
Firemouthgood morning15:07
Firemouthgood afternoon18:46
FiremouthHow would I go about configuring the DHCP server?18:47
FiremouthI'm trying to get EDUbuntu 10.10 to work with my existing linksys router / firewall, which is on a
Firemouththe DHCP server wants to do
alkisg1 nic setup?18:48
alkisgYou can't have 2 dhcp servers on the same subnet18:48
Firemouthprecisely, i'm going to disable DHCP on my linksys and use the DHCP built into EDUbuntu18:48
Firemouththe problem is i need to configure my DHCP on EDUbuntu to assign addresses on the same subnet18:49
alkisgAh, ok then just edit /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf18:49
Firemouthrock on18:49
Firemouthperfect!  Thank you!18:49
alkisgYou can also use this instead, if it suits you better: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/ProxyDHCP18:49
alkisgI.e. keep your router's dhcp server running18:50
Firemoutheven better18:50
Firemouthi might do that18:50
Firemouthsweet, thanks a bundle, going afk... just about to walk out the door18:50
Metalfendhello again21:31
Metalfendi'm having problems with PXE boot now21:31
Metalfendmy client worked before I started messing with the DHCP servera21:31
Metalfendi put a packet sniffer on and i'm not seeing EDUbuntu respond to any DHCP requests21:32
Metalfendso the scenario is my c lient computer won't boot past PXE, says Operating System not found21:33
Metalfendanyone know how could i verify my DHCP server is running on the LTSP server?21:33
Metalfendi found a log file, shows my DHCP requests that worked from earlier today, but the last 3 lines just say:  dhcpd: Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Server V3.1.321:36
Metalfendnm it was my fault21:42
Metalfendi changed the network on the first address of the range but not the second21:43
Metalfendand away we go21:43

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