
rlameiroScottL: yea, [lsd] rocks, he is awesome with synths an stuff00:02
ScottLthere seems to be a lot of excitement about mixbus, but i wonder how many from our community will buy it?15:21
ailoScottL: About possible outdated or unwanted packages in UbuntuStudio. Where could we list those up?16:39
ailoRight now I'm thinking of padevchooser and pavucontrol16:40
ScottLailo,  i think avucontrol is still needed, isn't it?17:15
ScottLor maybe not17:15
ScottLi have had to use it but that was when i had onboard, SB, and delta 44 audio17:16
ScottLi would have to tell pulse to route audio to the sound blaster from youtube or rhythmbox or whatnot17:16
ScottLbut that might have been just because i had 3 audio interfaces, which is not a typical use case i would imagine :P17:17
ailoScottL: I haven't installed UbuntuStudio from DVD, so I don't have the original settings. I would think that there's no need for Pavucontrol since it only opens up "Sound Preferences" from the Volume control in the indicator area17:17
ailoAnd padevchooser is not starting at all17:18
ailoBoth of those packages I think belong to an earlier version of PA17:18
ailodelta 44 is probably not working with PA. At least it didn't the last time I checked. I have delta-66 and delta-1010 (same chips), and they won't work with PA without some tweaking with config files17:21
ailoWhat's up rlameiro?20:10
rlameirojust booted directly into irc :D20:10
rlameiroit is a saved session on kxstudio :D20:10
ailoA Desktop session? What program do you use for that?20:11
rlameirowell, dont know20:11
rlameiroit just started Konversation20:11
rlameiroi assume it saved my last session20:11
rlameirobut i dont really get KDE so i am not sure20:12
ailoI always want to try KDE and I want to like it, but it never happens..20:13
ailoI think one thing I don't like is all the programs starting with K.20:13
ailoShouldn't be a factor, but still20:13
ailobtw, I find that the latest -lowlatency is performing slightly less reliably than before.20:33
persiare: pavucontrol and friends: if they aren't working, we ought fix them.  The GNOME mixer presumes you want to use all your devices by default, but JACK users tend to have multiple, specialised, audio interfaces.22:40
persiaWithout these tools (or replacements), either the user must completely disable desktop sounds, or potentially end up with issues related to interface choice.22:41
persiaThe issue with the delta-* devices is due to the flexibility of the ICE1712 (and ICE1724) chipsets: the current drivers don't have enough information to be able to determine the mixing and select an appropriate channel map to feed JACK.22:42
ailopersia: I don't understand. I don't see any use for those tools. I have multiple sound cards.22:42
ailopersia: Yes, I've been told there needs to be some work done on the Alsa end to get those cards working with PA.22:43
persiaThe use case is wanting to not disable pulse when you run JACK when you have multiple cards, and not have the desktop sounds feed through something like pulseaudio-module-jack22:43
ailopersia: qjackctl disables PA, but not jackd. I can run jackd with one cards, while PA is still running on another card22:44
persiaThe issue is with ALSA, but more complicated: different interface makers map the ICE17xx cards sufficiently differently there isn't a sane default.  Needs investigation and quirking, and after that, still perhaps defaults to the less ideal place.22:44
persiaailo, Let me guess: you have one audio interface that is PCI or USB, and another that is firewire.22:45
ailoNo, all either pci or builtin22:45
persiaAnd they don't all get grabbed by pulse by default?  Is one ICE17xx-based?22:45
ailohmm, let me do a quick test22:46
persiaIf you're running pulse, it *should* attempt to control and route to all your devices by default.22:46
persiapavucontrol and pavudevchooser are supposed to let you work around that.22:46
ailopersia: I just played a youtube video with a Soundblaster pci card while using jack and puredata with builtin HDA Intel22:50
persiaWith default settings: no special configuration for either of them?22:51
ailoNo configurations made22:51
persiaHmm.  Well, maybe we don't need those anymore.  The rationale above is *why* they were there.22:51
ailoAlso, jackd disables pulseaudio when using the same card (in Maverick jack would fail to start)22:52
persiaWell, why they were still there.  They were originally there because pulse was kinda cool, and pulse simply didn't work for many years without them.22:52
persiaRight.  The new jack/pulse negotiation in natty may make them no longer required.22:52
ailoPulse has two programs in System menu: "Sound", and "Pulseaudio Preferences"22:53
persiaStill nifty tools for doing things like slinging pulse over the network, etc., but that's separate.22:53
persia"Sound" is the GNOME Mixer, which also configures pulse.22:53
persia"Pulseaudio Preferences" is part of the same suite that provides pavucontrol.22:53
ailoMaybe that is the replacement?22:54
persia"replacement" isn't quite correct.22:54
persiaBut it may be enough.  Send a mail to the list asking for opinions, etc.  See if anyone has a critical use case for the PA UI suite that isn't handled in another way in natty.22:55
ailoIt has network options and virtual outputs on all sound cards. I remember those features from before, but not where they used to be22:55
ailoIf someone would have needed the padevchooser, I think someone would have mailed about it already. I'm not sure, but I think it wasn't working already in Lucid/Maverick. Somewhere around there.22:57
ailoI know I haven't needed to use it for a while. I'm also thankful that PA has stopped crashing as it always used to do ;)22:57
ailoJust works now.22:58
persiaSounds like it might not be needed anymore.  I just like to ask folk.22:59
persiaI once tried to drop one of mixxx or terminatorx, and ended up with a long mail thread explaining, in detail, why they were different tools and both essential.23:00

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