
big_tMarkDude: hows it going man?00:59
MarkDudefinally got a moment to catch up01:00
MarkDudeJust had coffee with jono, I am going to get 2 of his AoC books for Oregon team, 1 for Portland- 1 for Eugene or somewhere around there01:01
big_ti have been playing around with arch the last few days, its rather stable so far01:01
big_tright on01:01
big_tMarkDude: my arch setup http://imagebin.org/13728801:03
MarkDudeHow is it working for you?01:04
big_tits not too bad01:05
big_tnot as bad as gentoo, but you still basicly build the whole system, i am using openbox,obmenu,tint2 and conky01:06
valoriepretty wallpaper, big_t01:07
valoriebut xchat?01:07
big_tworking on a new irssi config :001:08
big_tgoing to run irssi inside of emacs :)01:09
valorieoh my01:09
valorieyou are geek-level 9901:09
* valorie is geek-level.....4901:10
big_tvalorie: sometimes yes01:10
big_ti just get bored01:10
valoriewhen is there time to get bored?01:10
MarkDudexchat works for me01:11
MarkDudevalorie, I really want to see about getting a community made tux suit- that would be *awesome*01:12
big_tafter runing (echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches) in arch, using 280mb of 4gb of ram, with xchat,firefox and bash :)01:13
valorieindeed, phone....01:16
MarkDudegood deal01:19

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