iam | hello | 00:34 |
s-fox | Hello | 00:35 |
johnny77 | UndiFineD: I just noticed that you used the bot to call up dual-boot info. Some of that info is obsolete. Do you know how to reprogram the bot? Or who can? | 01:10 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
head_victim | johnny77: I notice you were chasing bot updates, http://ubottu.com/ is the home page for the bot :D | 02:08 |
head_victim | It has links to bugtracking in launchpad I think from memory | 02:09 |
johnny77 | head_victim: We program the bot to say certain things when we type in stuff link !ask. right? | 02:11 |
head_victim | We don't but we can request that others do :) | 02:11 |
johnny77 | head_victim: Oh, ok. I thought we did. So then I should report the incorrect link as a bug. | 02:13 |
johnny77 | !dualboot | 02:13 |
ubot2 | Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 02:13 |
charlie-tca | what is the right link? | 02:14 |
johnny77 | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows | 02:15 |
johnny77 | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo should be changed to the one I just typed. | 02:15 |
charlie-tca | !no, dualboot is Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 02:17 |
charlie-tca | I just asked to have it changed | 02:17 |
johnny77 | charlie-tca: thank you! | 02:18 |
charlie-tca | You are welcome | 02:18 |
johnny77 | I'm trying to configure conky. If I am understand fs_used is not working right. {fs_used /} & {fs_used /home} are reporting the same value. | 02:24 |
head_victim | johnny77: if they're on the same partition it will show the same | 02:38 |
johnny77 | head_victim: thank you. | 02:40 |
head_victim | johnny77: no worries, I found that one out by accident myself | 02:40 |
johnny77 | In terminal, if I wanted to see how big my hard drive was, what command would I run? | 03:10 |
arand | johnny77: df | 03:11 |
arand | johnny77: and df -h if you want "human-readable" sizes | 03:11 |
johnny77 | I was just thinking that. | 03:12 |
johnny77 | Why would pcmanfm report a different size then df -h? | 03:13 |
arand | Is it a substatial diff? It may be that one reports GiB and the othe Gb? | 03:14 |
johnny77 | What is the difference between Gb & GiB? | 03:16 |
arand | 1GiB ≈ 1.074GB http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GiB | 03:17 |
johnny77 | df -h = 84G -- pcmanfm = 89.6GB | 03:17 |
arand | 84*1.074~90 Seems likely | 03:18 |
johnny77 | I bet pcmanfm is reporting GiB. | 03:18 |
johnny77 | arand: thank you. | 03:19 |
arand | I think it's df reporting GiB and pacmanfm reporting GB, but yea, that's probably what it is | 03:20 |
head_victim | Anyone know a good way to "lock" a pdf so people can't take images off it? | 03:47 |
head_victim | I have to put in a signed job application and don't want to make it too easy to steal my signature | 03:47 |
=== xyclo__ is now known as xyclo | ||
nightangel | i cant get my Broadcom sta wireless drivers to load on my Dell ispiron 1750 laptop can some one help | 05:19 |
nightangel | i got it to load when useing the live cd but not after it was installed onto my computer | 05:20 |
holstein | nightangel: are you hooked up to the net? | 05:20 |
holstein | wired? | 05:20 |
nightangel | neg wireless im useing my windows OS right now till i can get ubuntu up and runinng fully | 05:21 |
nightangel | do i need to be wired | 05:21 |
holstein | nightangel: that would be easiest | 05:23 |
holstein | wire it up | 05:23 |
holstein | turn it on | 05:23 |
holstein | boot in | 05:23 |
holstein | and the driver *should* be downloaded | 05:24 |
holstein | after a prompt | 05:24 |
holstein | if you dont see the promt its in the menu somewhere | 05:24 |
nightangel | ok if not ill be back | 05:24 |
holstein | system - administration - extra drivers? | 05:24 |
nightangel | ok | 05:24 |
holstein | or additional driver | 05:24 |
nightangel | yea i know where your talking | 05:24 |
nightangel | thanks | 05:25 |
nightangel | welp here goes nothing | 05:26 |
nlsthzn | anydone know where to start looking why I get a modprobe: fatal error message at boot-up (something about a file not being found for an older kernel I had before an upgrade)? | 05:46 |
JoeMaverickSett | nlsthzn: is the error something like this; Modprobe FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.35-22-generic/modules.dep: No such file or directory ? | 05:57 |
JoeMaverickSett | it'd also be useful if you would tell use the full error :) | 05:58 |
JoeMaverickSett | s/use/us | 06:03 |
JoeMaverickSett | fedy_: welcome :) | 06:44 |
fedy_ | hello Maverick | 06:44 |
fedy_ | is this the right channel | 06:45 |
JoeMaverickSett | fedy_: yes, this is the support channel :) | 06:45 |
fedy_ | same bad channel same bad time! | 06:45 |
fedy_ | I search You Tube vids to find how in dual boot but they all say different things especially in the partitioning section. | 06:47 |
fedy_ | So what is the really going on if you want to dual boot win and ubuntu | 06:48 |
JoeMaverickSett | fedy_: i'd say if you're just a normal user, you don't need to have a separate / and /home | 06:48 |
fedy_ | sounds good JOe | 06:49 |
JoeMaverickSett | fedy_: when you boot up the CD, there is an option that let's you select between "Specifying Partition (manually)" and "install Along Side another OS" | 06:49 |
JoeMaverickSett | if i remember correctly | 06:49 |
fedy_ | sure ty mighty Joe Maverick Sett | 06:50 |
JoeMaverickSett | fedy_: i'd say "Backup" your files from window so that when something goes wrong you don't have to cry :) | 06:50 |
JoeMaverickSett | fedy_: but the installation isn't that scary :) | 06:51 |
fedy_ | I have a ready cry to the tech guy upstairs to fix my windows | 06:51 |
JoeMaverickSett | fedy_: aha :D | 06:51 |
fedy_ | they gave me a wind installer disk just in case | 06:51 |
JoeMaverickSett | fedy_: yup, handy stuff :) | 06:51 |
fedy_ | one time i tried to do thhis Ubuntu boot loader Grub took over and I could not get back into windows | 06:53 |
fedy_ | So i obtain the win installer disk and erase the partitions and did a hole new clean install of WIndows | 06:54 |
fedy_ | to get bak into my orginal OS xp | 06:54 |
JoeMaverickSett | fedy_: ah, you should have installed Ubuntu then Windows :) that would have been easier, iirc | 06:55 |
fedy_ | the install is a little scary it could wipe u out of your files in windows | 06:55 |
fedy_ | if u didnt make a back up | 06:56 |
JoeMaverickSett | fedy_: that's why, always "backup" | 06:56 |
JoeMaverickSett | which in my case i didn't :| | 06:56 |
fedy_ | I partially made back up of school work and backed up all my music file though | 06:57 |
JoeMaverickSett | fedy_: that's good | 06:57 |
fedy_ | thaks | 06:58 |
JoeMaverickSett | fedy_: ah, windows *should* be installed before Ubuntu, sorry, long time didn't dualboot, although i remember the pain and the process :) | 06:59 |
fedy_ | then the friendly tech guys taught me what wrong with my current computer system | 06:59 |
JoeMaverickSett | fedy_: it's nice to have tech guys near you, which always help :) | 06:59 |
fedy_ | yes Joe | 06:59 |
JoeMaverickSett | fedy_: well, even if there aren't we're here to help you, :) | 06:59 |
JoeMaverickSett | fedy_: so have no fear, my friend. just install it with a "backup" of course :) | 07:00 |
fedy_ | yeah they taugh me that somebody mess with the hard drive which made a grinding noise, they gave me a new drive and now it running very quietly | 07:00 |
fedy_ | I figured that somebody had gone in the comuter and switch my drive for a faulty drive | 07:01 |
fedy_ | Joe may I ask u how to partition for the Ubuntu install? | 07:04 |
fedy_ | manually or along side OS | 07:04 |
JoeMaverickSett | fedy_: i'd say along side the OS. as manually might/could get wrong if you're trying it for the first time. | 07:05 |
fedy_ | because very time I try to get pass this part from the along side OS it does the same thing and kick me out of window or not allow windows to boot. | 07:06 |
fedy_ | should newbies install with a older version of Ubuntu because I created a disk with Lucid Lynx | 07:07 |
fedy_ | from which I have install through the Wubi option | 07:08 |
JoeMaverickSett | fedy_: i'd say Lucid Lynx is alright. | 07:08 |
fedy_ | tay | 07:08 |
fedy_ | ok | 07:09 |
JoeMaverickSett | fedy_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/WindowsFirst have you read this? | 07:09 |
fedy_ | let me check it out Sett. | 07:09 |
JoeMaverickSett | fedy_: do you also have an Ubuntu install inside the windows too? | 07:09 |
JoeMaverickSett | i mean the Wubi install? | 07:10 |
fedy_ | yes that is how I have Ubuntu set up right now but u mention dont sweat it about installing Ubuntu on separate partition which I would rather have | 07:11 |
fedy_ | for education purposes | 07:12 |
fedy_ | for educational purposes | 07:12 |
JoeMaverickSett | fedy_: i'd say if you *really* want to dualboot to learn and stuff, why not uninstall the wubi? or just don't dualboot and learn ubuntu from the wubi install? | 07:15 |
fedy_ | That what I going to do Joe | 07:17 |
JoeMaverickSett | ok. | 07:17 |
fedy_ | and maybe i little trial and error too | 07:18 |
fedy_ | tHANK Joe for your help | 07:19 |
fedy_ | THanks Joe for your help | 07:19 |
JoeMaverickSett | fedy_: this is how you uninstall wubi; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#How%20do%20I%20uninstall%20Wubi? | 07:19 |
JoeMaverickSett | :) | 07:19 |
fedy_ | :) | 07:20 |
JoeMaverickSett | fedy_: if you get stuck in learning ubuntu, please come by here, there are many people to help you :) | 07:20 |
fedy_ | that's another question is how do i get back here for help? what do I type again Joe? | 07:21 |
JoeMaverickSett | fedy_: it's /join #ubuntu-beginners | 07:21 |
fedy_ | THank again Joe thats all I have for tonight, but thank you and have a good evening | 07:23 |
JoeMaverickSett | fedy_: to you as well :) | 07:23 |
rokyronnie | hi everyone | 09:03 |
JackyAlcine | Hey rokyronnie | 09:07 |
rokyronnie | Hi :), don't you know, is there a plug-in which could show me what song ois played in panel ? | 09:07 |
rokyronnie | is* | 09:07 |
JackyAlcine | rokyronnie: Depends on what's your music player. | 09:11 |
rokyronnie | Deadbeef | 09:11 |
JackyAlcine | Hm, I'm not sure if DeadBeef integrates with the Sound Menu or works the Panflute applet. | 09:11 |
rokyronnie | I try with Panflute and I'll see | 09:13 |
rokyronnie | I hope it works :D | 09:13 |
rokyronnie | I installed panflute, now what I need to do? | 09:14 |
JackyAlcine | Well, right-click it and configure it to your music player (ie: Deadbeef); if it's not in the list, then I'm assuming that it doesn't support Deadbeef. | 09:15 |
rokyronnie | but I don't know where it is | 09:15 |
rokyronnie | if it's in panel, I must restart my PC? | 09:17 |
JackyAlcine | Nope. | 09:17 |
JackyAlcine | Right click the panel and search for it. | 09:17 |
JackyAlcine | *click 'Add to Panel', then search for it. | 09:18 |
rokyronnie | I know, but it's not there | 09:18 |
JackyAlcine | In the list? | 09:18 |
rokyronnie | yes | 09:18 |
JackyAlcine | That's odd; it's not under Panflute, but Music. | 09:18 |
rokyronnie | probably it needs a restart, yesterday I installed a hardware sensors monitor, and it was the same situation | 09:20 |
rokyronnie | be right back :D | 09:20 |
head_victim | Hmm restarts are for new hardware or power failures :/ | 09:26 |
JackyAlcine | Jeez, he restarted?! | 09:26 |
head_victim | Looks like it to me | 09:26 |
JackyAlcine | I don't think Panflute supports Deadbeef. Gah, I'll inform him when he comes back. | 09:27 |
head_victim | Hardware sensors do not need a restart despite what it says, you just have to start the daemon ;) | 09:27 |
head_victim | Heh I don't even know what deadbeef looks like, people talk about it but I only ever use exaile or amarok. | 09:27 |
JackyAlcine | Banshee for me; although I might head over Clementine. | 09:28 |
head_victim | I've been using exaile since betas | 09:28 |
JackyAlcine | hard core user. :D | 09:32 |
head_victim | Hah I just needed an amarok replacement the fitted better with gnome | 09:46 |
head_victim | It was a bit patchy to start with but really good now | 09:47 |
rokyronnie | hi again | 09:48 |
rokyronnie | I installed Panflute and Songbird as a player, but...It's just an icon in Panel, it dosen't show something, why? and it's configured to work with Songbird | 09:49 |
JackyAlcine | Is Songbird open? | 09:54 |
rokyronnie | of course... my music is running | 09:54 |
JackyAlcine | Hm. Not too sure; only an icon you say? Did you drag the title and other controls to the list in the Preferences window to Panflute? | 09:55 |
rokyronnie | in the Song info - box you say ? There I have {title} {artist} {album} | 09:56 |
rokyronnie | this is the way it was from the begining | 09:57 |
JackyAlcine | Yes. And then I'm not sure what's the issue that's causing Songbird to not communicate with Panflute. | 09:58 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
bethdo97 | Can Ubuntu version 10.10 be installed using the Wubi installer? | 13:04 |
MrChrisDruif | Yes, but I don't recommend it :) | 13:04 |
bethdo97 | why? | 13:04 |
MrChrisDruif | I don't recommend Wubi in general | 13:04 |
bethdo97 | I want to install ubuntu and teach myself how to use it and check out its feasability of using it everyday for my personal stuff, but I have to keep Windows 7 on my laptop because I have to have it available for my work | 13:07 |
MrChrisDruif | I recommend either dual-booting properly or single booting | 13:07 |
MrChrisDruif | But if you need Windows for work like you said; dual-boot :) | 13:07 |
bethdo97 | I would set up a dual boot system, but the documentation I have found on the subject is greatly lacking if you have no experience with Linux. | 13:08 |
MrChrisDruif | For what are you planning to use Ubuntu, if I may ask? | 13:08 |
MrChrisDruif | It's fairly simple to create a dual-boot system :) | 13:08 |
MrChrisDruif | (But that's with everything, once you know how) | 13:09 |
bethdo97 | Even the Wiki page on the subject has screen shots back to 9.10 and there doesn't seem to be any current pages showing how to accomplish the dual install and be able to get both OS to be accessible | 13:09 |
MrChrisDruif | You'd have to keep in mind that even the documentation is being preformed by the community and not everything gets the same attention :) | 13:11 |
MrChrisDruif | The process hasn't changed since 9.10, so I guess that's why it hasn't been updated :) | 13:11 |
arand | bethdo97: The installer will do the dual-boot for you pretty much automatically | 13:11 |
bethdo97 | I have gotten into designing medical education applications and have been asked to make them available for linux users too. These are mostly simulation applications like Code Blue and Marcus Welby for the 21st century | 13:11 |
MrChrisDruif | Awesome bethdo97 :) | 13:12 |
bethdo97 | but in order to do this I need to learn Linux and Ubuntu so I can make the programs work in Linux as well as the Windows & Mac they are set up for now | 13:13 |
MrChrisDruif | Alright, but like arand said: the installer can take full care of your needs. It can create the space you need but shrinking the current Windows partition and adding the partition(s) needed for Ubuntu :) | 13:14 |
MrChrisDruif | Or you could shrink the windows partition from within Windows, your choice (Linux is about choice O:-)) | 13:15 |
bethdo97 | Simulation applications are am up & coming thing in medical education | 13:15 |
bethdo97 | is there anywhere u know of to check out medical apps that are currently under development for Ubuntu? | 13:16 |
MrChrisDruif | Maybe in Ubuntu Software Center or searching the web with google I would guess | 13:17 |
nlsthzn | JoeMaverickSett: Sorry, had to sleep... Modprobe FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.35-22-generic/modules.dep: No such file or directory yup... not 100% sure of the kernel number but that is the error I get | 13:32 |
JoeMaverickSett | nlsthzn: might get a link for a fix | 13:33 |
nlsthzn | JoeMaverickSett: Thank you :) | 13:33 |
JoeMaverickSett | nlsthzn: this might do; http://goo.gl/WEhca | 13:34 |
JoeMaverickSett | nlsthzn: although it's in french, the guide is simple to follow, IMO. | 13:34 |
JoeMaverickSett | the link is google translated of course. :D | 13:35 |
JoeMaverickSett | nlsthzn: scroll down to #8 :) | 13:35 |
nlsthzn | JoeMaverickSett: Thanks... let me have a reboot and check if it did the trick | 13:47 |
nlsthzn | JoeMaverickSett: Worked a charm... cheers! | 14:00 |
JoeMaverickSett | nlsthzn: ok. glad it did :) | 14:02 |
JoeMaverickSett | nlsthzn: time to go afk, again :P | 14:02 |
JackyAlcine | Hey cprofitt | 14:34 |
* JackyAlcine looks at the userlist; it's a lot of people.. | 16:03 | |
omoleye_ | join #SAP | 16:11 |
JackyAlcine | Who's that? | 16:16 |
ergoproxy | Hello Ubuntu Guru types. I'm very new to the OS, and have failed to find a tool that can bind software to specific IP interfaces. Is there such a tool? My end goal is binding my IRC client to my VPN interface, so if my VPN drops, traffic stops. Thanks for any help | 16:19 |
petanilinux | !ping | 16:41 |
ubot2 | ping-pong, a fun game for all the family | 16:41 |
=== AbhijiT_ is now known as Abhijit | ||
=== AbhijiT_ is now known as Abhijit | ||
hakimsheriff | Does anyone know how to make yourself Automaticaly become operator when you join a channel? | 17:29 |
Abhijit | hakimsheriff, 1. ask in #freenode 2. /msg chanserv help flags | 17:31 |
Abhijit | there is some flag you need to set i think its o or O | 17:31 |
hakimsheriff | okay thx | 17:31 |
rokyronnie | Hi there.Is there a way to have global hotkeys in Songbird? | 18:00 |
=== MorenoSolo is now known as Jorge | ||
nhandler | freenode does not recommend the use of auto ops. It is suggested that you only wear your channel privileges as needed (http://freenode.net/channel_guidelines.shtml). If you do insist on using auto ops, information can be found by doing: /msg ChanServ HELP FLAGS hakimsheriff FYI | 18:12 |
petanilinux | hi all | 18:14 |
aveilleux | 'erro petanilinux | 18:14 |
petanilinux | hallo | 18:15 |
petanilinux | iam from indonesian | 18:15 |
* suprengr wonders: why has long time installed Pidgin stopped 'using' sounds when notifying buddiy off/on-line? ...any ideas anyone? | 19:05 | |
JackyAlcine | suprengr: It hasn't, it's disabled by default. | 19:06 |
suprengr | JackyAlcine: areed... but it was (& still is) set to notify.. hmmm | 19:07 |
suprengr | *agreed | 19:07 |
JackyAlcine | suprengr: Try switching the output type to ALSA. | 19:10 |
suprengr | JackyAlcine: good idea! just sewitchewd it... now waiting for next notify :) | 19:11 |
suprengr | [&^ sorry fr bad typing... | 19:12 |
suprengr | ;) | 19:12 |
JackyAlcine | suprengr: It's cool. :D | 19:13 |
halpbatman | hey guyes | 19:40 |
halpbatman | guys | 19:40 |
halpbatman | can you use gparted to dynamically repartion boot drive? | 19:40 |
holstein | what is meant by 'dynamically' ? | 19:40 |
holstein | gparted repatitions drives | 19:41 |
holstein | so, im going to say yes | 19:41 |
halpbatman | as in it won't affect files already on that drive | 19:41 |
aveilleux | halpbatman: Define "dynamically" | 19:41 |
aveilleux | halpbatman: nondestructively? Yes | 19:41 |
holstein | the drive cant be mounted | 19:41 |
halpbatman | which option do i use to repartition dondestructively? | 19:42 |
halpbatman | do i just do resize/move? | 19:42 |
halpbatman | or is there separate option for nondestructive resizing? | 19:42 |
MrChrisDruif | halpbatman: If you've got one partition...I would suggest taking a liveCD and repartition from there :) (I've heard it's possible to do it well it's running/mounted, but not very easy) | 19:43 |
arand | resizing should not destroy any files no, if it does something has gone wrong | 19:43 |
MrChrisDruif | And yes, resize/move | 19:43 |
halpbatman | k thx all | 19:43 |
MrChrisDruif | Your welcome halpbatman :) | 19:43 |
halpbatman | MrChrisDruif: I already have 3 partitions i wanted to add one more | 19:43 |
arand | halpbatman: Are you just setting up a dual-boot? | 19:43 |
halpbatman | arand: si | 19:43 |
MrChrisDruif | 3 partitions?....just one more you can add, you know that right? | 19:44 |
MrChrisDruif | In a normal way that is | 19:44 |
arand | halpbatman: The LiveCD of ubuntu does a guided dual-boot setup with repartitioning by default, so if you want there should be no need to use gparted aforehand. | 19:44 |
halpbatman | MrChrisDruif: I have 1 partition EFI, 1 in HFS+, 1 in ext4, 1 in linux swap | 19:45 |
MrChrisDruif | I'm not sure if swap is counted towards the max. 4 cap... | 19:46 |
aveilleux | halpbatman: Oh, you're on a Mac... | 19:46 |
amn3z1a | what do i need to play my windows games on ubuntu? | 19:46 |
mr-tux | amn3z1a you can use wine | 19:46 |
amn3z1a | wine wouldnt completely install. am i not getting applets or something? | 19:47 |
MrChrisDruif | amn3z1a: Multiple options, none guarantees full compatibility with all games/programs | 19:47 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: What do you mean, it wouldn't completely install? | 19:47 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: What system did you use to install it? | 19:47 |
amn3z1a | i have ubuntu 10.10 | 19:48 |
amn3z1a | tried installing wine1.3 and it wouldnt take | 19:48 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: No, I mean did you use the Software Center, Synaptic... | 19:48 |
amn3z1a | yeah | 19:48 |
amn3z1a | ubuntu software center | 19:48 |
halpbatman | virtualization | 19:49 |
amn3z1a | hoping my gaming pc would run better on ubuntu than it was on windoze | 19:49 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: I've never used the Software Center so I don't know why it wouldn't work... try this. Open Terminal (Applications > Accessories > Terminal) and run this command: sudo apt-get purge wine1.3 | 19:49 |
aveilleux | halpbatman: virtual machines don't support 3D acceleration | 19:50 |
amn3z1a | aveilleux, E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 19:50 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: close the Software Center | 19:51 |
amn3z1a | what's strange is thats not even the directory of the hard drive | 19:51 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: No, that's a normal errir. | 19:52 |
aveilleux | error* | 19:52 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: / is the hard drive :P | 19:52 |
amn3z1a | ok i guess it is purged | 19:53 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: Now try: sudo apt-get update | 19:53 |
amn3z1a | that looka ALOT better | 19:53 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: sudo apt-get install wine1.3 | 19:54 |
amn3z1a | it actually says DONE | 19:54 |
amn3z1a | ok, not it says broken packages and stuff not installable | 19:54 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: sudo apt-get -yf install | 19:55 |
amn3z1a | now* | 19:55 |
amn3z1a | im familiar with cmd window and xchat, but ubuntu is a bit confusing since i havent used any unix-based in many years | 19:56 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: use Pastebin ( http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/ ) and copy the error into there. Then give us the link so I can look at it. | 19:57 |
amn3z1a | aveilleux, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/566734/ | 19:58 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: Oh, it's because you don't have the WINE PPA installed | 20:01 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa | 20:01 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: Then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -yf install | 20:01 |
amn3z1a | aveilleux, the -yf install still giving me an error | 20:02 |
MrChrisDruif | Yeah, 1.3 isn't in default repos | 20:02 |
amn3z1a | aveilleux, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/566736/ | 20:03 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: That's not an error, just run sudo apt-get autoremove | 20:05 |
amn3z1a | aveilleux, removed, now how do i get wine to install from this point? | 20:07 |
halpbatman | hey guys when I try to boot from cd it says "can't boot from CD: error code 5" | 20:07 |
halpbatman | what does that mean? | 20:07 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: suso apt-get install wine1.3 | 20:07 |
amn3z1a | just guessing, but you mean sudo ...? | 20:08 |
zkriesse | halpbatman: This a windows or ubuntu cd | 20:09 |
halpbatman | windows | 20:09 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: yeah that | 20:09 |
amn3z1a | aveilleux, once again, broken packages, same thing as before | 20:09 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: give me the error | 20:10 |
halpbatman | zkriesse: windows | 20:10 |
zkriesse | halpbatman: Windows 7? XP/Vista? | 20:10 |
mr-tux | amn3z1a , http://www.winehq.org/download/deb | 20:10 |
aveilleux | mr-tux: Already doing that :P | 20:10 |
amn3z1a | aveilleux, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/566740/ | 20:10 |
mr-tux | amn3z1a ,you should install the stable version 1.2 | 20:13 |
amn3z1a | mr-tux, it wants me to insert a disc into the drive when i try adding that | 20:13 |
mr-tux | to avoid any bugs | 20:13 |
mr-tux | amn3z1a : sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa | 20:15 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: did you run sudo apt-get update? | 20:15 |
aveilleux | mr-tux: I already did that | 20:15 |
mr-tux | then : sudo apt-get update | 20:15 |
mr-tux | then : sudo apt-get install wine1.3 | 20:15 |
mr-tux | or sudo apt-get install wine1.2 | 20:16 |
amn3z1a | i was pasting that as you were typing it | 20:16 |
amn3z1a | both 1.3 and 1.2 give me same message about broken packages | 20:16 |
amn3z1a | and yes, i did add the repository successfully | 20:16 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: try this: sudo apt-get purge wine* | 20:16 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: sudo apt-get install wine1.3 | 20:17 |
amn3z1a | aveilleux, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/566742/ | 20:18 |
amn3z1a | same errors | 20:18 |
amn3z1a | some new errors too | 20:18 |
amn3z1a | am i missing required applets? | 20:18 |
amn3z1a | it is a new install of ubuntu | 20:18 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: They're not called "applets", and for some reason your install is not picking up the packages that are available in the repositories | 20:19 |
amn3z1a | aveilleux, in ubuntu software center, i see a couple wine glass icons. do i try the dummy pkg? lol | 20:21 |
amn3z1a | or binary and emulator? | 20:22 |
amn3z1a | err binary emulator and library | 20:22 |
amn3z1a | it finally added the ppa | 20:22 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: ...have you had Software Center open this whole time? | 20:23 |
amn3z1a | no i just opened it | 20:23 |
aveilleux | okay | 20:23 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: I never, ever recommend Software Center. | 20:23 |
amn3z1a | i closed it when u first told me to | 20:23 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: Close that, then go to System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager | 20:23 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: Use the searchbar and find wine | 20:24 |
amn3z1a | ok which one? lots to choose from | 20:24 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: Send a screenshot of the list ( http://imgur.com/ ) | 20:24 |
amn3z1a | aveilleux, http://imgur.com/pAXna | 20:28 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: Hm, so none of them are inst--- wait, are you doing this from a LiveCD? | 20:28 |
johnny77 | I've been having an issue off and on the main problem is losing my right-click and drop-down menus. | 20:28 |
amn3z1a | aveilleux, i installed ubuntu from cd onto a 56GB partition on a 1TB drive | 20:29 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: You still have an "install Ubuntu" icon on your desktop. | 20:29 |
amn3z1a | mebbe because the cd was still in the drive =/ | 20:29 |
amn3z1a | no... install completed | 20:30 |
aveilleux | amn3z1a: ...remove the CD and reboot. | 20:30 |
amn3z1a | ok be back in a few | 20:30 |
rokyronnie | Hi there :) | 20:39 |
aveilleux | hello rokyronnie | 20:40 |
rokyronnie | I've some troubles with OSS4, can you help me? | 20:43 |
jasono | Hello. I recently asked a question about my XChat not connecting. I found out that if I went to chat.freenode.net it will not load b/c there is a server error. What's going on and how can I fix this? | 22:48 |
JackyAlcine | jasono: I don't think chat.freenode.net's a valid IRC server. | 22:55 |
jasono | JackyALcine That came with XChat. What is it? | 22:56 |
JackyAlcine | it should be irc.freenode.net or irc.ubuntu.com | 22:56 |
jasono | Okey, thanks JackyAlcine Do I need a port? | 22:57 |
JackyAlcine | well, normal connections are 6667, SSL's 7070 | 22:57 |
jasono | Okey, thans a lot. | 22:58 |
jasono | Are you Jacky from the Chrome web store? | 22:59 |
JackyAlcine | Nope, I haven't built a Chrome app in my life. =) | 23:05 |
MrChrisDruif | ....gone! :P | 23:10 |
gunndawg | hey whats the terminal command to find how much space sudo apt-get autoremove is removing | 23:40 |
gunndawg | I forgot it | 23:40 |
JackyAlcine | There's a command for that? | 23:43 |
gunndawg | JackyAlcine: yeah and I totally forgot it | 23:43 |
gunndawg | i just reinstalled ubuntu 10.10 yet again, heh | 23:48 |
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