
troy_scoz_: What's up Cozzie?00:07
coz_troy_s,  hey guy :)00:07
coz_troy_s,  so how are you ?  its early in t he morning there ,,,yes?00:19
troy_sSo not quite.00:19
coz_troy_s,  ,,, where are you located?00:19
troy_scoz_: Vancouver, BC, Canada.00:19
troy_scoz_: Plus or minus 30 minutes.00:20
coz_troy_s,  ok ,,, for some reason I kept thinking  breat Britain00:20
troy_scoz_: Non.00:20
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thorwilvish: seen http://www.projblog.com/?p=2506 ?19:26
vishthorwil: yea.. ;)19:27
vishand it was interesting to note the author of the third one too ;p19:28
thorwilvish: isn't it great how he combines mentioning the wallpaper pack and linking his flickr pool?19:29
vishthorwil: not to forget how he mentions the wrong link for the design brief19:30
vishthorwil: I'm going to delete this page content: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Specs/AlternateNattyWallpapers and redirect to the design team blogs, any objections?19:33
thorwilvish: i'm puzzled how to handle this ... but don't want to waste any more time on this shit19:34
thorwilvish: which makes either total ignorance or a quick and hard reaction attractive19:35
vishthorwil: well, for one, you could blog and say "correction to the earlier blog" and point to john's blog ;)19:36
thorwilvish: i could, if it was clear to me where the non-phot wallpapers are really supposed to go19:36
vishhmm! :(19:37
vishyea, iain messed up there..19:37
vishthorwil: if you know how to create tags or pools on flikr, just start one and say this is the one :D19:38
vishthorwil: iain would surely not object.. he probably just overlooked this..19:38
thorwili will email ivanka, let's see if she will clear things up19:40
vishthorwil: hmm, what is the right syntax for wiki redirect?19:47
thorwilvish: i don't recall. overwritten by clojure haskell erlang emacs shortcuts ...19:48
vishlol ;p19:49
vishthorwil: cc iain on that mail, i'm pretty sure he just overlooked that groups issue19:54
vishhe would have thought folks would just tag the wallpapers19:55
vishthorwil: ^^19:57
thorwilvish: done19:58
thorwilspeak of the devil ...19:59
thorwilivanka: good evening :)20:00
thorwilvish: "Team namespace was used by spammer; clean page and Redirect to the official post."? cute :)20:01
vishthorwil: not one person replied to his mail on the mailing list.. and it is pretty clear to others as well that he is having issues with others..20:02
vishand still he makes no effort at trying to directly address the issues pointed out20:03
* vish shrugs..20:03
coz_vish,  who is this?20:04
vishcoz_: the artwork ML spammer ;)20:04
vishthorwil: are you aware that doctormo has taken the edubuntu task ?20:04
visherr, taken == assigned20:05
thorwilvish: he showed me a wallpaper. 2 version, with and without narwhals20:05
vishthorwil: cool, yea.. and highvoltage too asked this question about john20:06
thorwili really hate that you don't get to see all images in our groups, unless you log in20:08
raknorakis there a change for the power icon planed?20:09
raknoraki think it's to wide20:09
vishraknorak: power icon? why?20:09
vishraknorak: mark likes big batteries :)20:09
raknorakhmmm ^^20:10
vishraknorak: the icon from ubuntu-mono would probably not change, it is intentionally made wide.. your best bet is either change the icon theme or edit that icon20:11
raknorakwhat was the intention?20:12
vishraknorak: to keep it wider,and make it easier to notice the charge levels20:12
raknorakmaybe a bit more contrast for the charge level20:13
raknorakthe grey is a bit too dark :)20:13
coz_hope that one guy doesnt mint,,, I made a gimp splash from his wallpaper submission   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/Gimp/4/gimp-splash.png20:46
coz_doesnt "mind"  unless of course he likes mint20:46
coz_that is a very attractive wallpaper....20:47

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