
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
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didrocksgood morning07:44
oSoMoNgood morning08:01
MacSlowgreetings everybody08:02
tawanUnity is the nicest, intuitive and most innovative step I've seen into the future yet. Fine work.09:59
tawanobviously some work to do, but a bold and fine step10:00
klattimeranyone else updated unity today to find the desktop is blank?10:31
klattimerthe furniture is invisible10:31
RAOFSounds like compiz crashed on startup and didn't quite manage to spawn gnome-panel as it went down?10:33
klattimerRAOF: compiz is running by the looks of things10:33
klattimerI got a window to open and the furniture flashed into view briefly10:33
klattimerand the window border is there but invisible10:34
RAOFFun times!10:34
klattimerI think this is a redirection problem, redirected indirect rendering10:34
didrocksRAOF: it runs gnome-panel, but it's not mapped10:41
didrocksRAOF: there is a bug about that, (I reported it in the weekly meeting IIRC)10:41
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bcurtiswxgood morn'13:30
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janimojaytaoko, hello have you considered using glib to abstract the various platform dependent functionailty in nux?14:10
nerochiarojohnlea: can you please tell me where the assets linked to from the following bug are now ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ayatana-design/+bug/67750214:10
johnleanerochiaro ^14:14
johnleanerochiaro; note these designs are not signed off, but are very close to the final designs14:15
nerochiarojohnlea: there's something missing there though. how does the "shelf" at the bottom of the launcher interact with a launcher that have more items than fititng in the screen ?14:17
jaytaokojanimo: yes, this is in consideration. we may well end up doing that.14:18
nerochiarojohnlea: i.e. when they overlap14:23
ronockenvandine, hey, when is that new upgrade of libnotify going to land?15:23
kenvandineit already has15:23
kenvandineinstall libnotify4-dev15:24
ronocah okay thx15:24
kenvandineyou should already have the lib15:24
kenvandineronoc, hope you feel better soon :)15:24
ronockenvandine, just running on low batteries for some reason, like this all weekend. will get through some work anyway15:25
kenvandinereviewing my branch will hopefully make for light work15:25
ronocjust testing now15:25
kenvandinetedg, do we ship the static lib for libdbusmenu-glib in the -dev package on purpose?15:26
tedgkenvandine, More because that's how libs used to be done...15:26
* kenvandine removes it15:27
tedgkenvandine, Back when I was a kid!15:27
rodrigo_tedg, is there any way to force indicator entries to be added/removed while running?16:14
rodrigo_tedg, I need to test some code that listens to the entry_* signals in IndicatorObject16:15
tedgrodrigo_, You could use the "simple-client" test program in the indicator-application source tree.16:15
rodrigo_ok, thanks16:15
tedgrodrigo_, It adds an app indicator.16:15
bcurtiswxkenvandine, any new ideas on how to get that updated_cb to work from the libindicate code?16:17
kenvandinebcurtiswx, yeah, that gets called when the event is updated16:20
kenvandineso before the client accepts the chat16:21
bcurtiswxkenvandine, would I be correct in guessing the complicating part of this is finding out if the window is minimized ?16:22
bcurtiswxbecause I would guess we can use the updated_cb for situations when the window is minimized16:23
kenvandinebcurtiswx, no, you need to do it in empathy-chat-window.c16:24
kenvandinewe can't use the updated_cb16:24
kenvandinebecause we can't get updated events from the event manager because the chat is already accepted16:24
bcurtiswxonce chats are accepted events are ignored, OK16:25
kenvandinewell, they don't exist16:25
kenvandinea new message in an existing chat isn't an event16:25
bcurtiswxso in chat_window_add_indicator the else section.  Where does that store the amount of unread new messages ?16:26
kenvandineactually, you don't want to increase the count there16:27
bcurtiswxempathy_indicator_manager_create_indicator <--- in there?16:27
kenvandinebecause having the number of messages posted in the same chat isn't very useful16:27
kenvandineyou should however reduce the count there16:27
kenvandineyou would get the count number the same way16:28
kenvandineyou want to count the number of indicators16:28
bcurtiswxhmmm, you've lost me on why i would want to reduce the count in chat_window_add_indicator16:28
bcurtiswxif you don't have the time right now, i don't want to keep you from more important things16:29
kenvandinein chat_window_remove_indicator16:29
kenvandinethat will happen when someone focuses a chat, or whatever16:29
kenvandinealthough, i don't know why it didn't reduce it in the indicator manager16:31
kenvandineoh, i see why16:32
kenvandineyou need to update your count in chat_window_remove_indicator16:32
kenvandinebecause it calls empathy_indicator_hide with handles the indicator16:33
kenvandinewhich doesn't have access to the list of indicators16:33
bcurtiswxbecause i'm still confused.. as we want to add an indicator when a new message arrives and it's not been read yet even though a window's already open16:33
kenvandineyou would need to add a bunch of code to empathy-indicator.c to do it there16:33
kenvandinebecause we only want to increase the count when there is no existing chat open for that person16:34
kenvandineso if the window isn't focused or another tab is focused16:34
kenvandinewe add the indicator16:34
kenvandineand i think that is already working in your code16:34
kenvandinethe place that isn't working is reducing that count sometimes, right?16:35
bcurtiswxthats why i'm lost.. haha16:35
kenvandineok, well that is what i was seeing when i ran it :)16:35
bcurtiswxhmm.. well here was my workflow for testing this out:16:35
bcurtiswxi ran empathy from terminal, this lets me see the launcher adding and removing counts16:35
bcurtiswxon a new IM, count +116:36
bcurtiswxupon accepting the new IM (and thus creating a chat window) count -116:36
bcurtiswxi minimize window16:36
bcurtiswxget a new IM, count unchanged16:36
kenvandineoh, yeah i guess in that case you would want to increase16:37
bcurtiswxbut envelope turns green16:37
kenvandineyeah, so add the count updating code to chat_window_remove_indicator and chat_window_add_indicator16:37
bcurtiswxso something makes that envelope turn green, and I want to piggy back on that code to add a count to the launcher16:37
kenvandinethose are the functions that update the indicator for existing chats16:37
kenvandinethose are the two functions16:37
bcurtiswxOK, remove it from the updated_cb as its not needed there16:38
kenvandinein the else block16:38
kenvandinewell, else block in chat_window_add_indicator16:39
kenvandinebcurtiswx, make sense?16:42
bcurtiswxfrom the indicator-manager the snippet unity_launcher_entry_set_count (priv->launcher, count); the launcher in the chat-window would be priv->indicator ?16:42
bcurtiswxi can add UnityLauncherEntry  *launcher; to the struct for EmpathyChatWindowPriv;16:46
bcurtiswxthat will give me priv->launcher back16:46
bcurtiswxwith the <unity.h> header16:46
bcurtiswxi create this count with gint count = g_slist_length (priv->indicator_events); in the indicator-manager16:48
bcurtiswxim trying to think of the equivalent in chat-window16:48
bcurtiswxkenvandine, ^^16:49
kenvandinei think it has access to a hash table16:50
bcurtiswxkenvandine, it does indicator = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->indicators, chat);  so is the count stored in priv->indicators ?16:52
kenvandineyou want the length of that16:52
kenvandinesize rather16:52
bcurtiswxyes so the equivalent would be g_slist_length (priv->indicators); ?16:53
kenvandine g_hash_table_size16:53
kenvandineg_hash_table_size (priv->indicators)16:53
faganEm does anyone know where I can get bamf-indicator.h17:01
faganI have the daily ppa installed and the bamf-dev package installed17:01
faganis there something im missing?17:01
faganI need it to build unity 2d17:02
bcurtiswxkenvandine, would i need to do a  priv->launcher = unity_launcher_entry_get_for_desktop_id (desktop_id); in the main-window.c  if so where?17:03
kenvandinei don't think so17:03
kenvandineand you should have access to EmpathyIndicatorManager in empathy-chat-window right?17:04
kenvandineso you can get the launcher from there17:04
bcurtiswxi added UnityLauncherEntry *launcher; to the struct for EmpathyChatWindowPriv  .. not the right way to do that i'm guessing ?17:04
kenvandineno, don't do that17:05
kenvandineyou just want to get it from EmpathyIndicatorManager17:05
fagankenvandine: do you know where to get bamf-indicator.h17:05
kenvandineit is in libbamf-dev fo rme17:05
kenvandinefor me17:05
* fagan will go looking to see if he did something wrong 17:06
bcurtiswxso where would I add EmpathyIndicatorManager to ?17:06
kenvandineyou should have access to it already17:06
bcurtiswxin chat-window.c ?17:07
kenvandinejust add a couple lines to get it in those 2 functions17:07
kenvandinebcurtiswx, i need to run to lunch now, bbiab17:07
kenvandinei can help you in about an hour :)17:07
bcurtiswxkenvandine, OK i still have more ?'s so i'll run to lunch now.  Please ping when back?17:07
bcurtiswxOK, thx :) enjoy lunch17:08
faganhmmmmmm yeah my version is the one from the daily but still I cant find bamf-indicator17:09
faganoh it is there but then how the build not seeing it17:11
faganoh the launcher code is out of date and is looking for it in the dir of the launcher17:12
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jcastroKaleo: does -2d "fall forward" if hw accell and drivers are present?18:13
cando_woo jcastro, new bitesize bugs!:)18:14
kklimondajcastro: btw, we got glom 1.16.2 into natty, if you've been wondering ;)18:14
jcastrocando_: like 5 fresh ones!18:14
jcastrokklimonda: oh awesome, thanks for following up on that18:14
nmarquesdidrocks, ping!18:15
Kaleojcastro: yes :)18:17
Kaleojcastro: I mean, not by default18:17
Kaleojcastro: but with an extra parameter it will use available hardware acceleration18:17
kenvandinebcurtiswx, how's it going now?18:18
didrocksnmarques: hey18:18
nmarquesdidrocks, hey... I'm having here a tiny problem, I was wondering if you could help18:18
nmarquesdidrocks, if I try to build unity with tests enabled, it doesn't go very well, http://pastebin.com/iP1i6Hiw18:19
nmarquesdidrocks, is it safe to disable the tests ?18:19
didrocksnmarques: are you building in a chroot?18:19
nmarquesdidrocks, yeap18:19
bcurtiswxkenvandine, just got back too.  umm.. another question: EmpathyIndicatorManager *launcher good enough ?18:19
didrocksnmarques: tests need a X and dbus server18:19
bcurtiswxkenvandine, to put in each function18:19
didrocksnmarques: that' why we disable them when building packages18:20
kenvandinebcurtiswx, one sec18:20
nmarquesdidrocks, I'll disable them as well (later will try to build then on a Xen kernel without chroot)18:20
didrocksnmarques: yeah, we have some work under way for enabling only non dbus-related tests, but not a priority and patches are welcomes :)18:21
nmarquesdidrocks, it will happen later on ;) I only have one more thing to fix as well, as Gsettings schema is failing to install, and will look into it and submit the whole thing18:22
didrocksnmarques: oh really? how failing?18:22
nmarquesdidrocks, it's trying to deploy on the filesystem and not on DESTDIR18:23
didrocksnmarques: ok, weird…18:23
nmarquesdidrocks, the last error remaining is:18:28
nmarques-- Compiling GSettings schemas18:28
nmarquesFailed to create file '/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/gschemas.compiled.V3NOQV': Permission denied18:28
nmarquesonce that is sorted, it's time to pull all together, so within a day or two I will have Unity running :)18:28
didrocksok, nice :)18:28
nmarquesdidrocks, then I think I will follow ken's advice and write a small lib for interaction with YaST for a couple of things that currently don't work for us, and I will submit upstream. I don't write code for around 6/7 years, maybe it's a good time to start :)18:30
didrocksnmarques: heh ;) good luck with that then ;)18:32
Kaleois anybody using Unity in Virtualbox these days?18:56
kenvandineKaleo, me19:08
kenvandinehaven't run it in a few days at least though19:09
Kaleokenvandine: it seems sort of broken since the recent update19:09
kenvandineoh, it was updated a few days ago19:09
kenvandinei hope it isn't broken19:09
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tarethanyone up to a couple of reviews? :)19:58
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jcastroDBO: let's not keep the man waiting!21:18
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DBOjcastro, what now?21:32
jcastrotareth>anyone up to a couple of reviews? :)21:32
DBOtareth, yeah whats up?21:32
DBOtareth, you'll have to excuse me, are you CA'd up?21:32
tarethhttps://code.launchpad.net/~mrasmus/unity/fix-713642/+merge/49554 https://code.launchpad.net/~mrasmus/unity/fix-713632/+merge/49577 <-- did these two over the weekend21:33
DBOtareth, you sir are a gentleman and a scholar21:34
DBOfirst commit to unity?21:34
DBOoh you are mrasmus21:34
DBOboth approved21:36
tarethyay! now back to work for me on a third one.21:36
DBOtareth, also, I appreciate the minimal nature of your patches21:37
DBOtareth, a lot of people add lots of code to do simple things, its refreshing to see someone who takes a moment to understand the system :)21:37
DBOtareth, may I suggest a next project for you?21:38
tarethDBO, certainly!21:38
DBOso you did some great work causing keynav to disable properly21:39
DBObasically keynav needs to disable when _launcher_action_state changes21:39
DBOmaybe it is time we had _launcher_action_state have a getter and setter method21:39
DBOand take care of these minor cleanup in the setter method21:39
DBOwhat do you think?21:40
tarethDBO, sounds interesting. I have a couple other bitesize bugs I assigned myself already that I'd like to get out of the way first if that's alright though!21:41
DBOtareth, sure thing :)21:41
tarethI'll probably work on it this weekend. New semester has started and that has me busy during weekdays :(21:42
bcurtiswxkenvandine, still here?22:03
jcastroDBO: we should make sure we have a good list of bugs going into weekends come to think of it22:03
DBOjcastro, sounds like a good plan22:05
tarethhmm what are some good programs that like to start themselves maximized?22:08
DBOmaximize web browser22:09
tarethfor some reason that's not working for me today22:09
DBOtareth, yeah having trouble thinking of anything else really..22:12
DBOrythmbox maybe?22:12
tarethRhythmbox works. Thanks.22:17
DBOrhythmbox tends to undecorate for me sadly22:17
DBOso it may not be a good test case22:18
tarethI'm just trying to work out where programs that start undecorated properly when maximized are coming from22:19
DBOit seems to be somewhat related to how the program decorates/undecorates22:23
DBOchromium seems to be able to reliably trigger it22:23
tarethChromium just plain never makes it to WindowManager::Undecorate when it starts up22:26
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bcurtiswxkenvandine, https://code.launchpad.net/~bcurtiswx/ubuntu/natty/empathy/empathy-2.33.1-0ubuntu3/+merge/4972923:04

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