
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
balachmarHi, I want to download everything from an s3 bucket onto a external HD. For that I use s3fs, to mount it as a local drive and then rsync to create a copy. However, using tar c /data-dir/ | md5sum on the external hd and running the same command on an ec2 instance (also using s3fs to mount the bucket) results in a different md5sum.10:10
balachmarHow do I know if the download was successful?10:10
kim0balachmar: what about md5sum'ming individual files11:24
balachmarkim0: I thought getting one for the entire dir was easier.11:57
kim0balachmar: yeah but tracking where the difference occurs, helps spot the problem13:00
balachmarkim0: Thanks for the idea. It seems that the fact that S3 doesn't have directories makes my way of md5summing a dir go wrong. At least for one dir the md5sums of the files are good. An ec2 instance is still calculating the md5sums for the other dir.13:49
kim0smoser: Hi! Do those tools null the need for the utility to migrate amis across regions ??20:05
kim0smoser: http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSEC2/latest/CommandLineReference/index.html?CLTRG-ami-migrate-bundle.html20:05
kim0smoser: http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSEC2/latest/CommandLineReference/index.html?ApiReference-cmd-MigrateImage.html20:05
dakerhello kim0 ツ20:14
kim0daker: hey20:15
flaccidgot this python error with cloud-init on debian squeeze (using 0.6.0 natty package) http://dpaste.org/Omy4/23:12
flaccidsmoser or erichammond you wouldn't be around by any chance23:12
benlakeHmm, I believe kvm requires hardware support for virtualization and UEC/Ubuntu have focused on using kvm as the hypervisor of choice. So I'm wondering if anyone thinks it would be a good idea to put a notice up on http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud/private/deploy and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/CDInstall that says, "Don't bother running NCs without VT support."? Thoughts?23:23
kim0benlake: the CDinstall page lists "VT extensions" in the min reqs table for NCs23:41
benlakekim0: ah, indeed it does...23:43

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