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Adysis there a package for libdrm-2.4.24?02:54
durthey folks, any pointers to why I don't have 3d running anymore? (i915). And I do believe 'intel' is running ok from Xorg.0.log02:54
Adysdurt: see link in /topic, it's a transition phase wrt xorg atm, lots of issues with 3d02:58
durtAdys, I see...explains what I'm seeing today, but I lost compiz quite some time ago... oh well.03:00
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gpc!info libdrm203:27
ubottulibdrm2 (source: libdrm): Userspace interface to kernel DRM services -- runtime. In component main, is required. Version 2.4.23-1ubuntu3 (natty), package size 22 kB, installed size 112 kB03:27
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AdysIs the package plymouth-x11 still needed?03:37
Adysi see it's not marked as supported anymore03:37
hvis the window placement in the new compiz slightly screwed? the shadow of the windows seems to be treated like its border.03:47
hvor perhaps there is some configuration baggage from compiz 0.8 that is causing it?03:48
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ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | The ATI and nVidia binary drivers may not be currently installable at the moment07:25
rxdwhat's with with applications menu it disappears07:41
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LynoureMy natty cannot find mpeg etc codecs, what repo / package are they from?10:26
LynoureIt proposes to install them and then does not find them10:26
bazhang!info ubuntu-restricted-extras10:26
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 43 (natty), package size 3 kB, installed size 36 kB10:26
LynoureYup, there we go. Thanks10:28
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kklimondahey, did the nvidia power support sheduled for 2.6.38?11:57
kklimondaI shall not change the sentence in the middle11:58
om26erwhere can I find unity-2d developers? is there an IRC ?12:02
coz_om26er,  #ayanta  I believe12:02
coz_wrong spelling12:03
coz_hold on12:03
coz_om26er,    #ayatana12:03
coz_om26er,  is there an issue you need to dicuss?12:04
om26erhmm -2d developers are there too ?12:04
om26erno issue just wanted to see the discussions and stuff, have not seen em in #ayatana12:04
coz_om26er,   that would be the place then12:04
coz_mm hey guys.  I did notice this  "fake"  gnome panel across the secondary monitor  ,, a bit  alarming at first...although I only did partial update because of the nvidia issue12:06
coz_I am also noticing...after logging in ..as things are starting up...the unity /gnome panel and the it being quickly overlayed by the classic gnome panel... also could be as a result of partial updates12:07
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root_hello after I've installed updates via update manager ubuntu is not loading anymore14:30
penguin42how far does it get?14:31
root_also i have installed nvidia drivers, last message in console  says starting CUPS [OK] I'm writing from tty214:32
penguin42ok, lets go back a step - what exactly did you do between it working and it stopping working?14:33
root_run update manager installed updates14:33
root_then installed nvidia driver and rebooted14:33
penguin42ok, so it's booted just X isn't starting?14:33
penguin42what does /var/log/Xorg.0.log have to say?14:34
root_NOUVEAU (0) : Closed GPU channel 214:35
root_i've tried nvidia-xconfig and startx14:35
root_but it says that there is no /usr/bin/X14:35
penguin42I don't know much about the nvidia drivers; can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?14:36
penguin42there is a command line program called pastebiniit which should be able to do it for you14:37
root_how to do that from console is there any wgetpaste like prog?14:37
root_oh thanks14:37
root_how i can try to manually start xorg? restarting gdm doesn't makes sence14:41
penguin42root_: OK, reading that log, it couldn't find the closed source nvidia module, and is trying nouveau14:42
root_how to fix that?14:42
penguin42root_: Not sure, I don't know the nvidia stuff (I use Intel and ATI) startx should work for trying X14:43
penguin42root_: I think you might  try jockey-text  to install the Nvidia driver14:43
kklimondadid nvidia release a working driver for new X14:44
root_what driver is used by default?14:47
penguin42root_: Yeh, it looks like it tries the closed source one, then nouveau, thenthe 2d nv then ood old fashoned fb14:47
root_if i will uninstall that closed source nvidia driver that shall help?14:49
penguin42root_: I'd try to get the basics working without that first14:49
penguin42root_: How did you install it?14:50
root_with additional drivers gui14:50
root_as i understand i shall remove that nvidia-current package and generated xorg.conf right?14:52
penguin42I think I'd use jockey-text to remove it14:52
root_sorry what is jockey-text?14:53
root_ah got it :)14:53
penguin42root_: The 'additional driver' gui is a front end to jockey14:54
root_it just searches drivers and returns nothing14:54
penguin42ok, then as you say, nuke the package14:54
root_no man page too14:54
penguin42and the xorg.conf14:54
root_i used "purge" option14:55
root_that's right?14:55
root_penguin42: thank you very much for help, gonna reboot14:55
penguin42thank me when it works!14:55
root_removing nvidia-current and xorg.conf doesn't helped15:01
root_why on startx it says /usr/bin/X not found?15:01
root_and now console has higher resolution and can't parse cyrillic chars15:02
penguin42root_: Do you have the xserver-xorg package installed?15:04
root_it says no15:04
root_how to search with apt?15:05
Daekdroomsudo apt-cache search15:05
penguin42not having xserver-xorg installed is odd15:05
root_xserver-xorg is in list when i try apt-cache search xserver-xorg --installed15:09
root_ah it's in /usr/bin/X11/startx15:10
kklimondaroot_: apt-cache search --installed doesn't mean it's installed15:10
kklimondasee what apt-cache policy        --installed15:11
kklimondawhat apt-cache policy xserver-xorg returns15:11
root_1:7.6~3ubuntu4 natty/main15:12
root_damn can't see letters15:13
root_smthing with codepage15:13
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root_guys i'm sorry but could u tell what paste.ubuntu.com/566335 says about X server?15:17
penguin42root_: Could not start command /usr/bin/X -br -verbose15:19
kklimondaroot_: what does ls -l /usr/bin/X return?15:19
kklimondaif you don't have this file then you don't have xserver-xorg properly installed.15:20
penguin42root_: What happens if you do apt-get install xserver-xorg15:22
root_kklimonda: no such file or dir15:26
root_damn i can't read output at all15:26
kklimondalaunch bash with LC_ALL=C15:27
kklimondaLC_ALL=C bash15:27
kklimonda(which won't help, as I don't know which output you can't read)15:27
root_apt-cache says it's not installed15:28
root_apt-get install xserver-xorg shows list of packages that would be installed15:29
root_how that happend? I've got gnome fully installed and working, could nvidia-driver uninstalled xserver?15:30
DaekdroomGiven that nvidia driver is currently broken, it's possible15:30
penguin42root_: Might be best to apt-get install ubuntu-desktop just to make sure you have the full set of normal stuff15:32
root_X started woohoo15:33
root_thank you much for help guys15:34
penguin42no prob15:34
root_emm maybe that sounds weird but i uninstalled ubuntu-desktop as dep of indicator-applet, could be the reason of missing xorg server? :D15:36
penguin42no, shouldn't take out xserver-xorg15:38
root_ok thanks15:40
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!15:57
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vishtsimpson: goosh! he is such a bother.. atleast the tiniest of trolls have something to troll about :/16:53
vishmaybe ops should just ignore his "!o-ps"16:54
Daekdroomvish, I don't think that a flashing window is easy to ignore.16:54
DaekdroomI recall this person that used !ops three times just to realize what it did, and then got kicked.16:55
vishDaekdroom: nah, he knows what he is doing. he has bee at it atleast twice in the past couple of weeks16:56
tsimpsonthey hit multiple channels multiple times, I don't think we should ignore that16:56
vish it is totally redundant to just keep pinging ops, when you have nothing to troll about :/16:56
vishtsimpson: it seems it is his fun to just get banned.. so banning him only entices him more :)16:57
tsimpsonmaybe, but not banning him allows him to constantly disrupt channels16:59
vishmaybe, yea..17:00
penguin42change the bot to do something more interesting for him?17:01
vishbugabuga! ;)17:02
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pr0ph3tanyone have problems with the microphone using empathy/telepathy over msn conversations?18:01
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Goog_Josh1can anybody help me to install and run kylix 3 on my ubuntu 101018:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 1010 in drivel (Ubuntu) "out-of-date" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101018:18
Ibn_Ali_al-Turkianyone having microphone issues with Natty?18:21
Ibn_Ali_al-Turkimy laptop mic worked fine in maverick, but doesn't work in natty18:21
nailorai have some problems that the selected theme is not applied (except for window borders). any ideas?18:26
coz_nailora,  I have had this issue in the past  did you restart x and try again18:45
Ibn_Ali_al-Turkianyone having microphone issues with Natty?18:50
Ibn_Ali_al-Turkimy laptop mic worked fine in maverick, but doesn't work in natty18:50
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PiciCan someone confirm a gnome-terminal issue before I report a bug?19:43
penguin42what is it?19:43
PiciMy g-t profile has the menubar off by default, but when I open g-t, its on, and the setting is unchecked in the menu itself.  I need to toggle the checkbox twice before it will turn the menubar off.19:43
penguin42well, for me if I turn it off in the profile and then open a new terminal the menubar is off19:46
DaekdroomIf I turn it off in the profile and open a new terminal, it's on :(19:46
DaekdroomClassic Gnome, btw.19:46
Picime too. Okay.19:47
Picioh, thats annoying too.  I just opened a new terminal, and the menu bar showed up there, and on my old terminal that I was using before.19:47
nekoCATI just did a fresh install of Xubuntu daily.  First, its nice that the gtk resize handle on the desktop is gone.19:57
nekoCATThe multiple menu entries are gone as well.19:57
DaekdroomnekoCAT, The thing on the bottom right of every window?19:57
Picibug #717859 logged19:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 717859 in gnome-terminal (Ubuntu) "gnome-terminal "Show Menubar" setting not working properly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71785919:57
nekoCATNo, there was a bug with the resize handle showing up on the corner of the desktop.19:57
nekoCATThat was fixed and I thank the developers for that.19:58
DaekdroomI recall it showing up in the gnome panel19:59
nekoCATIn this particular Xubuntu daily build, some of the shortcuts in the bottom panel are broken.19:59
nekoCATThe Firefox/Thunderbird launchers are just empty placeholders.20:02
charlie-tcareport a bug for that against xfce4-panel20:03
nekoCATcharlie-tca: Okay, can do.20:03
nekoCATjockey shows up in the systray without an icon.  Is this a known problem?20:06
Ibn_Ali_al-Turkianyone having microphone issues with Natty?20:07
Ibn_Ali_al-Turkimy laptop mic worked fine in maverick, but doesn't work in natty20:07
charlie-tcayeah, sort of. Jockey has some issues since stuff is still broken20:07
nekoCATQuick question, is it safe to install the nvidia drivers yet?  Has anyone tried?20:08
charlie-tcathey are broken yet, as far as I know20:09
nekoCATThank you.  I will hold off on that then.20:09
nekoCATI must be off.  I will report the panel icon bug in launchpad later today.20:10
* penguin42 notes that xorg-edgers is broken on Radeon for me on Natty as of an update sometime in the last week20:11
robin0800penguin42, define broken please?20:12
penguin42robin0800: gdm won't render the login box properly - didn't get any further; logs full of 'r600_packet3_check:1330 invalid cmd stream 408'20:12
penguin42sorry, kdm20:13
penguin42sorry^2, gdm!20:13
robin0800penguin42, does r600 use gallium driver?20:13
penguin42robin0800: I don't know20:14
robin0800penguin42, do glxinfo will tell you20:14
Daekdroomr600 does not use gallium by default.20:15
Daekdroom(not even xorg-edgers)20:15
penguin42robin0800: I've dropped back to the standard natty packages and I don't see any sign of the word 'gallium' in glxinfo output20:15
penguin42what is Gallium?20:15
penguin42the card is an HD4350 rv71020:15
DaekdroomGallium is some replacement for classic Mesa.20:16
Daekdroomr300 driver uses gallium by default already. Faster, better, smaller code.20:16
DaekdroomThe mesa driver that uses gallium is called r300g. The one that uses classic mesa code is called r300 or r300c20:16
penguin42ah ok20:16
robin0800Daekdroom, only up to 500 I guess and has a tearing issue with compiz20:17
Daekdroomrobin0800, r300 driver also handles r400 and r500 cards ;)20:17
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robin0800Daekdroom, yes but it still needs some work I think20:18
Daekdroomrobin0800, nah. r300g is way better than r300c at this point. r600c, on the other hand, is more stable than r600g, however slower20:19
robin0800Daekdroom, well I've got tearing in compiz with it20:20
penguin42oh dear - that's a good crash - it's stuck playing the last ~3 seconds of audio20:27
hellyeahubuntu 11.10 exist ?20:28
penguin42repeatedly, in a loop saying 'move the bodies, No Doctor'20:28
PiciWhich Doctor?20:30
PiciOh that show.20:31
PiciYeah, that show/.20:31
penguin42is not having a good day for video related issues20:32
arandhellyeah: no, all current development is happening on 11.0420:41
Omega"Preferred Applications" isn't detecting Opera as a browser20:43
Omegaso I can't seem to set it as my default browser20:44
penguin42also seems to be kicing a few radeon_cs_ioctl *ERROR* Failed to parse relocation -35! crashes20:45
ImGangstaim gangsta20:48
raknorakhi there20:53
raknorakit's funny that the bug reporting tool, is unstable and crash by collecting details for a bug report :D20:53
penguin42ah that's not good - which one - KDE or gnome?20:58
penguin42how did it crash?20:59
raknorakfirst did compiz crash, and after pressing send report the app itself crashing21:00
raknorakcompiz crashes after clicking the ubuntu logo und the top left21:01
penguin42out of interest which graphics card?21:02
Ibn_Ali_al-Turkianyone having microphone issues with Natty?21:02
Ibn_Ali_al-Turkimy laptop mic worked fine in maverick, but doesn't work in natty21:03
Ibn_Ali_al-Turkisame thing happens to me21:03
Ibn_Ali_al-Turkii am using an asus laptop with intel graphics21:03
Ibn_Ali_al-Turkiit crashes, and while i attempt to bug report i get like crash after crash and the screen fills up with boxes lol21:03
raknorakit's a macbook 2.1 with intel gma95021:05
raknorakand sometimes the window decoration disappears21:06
raknorakthe application folder in unity 3d, is not scrollable with the touchpad (any other app works fine with that) und it's kinda laggy with scrolling with the scrollbar itself21:07
penguin42X does seem very flaky at the moment21:08
raknorakand it would be nice, that the toolbar on the left would not hide if a window comes to the border21:09
raknorakmaybe as an option21:09
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Guest34735the interface crashs if a flash video plays and banshee will start21:41
penguin42I don't seem to get anything logged to /var/log/messages any more - is everyone else seeing that?21:46
Daekdroomcat /var/log/messages doesn't display anything in here21:46
penguin42bug or feature?21:47
DaekdroomWho knows? *dun dun dun dun*21:48
Ibn_Ali_al-Turkiwill natty have gnome 3.0?22:03
DaekdroomIbn_Ali_al-Turki, Yes, but its default desktop interface will be Unity instead of Gnome Shell22:03
penguin42Daekdroom: Feature - found the changelog comment22:04
Ibn_Ali_al-TurkiDaekdroom thanks, i know that...but i was wondering if the classic desktop will be 3.0, or remain as 2.3022:04
DaekdroomIbn_Ali_al-Turki, Classic Desktop will be 2.32, because 3.0 is Gnome Shell already, and that is not "Classic Desktop"22:04
DaekdroomIbn_Ali_al-Turki, but I'd expect them to compile everything to GTK+3 if it's possible.22:05
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lithprhi- i've tried to add the kubuntu backports repo, but am getting this error:  W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backportsv/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/source/Sources.gz  404  Not Found23:25
Daekdroomlithpr, why are you using a maverick PPA on a natty install anyway?23:26
lithpri'm trying to get the natty updates into maverick23:26
Daekdroomlithpr, this is not exactly the channel for that23:26
Daekdroomlithpr, but what happens is: the link is wrong23:27
Daekdroomlithpr, there's a "backportsv" there. It's only backports23:27
lithprDaekdroom: okay, thank you.  it is what got added with "sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports"23:27
lithprweird.   thank you Daekdroom, i will try changing that url23:28
nekoCATI would just like to extend my support for the integration of gmusicbrowser in xubuntu.23:44
charlie-tcait is nice, isn't it?23:47
nekoCATcharlie-tca:  It is, and it recognizes and sorts the tags better than other music players I have tried.23:48

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