
waltersKeybuk: aiui the default i/o scheduler will, if inside the same process, go for maximum speed if you do that00:00
macoKeybuk: do you line wrap at all to avoid scrolling forever to the right?00:00
Keybukmaco: no, since "word wrap" was invented in the 80s, there isn't a need00:00
sorenKeybuk: Uh, yeah, silly question indeed. /ignore me00:00
macoKeybuk: web browsers havent caught up apparently00:01
Keybukmaco: you mean bugzilla hasn't00:01
macoi was actually thinking it was the mailing list since ive seen the no-wrap-grrr thing on other lists00:02
slangasekso if you needed to detect with gcc -E what libc your build system is building against, what's the best way to do that?  #include <stdlib.h>, look for __GLIBC__ et al.?00:02
Keybukslangasek: guards> in general the fix is replace write(a,b,c) with send(a,b,c, MSG_NOSIGNAL)00:02
slangasekKeybuk: right; you seemed to be suggesting SIG_IGN earlier, which would certainly modify the caller's handling of other signals00:03
slangasekits handling of that signal from other sources00:03
sorenKeybuk: That's what I'm doing right now. Seems to be pretty well contained, actually.00:04
Keybukno, in that case I just meant that I couldn't understand why, if soren was intent on hiding the bug rather than fixing it, his patch wasn't just signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN)00:04
Keybuksoren: yeah, I figured it might be ;)00:04
* slangasek looks for a nibble on his libc question00:05
sorenKeybuk: Becuase if I called plymouth_disconnected, the connection would be proplerly cleaned up, which meant that it would attemt the reconnect. I didn't realise the plymouth client lib would do that on its own.00:07
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sorenKeybuk: Would there be any point in wrapping the MSG_NOSIGNAL in an #ifdef?00:13
Keybukyou could certainly do00:14
Keybuk#ifdef MSG_NOSIGNAL00:14
Keybuksend (a,b,c,00:14
Keybuk#ifdef MSG_NOSIGNAL00:14
KeybukI think we did that in D-Bus00:15
Keybukactually, I think we did00:15
Keybuk#if HAVE_MSG_NOSIGNAL00:15
Keybuk   MSG_NOSIGNAL00:15
Keybukand added a configure check00:15
Keybukin case it got defined as an enum00:15
sorenIndeed you did.00:16
sorenI did the other thing as:00:16
soren#ifdef MSG_NOSIGNAL00:16
soren        |MSG_NOSIGNAL00:17
soren       )00:17
sorenBut meh.00:17
Keybukthat works too ;-)00:17
Keybukpoints for stylishness00:17
sorenKeybuk: I learned from the master: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/dbus/dbus/commit/?id=c5d0998295a15fe649da854b68334c767aad104900:18
sorenKeybuk: Hm... I think dbus is doing it wrong.00:23
sorenKeybuk: HAVE_DECL_MSG_NOSIGNAL is 1 if MSG_SIGNAL exists, 0 otherwise.00:24
sorenKeybuk: ...but the check is #fidef HAVE_DECL_MSG_NOSIGNAL.00:24
sorenKeybuk: So it's always defined.00:24
sorenKeybuk: Either that or the comment in config.h.in lies.00:24
sorenKeybuk: Nope, the comment is accurate.00:28
sorenKeybuk: Oh. That's fixed recently, apparantly.00:34
sorenKeybuk: Thanks for the pointers. It seems to work well.01:01
sorenKeybuk: I'll send it upstream Monday. I need to sleep now.01:01
* cjwatson is glad Keybuk reviewed this before he got round to it01:09
cjwatsonalexbligh1: it's entirely reasonable for a package to assume that its own debconf templates are there - it shouldn't need to do any defaulting01:09
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gurkan_hi mates01:28
gurkan_need help about my /var/run/utmp file01:28
gurkan_i have read the man page but it's not clear on 2 points01:29
gurkan_i didn't understand the getutline and getutid fonctions01:29
gurkan_if someone seems to know well this function and utmp file he could explain me01:30
psusiwhat don't you understand about it?01:31
gurkan_the how !01:32
gurkan_i don't understand the how01:32
psusihow what?01:32
gurkan_how to implement in my code the getutline fonction for exploiting his return value if it is not empty how can i know about value contains01:33
gurkan_i read that search forward from the curent position ... blabla but01:34
psusiyou don't implement the function in your code, it is part of the standard library... you just call it.  the man page shows example code01:34
gurkan_no the man page not show the exemple of getutline exemple , after you implement setutent in the code what did i extract whit getutline function01:36
psusiactually I guess the example is only of how to update the entries not read one01:37
psusiyou extract a utmp entry in a struct utmp01:37
gurkan_yes this is the man page exemple , but the form which interest me is only the read in deep of all database01:38
gurkan_the man page show erase/append correct .01:39
gurkan_as i said i try on to read01:39
psusiyea... so you call getutent() and then getutline() repeatedly01:39
gurkan_only to read with getutline01:39
psusierr, actually it looks like you just use getutent.. getutline seems to be for searching for a specific command someone is running01:40
gurkan_while ((u=getutent()) !=NULL) it's not enough01:42
psusinot enough for what?01:43
psusithat should set up a loop that will iterate over all of the utmp records01:44
gurkan_struct utmp *utmline;01:44
gurkan_struct utmp *ut ;01:44
psusiuse pastebin01:44
gurkan_getutline() searches forward from the current file position in the utmp01:44
gurkan_       file.   It scans entries whose ut_type is USER_PROCESS or LOGIN_PROCESS01:44
gurkan_       and returns the first one whose ut_line field matches ut->ut_line.01:44
gurkan_it's not clear for01:44
gurkan_i need a sample exmeple of code01:45
cjwatsonperhaps you could ask in a general C or Unix programming help channel01:45
psusithe while loop you just pasted is a good start... now just do something with u in the body01:45
cjwatsonthis is really not a programming help channel, unless you're specifically working on a piece of code in Ubuntu01:45
gurkan_ ok watson01:46
gurkan_sorry for my flood01:46
psusicjwatson, hey cj... are you familliar with partman-ext3?  and if so, think you could get it to mount a newly formatted ext4 partition in natty with the mount option that prevents the background auto zeroing of the inode table so the installation goes faster? ;)01:47
cjwatsonyou already have a bug open about that don't you?01:47
cjwatsonI'll get to it, if so :)01:47
cjwatsonand yes, I'm familiar with partman-ext301:47
cjwatsonI've queued up bug 556621 in my browser for later action01:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556621 in e2fsprogs (Ubuntu) "lazy_itable_init not on by default" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55662101:48
cjwatsonnot really enough brain to analyse it right now though01:49
Keybukcjwatson: I tend to think that bugs like that are worth fixing properly, so the next person doesn't have to do the same "fix" you did befoer01:53
cjwatsonKeybuk: oh I agree, I was just glad you got to think through it so I didn't have to :)01:54
Keybukcjwatson: :D01:55
Keybukand they say this place is a black hole...01:55
cjwatsonyou're just sentient Hawking radiation01:55
psusicjwatson, yea, have a bug open02:02
psusiKeybuk, hey, there you are... not seen you lately.. still not had a chance to review my patches for ureadahead?  also I tried something a little nuts the other day... rather than only read the parts of the files that are still in the cache, I disabled the calls to mincore() and just had it read the entire file always... and it sped things up02:03
psusimanaged to get down just under 15 seconds boot time with natty on the 1.5tb wd green drive02:05
ohsixwhat sort of changes? (url to patch/tree?)02:06
psusimust... get... to...10...02:06
Keybukpsusi: I'm not reviewing patches to ureadahead02:06
Keybukif you want to play with it, be my guest02:06
Keybukif you can improve things, w00t02:07
psusiohsix, bzr branch code.launchpad.net/~psusi/ubuntu/natty/ureadahead/mine02:07
psusithat plus using e2defrag to pack the files02:07
psusiKeybuk, so I should poke pitti or cjwatson about it? ;)02:08
Keybukpsusi: I don't think you need to poke either of them02:09
Keybukif you can make a new version and demonstrate it improves *for everybody*02:09
Keybukthen you touched it last ;-)02:09
Keybukthough for release tracking, you should probably demonstrate that to cjwatson02:10
psusilol... so I get to become maintainer?  heheh...02:10
Keybuksince he's tech lead of foundations02:10
psusiprobably getting a little late in this dev cycle for it now, but be nice to get it in early next cycle for testing02:10
psusior maybe I make some more noise about getting people to test it from my ppa and report results...02:11
psusiI've been learning python lately too... really nice language... only took me about 10 minutes the other day to figure out how to write about a dozen lines of code to run ureadhaead --dump, parse the output, sort files from directories, and spit out the inode priority list file for e2defrag to pack the dirs first, then files02:12
JanCpsusi: of course python is a nice language, it was named after Monty Python after all  ;)02:13
Keybukpsusi: probably the best plan would be to PPA test now, so then you can justify it for whatever natty+1 is called02:14
Keybukoscillating ocelot?02:14
psusiOpal Ostrich02:14
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* JanC doesn't make proposals anymore, because my "superior proposals" for release names never get used ;-(02:18
psusithis is the postinst from ureadhaead: http://pastebin.com/3W4Atpxg02:22
psusithat's not going to force a reprofile on upgrade is it?02:22
psusionly on trigger, right?02:22
psusiI can combine that into one line for configure | triggered) right? so both will reprofile?02:24
psusik.. I'll do that then call for testers02:25
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ChogyDanRAOF: hey there, just leaving a note that it looks like 625280 might break upgrades from lucid->maverick.  The lucid package now outversions the maverick package03:59
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sorenIf I want to patch Plymouth, do I have to push the changes to lp:ubuntu/plymouth first?08:46
sorenI found dealing with that bzr branch very confusing. Apparantly, all the patches are already applied, but there's no .pc directory, so I don't know how to quilt push/pop and such.08:48
lifelesssoren: bzr log ? :)08:57
sorenlifeless: Hmm.. Yes, I guess that does hold the answer my question :) I'm still puzzled how I can work with quilt patches in there, though.09:00
sorenOr perhaps I'm misunderstanding the error message I get when I try to quilt push -a.09:02
lifelessdoes the package already use quilt ?09:02
sorenEvery single patch fails to apply, apparantly.09:03
sorenlifeless: Yes.09:03
soren...and I somehow thought that was because they were already applied, but I also can't reverse apply them in reverse order, so this is even more confusing.09:03
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timhi ... how do i create a source package? git-buildpackage only creates a binary package for me ..10:57
debfxtim: git-buildpackage -S10:59
timdebfx: thanks!11:00
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timhm ... using dpkg-buildpackage, how can i force the creation of the orig tarball?12:38
ograthe orig tarball is the original upstream source tarball12:39
ogradpkg-buildpackage does not create it, you have to do that12:39
timorga, ok ... but then, how can i include it for a launchpad upload?12:40
ograyou take the original tarball you downloaded for the project and name it <sourcepackage name>_<upstream version>.orig.tar.gz in the dir above your package source tree12:43
mr_pouityou can also force with -sa (see men dpkg-genchanges)12:43
ogramr_pouit, that will create a native package12:43
sorenogra: Uh... No, it won't?12:44
mr_pouitogra: well, I don't know, it's still possible that it's e.g. xxx-2ubuntu1, in which case dpkg-genchanges wouldn't include the orig12:44
soren-sa means "always include orig tarball, even if the version number suggests that it's already in the repository".12:45
ograsoren, ?? since when ? -sa means only "attach source"12:45
sorenogra: Since I started using dpkg-buildpackage.12:45
ograit doesnt *create* it12:45
sorenogra: Oh, sure.12:45
sorenogra: Oh, right,I see what you're saying.12:46
ograit only adds it to dsc and changes so it gets uploaded alongside12:46
sorenOk, so adding your advice up, you're right..12:46
mr_pouitbut I read his second question as "how to include it in the .changes anyway?"12:46
sorenBut individually, you're not :) It's not necessarily enough that the orig tarballs is there and is named correctly.12:47
ograwell, if it already exists -sa is definitely needed for a first upload12:47
sorenThe tarball has to be there, and to be sure it gets included, you have to pass -sa.12:47
ogra<tim> hm ... using dpkg-buildpackage, how can i force the creation of the orig tarball?12:47
ograthat doesnt suggest that it exists yet though12:47
sorenTrue indeed.12:48
sorenI'm just saying (or trying to say) that finding the tarball and naming it the rigth way doesn't necessarily mean it gets included in his upload.12:48
ograthats the second step indeed12:49
ograthere you need .sa12:49
timok ... then how do i sign the *upload file manually?12:49
sorenThe upload file doesn't get signed. The .dsc and .changes do.12:49
ogradpkg-buildpackage -S should offer that to you automatically12:49
ograerr, right12:49
ograwhat soren said12:49
ogra.upload is effectively only the stamp for a successfull upload12:50
timok, answering all my questions: the -sa flag adds the orig.tar.gz file to the .changes12:51
timbut it is passed from git-buildpackage to dpkg-buildpackage to dpkg-genchanges12:52
* ogra doesnt know git-buildpackage ... 12:52
ograi stay away from git as far as i can :)12:52
timit is very annoying that one program has flags, which are not documented in the man pages12:52
tim-sa is neither documented in git-buildpackage nor in dpkg-buildpackage12:53
timthe manpage of dpkg-buildpackage tells just tells, that it is passed to dpkg-genchanges12:53
ograit is point 7 in the dpkg-buildpackage manpage12:54
ogramight not be 100% obvious on first sight though12:54
tim... now when searching for a specific option, in manpage 1 it won't search in manpage 212:55
ografile a whishlist bug for nested searching in man then ;)12:55
penguin42tim: I have some sympathy; I spent an hour before I got out of the office last night fighting this12:55
timquite annoying if you just build a new package every few months12:56
timwell ... rant is over ... will need to go to work now ...12:57
timanyway ... thanks for the help!12:57
trudellhi guys14:00
trudelli and a lot of users thinks that is important a mplayer compiled with midi support14:01
trudellso mplayer-plugin needs mplayer with midi support and timidity plugin to run midi files from web browser14:01
trudellbut is out in kubuntu compilation14:01
trudelli compiled my own version of mplayer, but is incompatible with smplayer14:01
trudellso, developers here thinks about mplayer compiled with midi support and timidity plugin for mplayer14:03
trudellif not, how i can compile the same version used in ubuntu with midi support?14:04
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shadeslayerkees: around? can you have a look at bug 702026 ?14:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 702026 in dcmtk (Ubuntu) "[MIR] dcmtk" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70202614:07
bdrungkirkland: please unsubscribe ubuntu-sponsors once you uploaded the package14:13
killownI've been having this problem with flash 10.2 on ubuntu, basically if I have a youtube video open it is still shown even when It's been closed or if I scroll off the page. However weirdly it only shows on the black parts of my screen, for example a black picture will show a perfect picture of the youtube player with the last video I watched, even if I close the video (and firefox), please ubuntu devels make a flash 10.1 package and purge this14:14
killown 10.2 buls***14:14
persiaOr, for that matter, if there's some reason it can't/shouldn't be uploaded (e.g. you committed upstream, or the proposed "fix" isn't actually any sort of codefix, etc.)14:14
kklimondahey, would that be unthinkable to bundle some library with Transmission, and link to it statically for natty?14:18
hallynis anyone else having trouble in natty as of latest upgrade with update-grub hanging?14:19
hallynIt's cause /dev/nbd01 exists14:19
hallynnever mind :)14:19
kklimondaThat's how Transmission developers did that in the past - bundling the version of libevent they required, as distributions didn't provide an updated version, but then we've managed to update it, and they have dropped the bundled version. But now we are in the same situation, as we may not be able to update libevent to the new version, and it's not installable in parallel with the old one.14:20
trudelli and a lot of users thinks that is important a mplayer compiled with midi support14:22
trudellso mplayer-plugin needs mplayer with midi support and timidity plugin to run midi files from web browser14:22
trudellbut is out in kubuntu compilation14:22
trudellso, developers here thinks about mplayer compiled with midi support and timidity plugin for mplayer14:22
trudelli compiled my own version of mplayer, but is incompatible with smplayer14:23
kklimondatrudell: have you tried asking someone, for example siretart, for the reason why is midi support in mplayer disabled?14:25
cjwatsonalso, it isn't manageable for everyone to report bugs (or change/enhancement requests or whatever) on IRC.  could you please use the bug tracking system instead?14:26
trudellkklimonad: nope. Why reason, do you know?14:33
trudellsiretart: why reason midi support and timidity plugin for mplayer are disabled?14:34
bdrungtumbleweed: around?14:37
trudellwhy reason midi support and timidity plugin for mplayer are disabled? anyone knows?14:41
trudellcan developers change this custom?14:41
trudellabiliting the midi support?14:42
kklimondatrudell: just broadcasting the question, in the middle of the weekend, won't get you the answer any faster. You can try ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list.14:44
trudellkklimonda: have you the adress of ubuntu-devel-discuss?14:47
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:48
kklimondatrudell: check https://lists.ubuntu.com/14:48
trudellkklimonda: thx so much for your attention, i will come back in the middle of week to talk with siretart or another developer14:51
cjwatsontrudell: and like I say, the bug tracking system is more appropriate anyway14:51
trudelldo you know where i can do suggestions to kubuntu developers?14:52
cjwatsonfile a bug14:52
cjwatsonbetter than trying to get a developer's attention when they may be working on something else; a bug report means that it will be queued, not forgotten14:52
trudellbugtracking? have bug in mplayer's midi support?14:53
cjwatsonwe use the bug tracking system for enhancement requests as well as for actual bugs14:53
cjwatson"please enable MIDI support in mplayer" is a reasonable enhancement request (assuming you've already done due diligence in searching the web to see that it hasn't already come up)14:54
trudellcan developers get users suggestions through bur-report?14:54
trudellyeah, me and a lot of users14:55
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trudelland have not affect any function if enabled14:56
cjwatsonIRC is not appropriate for this14:56
trudellsorry, i'm newbie14:56
cjwatsonmost of the developers on this channel don't do anything related to mplayer14:56
cjwatsonthe bug tracking system allows messages to be directed to developers who are interested in the topic in question14:57
cjwatsonrather than broadcast to everyone on the channel14:57
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trudellalright, thx15:07
bdrungtumbleweed: u-d-t build failure fixed15:39
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keesshadeslayer: what can I help with on that bug?15:54
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! mneptok, Hobbsee, cjwatson, mdz, lamont, Keybuk, or thom!15:57
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! mneptok, Hobbsee, cjwatson, mdz, lamont, Keybuk, or thom!15:59
sebnerImGangsta: ??15:59
ImGangstaIm gangsta16:00
kirklandbdrung: why?16:27
kirklandbdrung: the bug should be closed at that point16:28
kirklandbdrung: if there's more traffic on the bug after that, then ubuntu-sponsors should be aware16:28
bdrungkirkland: not for SRUs16:28
bdrungkirkland: the usual work flow is to unsubscribe ubuntu-sponsor and subscribe yourself16:29
shadeslayerkees: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dcmtk/+bug/702026/comments/1 << :)16:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 702026 in dcmtk (Ubuntu) "[MIR] dcmtk" [Undecided,In progress]16:45
ScottKlamont: Any chance for postfix 2.8.0 this weekend?  We're getting close to feature freeze ...16:50
keesshadeslayer: oh, hey, I missed me. (I was already subscribed via MIR so I didn't notice, and got distracted by the compilation failure discussion.) heh16:55
keesshadeslayer: yeah, I'll look at it, thanks!16:55
shadeslayerthanks! :)16:55
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kklimondahmm, any idea if there is a way to download all maintainer scripts for all packages in Ubuntu?18:45
ari-tczewkklimonda: apt-get source ubuntu-dev-tools devscripts ?18:45
kklimondaari-tczew: I was thinking about package maintainer scripts (postinst, prerm etc.)18:46
nhandlerkklimonda: There isn't an easy way to get all of the maintainer scripts (not quite sure why you would want to do that). You could probably hack something together (but it would probably involve downloading all the source packages and checking if they have maintainer scripts)18:48
kklimondaI can probably limit it to downloading only .diff.gz/debian.tar.gz files18:48
kklimondato download*18:48
kklimondaas for why - I'm interested what are main uses of those scripts, how many packages use them, how many of them are used by standalone desktop applications for something else then updating various databases18:50
geserkklimonda: are you only interested in manual written ones? dh_* may create maintainer scripts but you don't see a trace in .diff.gz/debian.tar.gz18:59
geserlooks like you need a ubuntu mirror and extract all maintainer scripts from the .debs19:00
kklimondageser: yes, I only care about ones written by maintainers, not those automagically generated19:02
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lamontScottK: I'll make time for 2.8.0 this weekend, though it might be monday before an upload20:08
ScottKlamont: Cool.  I think a lot of people will want to give postcreen a shot.20:08
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ohsixwhats needed in checkbox so pulseaudio's package can go with flat-volumes on? (the problems are down to broken drivers w/invalid information, lots have been fixed since 9.04)20:38
ImGangstaIm gangsta20:41
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! mneptok, Hobbsee, cjwatson, mdz, lamont, Keybuk, or thom!20:42
ImGangstahey bitch20:43
ImGangstaim gangsta20:43
siretartkklimonda: if trudell appears again: patches welcome! :-)21:06
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Dr_Whoanyone creating seeds with germinate will want to know about bug #71787921:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 717879 in germinate (Ubuntu) "germinate should not examine all components in PPAs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71787921:12
penguin42does anyone know if Natty's use of log files has purposely changed or is my empty /v/l/messages a bug ?21:50
ScottKpenguin42: There were some changes.  I don't think it's a bug, but I'm not sure.22:00
penguin42I think everyone is in that boat :-)22:01
penguin42the stanza for catch-all log files is commented out in /etc/rsyslogd.d/50-default.conf22:02
penguin42changelog comments say it's on purpose22:03
penguin42'Disable redundant and non-synchonous log files by default (this will only affect new installations), to reduce disk size overhead and unnecessary wakeups and IO'22:03
penguin42hmm not a new installation, but still22:03
ionI liked that change. I never liked the redundant log files that each received a slightly different set of lines.22:05
penguin42yeh probably not a bad idea - might take me a while to actually figure out where to look; I've been looking at /v/l/messages for about 15 years22:11
broderpenguin42: /var/log/syslog has always had more than /var/log/messages on debian/ubuntu22:36
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