
ardchoilleI just noticed something in #ubuntu. The first 4 nicks have suspicious similarities. There were only two yesterday, now there are four. It's possible that nicks are gathering to spam in a way that thwarts the floodbots.01:10
ardchoille13WAA4RXZ , 14WAAQZFI , 17SAAXLBK , 52AAAG50201:10
ardchoilleJust wanted to report his in case there is any other info about it.01:10
rwwardchoille: freenode changes peoples' nicks to stuff like that during netsplits for some reason that I forget01:10
rwwwhen the nets unsplit and people on both side of the netsplit have the same nick, I think.01:11
ardchoillerww: Ah, ok then no worries. Thank you for that info :)01:11
ardchoilleI'm glad you folks are on top of this stuff :)01:11
bazhang<Guest66534> how i com enter in a vax system01:12
bazhangthat sounds illegal01:12
rwwVAXen still exist?01:13
bazhangfirst it was the 'ip snoffing' then aircrack now this.01:13
rwwgaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh bad catalysts01:16
tonyyarussorww: I actually started looking at trying to support VAX with a script at work.  Gave up quickly when I discovered it wasn't even REMOTELY like anything else.01:25
=== marienz_ is now known as marienz
* rww munches, watches sgtmattbaker 04:06
tonyyarussoNow now, it's not nice to munch on the users.04:16
* rww gnaws on the ops instead04:17
tonyyarussoMuch better.04:19
nigelbthere is a troll in #launchpad04:38
nigelbcan't figure out anyone with the right permissions yet though04:39
rww#launchpad isn't an #ubuntu* core channel ;P04:40
nigelbwell, yeah04:40
nigelbBUt I was hoping some freenode staff could help :D04:40
nigelbrww: wait, it does't come under the purview of ubuntu ops at all?04:41
gpcI don't believe so04:41
tonyyarussonigelb: correct04:41
tonyyarussonigelb: You're actually off by multiple channels :P04:41
nigelbtonyyarusso: sigh, ok04:41
nigelbtonyyarusso: lol04:41
rww(tried #freenode?)04:42
nigelbNo, I figured this was *cough* the more helpful place :)04:42
* nigelb goes to ask in freenode04:43
tonyyarussonigelb: #ubuntu-ops hands "core" channels, like #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #ubuntu-offtopic, etc.  #ubuntu-irc covers the broader Ubuntu namespace, like LoCo channels and various teams.  #launchpad doesn't fall under any of that - your best bet would be #freenode, really.  #canonical-sysadmins might also be close, but good luck finding someone actually around at the particular time you need.04:43
rwwnigelb: Since you're here, who is it so we can keep an eye out? ;)04:43
nigelbrww: Yanksrule04:43
nigelbI belive this person caused a problem in ubuntu channels a few days back?04:44
rwwsounds familiar04:44
gpcyeah, YankeesFan or something04:44
nigelbIf my memory serves me well. I think hobsee was the person who banned them that time04:44
nigelbAlso, I guess there isn't a point in me hanging around...04:45
ubottuYanksrule called the ops in #ubuntu-server ()05:17
ubottuYanksrule called the ops in #ubuntu-meeting ()05:26
gpcKB1JWQ: would you mind joining -meeting05:27
ubottuYanksrule called the ops in #ubuntu-meeting ()05:28
gpcnever mind05:28
KB1JWQgpc: Sure.05:36
ubottuYanksRule called the ops in #ubuntu-women ()06:10
macocan smeone set the bot to ignore him?06:15
bazhangits multiple bots06:16
macoall with the same nick?06:16
bazhanglubotu3 lubotu2 ubottu06:16
macooooh gotcha06:16
macohow about lubotu3 since he's doing it over and over in -uk?06:17
elkyKB1JWQ, you might want to relieve him of the network anyway06:17
bazhangmaco, I gave the @ignore command to lubotu3 no idea if it took06:22
maco/quit now so guess we wont know06:22
macooh boy06:23
* maco has a tingly spider sense in #u-w06:23
ubottuI have no google command, use http://www.google.com/06:29
bazhangrww changed that?06:29
rww!google test06:44
ubottuI have no google command, use http://www.google.com/06:44
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.06:44
rwwapparently extended the magical !seen thing to cover !google.06:44
bazhangso now -ot is a troll diving off pit.06:49
AmaranthBan them all? :)06:50
bazhangonly one that I know of. he ban evaded to go back and troll again, then bragged about it whilst in -ot06:51
rwwI maintain that ryaxnb doesn't belong in #ubuntu-offtopic.06:51
bazhangnot much different from what #arch-ot used to be06:51
Amaranthrww: I've said that before, I think06:52
Amaranthbazhang: or club06:52
bazhangfirst he's pushing the ##club channel06:52
bazhangthen says, "oh it was a topic under discussion, I was just commenting"06:52
tonyyarusso"just commenting" is usually a red flag06:56
Blockcoldbazhang: sup ?08:50
Blockcoldhi tomaw08:51
Blockcoldhi topyli08:51
Blockcoldno body here lultz08:57
elky* RoyK (~roy@ has left #ubuntu-offtopic ("enough of this bullshit")12:21
elkyIf someone spots him returning, have a word to him about that quit message12:21
ubottutherock233 called the ops in #ubuntu ()15:43
therock233im gangsta15:43
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler!15:44
ubottutherock233 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()15:44
elkyHow bored do you have to be...15:48
charlie-tcadoesn't seem real smart to do that15:51
ubottuGangsta called the ops in #ubuntu ()15:51
GangstaIm gangsta15:51
Gangstawhy i was banned?15:51
elkyBecause you keep doing that.15:52
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler!15:52
ubottuGangsta called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()15:52
elkyYou're currently ban evading as well15:52
Gangstaim gangsta15:52
elky<Gangsta> define ban evasion i am on a sexy train15:53
elkyI can't even parse that.15:53
tsimpsonchanserv.py is failing me15:54
ImGangstaIm invinsible I am on a sexy train with wifi in 6 couches!15:55
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler!15:55
ubottuImGangsta called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()15:55
ImGangstaim gangsta15:56
tsimpsonwhy can't ISPs just have static IPs and make my life easier15:56
ubottuImGangsta called the ops in #ubuntu+1 ()15:57
ubottuImGangsta called the ops in #ubuntu-devel ()15:58
ubottuImGangsta called the ops in #kubuntu ()15:58
ubottuImGangsta called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()15:58
tsimpson!staff | ^ please15:58
ubottu^ please: hey Christel, Dave2, Gary, KB1JWQ, Levia, Martinp23, SportsChick, VorTechS, jayne, jenda, marienz, nalioth, niko, nhandler, rob, stew or tomaw, I could use a bit of your time :)15:58
marienzyeah, sec15:58
ubottuImGangsta called the ops in #ubuntu-devel ()15:59
ubottuBiPolah called the ops in #ubuntu ()16:13
gpcJung_lee (~loc0@
gpcis this Jungli?16:19
tsimpsonnot sure, but possibly16:26
gpctsimpson: seems it is, see -ot he joined as loc0 also. then changed to Jun_gle16:28
gpc!matlab is <reply> MATLABĀ® is a high-level language and interactive environment that enables you to perform computationally intensive tasks. More info and install instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB16:32
ubottuI'll remember that, gpc16:32
popeydoes it really need a unicode (R) in it?16:40
gpcheh probably not. I copy/pasted from the wiki.16:41
gpc!no matlab is <reply> MATLAB is a high-level language and interactive environment that enables you to perform computationally intensive tasks. More info and install instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB16:41
ubottuI'll remember that gpc16:41
gpcthere we go16:42
Jungli!ping | Jungli17:05
ubottuJungli, please see my private message17:05
gpchello Jungli, how can I help you?17:06
Jungligpc: arch linux rocks17:07
gpcI have never tried it. Did you need help from the Ubuntu ops team?17:07
Jungligpc: how are you :)17:08
Junglihere ppl call me troll i am banned from ubuntu17:08
gpcJungli: I am fine. Do you need anything from the ops?17:08
Junglii want unbanned17:09
gpcI can not do that.17:09
Jungliok fine17:09
Junglibye dude have a nice day17:09
gpcsame to you.17:09
ubottuImGangsta called the ops in #ubuntu-devel ()20:42
Picitsimpson: perhaps staff could help with this?20:50
tsimpsonI was just poking some20:50
marienztsimpson: removed, please prod me if they show up again20:53
Picimarienz: thanks20:54
Tm_Tthanks indeed20:56
rwwnixternal: can you identify with nickserv, please?23:26
rww!google | test23:27
ubottutest: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.23:27
culbResults for | test on Google:23:27
rwwculb: Hi. You've been redirected from #ubuntu to #ubuntu-ops because your client has a !google script enabled. Please disable it completely or tell it not to run in the Ubuntu namespace and let us know when you've done so.23:27

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