
mhall119just blogged for the first time in ages03:12
mhall119cjohnston: nigelb: you guys might be interested: http://family.ubuntu-fl.org/mhall/fun-with-django-meta-classes-and-dynamic-models/03:12
mhall119Daviey too ^^03:13
* nigelb hugs mhall119 :)03:16
dholbachgood morning07:38
Davieymhall119. nice!10:33
dholbachhi mhall11912:58
mhall119dholbach: did you see my latest blog post?12:58
dholbachyes I did12:58
dholbachgreat work12:58
mhall119I'm hoping it'll be open sourced by summer12:59
* mhall119 looks for some breakfast13:04
nigelbmorning mhall119 13:04
mhall119morning nigelb 13:08
mhall119hey cjohnston 14:40
cjohnstonhey mhall119 15:06
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effie_jayxHello, anyone?23:37
_marx_just hi23:38
_marx_because i'm not on this team or up to speed23:39
effie_jayxwe just broke a 8 hour and 39 minute streak of Joins and Parts :)23:39
effie_jayxit's good to do a test for echo every once in a while23:40
mhall119hey effie_jayx 23:53

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