
bioterrorhey joe01:53
MrChrisDruifI love all those "testing" things :P01:53
jmarsdenMaybe someone with appropriate powers could add a link to the Lubuntu Alpha2 ISO to the /topic of this channel?01:54
JoeMaverickSetthey bio01:55
MrChrisDruifBoth the direct link AND the torrent :D01:55
bioterrorjmarsden, you couple days ago said that i'm playing with fire if I use proposed and you're offering alpha2 which has some installation issues for people ;)01:56
jmarsdenbioterror: For downloading and testing, not for production use on a workstation -- huge difference :)01:56
jmarsdenbioterror: The point is that "where is the Alpha2 ISO" is becoming a frequently asked question, so a adding a link seems helpful to me.01:57
jmarsdenIt is more of a news item (Alpha2 was released, here it is) than a recommendation for real world use.01:57
bioterrorjmarsden, just pip has asked ;)01:58
jmarsdenReally?  Wasn't someone asking on the mailing list, or in -offtopic, or somewhere, recently?01:58
MrChrisDruifI've seen two requests if I'm not mistaken02:01
bioterrorpip and you ;)02:02
jmarsdenWell, #lubuntu is not an especially active channel... does two requests constitute a FAQ? :) :)02:04
bioterrorI concider not02:04
MrChrisDruifWell....does that change the matter?02:04
bioterrorand my 2cents is that if someone who is capable of running and using alpha, he is also capable to find it out too02:05
MrChrisDruif2 people = 2 people right? :P02:05
bioterrorI dont want to make anyone to think "oh here's alpha release, let's go for it!"02:05
bioterrorand then screen is full of apport and he doesnt know what to do02:06
MrChrisDruifIf he found it here....he'll know where to go for help right? ;)02:06
negthorngood morning06:06
negthorndoes any of you have moved a linux distro from one partition to another06:11
bioterrorI rather backup ~/ and do a installation than start playing06:21
negthornI had some malfunctions at first boot ... but now everything is OK06:23
negthornthe thing I'm going to do06:24
negthornis to delete my XP as just copy Lubuntu over it06:24
negthornand I want to skip those malfunctions06:25
negthornis there a way to do such a thing06:26
bioterroryou can boot livecd, run gparted, remove windows partition and resize lubuntu partition06:36
negthornyep, but there are 2 separate phisical drives06:37
negthornhere is it  (I'll draw now) :06:38
negthornhd0 [ 10G WinXP ntfs][30G apps ntfs][30G files fat32]06:39
bioterrorfat32 :G06:40
negthornhd1 [38G ext4 Lubuntu][1G swap]06:40
negthornwhy not ?06:41
negthornfat16 supports only to 8G06:41
negthorn32 has no limit06:41
negthornwhatever .... my idea is to delete both ntfs and replace them with "ext"-ed partition + swap06:43
negthornand to try to copy/move the tux at that place06:44
bioterroryou can start from 4GB filesize limit, nothing even close to journaling,  and was that06:45
bioterrorjust a moment06:45
bioterrorfat32 has a bigger file allocation units than fo example ntfs06:46
bioterrornegthorn, why not just make a new installation over XP, mount your old linux installation, move stuff from old ~/ to new ~/06:47
negthornOh! sHELL ...06:48
negthorntrue ! ...06:48
bioterroryou're welcome06:49
negthornNow I'm realizing that all apps06:49
bioterrorpartition limit for FAT32 is 137GB06:50
negthornare commonly installed in ~06:50
bioterrorsoftware is installed in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin usually in linux06:50
negthornha! I didn't know it06:50
negthornand ....that is I want to keep06:51
negthornmay I 'cp' them too ?06:51
bioterrorand how are you going to update them06:52
bioterrorand all the libraries they require06:52
negthornIDK  ..06:52
negthornmmmhm ...06:52
bioterrorwhy not just apt-get install <what ever is needed>06:52
bioterrortakes like 20mins06:53
bioterrorand since you dont have exact same size disks, you cant dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sda06:53
negthornyou're right, but I like experimets (exept the case I'm here)06:54
negthornaha ...06:54
negthornit means - "don't try this at home (/home) "06:55
bioterrorif I were you, I would buy a bigger disk than 70GB06:56
bioterrorand use it06:56
negthornthis machine is 7 y.o. the only up I've made is to put this 70G HDD and 256MB RAM (total 512)06:58
bioterrortrash that XP, make some more space in other drive so that you can get rid of FAT3206:59
negthorn'cause there are all my files07:00
negthorn(personaly created)07:00
negthornfor anything else - I don't care07:00
negthornand 'cause Iknow that fat is visible form all normal distros - I made this space "fat"07:02
bioterrorseems like you havent heard of NTFS-3G07:02
negthornhah! thanks for the info but I've never before used Linux seriously ... mean - installsome. try it, then remove ... and when I decide - Install something else ...07:05
negthornI was looking for "my" distro ..07:09
negthornthere is nothing more beautyful than to Install XP07:11
negthorntwice a week07:11
negthornin a period of a half year07:12
negthornwhatever ... I'll not experiment with copying ...07:14
negthornthanks for everything07:14
negthornmust go07:14
kosaidpo-|hello world11:23
kosaidpo-|after installin lubuntu 10.10 nad upgrade it i lost my windows entry in the grub menu11:24
bioterrorkosaidpo-|, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ11:27
kosaidpo-|bioterror: okies tnx11:27
kosaidpo-|bioterror: i aleady tied that last night11:36
kosaidpo-|n still not wokin11:36
bioterrorand is there somekind of error message11:37
kosaidpo-|when i launch os-prober it return the windows but not when i do update grub11:37
kosaidpo-|bioterror: no no errors eturned at all :P11:38
kosaidpo-|bioterror: http://pastebin.com/5E2fNjxP11:39
kosaidpo-|any idea why it doesnt work bioterror11:41
bioterrorthis doesnt make sense11:43
kosaidpo-|bioterror: btw to let you kno this hapaned jst after th upgrade11:44
kosaidpo-|after the upgrade11:44
bioterrorI'll reboot11:44
kosaidpo-|ill do too mybe the wnidowns enty decide to show up who knows :D11:46
bioterror10.10 doesnt have os-prober, so it's not run on installation11:49
bioterrorI had to install and run it, works like a charm11:49
bioterrorTimo, cant you put your password for server password?11:51
bioterrorkosaidpo-|, did you get it?11:51
kosaidpo-|bioterror: noo :P11:51
kosaidpo-|bioterror: iread somewhere on the web that ican add manuley that entry can you pls link me to some ressource11:51
bioterror~% sudo blkid                        .:13:52:30 on 11-02-12:.11:52
bioterror[sudo] password for sad157:11:52
bioterror/dev/sda1: LABEL="Windows" UUID="3EE0E0DEE0E09D81" TYPE="ntfs"11:52
bioterrorreplace that UUID in that with your own11:53
kosaidpo-|bioterror: and wht file shud i edit to add the entry11:54
kosaidpo-|memu.list or sumthin11:55
kosaidpo-|in the boot/grub dir right ?11:55
bioterrormenu.list is for legacy grub11:55
bioterrorgrub.cfg and /boot/grub/11:55
bioterroryou got it right! ;D11:55
kosaidpo-|okies thnx bioterror11:55
kosaidpo-|but how can i get my uid ??11:56
bioterrorI gave you command 5 mins ago11:57
kosaidpo-|got it11:57
kosaidpo-|bioterror: i added the windows pat in the end of the file12:01
bioterrorthen reboot12:04
bioterrordont run update-grub12:04
kosaidpo-|ahh okies12:04
kosaidpo-|i was abt to ask12:04
kosaidpo-|bioterror: it doesnt wok12:21
bioterrorkosaidpo-|, did you get that menu entry?12:21
bioterrorthen update-grub12:22
bioterrorand reboot12:22
kosaidpo-|thees no risque runin it ??12:22
bioterrorwhy would be12:22
lksdjfglAre there any printer problems specific to lubuntu?12:22
=== lksdjfgl is now known as MrOne
kosaidpo-|bioterror: im jst womdein and run it and still doesnt appear after updatin12:23
bioterrorMrOne, what kind of problems?12:23
bioterrorkosaidpo-|, run update-grub12:23
MrOneI have a printer and it shows up as if drivers have been found but then when I print a test page12:23
MrOneit is added to the print list12:24
kosaidpo-|bioterror: did it and still no succes with that windows entry12:24
MrOnethen vanishes without a page printing12:24
bioterrorMrOne, related to GRUB12:24
MrOnewhat can I do?12:24
bioterrorcheck launchpad with your printer?12:24
bioterrorkosaidpo-|, you have not booted after running update-grub12:26
kosaidpo-|i jst read hee thati shud add custom entry to this ect/grub.d/40_custom 12:26
kosaidpo-|ill try it first : ]12:26
bioterrorthat's where I have my entry12:26
bioterrornot in there12:26
kosaidpo-|why didnt eboot yet ?? or why i ll add it12:27
bioterroradd that windows menu entry after memtest 8612:27
bioterrorrun update-grub12:27
bioterrorand reboot12:27
kosaidpo-|well now i added the entry to /boot/grub/grub.cfg12:27
bioterrorand you've double checked the uuid?12:28
bioterrorit does match?12:28
MrOnebioterror: Is there nothing I could have messed up at my end?12:30
bioterrorMrOne, I dont think so12:31
kosaidpo-|m checkin now bioterrorq12:31
kosaidpo-|ill let u kno : ]thnaks12:31
kosaidpo-|bioterror: can i re-make an grub.cfg ??12:42
bioterrormake .cfg.bak and run os-prober and update-grub12:43
kosaidpo-|i guess i messed up my grub.cfg12:43
bioterrorhow can you mess it up12:43
bioterrorif you just add few lines below memtest12:44
bioterrorwhich I gave you on a silver platter12:44
kosaidpo-|cus i mistakes things i guess12:45
kosaidpo-|i copied he wrong portion12:45
bioterrorbut laters12:46
bioterrorI'm off, going out12:46
bioterrorto catch some fresh air12:46
kosaidpo-|okies have fun12:46
kosaidpo-|peace out12:46
kosaidpo-|n tnx12:46
bioterrorbeen helping people whole morning n day :D12:46
MrChrisDruifGood going bioterror :D12:48
MrChrisDruifWe love people like you around :D12:48
NRWlionhello every113:14
NRWlionneed help ^^ just installed Lubuntu this morning and failed to set Teamspeak Soundsettings... anybody there to help me out? I am returning to linux after working with MS because my system doesnt work properly13:15
MrChrisDruifTeamSpeak? That's like Mumble right?13:16
NRWlionähm... havent any clue what mumble is *laugh*13:17
NRWlionteamspeak is a voip client13:17
MrChrisDruifMe for TeamSpeak....but TeamSpeak is for having audio conversation during gaming etc.?13:17
MrChrisDruifWell...Mumble does the same O:-)13:18
NRWlionam i able to access a teamspeak server with mumble?13:18
MrChrisDruifThat...I don't know :)13:19
NRWlionalready asking google ;)13:19
MrChrisDruifI love those n00bs that can do their own google searches :D13:19
NRWlionnoobs are greenhorns right?13:20
NRWlionsorry my english isnt that good :/13:20
MrChrisDruifYeah, they are...(I'm still a n00b thou O:-))13:21
MrChrisDruifWhere are you from NRWlion?13:22
NRWlionGood old Germany13:22
MrChrisDruifHai neighbor :) I'm from Holland :D13:22
NRWliongoede middag13:22
MrChrisDruifDankuwel :D13:22
NRWlionim able to speak it but writing and reading are horrible ^^ so if you dont mind, i keep on english ;)13:23
MrChrisDruifAs this is an English channel I was about to say it :)13:24
NRWlionive been to holland for nearly half of my life to spend my vacations there13:24
MrChrisDruifAlright....so our conception that German like our beaches is pretty spot on :)13:26
NRWlionwell always went to a little camping spot called Hylpen13:27
NRWlionneed to leave for the moment to get lunch with family13:27
NRWlionbut as i do like lubuntu more and more, i will return after this weekend to maybe help with german translations ,)13:28
=== NRWlion is now known as NRWlion|LUNCH
MrChrisDruifHai leszek :)13:51
NRWlion|LUNCHbin gone for the weekend13:55
NRWlion|LUNCHhave a nice1 every113:55
=== leszek_ is now known as leszek
kosaidpo-|hello guys i cant make it to wok14:17
kosaidpo-|i ve tried to add an  entry to my grub list manuelly but no succes14:18
kosaidpo-|i've added this to my /etc/grub.d/40_custom but it doesnt wok when i do update-grub14:19
kosaidpo-|hello again14:44
kosaidpo-|phillw: the way u showed didnt work too :P14:44
phillwkosaidpo-|: I'm stuck. I do not dual boot. if you are patient on here - or ask on the mailing list one of those who dual boot will help you.14:46
kosaidpo-|phillw: sure im still here and thanks :D14:46
wolfpackkosaidpo-|: i have three Os working including Lubuntu 11.04 alpha. Can u summarize your problem to me? i may help.15:04
kosaidpo-|wolfpack: hii : ]15:05
wolfpackkosaidpo-|: Hi15:05
kosaidpo-|well after a lubuuntu upgrade i lost my windows entry in grub15:05
kosaidpo-|and i kind of tried all ways ic ud find in the net15:05
kosaidpo-|the os-prober one n added the portion code to the 40_custom file but doesnt work idk wht im doin wing when i did those ways15:06
wolfpackCann u paste the output of sudo fdisk  -l15:08
wolfpackpaste it in pastebin15:08
wolfpackkosaidpo-|: ^15:10
kosaidpo-|wolfpack: okies15:11
kosaidpo-|http://pastebin.com/vy5bFmrv wolfpack15:12
kosaidpo-|here you go dude15:12
kosaidpo-|wolfpack: soy thats blkid im sorry15:13
wolfpackkosaidpo-|: no problem :)15:14
kosaidpo-|wolfpack: here you go http://pastebin.com/3zBHkSmd im srry15:14
wolfpackAlso paste output of update-grub15:16
kosaidpo-|wolfpack: u got me ?15:18
wolfpackkosaidpo-|: Which is other linux distro u have installed15:18
kosaidpo-|jst lubuntu n windows thats all15:19
wolfpackYour partition table is showing 2 linux distro15:19
kosaidpo-|uhmm :P well i have only dual boot tho15:21
kosaidpo-|ahh i have the home sperated15:21
kosaidpo-|uhm i jst noticed too thats weird15:22
kosaidpo-|the extended one  its /home and sda6 its the / but the sda7 idk it :P15:23
wolfpackYou can try this . It has worked lot of time for me : sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/sda5 /dev/sda15:24
wolfpackkosaidpo-|: replace sda5 with your linux partition15:25
wolfpackoh sooru I copied wrong commnad15:25
wolfpacksorry *15:25
wolfpackkosaidpo-|: Do not use the above command15:26
kosaidpo-|sda5 its the swap15:26
kosaidpo-|okies im not15:26
kosaidpo-|wolfpack: wht cmmd wud i use /15:28
wolfpackkosaidpo-|: sudo grub-install /dev/sda15:32
kosaidpo-|i use this one ?15:32
wolfpackkosaidpo-|: Yes, You can try this as it worked for me once :)15:33
kosaidpo-|wolfpack: well done ; ]15:33
kosaidpo-|and  now wolfpack15:33
wolfpackkosaidpo-|: type sudo update-grub15:34
kosaidpo-|done but still cannnot see the windows entry btw i got this15:35
wolfpackkosaidpo-|: It hasd worked for me15:36
kosaidpo-|:P it didnt for me15:38
pip__so Lubuntu 10.10 is on this month's Linux Format cover disc - sweeeeeeeeeeeet16:22
bioterrorwhat a shame that the default installation is far from complete :(16:35
esingapache2 installed here but when running localhost it says no permisson to access /index.php16:46
esingi deleted the index.html which was in there before tho16:46
esingi tried to set chmod for the whole www folder to 755 and 777 but neither works16:47
kosaidpo-|esing: make sure its owned by root or www-data im not sure if not ucan install lampp via tasksel16:48
bioterrorpublic_html and root www are 75516:50
esingwhat do you mean "owned by root" or owned by www-data?16:55
wolfpackkosaidpo-|: Did you had a fresh installtion of lubuntu and then tried to upgrade its packages ?16:56
kosaidpo-|wolfpack: yesh16:56
esingwell i put www to 75516:56
esingthen even to 77716:56
esingbut nothing happens16:56
wolfpackkosaidpo-|: Then I think during installtion you have specified incorrect boot point.16:57
kosaidpo-|yeh i guess so cus i have an extended partion in it two partition and now im wondein how ican fix it16:57
wolfpackkosaidpo-|: Well I did the same thing by mounting boot point at my other linux distro partition. I had to reinstall the lubuntu :(16:59
wolfpackkosaidpo-|: Do you have any important data on lubuntu ?17:00
kosaidpo-|:P thats the hard part and tnx tho17:00
phillwesing: I do tire of this... read and use http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=119 I held a classroom a while back, the information on the internet that you will have used is just wrong.17:06
phillwIt really does annoy me that people have incorrect instructions up on sites.17:07
esingI even tried to add the www directory to apach2.conf but it still doesnt work17:09
esingimho a program should work after installation without configuration ^^17:09
phillwesing: if you use tasksel, it will 'work out of the box', that is what tasksel is there for.17:11
esingtaskel doesnt exist on my os17:31
esing"taskel command not found"17:34
esingphillw !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!17:35
JoeMaverickSettesing: it's "tasksel"17:35
esingit doesnt work17:36
esingin terminal i wrote it correct wise17:36
phillwesing:  sudo tasksel17:36
esingi did tihs17:36
esingphillw you use ubuntu 9.1 and not lubuntu?17:36
phillwesing: those notes were made via lubuntu!17:37
esingwell then this is weird17:38
esingmaybe this is a big bug in here17:38
phillwI've been asked to make a new new set for ubuntu standard version.17:38
esingive got to go off17:45
esinghead is burning17:45
esingthx tho17:45
arkanabaranyone know how to bring up the menu bar in lxterminal? alternately, how to change lxterminal fonts?17:53
arkanabaranyone know how to bring up the menu bar in lxterminal? alternately, how to change lxterminal fonts?18:12
bioterrorright click the terminal18:13
bioterrorand choose preferences18:13
bioterrorthen display tab18:13
bioterrorand there's a checkbox18:13
bioterrorI believe it's the middle one18:13
arkanabarthat's done it!  TYVM!18:14
bioterrorthat was fast18:14
wolfpackhahah :)18:14
wolfpackBR41N1: hi18:31
BR41N1To answer to somebody, do you simply type the name and add ":" or do you click somewhere?18:32
wolfpackBR41N1: type few letter and press tab18:34
BR41N1wolfpack, oh, ok! Thanks a lot. (it gives me a coma though)18:34
BR41N1wolfpack: I changed it. Perfect18:35
bioterrorI prefer nick,18:35
BR41N1bioterror: I prefer : =P18:36
wolfpackme too :P18:36
BR41N1I just installed Lubuntu and did an update. I need to reboot. brb18:36

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