
xyclo__Hi ailo03:52
=== xyclo__ is now known as xyclo
ailoHi xyclo03:53
ailoHaving some nick difficulties.03:53
ailoI would like to change it to ailo.at, which is my launchpad name, but the dot won't work :(03:53
=== ailo is now known as ailo_at
persiaailo_at, You could try ailo·at03:56
ailo_atpersia: Maybe too difficult to write?03:58
persiaHeh.  Depends on your keymap, I suppose.03:59
ailo_atSwedish keymaps aren't that great sometimes03:59
ailo_atOr, keymap03:59
xyclohey, ever used yoshimi?04:00
ailo_atI tried yoshimi the first time today04:01
xyclome too04:01
ailo_atHaven't really figured out what it does.04:01
xycloremember the clicks I told you about, ailo_at?04:01
xycloIt seems it was Zyn all along04:02
ailo_atI was hearing some on Yoshimi, to tell you the truth04:02
ailo_atWhen changing notes rapidly on the keyboard, it sounds a little clicky04:02
xycloyou know my issue?04:02
xycloSome weird scale setting is loaded04:02
ailo_atIt's out of tune?04:03
xycloI play a major scale in my midi keyboard04:03
xycloand it plays like arabic04:03
xyclomore than out of tune!04:03
xycloit's bizarre04:03
xycloknow a solution?04:03
xycloI saved a setting from Zyn04:03
xycloand loaded into Yosh04:03
xycloand nothing04:04
ailo_atI don't know. Can't find any scale tuning.04:06
xycloIt's funny though, by now04:09
xycloailo_at: about the clicking when changing notes, it might be the sample itself. I did an organ on Zyn and the attack sound can be annoying, sort of like a click04:14
xycloI am really hoping Yoshimi will let me get rid of the clicks...04:14
ailo_atxyclo: Did you add quick fade in fade out to the sample using a wave editor, or is it a ready sample?04:15
xycloI have not sampled04:16
xyclojust preset bank04:16
ailo_atIf the sample starts at a position other than 0, it is like to cause clicks.04:16
xyclowell, the clicks I am worried about are the random ones, caused by poor performance of Zyn.04:17
ailo_atCould be the synth is not handling the playback right, and adds clicks when playing new notes.04:17
ailo_atIf the clicks happen in between notes, that would be strange too04:18
xycloYes, the ones I refer to now are in between notes, nothing to do but leave the Synth alone04:19
xycloholstein reported he had issues with Zyn04:19
xycloand that Yoshimi did not have them04:19
ailo_atOr, maybe I confused myself now. What is in between notes? I was thinking of clicks that happen when the notes aren't changing04:20
xyclobut, the scale issue now...04:20
xycloI am a bit confused myself04:21
ailo_atI'm making a sampler on puredata, and from my experience there, clicks will happen if fade in /fade out is not working right when starting or stopping notes.04:21
xyclobut, bottomline, Zyn was adding random clicks04:21
xyclogood luck with the samples, ailo_at04:34
xycloI go to bed, it was a long day04:34
holsteinailo_at: i get some with yoshimi too04:40
holsteinbut not like zyn04:40
ailo_atIt's too bad04:44
ailo_atSeems like a nice program04:45
holsteini can mostly get by withouth them04:45
holsteini turn off the effects04:45
holsteinand that helps04:45
robertzaccourhey yall07:05
robertzaccourwhat codecs and kernel tweaks do i need to make regular ubuntu like ubuntu studio?07:05
paultagrobertzaccour: howdy, dude07:08
paultagrobertzaccour: ubuntu studio is almost totally stock ubuntu -- there are some things you can do to make it better suited, but really it's just a collection of settings and packages :)07:09
robertzaccourdoes anyone know how i can convert ubuntu to what ubuntu studio has as far as multi-media codecs and low-latency kernel goes?07:09
paultagrobertzaccour: the -rt kernel, or lowlatency kernel rocks07:09
robertzaccourpaultag, i think thats what i need07:09
paultagrobertzaccour: the gstreamer package sets might be of use, and the -rt image might be what you need07:09
paultagrobertzaccour: what are you trying to do?07:09
robertzaccouri have audio/video sync problems and a bit of lag when recording screencasts with cheese open07:09
paultagrobertzaccour: you can actually install ubuntu studio from ubuntu07:09
paultagOh, hurmm07:10
robertzaccourpaultag, how?07:10
paultagrobertzaccour: sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-desktop # :)07:10
robertzaccourpaultag, would that be exactly the same thing?07:10
robertzaccourbut then i still got all the other crap that can't be removed. i'd be best off starting fresh :)07:11
paultagrobertzaccour: sure, but that's not really a big deal -- it's not like windows where this stuff gets clotted in a registery somewhere07:11
robertzaccouryes true07:11
paultagup to you, though07:12
paultagrobertzaccour: but the basic stuff that might help is jack + -rt kernel07:12
paultagrobertzaccour: you don't need all the packages, really07:12
robertzaccourwhats that mean?07:12
robertzaccouri found a link for that kernel07:13
robertzaccournow i just need the multimedia packs07:13
paultagrobertzaccour: aptitude search gstreamer07:14
robertzaccourpaultag, i thought gstreamer is installed by default07:14
robertzaccouroh good idea07:14
paultagrobertzaccour: well yeah, it is :)07:14
paultagrobertzaccour: but it's a plugin system, you need the bits to stick in there07:14
robertzaccourif i install this stuff with xfce running it will be even more resource friendly07:15
paultag*cough* fluxbox *cough*07:15
robertzaccouri don't know how to configure fluxbox07:19
robertzaccourand why not openbox or enlightenment?07:19
paultagrobertzaccour: because I maintain fluxbox :)07:20
robertzaccouroh ok07:20
paultagI'm about as biased as you get07:20
robertzaccouryou admit it though07:20
paultagdamn skippy I do07:20
robertzaccourdid canonical make ubuntu studio?07:23
paultagrobertzaccour: no07:23
robertzaccouris ubuntu studio pretty similar to mint?07:23
robertzaccouri know multimedia codecs but kernel?07:24
paultagrobertzaccour: no, mint is quite different from ubuntu studio07:25
paultagrobertzaccour: ubuntu studio is ubuntu07:25
robertzaccouri will have to wait til i get home to install ubuntu studio07:38
robertzaccouri'm at work atm and i'm on wireless on my laptop haha07:38
robertzaccourwait, is there a way possible to install without wired internet? i know used to no07:38
robertzaccourdo i need wired internet to install alternate iso?07:43
robertzaccourlook what i found https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu%20Studio%20Upgrade%20from%20Ubuntu07:53
robertzaccourtells how to upgrade from ubuntu to ubuntu studio one command07:53
robertzaccouroops sorry about that meant to paste the link08:03
persiaNo worries.  It's the same software stack: you can switch back and forth whenever you like.08:04
robertzaccourthats the link08:04
=== Blank___ is now known as Blank__
Phatstagood day all11:23
Phatstaanyone here good at storage handling in linux?12:16
Phatstatrying to get vmware to access a raid volume but it's giving me the finger...12:17
persiaIf nobody answers here after a while, you might try #ubuntu12:20
Phatstathanks persia, I'll do that :)12:43
persiaGood luck.12:44
ti4micould someone help me getting external usb midi working?19:21
gordonjcpti4mi: plug in midi adaptor, use midi adaptor19:21
ti4mithanks for the response.19:22
ti4miI can see the USB interface in jackcontrol connection19:22
ti4mibut no reaction when I press a key on the keybaord19:22
rlameirodid you connected it to some synth?19:22
ailo_atti4mi: Are you using alsa or jack midi?19:32
ti4miit appears in the ALSA midi tab19:38
ti4mican I switch it to the jack midi?19:38
holsteintheres a package i use19:38
holsteincalled adjmidid19:38
holsteina2jmidid - daemon for exposing legacy ALSA MIDI in JACK MIDI systems19:39
holsteinsudo apt-get install a2jmidid19:39
holsteinthen you run it from the terminal19:39
holsteinwhen jack is running19:39
holsteinand you can route via a through port19:40
ti4mithat worked. I can now rout all soft midi devices: i.e. send signals from rosegarden to ZynSubAddFX19:45
ti4mibut the external hardware keyboard does not appear19:46
holsteinti4mi: USB ?19:46
ti4miand I do not receive signals19:46
ti4miyes logilink usb midi cable19:46
holsteinti4mi: do you see the logilink when you run lsusb ??19:48
holsteinti4mi: is this 10.10?19:48
ti4miit's 10.1019:49
holsteinti4mi: maybe pastebin the output of19:52
holsteinuname -a19:52
ti4miIt's now here:19:57
ti4miThanks in advance for looking at it19:58
holsteinwell, USB is otherwise working properly19:59
holsteinim not seeing it at all20:00
holsteinti4mi: are you?20:00
ti4minormally usb works well20:00
holsteinti4mi: is this something that has ever worked in linux?20:01
ti4miis see the cable in alsa part of jack control20:01
ti4mii do not know20:01
holsteinti4mi: OH, so you do see the cable showing in JACK20:01
holsteini forget where mine shows20:01
holsteinBUT a2jmidid lets me connect what i need20:02
ti4mithere's been some other question in the forums on the device20:02
holsteintheres another way to do it though i never tried it personally20:02
holsteinlet me reffer you to #opensourcemusicians20:03
holsteini dont do enough MIDI to really stay up on it20:03
ailo_atti4mi: What device are we talking about?20:06
holsteinailo_at: the logilink20:06
ti4miLogiLink USB midi cable20:06
ti4miwell, it's not explicitly stated on the package that it has Linux support20:07
ailo_attim4mi: and it appears in the alsa tab, when running on default midi setting?20:07
ti4mi@ailo_at: yes20:07
ailo_atAnd you connect the keyboard to that device with a midi cablie?20:08
holsteinshowing up there is a good step*20:08
ailo_atOr, I see it has cable ends. But those go into the hardware keyboard, right?20:09
ti4mi@ailo_at: yes20:09
holsteini suppose you should double check that the unit is sending data20:09
ailo_atWhat program are you trying to use?20:09
ti4mi ZynSubAddFX20:10
ti4mi@holstein. how can I check that?20:11
holsteinalso, double check that the audio is routed properly20:11
holsteinfrom zyn20:11
holsteincheck with the 'virtual keyboard' if you want20:11
holsteinti4mi: well, i deally, you would have a MIDI brain around20:11
holsteinand can double check that its sending20:11
holsteinother than that, you might just have to assume its working20:12
ti4misending from 'virtual keyboard to  ZynSubAddFX works20:12
holsteindouble check the MIDI routing then20:13
holsteinmake sure you have lines connecting the logilink to zyn20:13
holsteinor to a2jmidid 's through port20:13
ti4miyes go that20:13
ailo_atti4mi: You might want to check that the hardware keyboard is set to channel 120:14
holsteinyeah, or 'send on all channels' just for testing20:14
ailo_atI'm trying to see if there is a utlity for midi, just to catch input. I know I saw something about that. Puredata has that20:15
holsteinrosegarden might20:15
holsteinqsynth if you're just looking for a light20:15
holsteinfor activity20:15
holsteinBUT, zyn is a good test too i think20:15
ailo_atHow about qmidiroute?20:18
ti4miwill see that.20:19
ailo_atti4mi: Install qmidiroute, start it and connect your midi device to it.20:19
ti4mithe thing is I got the keyboard once working with a old LPT connector. on an old combuter...20:19
ailo_atIt will show all midi events20:19
ti4miperfect thanks20:20
* holstein makes a note of qmidiroute20:20
holsteinsounds handy20:20
ti4miappreciate your help20:21
ailo_atHere's an example from me playing with the virtual keyboard http://imagebin.org/13775620:22
holsteinyeah, thats nice :)20:22
ti4miok, got that now. when connecting virtual keybard to  qmidiroute I can see the same as on your picture20:27
ti4mibut when I play the keyboard, nothing appears20:28
ti4miso it does either not send midi signals or they do net get received well20:28
ailo_atti4mi: Then either your keyboard is not working, or the device isn't. You don't have something else to try stick into that cable?20:28
ti4mii have a effects processor with midi in and out20:29
holsteinti4mi: try that20:29
holsteinjust to make sure the thing is sending20:30
ti4miI do not know on where to rout it though20:30
holsteinIF you dont use it that way often20:30
holsteini know some of those parameters can be challenging to find20:30
holsteinand edit20:30
ailo_atti4mi: Have you had the logilink working before?20:30
ti4minope, i am just diving into midi audio stuff. the thing was a present...20:31
holsteinti4mi: sweet :)20:32
ailo_atti4Mi: One thing that can be confusing on some midi devices is that "IN" goes to the input.20:33
ailo_atDid you try switching cables?20:33
ailo_atI mean that "IN" is not the input, but is to be connected to an input.20:34
ailo_atI have a device with this smart arrangement20:34
ailo_atThe logilink should work out of the box, if it's not damaged. It doesn't need any drivers on any system.20:37
ti4miB-) how embarrassing and stupidly simple.20:43
ti4mithe midi jack on the logilink has written IN => on it20:44
ailo_atYeah, it's frustrating how stupid they make those things :)20:44
ailo_atti4mi: So, it's working now?20:45
ti4miso I connected it to INPUT outlet on the keyboard. first logic ;-) idea20:45
ti4miso after you send your idea I changed both and put IN together with OUTPUT on the keyboard and now  ZynSubAddFX produces sound by pressing keys on the hardware keyboard20:47
ailo_atti4mi: Good to hear.20:47
ti4mi;-) they'd probably put the wrong connector on the wrong cable ends. It's just that you always ask yourself: did I connect the hardware correctly (which I in theory did). We did thing that hardware could also be wrong.20:56
ti4miThe essence in audio: 1) Ubuntu studio works out of the box with cheap devices 2) same as with equipment-only set-ups, always check that the hardware is working as expected first20:56
ti4mithanks, guy for help and patience.20:57
ti4mihello is there something like a mpc groovebox emulator on linux21:51
holsteinti4mi: what does that do?21:53
ailoSome kind of looping software, you mean?21:53
holsteinyeah, i remember now :)21:53
ti4mia simplyfied sampler, yes21:53
ailosooperlooper seems pretty good21:54
holsteinsooperlooper is nice21:54
holsteinanalog though21:54
holsteini think seq24 would be a simple sequencer like that21:55
holsteinwith more options21:55
holsteinwell, not analog21:55
holsteinfor audio21:55
holsteinrlameiro: ping22:36
rlameirowow, that was fast :D22:36
rlameiroholstein: pong22:37
holsteinyou have some time for some testing?22:37
holsteinnetjack testing?22:37
holsteinand possible colaboration there after22:37
rlameirohow? se if i can ear?22:37
holsteinwell, i need to RTFM a bit22:37
holsteinand see how to get celt working22:38
rlameiroI would need to reboot into kxstudio22:38
holsteinrlameiro: not now22:38
rlameiroand look at it22:38
rlameironver tried out netjack22:38
holsteinwe can schedule something22:38
holsteini need to re-try netjack22:38
rlameirofor me its fine22:38
holsteinits been months22:38
rlameiroduring next week maybe22:38
holsteinsince ive even used it locally22:38
holsteinrlameiro: what about next friday?22:39
holsteinthe 25th?22:39
holsteinthats about the next free time i have22:39
rlameironot sure, but it seems possible22:39
holsteini could make some time thursday evening22:39
holsteinabout this time on thursday22:40
rlameirook, i will try22:40
holsteinif i see you around thursday22:40
holsteini'll ping you22:40
rlameirolet me put it on my calendar22:40
holsteinand we can geek out a bit22:40
holsteini'll put it in my book too22:40
holsteinrlameiro: the idea is22:41
holsteinIF we can connect22:41
holsteinkinda lo-fi22:41
holsteinto hear each other22:41
holsteinand record on both ends22:41
holsteinhigh quality22:41
holsteinyou can email me yours or vice versa22:41
rlameirooh.... you want me to play?22:42
holsteinrlameiro: well, eventually22:42
rlameirothat is way late over here to play22:42
holsteinnot that time22:42
rlameiroi live on an apartment :(22:42
holsteinthat can just be proof of concept22:42
rlameiroyea, we could test it for other day22:42

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