
reya276anyone in?03:35
reya276I forgot the password for my Daughters PC is there anyway that I can reset it03:35
reya276I need to ship it to her but I have to update it first and I can't do that without her password03:36
mhall119!seen tiemonster03:39
ubuntu-flmhall119: tiemonster was last seen in #ubuntu-us-fl 8 hours, 24 minutes, and 10 seconds ago: <tiemonster> festival03:39
mhall119reya276: it's Ubuntu?03:40
mhall119boot from a LiveCD, chroot to your HDD, then run passwd03:41
reya276I  even got a log from an IM conversation to see if it is that but that password is for her Ubuntu one acct not her desktop login03:41
reya276how do you do that03:42
mhall119from the command line03:42
mhall119say you mount your HDD as /media/Disk03:42
mhall119in your LiveCD session03:42
mhall119you just open the terminal, type "sudo chroot /media/Disk" and it'll give you a command prompt that acts like you booted from the HDD03:43
mhall119running "passwd $daughtersusername" from there will let you reset her password03:43
reya276ok let me try it03:44
reya276ok how do I mount the CD?03:45
reya276thanks lets see if I can get this to work03:48
mhall119boot from the CD03:50
mhall119then mount your harddrive03:50
reya276mount the HD then mount the CD03:51
mhall119no, just boot from the CD to the live session, then mount the HD03:51
mhall119there's nothing you need to do with teh CD other than boot from it03:51
reya276oh when I tried doing sudo chroot /media/Disk from the CLI it said "chroot: cannot change root directory to /media/Disk: no such file or directory03:54
mhall119right, that was an example path03:56
mhall119you'll need to mount the HDD (double-click it in nautilus), then use whatever path it has03:57
mhall119it'll probably be /media/something03:57
reya276ok I did it, thanks03:57
reya276lets see if I can log in as her03:57
reya276cool it worked, thanks03:58
reya276damn this thing does work miracles03:59
mhall119good night04:28
reya276how can I find a way to run this package/app called kde-config-tablet?04:36
dantalizingitnet7:  pm?15:40
reya276morning everyone16:01
dantalizingso reya276 were you referring to the data-foo tags?16:05
reya276yes, trying to see if it is an option for us to move to HTML516:06
dantalizinglike <tr><td data-foo="Rey" data-bar="276">soemthing</td></tr>16:07
reya276could we use say a dynamic language such as PHP or Coldfusion8, JSP 16:07
reya276along with this tag16:08
dantalizingsure ... but they are not inherently associated with any database context.16:08
dantalizingyou can stick whatever you want in those16:08
dantalizingthere is no such thing as a data tag "insert" or "update"16:09
dantalizingin the database sense of those words16:09
dantalizingthey're literally just tags16:09
dantalizingbut you can definitely use php or whatever to populate them and use then use those tags for your app data16:09
crashsystemshello world17:07
mhall119hello crashsystems 17:10
* crashsystems <3 Firefox Sync :D17:13
dantalizingcrashsystems: you're not using a manual sync process with my app?? :(18:58
crashsystemsdantalizing: No, I'm using Firefox 4 sync between my personal laptop, work computer and Fennec on my phone.19:03
dantalizinginstall it anyway and give it 5 stars19:06
crashsystemsyour app is for syncing with the default browser's bookmarks isn't it?19:09
dantalizingcrashsystems: yes19:10
crashsystemsdantalizing: have you tried Fennec recently?19:37
dantalizingcrashsystems: i tried beta9 iirc and it blew up on me ... i'm assuming i had some cruft from the previous releases, but didnt really follow up19:38
dantalizingsry beta419:39
crashsystemsbeta5 is the current version. its good enough now to be my main browser on my phone19:41
dantalizingah maybe beta5 then19:41
dantalizingwhatever came out a few weeks back19:41
dantalizingow 14MB19:42
crashsystemsits performance is actually pretty good considering it's size. Also, flash alone is 10mb, so 14MB for a browser is not bad.19:54
dantalizingbeta4 is in the market and its crashing on me again19:55
crashsystemshah, don't bother with beta419:56
dantalizingwell where's beta519:56
dantalizingisnt there an irssi script to save links19:57
crashsystemsI don't use irssi19:58
crashsystemsI would if it had decent spellcheck19:58
dantalizingyou should write a nice little perl irssi spell check script20:02
dantalizingwe should do a florida ubuntu hour in CA in may20:20
dantalizingzbrown: crashsystems jamalta ^^^^20:20
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=== excid3|mbp-party is now known as excid3|party-hat

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