
hcfdHi. I'm trying to solve a problem with a multiport serial card. I had it working under latest Ubuntu 10.10, stock kernel but under 10.04LTS, latest kernel, I cannot get it configured and working properly. I am using kernel parameter 8250.nr_uarts=8 to allow me use of both onboard ports and the 6 on a PCI card. I tried to replicate my 10.10 setserial config under 10.04 and no joy at all. Could this be a kernel issue?01:15
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hallynlatest 2.6.38-3 kernel seems to not create good ad-hoc networks.  booting 2.6.27-12 works.  Gotta try a few more times to be sure it's the kernel, but so far it seems to be14:44
hallyn(that is separate from an apparent inability of the free broadcom brcm80211 driver to do ad-hoc, which is in itself unfortunate - is the b43 driver really meant to be blacklisted or was that my fault in the past?)15:05
hyperairprobably your fault. it doesn't look like it's blacklisted on my system15:30
hyperairand i don't have a broadcom chip15:30
ohsixi'll just edit them in place, thankfully it's only a pin for firefox and aptitude so far; and i don't see having more than 8 or so ever17:12
ohsixthat's it, moving this channel to its own window :D17:17
kumaankihi everyone..17:25
kumaankiwhich package contains the header files linux/init.h ?17:26
mjg59The kernel source17:26
mjg59Are you trying to build userspace or a kernel module?17:27
kumaankii have downloaded the kernel source and now i was trying to build a single funsoft driver file..17:27
kumaankiso how should i build it?17:29
mjg59If you want to build it against your current kernel then you need linux-headers17:31
mjg59Don't try to build it against unconfigured kernel source unless you're building your own kernel as well17:31
kumaankican i not compile individual modules from kernel source..?17:32
mjg59Not in any meaningful way17:33
ohsixcopying the config for the running kernel and using the same compiler isn't enough? (i've never had it work the few times i tried, never looked into why)17:34
kumaankihmm...ok. i mean say if some of the drivers are updated in upcoming kernels, will i have to re-install the whole kernel( i mean building the whole kernel itself?)17:34
mjg59Typically, yes17:35
mjg59Unless the driver has been backported to an older kernel17:35
kumaankioh ok.17:36
ohsixmjg59: any idea why it doesn't work? need the deps in tree? it says symbols are missing, typically; even if you run depmod and use the same config17:37
ohsixis it because patches are missing or something, cuz i tried it out of the apt-get source tree once; didn't use the debian/* stuff to build it though17:38
kumaankimjg59: even after installing the linux headers, the linux/init.h file is not found.17:40
mjg59kumaanki: What, precisely, are you trying to do?17:41
kumaankiI am inside the kernel source dir ubuntu-maverick/drivers/usb17:41
kumaankii am inside the kernel source directory ubuntu-maverick/drivers/usb17:42
mjg59That's not going to work17:42
mjg59Because the build system doesn't work that way17:42
kumaankibut it should be able to build it if the linux headers are present17:43
mjg59To a first approximation, you can't build drivers from different kernel versions17:43
kumaankithe funsoft.c file does not demand anything else than linux headers from the current kernel17:43
kumaankithe source code is for the same kernel version17:44
mjg59So why isn't it included already?17:44
kumaankithe kernel headers might not be part of standard installation i guess17:45
ohsixi think he means the funsoft module17:45
ohsixie. why do you need to build it yourself17:46
kumaankiohsix: yes.17:46
kumaankiwas trying to learn how the driver code builds and compiles and the code for funsoft seems understandable so thought of compiling it17:47
ohsixwell it's not straight forward if you don't start with your own kernel already17:47
mjg59You can't just gcc a kernel module17:47
mjg59You need to use the kernel buildsystem17:47
mjg59So, from the top of the kernel source tree, you can do make drivers/usb/serial/funsoft.ko17:48
mjg59And that will build the kernel module against the configuration of the source tree17:48
kumaankioh, let me try this then.. )17:48
mjg59Which may not match the configuration of the kernel you're running17:48
mjg59So you may end up with a module you can't load17:48
kumaankiok. i want to try my hands on kernel code.17:51
ohsixyou might want to play with qemu and your own kernel tree :D it can run images directly, and it's a virtual machine; less disruptive17:53
kumaankicool. i am able to build the .ko file now. but the insmod on the generated funsoft.ko fails. probably that's because of the mismatch in kernel versions17:53
mjg59dmesg will tell you what the failure is17:54
mjg59If you want to build against a kernel with a longer version string, then you'll need to do something like make EXTRAVERSION=-2-686 drivers/usb/serial/funsoft.ko17:54
kumaankidmesg does not log any messages pertaining to the error in insmod 17:55
kumaankii checked the output of dmesg17:55
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