
RenfieldI'm looking at a problem with starting a service via upstart. I'm using Ubuntu (not sure exactly which version), with, I believe upstart 0.6.3-11.17:51
RenfieldThe behavior leads me to believe that procps is not starting at boot. This is on a RackSpace virtual server.17:52
RenfieldI'm having difficulties determining if in fact procps is starting or not, actually.17:52
RenfieldIf I've read documentation correctly, if I pass init="/sbin/init --verbose" on kernel boot, that should give me more information about what upstart is doing.17:53
RenfieldHowever, in this virtual server, I don't have access to change the kernel parameters.17:54
RenfieldI tried adding "exec /sbin/initctl log-priority debug" to the script stanza of /etc/init/mountall.conf, but then the server does not complete a boot up.17:55
RenfieldAlso, though that causes some upstart information to come out on console, it doesn't also log it anywhere, and the console access from RackSpace isn't great.17:56

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