
mhall119it'll make using the LD easier for you00:03
mhall119that's a benefit00:03
YoBoYit's easy to me to use LD, you and your team have done a really good work :)00:04
YoBoYit's just presently, the LD is not a complementary tool for our loco team, is more a complementary tool to let the other teams see what we are doing, and an helping tool to write the team reports00:06
mhall119cjohnston: your summit branches have been approved sir00:21
mhall119nigelb: yours was commented on00:21
cjohnstonthanks mhall119 00:42
cjohnstonDaviey: rt 16555 is submitted for updating summit.. if you come around prior to it being updated, could you please make sure the instructions are correct? i believe they are01:34
mhall119cjohnston: do we have documented deployment instructions for summit like we do LD?01:44
mhall119if not, can you put what you did on the wiki?01:45
mhall119cjohnston: just found https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SummitChanges01:47
mhall119from a year ago now01:47
mhall119I think some of it has already been done01:47
* Daviey awakes from slumber01:48
cjohnstondoesnt really show much for deployment01:48
cjohnstonhey Daviey 01:48
Davieycjohnston, i have access to update summit myself if that helps :)01:48
cjohnstonwell.. if you want to and close the ticket01:49
cjohnstontrunk is up to day01:49
Davieynot now01:49
Davieyit's nearly 2am :/01:49
cjohnstonyour awake01:49
Davieyand when it explodes in  my face, i'll be up the rest of the night cursing cjohnston 01:50
mhall119sounds like fun01:50
nigelbcjohnston: pong01:51
nigelbmhall119: I didn't understand your comment01:51
mhall119nigelb: nosession.html01:51
mhall119has some css and javascript from the schedule table01:51
mhall119which isn't needed in nosession.html01:51
nigelbAh, the css is not needed, the js might be01:52
nigelbI wanted the autorefresh to be on01:52
nigelbNot needed?01:52
mhall119autorefresh might be needed01:52
mhall119toggle_uninterested or whatever it's named isn't needed01:52
nigelbmhall119: aah, gotcha.  will update.01:53
mhall119might be able to sneak it in before Daviey deploys it01:54
mhall119tomorrow am01:54
mhall119UK time01:54
nigelbgimme 2 minutes01:54
cjohnstonit is tomorrow am uk time01:54
mhall119oh right..01:55
mhall119then morning Daviey time01:55
mhall119which is in about 10 hours01:55
* cjohnston wants to go drinking with some of his ubuntu friends again01:55
* mhall119 is drinking for you01:55
cjohnstonI have apple cider01:56
cjohnstonim doing espanol homework though, so it isnt spiked01:56
mhall119need some sangria01:56
cjohnstonYall prolly want me to come back over and bring another bottle01:57
cjohnstonwe are going to tampa the 19th01:57
cjohnstonof march01:57
nigelbmhall119: pushed.01:58
* nigelb pats self on bug fixing 5 mins after being awake.01:58
cjohnstonnigelb just wants to be considered a summit dev too :-P02:01
mhall119wait till things go wrong02:01
nigelbIf I'm coming to UDS, I wanna walk up there and say, hey I fixed this bug :p02:01
mhall119we'll consider him a summit dev real quick02:02
nigelbI don't mind :p02:02
cjohnstonnigelb: there are plenty of things for you to fix on summit02:03
cjohnstonI can give you them in the order of my importance02:03
nigelbcjohnston: feel free02:04
nigelbYou know I'm changing jobs right? So I'll have a 1 week gap where I can do stuff02:04
mhall119you're not gonna do stuff at your new job02:05
nigelbI am02:06
nigelbBut before I join there and after I leave current place, I'll take a 1 week break02:06
cjohnstonbug #643012 bug #643050 bug #664879 bug #66854202:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 643012 in summit "Register Interest should only show currently available tracks (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 5)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64301202:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 643050 in summit "Previous UDS events should be viewable for reference (affects: 1) (heat: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64305002:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 664879 in summit ""previous day" and "next day" links on schedule would be nice (affects: 1) (heat: 1)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66487902:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 668542 in summit "Don't reschedule events/days that have already happened (affects: 1) (heat: 2)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66854202:06
nigelbCan I still do this before this UDS?02:07
nigelbthe first one was on my list.02:07
cjohnstonall of them should be done prior to uds02:07
nigelbok, will be done before end of Feb.02:08
cjohnstonI thought you were gonna do them today to get them out for tomorrow02:09
nigelbmhall119: need a quick lesson on how the first bug there could be fixed02:18
nigelbI have to play with forms.py?02:18
mhall119nigelb: yeah02:19
mhall119or maybe models02:19
mhall119I'd have to dig into it02:19
mhall119but probably forms02:19
nigelbyou've put a TODO in models02:19
nigelb# FIXME restrict to tracks/topics that match summit02:20
nigelbthough I'm not certain how that'd happen yet.02:20
mhall119nigelb: in the form, set self.fields['tracks'].choices02:39
nigelbah, I was setting self.fields['tracks'].queryset02:40
mhall119yeah, choices feeds the dropdown02:41
nigelband I was trying to figure out how to get the correct summit there02:41
nigelbmhall119: can I access the summit variable from inside the form?02:41
nigelbok, done02:44
nigelbmhall119: arg.  pushed to same branch by mistake :(02:46
nigelbdo want me to uncommit and push into a different branch? (that's going to take time)02:48
mhall119yes please02:48
mhall119bzr uncommit; bzr diff > my.patch; bzr patch my.patch02:48
nigelbwhy the 'bzr patch my.patch' bit?02:50
mhall119it might not be path02:54
mhall119but there's a command to apply a patch file to a branch02:54
mhall119there'd be a step between the diff and tha patch02:54
mhall119where you get a clean copy of trunk02:54
nigelbmhall119: done.  I found a better way to manage branches03:04
nigelbmaintain a local version of trunk and keep branching from it03:04
mhall119+1 on that03:04
nigelb(like what ubuntu distributed development does)03:05
YoBoYgood morning06:56
nigelbmorning YoBoY 06:59
YoBoYhi nigelb 07:02
dholbachgood morning07:27
effie_jayxhello all,10:41
effie_jayxis there anyone that could help with this issue. https://rt.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=1520010:42
effie_jayxthe ubuntu-ve website has been stalled in remodeling for months and it seems it is now due to some hardcoded links in the theme. If anyone know the guy who can fix this.10:43
effie_jayxthe ubuntu-ve team would apreciate it. Our website looks very 2007-brownish10:44
czajkowskieffie_jayx: whats the issue 10:45
czajkowskireading the ticket the admins say there is another bug tey need to fix first 10:45
effie_jayxczajkowski: preciselly the bug now rests in the web team10:48
czajkowskieffie_jayx: ah ok, just wondered why in here and no in canonical admin channel as they can move the bug along or be able to update it 10:49
effie_jayxczajkowski: it now stands in the hands of the web team, maybe jcastro or any of the canonical boys can push a bit more10:49
effie_jayxI am obviously trying harder, since it has been a while now10:50
czajkowskiI've asked in canonical channel now 10:50
effie_jayxczajkowski: thanks10:50
czajkowskiindeed but just nobody in here to help :) wrong channel :)10:50
effie_jayxI found you ;), another voice :)10:51
czajkowskieffie_jayx: just not helpful, it could have fallen on deaf ears also 10:53
czajkowski:) 10:53
czajkowskieffie_jayx: 0:53 < czajkowski> Ng: right ok, but is there any movement on the other bug then, as teams are trying to move over. 10:55
czajkowski10:54 < Ng> it's been assigned for about 3 weeks. I think the guy it's assigned to may be on holiday as I haven't seen him for a week or so10:56
czajkowskieffie_jayx: patience :) 10:56
effie_jayxczajkowski: I thought I saw the bug asigned to nobody. that's why I paniced a bit10:56
effie_jayxczajkowski: anyway thanks.10:57
czajkowskiless panic and patience :) 10:58
effie_jayxwill do11:00
czajkowskiit'll get worked on and I'l try and poke again next week and see if I cna get an update11:01
effie_jayxI am also very aware. I don't like being a nag. but guys in ubuntu-ve keep asking when we are going to give the site a facelift11:03
czajkowskieffie_jayx: not the only team though, but yes it is anoyig and will be looked into 11:06
effie_jayxmhall119: morning :)12:19
mhall119anyone from the russian team here?12:21
=== daker_ is now known as daker
akgranercjohnston, from Purlear to my house it's about 2 hours give or take 10 minutes13:26
cjohnstonakgraner: thats not bad14:14
akgranernope - what's 2 hours really?14:15
cjohnstonwell.. considering I've already driven 914:15
cjohnstonHope wants to go wine tasting14:15
* czajkowski went wine tasting on Saturday14:16
czajkowskilordie! mental note eat food before hand ! 14:16
cjohnstonakgraner: is boomer, nc or rhonda, nc closer14:18
akgranerboomer is about an hour and a half14:19
akgranersame for rhonda14:19
akgranerwhy do you ask?  I didn't read the full scroll-back - are you all going to be in that area sometime soon?14:19
cjohnstonWe are in purlear14:20
czajkowskipurlear and boomer are names of places?14:20
czajkowskilordie 14:20
czajkowskioi don't hush me mister! 14:21
cjohnstonI did.. and I will14:21
czajkowskihmm 14:21
* czajkowski wishes she had hopes cell to ask her to wallop you 14:21
cjohnstonakgraner: yall got any free time between now and thursday? (i know, not much time)14:26
akgranerI can find some time...14:27
akgraneryou all are more than welcome to visit 14:27
akgraneror I can see if we an meet you for dinner somewhere14:27
nigelbdarn, I'm jealous14:28
akgranernigelb, you are always welcome to visit as well14:28
akgranerGood Grief how hard can it be to find the page about GNOME's user/bug/whatever day it is tomorrow14:29
cjohnstonakgraner: looks like we are going to the movies in boone today.. yippie14:55
akgraneryay!  Cool I'll let you know this afternoon evening what our schedules look like the rest of the week14:56
akgranerthanks for thinking about us14:56
cjohnstonsounds good14:56
cjohnstonalways like seeing friends14:56
akgraneryou can always drive here if you want and see what there is of the new house14:56
cjohnstonwhats your eta to being finished?14:57
dholbachsomebody please review this branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/loco-directory/lp-usage/+merge/4964615:11
dholbachit's quite urgent we land this soon15:11
mhall119dholbach: what is it?15:11
dholbachEDGE_SERVICE_ROOT → 'production'15:11
dholbacha bunch of scripts might fail now15:11
mhall119has it been applied in production yet?15:12
dholbachyou mean cowboy'd into loco.u.c?15:12
mhall119is there not a constant for production in launchpadlib?15:15
dholbachit's the answer that leonardr gave me15:15
dholbachyou can ask him if there is, he's in #launchpad15:15
mhall119dholbach: has this been tested?15:17
mhall119EDGE_SERVICE_ROOT is an actual URL15:17
dholbachI tried it in another script that has been failing and I'm mass-processing like ~30 scripts right now15:17
dholbachplease go ahead and test it15:17
dholbachfor example the language import from LP might be a good start15:18
dholbachhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/566982/ is what failed for me earlier15:18
mhall119dholbach: reviewing it now, will merge it into both trunk and production when I'm done15:27
dholbachthanks a bunch15:27
dholbachI just updated it in all the local branches I have - I really hope I didn't miss anything that will make the universe explode15:29
mhall119dholbach: works for me, merged into trunk and production15:31
czajkowskidholbach: be nice to karma gods and it won't break :) 15:31
dholbachmhall119, rock and roll15:32
dholbachmhall119, I just found a few more scripts to work on - are you going to roll a release?15:32
mhall119dholbach: I'm around for a while if thinks go bad when it's pushed to production15:32
mhall119dholbach: not from trunk15:32
dholbachok, then cowboy'd in :)15:32
dholbachyou're a rockstar15:32
mhall119we can have the sysadmins just pull the update from the production branch15:32
mhall119dholbach: are you requesting the update, or do you want me to ?15:34
dholbachit'd be great if somebody other than I could do it15:35
mhall119will do15:35
dholbachI'm a bit busy and just wanted to take the dog for a walk :)15:35
dholbachso see you in a bit15:35
mhall119sent the email15:37
dholbachmight be good to hassle the vanguard :)15:41
mhall119dholbach: already did15:42
mhall119Ng is on it15:42
dholbachgreat :-D15:42
mhall119dholbach: change has been applied16:12
nigelbmhall119: morning16:14
mhall119morning nigelb 16:14
mhall119no, I haven't had a chance to re-review your patch yet16:15
nigelbnp :)16:15
=== daker_ is now known as daker
mhall119nice to see LD meetings taking off17:43
cjohnstonDaviey: ping21:36
mhall119nigelb: what all is going on in 21:37
mhall119you did some extra work for a different bug21:37
mhall119also, it looks like you took out schedule.calculate on GET of schedule/views.py line 107/10821:41
cprofittcjohnston: ping23:19
cprofittstill having issues with having one of my team members use loco.ubuntu.com to add events...23:19
cprofittjaricanese is the person still having issues23:21
cprofitthey itnet7 23:21

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