "none"00:51
wgrantmaxb: "Others" being branches, or is there something else?00:52
pooliemaxb, we could probably remove ~bzr's subscription and get people to individually subscribe00:52
cody-somervilleIts because subscriptions double as the ACL (which has been recognized as a mistake)00:52
pooliei don't see why that wouldn't work00:52
poolieoh, unless there's something annoying about it being coupled to access control, like being the bug supervisor00:52
wgrantcody-somerville: A mistake that my squad is scheduled to correct :)00:53
persiacody-somerville, meaning that recommended practice ought be two teams, one for ACL and one for subscription (with list)?00:53
persiawgrant, Thank you!!!!00:53
cody-somervilleIt really only affects private bugs and branches00:53
persiaNo, it affects public bugs and branches as well.00:53
cody-somervillenot for ACL00:53
pooliemaxb if in the interim you want to unsubscribe ~bzr, propose it on the list00:54
persiaThe number of times I've been spammed with uninteresting bugmail after adding a new team to be administered by the DMB is larger than zero.00:54
pooliei'm a bit busy to just do it atm00:54
persiabug view ACL is interesting, but branch-write ACL and repo-upload ACL are both interesting.00:55
cody-somervillepersia, What I was trying to say is that the reason 'no e-mail' subscriptions exist is because they double as ACL for private bugs and branches so there is no need for two teams like you suggest unless you're dealing with private bugs and branches.00:55
persiaYes, there is, because there are other interesting cases of ACL.00:56
cody-somervilleSure... but those cases don't involve subscriptions00:56
cody-somervilleand they won't ever because using subscriptions to double as ACL has been recognized as a mistake so won't be implemented as such for future things00:56
persiaDepends.  For example, at one point kubuntu-dev (ACL to upload a packageset) was subscribed (as a group) to bugs on the packages in the packageset.  This made sense, except for the lack of unsubscription for uninterested folk.00:57
cody-somervilleBut the ACL wasn't tied to the subscription00:57
persiaIf you like, check your old mail logs: you should have gotten that bugmail as well.00:57
persiaAh, true, although it was tied to the group/.00:58
cody-somervilleIndeed which makes sense. We shouldn't be a member of the kubuntu-dev team. We should instead be its owner. That gives us the privileges of admin membership without the bug mail :)00:59
wgrantRight. Ownership is more appropriate here.01:00
persiaWell, looking at a more general case, consider branch commit ACLs.  I can imagine that the set of folk interested in watching bugs on a group of related projects is disjoint from the group with ACL to commit to the set of branches on those projects being monitored.01:00
persia(as the owner/upload thing only affects a very small number of people)01:00
cody-somervilleIdeally, we wouldn't even have to be the owner. Instead, I think it would make sense to be able to associate objects like teams to 'domains' so that for example the DMB could be given admin like permissions for objects that belong to say ubuntu/development-teams domain (or something like that).01:01
persiaMy limited knowledge of LP data representation implies this isn't going to happen soon :)01:01
wgrantI've wanted for a while to do something similar to what cody-somerville suggests.01:03
wgrantIt's not clear exactly how it would work, though.01:03
wgrantThe upcoming privacy work will be somewhat related to that, though.01:03
cody-somervillepersia, who knows... now that LP has a dedicated technical architect and some extra staff it might come sooner than we think. lifeless and wgrant are both very smart blokes with some fresh perspective and energy. :)01:03
* persia isn't sure about "fresh", but otherwise is agreeable01:04
* wgrant would agree with persia.01:05
cody-somervilleIf you're not hacking on the code everyday and then suddenly it becomes your day job, I'd say you're 'fresh'. working on the same thing day in and day out can make you dull. :)01:05
james_wI always find persia agreeable01:05
persiajames_w, Thanks!01:08
persiacody-somerville, You may want to grep the Soyuz commit logs for "wgrant" over the past year or so then.01:09
blackmoon-105i've create a new project on launchpad, i've set the series in my project, but now i don't know how set the code for this series. a message say that i haven't yet told Launchpad where my source code is. the buggy source is already in the universe repo of ubuntu.01:51
blackmoon-105no one?01:57
micahgblackmoon-105: you should have an upstream code branch for upstream releases02:03
wgrantblackmoon-105: Which is the project?02:04
blackmoon-105micahg:  so i must download the source from ubuntu repoo fix it and upload it, right?02:05
blackmoon-105wgrant: greepops02:05
blackmoon-105wgrant: * freepops02:05
micahgblackmoon-105: well, where's upstream?02:05
blackmoon-105micahg: i don't have already upload my modified version of code..02:07
micahgblackmoon-105: sorry, I meant where is the current upstream for it02:08
wgrantUpstream seems to maintain a CVS repository on SourceForge.net.02:09
wgrantblackmoon-105: What are you actually trying to do here?02:09
wgrantYou're trying to get a patch into Ubuntu?02:09
blackmoon-105micahg: the current upstream is on sourceforge, on debian repo, on ubuntu universe repo02:11
blackmoon-105wgrant: i've create a project because i maun keep this package update and fix all bugs02:12
micahgblackmoon-105: I think you should answer wgrant's question02:12
blackmoon-105maun --> want02:12
wgrantYou want to keep the package up to date in Ubuntu?02:13
blackmoon-105wgrant: yes and fix bug02:14
blackmoon-105wgrant: i'd like to be a mantaner for this packege02:14
wgrantblackmoon-105: The package is in universe, so you probably want to header over to #ubuntu-motu and talk to them about how you can help.02:14
wgrantblackmoon-105: As for the Launchpad configuration issue, you probably want to ask Launchpad to import the FreePOPs CVS repository.02:15
wgrantYou should see a 'Configure code hosting' link on https://launchpad.net/freepops02:15
blackmoon-105wgrant: ok, i'll ask #ubuntu-motu02:17
blackmoon-105wgrant: i can't find "Configure code hosting"02:18
wgrantblackmoon-105: Ah, maybe 'Configure project branch'02:18
blackmoon-105wgrant: yes, i've got it02:20
wgrantblackmoon-105: More directly, enter the CVS details on https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+new-import.02:20
blackmoon-105wgrant: but i must import from source forge cvs even if it's already in a debian /ubuntu repo?02:22
maxbImporting the upstream source into a Bazaar branch is a convenience to assist in creating the packaging. It's not a necessity, but keeping your packaging in a VCS is good, and bzr is Ubuntu's tool of choice.02:23
blackmoon-105maxb: yes, but my question was: if i import from externl cvs (like sourceforge) i'll lost all patches from ubuntu, right?02:25
nhandlerwgrant: FYI, that email I tried sending yesterday through LP didn't end up going through.02:34
maxbblackmoon-105: freepops enters Ubuntu via Debian. It is preferred that in such cases you work directly with Debian, so that both distributions can have the benefit of work done, and Ubuntu does not unnecessarily diverge from Debian. For further help, proceed in #ubuntu-motu.02:43
blackmoon-105maxb: ok, i'm already talk with ubuntu-motu :)02:50
persiamaxb, If someone is active enough with upstream, and there's some complication, we don't mind that much working in parallel to Debian, rather than through (e.g. GNOME)02:50
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maxbHrm... is it possible to contrive to get a UTF-8 locale on a buildd during a build?03:25
wgrantI'm not sure if the chroots have locales beyond C...03:26
wgrantYou could grab the chroot and see.03:27
mwhudsonmm, can you use launchpad branch privacy policies to only allow members of a certain team to create branches in a project but still have branches public by default?03:39
mwhudsonthumper: ^ do you know?03:39
thumpermwhudson: yes, I think so03:41
thumpermwhudson: set default to forbidden, and team to public03:41
mwhudsonok cool03:41
maxbHmm, I think I can do something eeeevil03:49
maxblocaledef dynamically in the build process, and set LOCPATH03:50
maxbI am so tempted to define a POSIX.utf8 locale :-)03:52
micahgare b.g.o statuses disappearing a known bug?03:56
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=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad down/read-only from 09:00-10:30 UTC for a code update | Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | On-call help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
nigelbpoolie: hi09:15
pooliehi nigelb09:16
nigelbpoolie: do you folks have a conclusion on who would be helping with the session?09:16
nigelbpoolie: The mail thread was a bit confusing :)09:16
pooliei believe jelmer and vila were going to contact barry and guy-starting-with-o to offer help09:17
pooliethere are two relevant sessions09:17
pooliedo you want to add more09:17
nigelbno no09:17
nigelbI just wanted to figure out who was helping the guy-starting-with-q :p09:17
wgrantI was rapidly window-switching and managed to forget the '/win '09:18
poolieit's nice when people just say 'win'09:19
poolielike a happy MIT form of tourettes09:19
nigelbIRC form of tourettes ;)09:19
nigelbpoolie: I'll talk to jelmer and villa and figure out who's helping who so that we can confirm the schedule :)09:20
pooliethanks; at least vila should be online now09:20
nigelbok, pinging.09:21
nigelbvila: ping?09:21
vilaI'm here09:21
* vila searches the relevant email :-/09:21
vilanigelb: unless you can refresh my declining memory ?09:22
nigelbvila: Heya, so, which session would you be helping at during UDW so I can help coordinate with whoever is leading that particular session09:22
vilanigelb: is there a wiki summary somewhere or should I propose a session ?09:22
nigelbthere are 2 sessions that have already things to do with LP that could possible use help09:23
nigelbQuintasan is not sure about their session, so you can join in and help in that one09:23
nigelbOr, barry is going to talk about UDD, which should also be interesting from an LP POV09:24
apwis launchpad meant to be down this am, the last announcement i have said it was last night09:24
vilaapw: it's down *now* in addition to the previous rollout which didn't go well09:24
apwfor a roll back ?09:25
vilanigelb: meh, I didn't check the dates earlier but I'll be in vacations :-}09:26
vilanigelb: and offline09:26
nigelbvila: haha, ok09:27
vilanigelb: sorry about that :-/09:27
nigelbvila: I'll try jelmer and/or abently :)09:27
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nigelbvila: We'll catch you next time :-P09:27
vilaley abentley ;)09:27
poolieapw, for another attempt at the same upgrade09:28
pooliesee blog.launchpad.net09:28
vilanigelb: that's the second year in a row I missed that I think (well there was a bzr sprint last year IIRC)09:28
nigelbvila: one of these days, we'll catch you09:29
vilanigelb: I sure hope so !09:29
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lifelessmm, lets get the priorities right :)10:25
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sorenI can't seem to bzr pull from Launchpad :(11:07
soren$ bzr branch lp:nova11:08
sorenConnection closed by
sorenbzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.11:08
wgrantsoren: Indeed, just noticed that myself.11:08
* soren runs around like a headless chicken11:08
nigelbI can confirm the same. /me joins soren in the runnning around.11:09
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mvois it known that bzr commits to LP are not working currently? I keep getting TooManyConcurrentRequests or simple hangs ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/565797/ ). or is that just me?11:19
pooliemvo, known issue11:19
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jmlmvo: http://identi.ca/launchpadstatus always has the latest info on known issues.11:34
nigelbjml: might want to add the issue to /topic11:48
wgrantnigelb: It seems to be fixed now.11:49
wgrantWe're just waiting to see if it shows up again.11:49
wgrantWe rolled out a big codehosting change with 11.02, which we've since turned off. Everything is looking fine now.11:51
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jmlnigelb: yeah, it's part of our process to add things to the /topic, but it seems an easily forgotten part.14:10
jmlnigelb: not sure how to make it harder to forget.14:10
persiajml, Add a bot to the channel with permission to change /topic that subscribes to the identi.ca feed?14:15
jmlpersia: not a bad idea14:15
jmlpersia: that might also be not too much work14:16
persiaautomation is key, until it begins to haunt you.14:16
mgedminany ideas why curl won't download patches from launchpad?14:23
mgedmincurl https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/716257/+attachment/1840916/+files/gtimelog_hide_on_esc.diff | wc -l14:23
mgedminsays there are 0 lines14:23
mgedminwget -O - on the same url works fine (14 lines)14:23
benjimgedmin: that's odd14:27
deryckmgedmin, benji -- curl won't follow redirects, right?14:29
benjimgedmin: it looks like curl isn't following the 30114:29
benjigreat minds14:29
deryckheh, jinx!14:29
benjimgedmin: use curl -L14:30
jmlpersia: to paraphrase someone else,14:54
jmlSometimes someone looks at a problem and thinks, "I know, I'll write some software to solve it". Now they have two problems.14:55
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persiajml, The difference between a procedure executed by a human and a procedure executed by a computer is that you have some chance at guessing how the computer will behave whilst executing the procedure.  Once you codify a procedure to address a problem, I'm unconvinced that aphorism continues to apply.14:58
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achianghello, i see a lot of idle armel builders in the build farm. is there a reason for that?16:35
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cody-somervilleachiang, because there are no armel jobs queued up for them16:36
achiangcody-somerville: uh16:37
achiangcody-somerville: i have about 20 builds that i'm blocked on16:38
cody-somervilleachiang, Yes but your builds must use the armel builders in the ppa builder pool16:38
cody-somervilleachiang, and the lone armel builder in that pool is indeed busy and that pool does indeed have a queue of about 12 jobs.16:38
achiangcody-somerville: currently, only 1 builder is in that pool. :(16:39
cody-somervilleachiang, indeed. :(16:39
cody-somervilleachiang, I've poked someone about it.16:39
achiangcody-somerville: ok, thanks16:39
achiangcody-somerville: if i see a job that i know shouldn't be running, could a losa help me cancel it?16:40
mbarnettachiang: what job is that?16:41
achiangcody-somerville: this job claims to be running, but a) i wonder if it actually is, and b) if it is, it shouldn't be -- https://launchpad.net/~oem-archive/+archive/charlotte/+buildjob/225328216:41
cody-somervilleachiang, it would appear that it actually is. But why shouldn't it be?16:42
achiangcody-somerville: because i've uploaded a newer package that supersedes it16:42
achiangcody-somerville: anyway, i'd like to kill that job and free up some resources16:43
cody-somervilleachiang, Soyuz does not automatically kill a running build even if the build will be thrown away.16:43
cody-somervilleachiang, Ack.16:43
achiangcody-somerville: i see; but maybe mbarnett can manually kill it for me. :)16:43
mbarnettachiang: i can't actually kill a running build.16:43
cody-somervillelamont, are you able to help?16:44
bigjoolswe're adding a feature to do that, until then you can't16:44
achiangwhat if you just use a big hammer and power cycle it? :)16:44
* mbarnett will celebrate by killing everything!16:44
mbarnettachiang: i could try and cause a power outage in the datacenter..16:44
bigjoolsalthough it's a lot simpler if you already uploaded a newer one16:44
bigjoolsjust restart the builder16:44
cody-somervilleit looks like it actually might be stuck anyhow. Its been doing the same thing for awhile now.16:45
achiangchromium does take a long time to build, but i think it's been stuck there for a long time. :(16:45
achiangbigjools: i did upload a newer package about 18 hours ago16:46
bigjoolsI think on armel it takes a loooong time16:47
achiangmbarnett: you can't bounce an individual machine?16:48
achiangbigjools: i've been watching that build, and i claim it's stuck (independent of the fact that i made the upload and i don't need that build anyway)16:48
bigjoolsyou need a buildd admin, like lamont16:48
* achiang knows where lamont lives, ponders driving out there with a pointy stick16:50
mbarnettachiang: yeah, i can make it so no NEW jobs get sent there.. i can't cancel a current build though.16:53
achiangah bugger, another chromium build just started on kaylaberry16:59
achiangthat build, i actually do need, but i'd be willing to postpone it to let other smaller jobs through. :-/17:00
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nigelbpersia: Ilike how you keep thinking up how to automate :D17:45
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pmjdebruijnI'm intermittently experiences "illegal instruction" problem when darktable gets built on the PPA build farm19:47
pmjdebruijnwhen building the same sources locally there is no issue19:47
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____ryehello people, having read http://curtis.hovey.name/2010/11/01/launchpad-answers-at-uds-n/ and seeing "External" in Launchpad Answers configuration I was wondering whether it is possible to specify external URL now?20:46
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GrueMasterDoes anyone know if launchpad.distributions.searchTasks can take multiple parameters?  I am trying to replicate an advanced search from launchpad in a format similar to the reports generated by the ubuntu-qa-tools/bug-report-framework.23:01
james_wGrueMaster, it can23:04
GrueMasterOk...how?   Maybe I am missing something but I am trying to refine a list to unassigned bugs for a team and tag.  But assignee_option='none' is giving me an error.23:09
GrueMasterI'm using that field based on the link of a successful query using launchpad's advanced search.23:11
wgrantsinzui: Ah, great, you noticed the new p-r-f log?23:45
sinzuiYes. I got a copy of it. Looks like loganberry cannot talk over ftp at the moment23:45
wgrantSince it should be the only remaining script failure.23:46
wgrantIs the verbosity OK? I haven't actually looked at the log, and sort of guessed at which level would be appropriate.23:46
wgrantSeems OK.23:47
wgrantsinzui: It looks like it can't HTTP out either?23:48
wgrantBut that at least doesn't crash it.23:48
sinzuiIt right. that is because http call pass in the open method23:48

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