
bcurtiswxsomeone ping me plz15:32
macobcurtiswx: ping15:32
bcurtiswxthx maco15:42
bcurtiswxmaco, one more ping plz15:49
macobcurtiswx: ping15:50
bcurtiswxmaco, thx.15:51
bcurtiswxmaco, how was the housewarming?15:57
macothere's a half-drank bottle of white wine15:57
macohow long can it rot in my fridge before i shouldnt serve it to anyone else?15:57
bcurtiswxwhite wine, give it 3 days.16:01
macowell guess thats done16:03
=== bcurtiswx_ is now known as bcurtiswx
macowell things'll be interesting round the egyptian embassy today...16:14
=== bcurtiswx_ is now known as bcurtiswx
=== bcurtiswx_ is now known as bcurtiswx

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