
brobostigonnos da, everyone, sleep well.00:01
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dogmatic69anyone got firesheep working on ubuntu?00:18
dogmatic69i tried http://randommusingsofarealgeek.blogspot.com/2010/11/firesheep-on-linux.html00:19
dogmatic69but complains about libpcap0.8, which is not in apt-get and seems like i have libpcap200:19
zentweck kaar mull?00:25
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directhexdogmatic69, 0.8 is on lucid01:30
directhexum, maverick01:30
dogmatic69would i be able to use that and 2?01:30
directhexdon't see why not01:30
directhex0.8 refers to the SONAME anyway, not the version01:30
dogmatic69how do i go about getting that?01:31
directhexum, packages.ubuntu.com is a good start01:32
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lubotu3Help!  dgjones, Myrtti, Mez, jono, popey, Gary, Seeker`, Daviey, PriceChild or X3N06:10
lubotu3Help!  dgjones, Myrtti, Mez, jono, popey, Gary, Seeker`, Daviey, PriceChild or X3N06:12
macooh for crying out loud....06:12
lubotu3Help!  dgjones, Myrtti, Mez, jono, popey, Gary, Seeker`, Daviey, PriceChild or X3N06:13
YanksRulemaco,  im gangsta06:13
lubotu3hey Christel, Dave2, Gary, KB1JWQ, Levia, Martinp23, SportsChick, VorTechS, jayne, jenda, marienz, nalioth, niko, nhandler, rob, stew or tomaw, I could use a bit of your time :)06:14
lubotu3Help!  dgjones, Myrtti, Mez, jono, popey, Gary, Seeker`, Daviey, PriceChild or X3N06:15
lubotu3Help!  dgjones, Myrtti, Mez, jono, popey, Gary, Seeker`, Daviey, PriceChild or X3N06:16
lubotu3hey Christel, Dave2, Gary, KB1JWQ, Levia, Martinp23, SportsChick, VorTechS, jayne, jenda, marienz, nalioth, niko, nhandler, rob, stew or tomaw, I could use a bit of your time :)06:18
MartijnVdSmorning Myrtti06:31
* MartijnVdS looks at the mess06:32
* Myrtti charges up the emp gun06:33
* MartijnVdS stands back06:33
Myrttii think he stopped06:48
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czajkowskiAlanBell: http://siriusit.co.uk/blogs/12-feb-2011/open-business-smes-take-place-public-sector-table09:09
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popeymorning all09:30
czajkowskipopey: howdy09:34
czajkowskiGood news for SMES http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/news/government-opens-contracts-small-business09:35
AlanBellthanks czajkowski09:51
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olygood morning,10:43
olythought i would see if some one can tell me how file association working in gnome / ubuntu10:44
olyi am intrested in modifying my app so that when i click on .stl files it launchs in the same fashion that clicking a jpg opens an image viewer10:44
olyguessing its some config file hidden away on my system, and guessing some one may know where :)10:45
olyoh , yeah guess that kind of makes sense actually10:46
olyso just need to figure out a command to insert during install process10:46
Laneyno no no10:49
Laneyyou specify mimetypes in the .desktop file10:49
olyLaney, care to specify where ?10:51
olyi just did a quick search for .desktop and they are all over the place :p10:51
Laneylook in /usr/share/applications/rhythmbox.desktop for an example10:51
olyexcellent thanks for that info :)10:52
Laneythere's 'desktop-file-validate' to check you got it ~rigth10:53
olyah cool that should be handy10:55
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brobostigonmorning everyone.11:21
brobostigonmorning daubers11:26
LcawteProblem much... what email address do I use for the site... I had an account on the beta, I've requested a password reset, but I can't seem to find that email11:28
aCilnvmorning, does anyone know where in London I can go to buy and pickup a Alfa AWUS036H USB Wifi adapter today ??11:34
AlanBellaCilnv: dunno about specifc models but I got a USB wifi thing from Maplins that just works11:40
AlanBellLcawte: on ubuntu-uk.org?11:40
aCilnvAlanBell - thanks. I want to play about with backtrack but the chipset on the macbookrpo wifi doesnt play nicely with everything.. thanks anyways11:42
brobostigonlinux review on click.11:52
brobostigonfail, only mentioned pclinuxos.11:53
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popeybrobostigon: guess they dont have time to review them all12:55
brobostigonpopey: agreed, that would take alot of time.12:56
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bigcalmHi kids :)13:04
brobostigonafternoonings bigcalm :)13:04
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brobostigonafternoonings MartijnVdS :)13:05
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UndiFineDClick from this morning, can someone youtube it ?13:31
AlanBellcan anyone reproduce the issue mentioned on the list where at the top of http://ubuntu-uk.org/ you see "loco dire" rather than "loco directory"13:35
gordAlanBell, looks fine to me, using firefox 4 on a netbook resolution13:39
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DJonesAlanBell: Looks fine to me on Chromium13:49
dutchieAlanBell: i can see "Loco Direct" (with only half a t)13:50
MichealHAlanBell: Mine is Loco Directo13:51
MichealHUsing 1024x768 Resoultion13:51
MichealHand Chrome13:51
BaikonurFour Loko <313:51
PendulumAlanBell: I'm getting it on FF in MacOS, maybe the person is using MacOS?13:52
PendulumAlanBell: yeah, I'm guessing it's something weird with MacOS as I'm getting it on both Safari and FF13:55
dutchiePendulum: i just got it on 'buntu13:55
Pendulumdutchie: oops! didn't see that13:56
AlanBellthere totally is a </head> tag in the header.php in the theme, but it does not appear to be rendering13:58
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AlanBelldutchie: what browser?14:20
dutchiechrome dev channel14:20
AlanBelland does it still happen?14:20
AlanBellI un-broke the missing </head>14:20
AlanBellworks for me in firefox and chromium14:21
popeywfm in chrome on osx14:22
popeyalso fine in ff and safari14:23
dutchiesome of the tweet pics are broken too14:23
dutchieoh no, they are there now14:23
dutchieit still doesn't validate ;)14:24
AlanBellit *nearly* validates14:25
AlanBellthere is a <ul></ul> which is technically invalid without any <li> in it14:25
AlanBellpersonally I think that is harsh14:26
dutchiea little14:26
AlanBellcan't find how the twitter thing renders the link14:40
AlanBellyay, down to 1 error14:44
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AlanBellright, so the last error is in the grey bar below the orange header, which *can* contain secondary navigation links, like a submenu14:49
AlanBellthe code is14:49
AlanBell                <ul id="dynamic-secondary-header-menu">14:49
AlanBell                    <?php dynamic_sidebar('secondary-header-menu'); ?>14:49
AlanBell                </ul>14:49
AlanBelland the problem is when there are no links returned by the dynamic_sidebar function14:50
AlanBellis there a neat solution for not doing the <ul></ul> when there is no content/14:52
popeyput the ul inside secondary-header-menu?14:55
AlanBelldynamic_sidebar is a wordpress funtion I think14:57
AlanBellok, found an ugly hack to make it validate14:58
AlanBellI added <li style="display:none;"></li> inside the <ul>14:58
AlanBellso there is always at least one <li> in it14:59
DJonesHey czajkowski Thats a good Eurovision song entry Ireland have picked this year15:03
* AlanBell finds out what the truncated text issue is15:05
* AlanBell stabs the number 960 and letters g and s15:06
xircon1Afternoon all, quick question, downloaded a conky config file that has cr/lf as endings.  How do I change to just lf?15:08
dutchiexircon1: there is dos2unix for a quick and easy cli fix15:08
AlanBelldutchie: Pendulum: MichealH: can you see if it is fixed now please15:08
xircon1Sorry *line endings15:08
dutchieAlanBell: fixed for me15:09
MichealHAlanBell: Sure15:09
MichealHI have "L"15:09
PendulumAlanBell: fixed15:09
Pendulum(for me)15:09
AlanBellMichealH: shift refresh15:09
xircon1Thanks dutchie15:10
MichealHSame, on Chrome15:10
xircon1Back in a bit15:10
AlanBellI added a recipes button to make the problem worse so I could see it and fix it15:10
MichealHImme the CSS and I can fix it for ya, maybe :P15:11
* MichealH dowbloads Natty Alpha 215:11
AlanBellMichealH:  http://ubuntu-uk.org/wp-content/themes/light-wordpress-theme/style.css15:12
dutchiehas empathy not been connecting to msn for anyone else today?15:12
AlanBellthe problem was a fixed width 650px on the #access tag that I missed when converting it from evil fixed width to pleasant fluid width15:13
AlanBellremember kids, 960gs: not big and not clever15:14
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jonsainthi all. i keep having problems with my desktop15:16
PendulumMichealH: I hate to ask the obvious question, but did you clear your cache in Chrome?15:17
Pendulumjonsaint: ask your question and someone will hopefully be able to help.15:18
lubotu3Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:18
jonsainttop of the screen on the right, you got a speech bubble, then your name in my case, john) and next to that the power down button but on mine i got my name and where the power button should be i got 'ohn' (part of my name) and the power button is not there15:19
dutchiei'm sure i've seen that before15:22
dutchiecan't remember how i fixed it though, sorry15:22
jonsaintit only used to happen now and then but its nearly all the time now15:22
AlanBellI have seen corruption up there, but only when resizing virtual machine windows in virtualbox15:26
popeygreat work on the website AlanBell15:27
jonsainti only got ubuntu installed on this machine using all standard settings15:27
AlanBelljonsaint: what screen resolution?15:27
* Pendulum hugs popey 15:27
popeynothing :)15:28
popeyusually hugs precede favour requests where I come from :)15:28
Pendulumjust random hug because I hadn't hugged you in a while :)15:28
jonsaintlet me see alan, 1 sec15:30
exobuzzpopey, i have xbmc working on my joggler images now.15:30
exobuzzpopey, no release yet. but close. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WALlSckmMWs (was before video rendering was fixed)15:30
* AlanBell boggles at the dabs valentines email15:31
jonsaintalan its saying 1024x76815:31
AlanBelljonsaint: ok, that is nice and unremarkable15:33
* AlanBell heads off to farnborough15:33
jonsaintcant explain why i got my name and then part my name next to it15:33
exobuzzpopey, im sure your far too busy building us a brave new world out of blocks to use the joggler though right ? :)15:35
MichealH... and Natty is down15:40
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penguin42is anyone else having problems seeing http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog - I'm getting a proxy error, but I'm not aware of having a proxy in the path17:20
AlanBellpenguin42: yes, looks like a reverse proxy/load balancer or something17:25
penguin42AlanBell: Probably on the Ubuntu side - hmm I wonder who we prod17:26
* penguin42 will send a mail to webmaster17:28
* danfish is doing a 64bit 'upgrade' of his main laptop and it's going........badly :(17:28
penguin42what's up?17:29
ujjainIs there a BBC News 24 website?17:31
danfishweird kernel errors - "MCE_error - MCE not human readable"17:32
penguin42danfish: MCEs are almost always hardware17:32
danfishpenguin42: true - no errors with slightly older kernels tho'17:33
penguin42danfish: You can run them through the mcelog program to try and figure out what's going on17:33
ujjainAlanBell: I mean a live video stream? http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/bbc_world_service seems to have audio-only.17:33
danfishpenguin42: tx - just doing that at the mo17:35
penguin42danfish: There have been hardware/bios/kernel bugs that can trigger them when it's not really a fault, but they are reasonably rare17:35
ujjainYes, I found that link, I need to buy a licensen.17:37
AlanBellyes you do17:37
ujjainah ok :) shame.17:38
penguin42someone has to pay for Chris Evans...hmm well....17:38
danfishpenguin42: it's an odd one - the liveUSB I've made boots OK, but once installed goes 'ape'17:38
penguin42danfish: normal SATA?17:39
Azelphurhahaha, have you seen what happened to nokia after they decided to team up with windows mobile?17:39
Azelphurthey had a massive staff walk out and their stocks have gone through the floor, haha17:39
penguin42Azelphur: I worry they're going to run amok with their early phone patents17:39
penguin42classic death spiral17:39
danfishpenguin42: yup - I'm pretty sure I've nailed it. I will be submitting bugs later :)17:41
MyrttiI feel slightly nauseous when people talk of Nokia now17:41
penguin42danfish: What does mcelog have to say?17:41
danfishpenguin42: not an awful lot. I'll be exploring the problems tomorrow more, but for now, a bootable system is a bonus.17:45
* danfish needs to watch rugby now and relax :)17:45
* brobostigon just got slagged off, by his ex's new partner. and is very unhappy.17:46
danfishbrobostigon: :((17:47
brobostigoni was sitting in the pub, enjoying some really nice real ale, and he has to come over and ruin it.17:48
brobostigoni am censoring myself,17:48
pr0ph3thi all17:49
brobostigonnoswaith dda pr0ph3t17:49
pr0ph3tdo you have problems with telepathy and the msn plug-in I can't seem to get the microphone to work17:50
pr0ph3tbrobostigon, I beg you pardon?17:50
brobostigonpr0ph3t: sorry, thats welsh for good evening.17:51
pr0ph3tsame to you brobostigon17:51
brobostigondanfish: i have everry reason to go kick him up the place where the sun doesnt shine. but that aint going to help.17:53
danfishbrobostigon: prob best to 'rise above it'17:54
pr0ph3tand kick him higher up?17:54
danfishpr0ph3t: ha17:55
brobostigondanfish: i have done, i have him barred, for doing it, to me, a very loyal customer, and that is the end of it.17:55
danfishbrobostigon: job done17:57
pr0ph3tyou don't use empathy for msn then?17:57
danfishdon't use msn17:58
brobostigondanfish: yes, he gets what he deserves.17:58
dutchiepr0ph3t: i can't get msn on empathy to work at all atm17:59
brobostigonmsn in empathy seems to work here, but i am not on ubuntu atm.18:00
pr0ph3tdutchie, I can get video: send/receive, audio: receive none sent18:00
dutchieoh, it's working now18:02
dutchieit wasn't earlier18:02
brobostigonkilling telepathy-butterfly seems to work.18:03
pr0ph3tbrobostigon, dutchie, can you get audio after killing it?18:05
brobostigonpr0ph3t: nope, not for ages,18:05
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MartijnVdSWoo, Channel4 HD18:41
brobostigonyay wales,18:51
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: what's up with Wales?18:51
brobostigonMartijnVdS: we beat scotland, :)18:51
dutchiei assume they just some sort of rugby match18:51
brobostigonrugby, yes,18:52
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Neotiwhy is freenode port scanning my IP address ?21:00
directhexlooking for open relays21:01
directhexand fish21:01
directhexit likes fish21:01
gordif it finds fish you are in sooooooo much troooouble21:11
daubersI like fish21:16
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DJonesdaubers: Yeah, a bit of beer battered cod is quite enjoyable21:28
daubersOooooh... I haven't made beer batter in _ages_21:29
BigRedSoop, wrong window21:57
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AlanBellhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-11549879 how cool is that!!23:23
ali1234AlanBell: ^23:28
AlanBellbut giant jelly babies at Marble Arch would be awesome23:29
AlanBellwonder if they will taste right23:29
shaunowhy did I think setting up my own mailserver would be entertaining  :(23:46
bigcalmshauno: you like pain?23:48
bigcalmI refuse to host mail for anybody, not even myself23:48
shaunoapparently so.23:49
bigcalmThere are so many ready made solutions out there23:49
* hamitron lets google take the abuse23:49
shaunoatm I'm learning how to install a new CA on my phone because it cries about self-signed certs constantly23:49
hamitronthe onlyproblem with letting others do everything... life gets boring ;)23:50
* jacobw curbs his own thoughts about setting up a mailserver23:50
bigcalmI think that there are enough crappy problems out there to not add mail hosting to the list23:51
bigcalmIt's good to have had the experience though :)23:51
hamitronjust as fun running a local mail server imo23:51
hamitroncan play, without having the real hassles23:52
shaunoit's kinda educational.  but a pain knowing that the smallest mistake will have me peddling viagra before I know it23:52
bigcalmYeesh, don't open port 2523:52
hamitronhmmm, £150 left in my comp budget, and want £256 worth of stuff :/23:53
jacobwyou need some quantative easing :p23:58
hamitronor a mug in here to buy £120 worth of crap off me23:59
hamitronguess calling them a mug before I even start would not be a good sales pitch23:59

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