
dpmgood morning all08:07
dpmhey andrejz, hey gtriderxc08:07
gtriderxcwill anyone help me with my yesterday's question?08:08
gtriderxcwchich was:08:08
gtriderxc what is "Fallback Message "08:08
gtriderxc<gtriderxc> "Force Fallback Message to show"08:08
gtriderxc<gtriderxc> GNOME-session08:08
gtriderxc<gtriderxc> also "[...]Installing new driver can maybe be a help.\nYou should try the Ubuntu classic [...]" what is "/n"?08:08
andrejzi don't know what exactly this relates to, but fallback in the "backup" option08:09
andrejzso let's say you have compiz (or unity) and by default this should run08:10
dpmgtriderxc, the fallback message is the message shown to the user if, when logging in, it is detected that he/she hasn't got a 3D-capable graphics card. In this case, unity cannot be run and the session has to fall back to unity 2D or the classic desktop (the one with gnome-panel)08:10
andrejzif compiz crashes and cannot be autostarted as a fallback metacity will be used08:10
gtriderxcthanks and how about a "/n"?08:11
dpmgtriderxc, \n is a new line character. In general, you shouldn't see them in textual form as in here. This particular message has been rewritten to remove the "\n", but it hasn't yet made it into Launchpad, so I'd leave it without translation for now08:11
dpmuntil it is changed to something else08:12
gtriderxcok I will08:12
gtriderxcso simply /n had to be &nbsp;08:12
gtriderxcor br rather08:12
dpmhi happyaron, do you think you could have a quick test to the zh_CN langpack for Lucid and add the result here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/LanguagePackUpdatesQA ? It would be great if Chinese users got an update for 10.04.209:13
dpmgtriderxc, the same for Polish, do you think you could test the langpack?09:13
dpmthe same for anyone else on the channel, go test, spread the word! :)09:13
andrejzalready done :)09:13
dpmgtriderxc, cool09:14
dpmeven if you haven't got a Lucid machine, you can test them on a virtual machine with VirtualBox09:14
dpmandrejz, yeah, I saw it ;)09:14
gtriderxczh_CN langpack - but what's that and where I can find it?09:14
dpmgtriderxc, no, that was for the Chinese guys. I was asking you if you could test the Polish language pack09:16
dpmyou'll simply need a Lucid machine (it can be e.g. in VirtualBox) and have the lucid-proposed repositories enabled09:17
dpmthen you can install the new language packs and test them following the procedure at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/LanguagePackUpdatesQA09:17
dpmonce finished, you can simply leave feedback on the table at the end of that page09:18
gtriderxcI need an hour to download and install 10.04. no problem09:23
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happyarondpm: will do it in a couple of hours, thanks!09:29
andrejzit's unfortunate there hasn't been enough time for more teams to test the translations09:31
dpmandrejz, I know, but we weren't expecting problems with the langpacks either. In any case, they can still test them until next week, which should give them more than enough time. For languages that are not in the CD, it does not make any difference if the packages are uploaded today or next week09:35
dpmbut yeah, as I said on the e-mail, I'm sorry it's been in such short notice nevertheless :(09:35
andrejzdpm, it might be possible for me to come to Budapest in May (not sure yet). But in the case I do, i will need some money from Canonical (for the place to stay). I was wondering if i can put your contact info to confirm the things i am going to write, since 95%  of the stuff i do is translation related.09:41
dpmandrejz, that runs through the sponsorship process. When the UDS announcement is made, we also make the announcement for the start of the sponsorship application. When that happens, applicants need to fill out a form and they get confirmation after a while if they've been accepted. If they are, their travel and stay expenses are paid (if they need them to be paid). I'll be happy to help when the sponsorship application is open :)09:49
dpmandrejz, here's more info: http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/sponsorship/09:50
andrejzok, great, thanks09:50
dpmno worries :)09:52
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GatoLokoI've been asked, and didn't found an answer, does ubuntu support dialects?19:24
andrejzin what sense do you mean?19:24
andrejzthere are versions of languages like english us, english uk and australian english19:25
andrejzcan you give an example of a dialect?19:26
GatoLokoyou just did19:26
happyaronis there a 20110204.1 lucid language pack?19:27
andrejz@happyaron: i don't think so19:27
happyaronso firefox translations are missing?19:28
andrejz@GatoLoko: if your dialect is not there it's possible to add it. I think it might be even possible to copy all the strings from original language, so you only need to correct all the changes19:29
GatoLokowhere can i find information about the procedure to do that?19:30
GatoLokoi've been searching in wiki.ubuntu.com without findind it19:30
andrejzTranslations KnowledgeBase StartingTeam - Ubuntu Wiki19:31
gtriderxcanyway it 'd B great if I one could install a slang dialect:)19:32
GatoLokothat's what i was looking for!, thanks andrejz19:32
andrejzthere was some discussion about "pirate" language once19:32
andrejzwelcome, GatoLoko19:32
gtriderxcsomething like ubuntu satanic edition:)19:33
gtriderxcwith some special language pack:)19:33
gtriderxcbut I'd have some better idea: to replace original buttons like "Shutdown" or reboot with their Linux origins19:34
gtriderxcto not forget linux commands while using X-window19:35
gtriderxcTomaszD: wiesz może z głowy gdzie jest tłumaczony Bluefish, czy mam googlować?19:50
TomaszDnie wiem19:50
gtriderxcbłędy są19:50
GatoLokoi'm reading the page that andrejz said before, there is no ISO-639 code for this dialect, am I right if I think that's a problem?19:58
andrejzwhat kind of dialect are you planing to trasnalte ubuntu into ?19:59
andrejzin any case you can find more detailed list here  - http://www.sil.org/iso639-3/iso-639-3_20090210.tab19:59
GatoLokoI'm planing to discourage this dialect, since it's very similar to spanish, and there is no writen form, nor a regulated spoken form20:02
GatoLokothe dialect is "andaluz", spoken in the south of spain, in an area the size of portugal20:04
GatoLokomost people consider it a form of badly spoken spanish20:06
GatoLokobut there are some people with political interest in making it an independent language20:07
andrejzi think it might be possible to create a language team although non existence of regulated form might make it slightly more difficult20:07
andrejzi suggest you turn to ubuntu translations coordinators -https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-translations-coordinators20:08
andrejzwho ultimately approve all new teams20:08
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