[06:42] AlanBell: ping [06:43] duanedesign: hey, ping [06:43] duanedesign: Did I tell you about the project lightning talk at UDW? Wanna talk about clicompanion for 5 mins? [06:44] hello nigelb [06:44] nigelb: when is UDW? [06:48] duanedesign: feb 28 to 4th [07:17] morning all [07:20] Mornign AlanBell [07:20] I played around with gcal over python-gdata this past weekend. [07:21] I conclude that I hate xml :-P [07:27] good morning [07:30] dholbach: morning [07:30] dholbach: I hacked something together for you for the patch pilot cal. Will email tonight [07:32] great - thanks a lot nigelb [07:32] dholbach: ah, I just realized you need to invite people to the event. Will add that in. [07:49] Morning folks o/ [07:51] hey kim0, صباح الخير [07:51] dholbach: hey :) [07:55] Morning kim0 :) [07:56] nigelb: morning :) [07:59] Hey ara [08:00] ara: morning [09:37] Aloha [09:42] czajkowski: morning [09:42] hey hey kim0 [09:42] how are you doing ~? [09:42] czajkowski: enjoying a better Egypt :) [09:42] excellent good to hear [09:42] no more fighting goig on over there? [09:43] czajkowski: nope .. the guy stepped down .. everything is cool now [09:44] :D [09:44] excellent [09:45] \o/ [09:59] Any LP guru around? I'm pushing code to "https://code.launchpad.net/~kim0/+junk/ec2-ebs-migrate-Instance" which is a branch from "https://code.launchpad.net/~abd4lla/+junk/ec2-ebs-migrate" However I am not getting "propose for merging" link, any idea why ? [09:59] kim0: ask in #launchpad [09:59] they are the nicest friendlies admins! [09:59] kim0: I usually poke mrevell and he tells me who to ask [09:59] hehee [10:00] ok trying [10:00] kim0: because its in junk (I think) [10:00] +1 [10:01] generally you get to merge onto a project, not on your +junk [10:02] hmm .. might be [10:02] ok, I'll try to get it upgraded [10:03] nigelb: thanks [10:03] np :) [10:04] morning all === daker_ is now known as daker [14:01] kim0, if anyone answers to "ubuntucloud: #Ubuntu Developer Week description, mark your calendar. Want to contrib a talk? ping me http://bit.ly/hf7TTT" - can you tell me that the only people we still look for is for lightning talks about their projects? [14:02] kim0, and thanks for helping out recruiting :) [14:02] dholbach: yeah I did notice and was planning on that, or sharing my session [14:02] cool [14:29] jcastro isn't gnome having some kinda day tomorrow? [14:30] and if you know what I am talking about do you have a link for it - I know I saw something about it but now I can't find it and I wanted to mention it today :-( bookmarking fail [14:31] akgraner: howdy doody [14:31] czajkowski, hey! [14:31] akgraner: #hows #you #these #days :) [14:31] akgraner: picture ;) [14:32] loved the pics you posted :-) you look happy happy [14:32] good [14:32] akgraner: thanks, got rather spoilt this weekend/today [14:32] I spent this morning looking very red faced at my laptop when they arrived [14:33] :-) yay! [14:33] there is nothing wrong be being a little spoiled [14:33] aye [14:33] this is rather new :) [14:33] not like sour milk spoiled though more like queen for a day spoiled [14:34] yup [14:34] :) [14:34] getting flowers to work was very unexpected after the weekend tbh. so I was rather shocked [14:34] awww enjoy it... [14:34] aye [14:35] yummy choccies :D [14:35] all white chocolate :D [14:35] that's great! [14:35] I know you are happy.. [14:35] :) [15:06] cjohnston: can you confirm this pls? https://bugs.launchpad.net/summit/+bug/718794 [15:06] Ubuntu bug 718794 in summit "Sponsorship field character limit needs to be increased" [Undecided,New] [15:06] jcastro: cjohnston is driving atm [15:07] I think... [15:07] ah [15:07] good idea though [15:07] I end up having no puncutuation and abrivating words [15:08] and rewriting many, many, many times [15:08] I am swiftly losing patience having to deal with someone who seems to think I am their personal pa [15:08] he's going to get such a swift kick up the arse [15:08] oh dear [15:09] :O [15:09] 23 mails from him so far since saturday [15:09] >:( [15:10] czajkowski: wtf??? does he not understand the concept of weekend? [15:10] is this the same guy as who made you do work on your day off? [15:13] Pendulum: nope different group [15:13] he's a bit special and I'm tire dof being nice, so he;s going to get such an almighty ear ful [15:59] Technovi1ing: forum destructions/revival is today right? [16:00] yes [16:00] dholbach, https://loco.ubuntu.com/ gives me an "untrusted connection" page. Just pointing it out in case it's not a known issue [16:01] jcastro: no wait im failing to read planet ubuntu properly. looks like his blog post was on the 10th... [16:02] jcastro: no wait go back. he just posted on the 10th without saying a date -_- .... yes today [16:02] dpm: ahhh [16:03] maco: wait, it say 0900 UTC [16:03] so it's already happened? [16:03] guess so [16:03] kim0, about ready? [16:03] um... why are colin pruitt's blog's permalinks on planet all pointing back at planet? [16:04] jono: yep [16:04] kim0, I will be ready in a min [16:11] maco: known bug with wordpress.com hosted blogs [16:11] oh [16:13] morning [16:15] dpm: are you still getting an error on loco.u.c? [16:17] mhall119, ah it looks fine now :) [16:17] dpm: I've got the error now [16:17] wrong host name in the ssl cert [16:18] mhall119, ah, I might have accepted the exception in FF? In any case, opening it in chromium did not give me any error [16:18] hmmm... [16:18] maybe ff and chomium share cert data [16:19] are you using https or http? [16:20] jcastro: should be finished, have not heard from IS though [16:20] we're killing the forums? === Technovi1ing is now known as Technoviking [16:21] oh, we're resurrecting it back too. [16:21] it's a miracle! [16:21] nigelb: the forums are finally getting hardware capable of handling their load [16:21] how about the wiki? [16:21] yes, the wiki has been throwing server erros at me for a longish time [16:21] We are rebuilding it, making it better, stronger, faster, the Six-Milion Dollars Forums [16:21] mhall119: iirc, that one's a software problem, not a hardware problem [16:22] like, the wiki software can handle X number of pages being in existence. we're nearing X rapidly [16:22] mhall119: we should team up with AlanBell and hold Ng hostage until the wiki is fixed :P [16:22] +1 [16:22] +1 [16:22] Ng just did an emergency push of LD for me, so he's my friend now [16:22] maco: No. There is another thing. AlanBell wrote a mail about it. [16:23] X=32768 btw [16:23] iirc [16:23] 15:52 < AlanBell> any news on the 1.9 upgrade? [16:23] 15:55 < newz2000> AlanBell: no, sorry, none [16:23] 15:55 < newz2000> but there is a great deal of frustration over the current situation [16:23] 15:56 < AlanBell> any idea what the holdup is? [16:23] 15:56 < newz2000> just the sheer size of the problem [16:23] ah, moin using small ints for ids or something? [16:24] mhall119: does sound like it [16:24] AlanBell: I wish community could help. [16:24] Ng friggin rocks [16:24] * mhall119 would donate an extra bit [16:24] I have offered [16:24] very helpful when I have loco team issues with RT [16:25] maco: https://lists.canonical.com/archives/ubuntu-website/2010-November/001084.html [16:27] AlanBell: alrighty then [16:28] There was one mail where AlanBell said "This is me deciding that this needs to be fixed and taking a stance..." [16:28] ^^ or something of that sort [16:28] that was the one, and I didn't quite put it like that [16:28] although czajkowski did tell me I was a bit too grumpy :) [16:28] "so this is me, starting to push for it, right now" --> that bit :D [16:29] mhall119, ah, that was it, I hadn't realised I was using http. Using https I can see the warning [16:29] dpm: checked with the sysadmins, loco.u.c never supported https, the cert is there for other apps on the same host [16:31] mhall119, ok, no worries, as I said, just pointing it out in case it wasn't something known. Thanks! [16:32] thanks [16:34] AlanBell: I'm sur eI told you were cranky, and it was over mail not sure it was that one and you did see how it cud be read as cranky :) [16:38] czajkowski: totally agree, and please continue to tell me if I am overly cranky [16:43] * czajkowski hugs AlanBell [16:45] * AlanBell hugs czajkowski [16:46] :) [16:49] hey dholbach [16:52] jono: poke, hey, any luck moving the Q and A out of the way of UDW? [16:52] nigelb, I will cancel it next week [16:52] we will move David to another time [16:53] jono: thanks. I'm holding off on a blog post so I can announce it after its fixed [16:53] nigelb, yeah, let me fix that now [16:54] jono: thanks [16:55] done [16:58] hey jcastro [16:58] hey jono [16:58] hey dholbach [16:58] dholbach: nm I sent you a mail instead [16:59] jcastro, I'll have look in a sec [16:59] jono: thank you! === daker_ is now known as daker [16:59] nigelb, no worries! [17:00] jcastro, I don't mind at all [17:02] thanks dholbach! [17:10] AlanBell: what is the "current status" of the wiki fixing? [17:11] I suspect someone may have attempted a dummy run of an upgrade in a VM. I don't know who, or whether they did, or whether they failed. [17:11] I am unaware of any future actions planned [17:16] I ma having a victor meldrew day! [17:16] I don't believe it. [17:18] JFo, any chance you could put some love into https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/713493 - it is causing a nightmare for my morning calls [17:18] Ubuntu bug 713493 in linux "Microphone volume very low and sounds distorted" [Undecided,New] [17:18] popey: yup sums it up [17:18] jono, let me have a look at it [17:18] JFo, thanks, buddy [17:19] who loves ya baby? ;-) [17:19] JFo does! [17:19] WONTFIX [17:19] yes! [17:19] hahaha, watch [17:19] :-) [17:19] lol [17:26] jono, skype? mumble? [17:28] dholbach, lets do skype [17:28] sure [17:30] jono, check it out: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=2268089&l=162e9a4767&id=1209840162 [17:31] JFo, nice! [17:31] dholbach, I don't see you on Skype [17:31] I'm logged in [17:31] it is huge [17:31] can you call me? [17:31] yes, hang on [17:31] has green eyes [17:32] ah, here we go [18:02] ok my friends - I call it a day - see you tomorrow! :) [18:02] hugs to you all [18:02] see you dholbach [18:02] bye JFo [18:54] thanks JFo for focusing on that bug [18:54] I fixed it [18:55] excellent! [18:55] jcastro, nearly ready? [18:55] jcastro, rebooting first, one sec [18:55] yep, just ring it up [18:55] k [19:01] jcastro, signing into SKype [19:01] jcastro, ready when you are [20:01] jono: you've got mail [20:01] jono: can you send me the notes please? [20:01] thanks, jcastro [20:02] will do, eating lunch, will send them soon [20:02] ah ok, no worries [20:07] jcastro, sent [20:07] jcastro, dont see the mail [20:09] still don't see it? [20:09] second mail sent [20:10] thanks for the stats, jcastro [20:11] ooh, nice lyrical choice [20:11] jcastro, :-) [20:11] seemed apt :- [20:11] ) [20:12] jono: oh hey I proposed 3k character limit [20:12] is that fine? [20:12] jcastro, sounds good to me [20:12] I figured if it's too long then it becomes bore city [20:12] :-) [20:24] jono: did you get the second one too? UDS one? [20:25] er, the sponsorship one [20:25] jcastro, yup [20:25] thanks! [21:11] Pendulum: PING!!!!!!!!!!! [21:25] jcastro: your referencing "Tell us about yourself and your work within the Ubuntu community" correct? [21:26] yeah [21:26] ok [21:33] cjohnston: i mentioned how many rewrites some people do trying to get under the 1K char limit and jono balked, so yay it got raised [21:33] lol [21:33] well.. hopefully itll be released prior to sponsorships [21:34] maco: he's rather good at listening to people and getting things fixed. :) [21:34] good thing he's good at his job :) [21:35] good thing you didnt say fixing things :-P [21:35] kidding jcastro [21:36] heh [21:36] cjohnston: ok so all we need to do after you commit is bug Daviey? [21:36] jcastro: ya.. i sent in an rt.. so whoever does it first [21:37] can you fwd me the rt pls? [21:37] hmm I am all chocolated out [21:37] no more sugar [21:38] jcastro@u.c? [21:38] jorge@ [21:39] I think jcastro works too actually [21:39] sent [21:39] cjohnston: could you tell hope she rocks please :) [21:40] cjohnston: I need to wait for it to be merged before forging ahead with this ticket right? [21:40] yessir [21:40] there might be an issue with the DB failing.. looking into it more [21:40] currently though pushing the rt would remove the sponsorship app [21:44] k [22:38] czajkowski: she saved your number [22:39] cjohnston: haha [22:41] new picds of kids are on fb [22:42] I saw :) [22:42] in the last 5 min? [22:42] czajkowski: ^