
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== marienz_ is now known as marienz
echo-areaIs there a bzr-svn version that supports bzr-2.3.0?11:31
maxbyes, but not a release11:33
=== oubiwann_ is now known as oubiwann
echo-areamaxb: Okay thanks12:58
Zblakanyi have a simple question19:39
Zblakanyalong time ago i set bunch o bzr repos as bzr user in /home/bzr19:40
Zblakanythen i moved them to new server as bazaar user in /home/bazaar19:40
Zblakanyafter that i must add symlink /home/bzr which points /home/bazaar19:41
Zblakanythat solution is not my idea, but person who uses this bzr repos19:41
Zblakanyand my question is: why this symlink is needed?19:42
maxbZblakany: You have not provided enough information about your environment for anyone to help you.19:49
maxb< Zblakany> that solution is not my idea, but person who uses this bzr repos19:50
maxbYou mean your users told you to create it?19:50
Zblakanymaxb: yes, exactly19:50
Zblakanyhe wrote: create symlink and this fix problem19:50
maxbWhy don't you ask the users what problem they were having then?19:50
maxbI imagine the users just didn't want to have to update existing references to the branches19:51
Zblakanyhow can I fix all bazaar repositories, because I want to remove that ugly symlink19:51
maxbYou haven't said anything that leads me to believe they are broken19:52
maxbMerely that your users don't want to have to deal with them moving19:52
Zblakanymaxb: if I remove this stupid symlink, then part of theese repositories can't work19:52
Zblakanyso probably in this repositories is static path in form /home/bzr/ not /home/bazaar19:53
Zblakanyso I should fix this path19:53
Zblakanyhow can I find them?19:53
Zblakanymaybe it's in .bzr/branch/branch.conf?19:54
Zblakanyor .bzr/branch/location?19:56
Zblakanyin some files with /home/bazaar in this files are proper path with /home/bzr19:56
Zblakanycan I safely change them?19:57
Zblakanymaxb: part of them has moved location to /home/bazaar, because in his bzr serve command i see different paths20:00
maxbZblakany: Just saying that something doesn't work does not give enough information for people to figure out what the problem might be20:35
maxbYou should always try to be as precise as possible, including exact error messages, when asking for help on IRC20:36
Zblakanymaxb: I know, but logs and messages after I moved that repos to new location are gone :-/20:36
maxbThe only reference to other filesystem paths in bzr branches that I can think might cause things not to work is stacked_on locations in .bzr/branch/branch.conf20:37
Zblakanymaxb: I can change this stacked_on locations manually, or should I use some command?20:41
Zblakanys/I can/can I/20:44
* jelmer waves20:44
maxbZblakany: yes, you can edit them manually for this sort of fixup20:51
Zblakanymaxb: thanks :-)20:56

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