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satellit_PetrosPolonos: look at http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Community/Distributions/Ubuntu19:51
PetrosPolonosThanks. Going there.19:56
satellit_best is sugar 0.88.1 sweets...:  )19:57
satellit_10.04LTS or 10.1019:58
satellit_PertosPolonos: I use 10.10 on my laptop with sugar...19:59
PetrosPolonosI have 10.10 on my main laptop,19:59
PetrosPolonosand I got Sugar as the alternate GDM (Gnome is my main).20:00
PetrosPolonosI also burned USR CD from the net and installed it on my kids' laptops, parallelly to Win&20:00
PetrosPolonosBut I see slight differences between these two packages.20:01
PetrosPolonosWe shall be testing Sugar quite q lot, as I plan to spread the word in Poland.20:02
PetrosPolonosAs Ubuntu is probably the most popular desktop linux here,20:02
PetrosPolonosand I have  a bit of experience with it,20:03
PetrosPolonosthus I am trying to make it my standard.20:03
PetrosPolonosbut apparently I will need sort of my own distro for that.20:03
PetrosPolonosWe just made some initial tests on 4 machines and many activities do not work,20:04
PetrosPolonospeer visibility is weird, asymmetric, and so on.20:04
satellit_PetrosPolonos: Try ALSO http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Community/Distributions/Trisquel#Installing_Sugar_on_Trisquel_4.0.1_and_Trisquel_4.5  4.5 is 10.10 and most sugar applications just work on it.20:24
satellit_use http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Trisquel_On_A_Sugar_Toast#Install_Sugar-desktop_0.88_.22SWEETS.22  for install.....same as for 10.10 Ubuntu. Alsroot has fiixed it well20:25
PetrosPolonosOK, I am now chewing through adding sweets to my regular Ubuntu.20:27
satellit_http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Emulator_image_files#Trisquel-4.5_-Gnome-sugar_BETA is ready to import into VirtualBox 4.020:27
PetrosPolonosShould I go for .88 or .90?20:27
satellit_the later one has problems in sharing20:27
satellit_ask alsroot (it is his work) also20:28
alsrootPetrosPolonos: the problem is that in 0.90, sugar switched to use telepathy-mission-control instead of sugar-presence-service. there are bunch of related issues, the last stable sugar that is being used in the filed is 0.8820:30
PetrosPolonosI see.20:30
PolandOLPCS-b18aIt's Petros - from Sugar now.20:41
PolandOLPCS-b18asatellit_: I apparently installet packages - at least Synaptic says so. How can I verify that from within Sugar desktop? Some Activity version check, or alike?20:43
satellit_PolandOLPCS-b18a: did you install sugar-emulator...(menu education sugar) if not use gdm login at bottom bar for sugar instead of gnome20:52
satellit_symantec for sugar-emulator20:53
satellit_use sugar-emulator -f   for full screen in command20:53
PolandOLPCS-b18aI have it configured for ages. :-) There is a separate user for Sugar and I relogin for that.20:54
PolandOLPCS-b18aIt is still an experiment for me and I keep it separate from my daily gnome.20:54
satellit_not a user...gdm login on bottom bar after logout20:54
PolandOLPCS-b18aI understand.20:54
PolandOLPCS-b18aBerhaps it is an overkill, but I created separate user and assigned him Sugar GDM.20:55
satellit_ok  have to go out now  good luck20:55
=== satellit_ is now known as satellit_afk
satellit_afk:  )20:55
PolandOLPCS-b18aThank you for your help.20:55
=== lucian_ is now known as lucian

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