
MrKing365what is this channel about04:37
rwwMrKing365: It's the project channel for the Ubuntu Women team, which is described at http://ubuntu-women.org/04:38
MrKing365nothing to do with sex04:38
macoseriously? that needed to be asked?04:40
elkyI'm pretty sure they see the word woman and assume it has something to do with their penis.04:49
elkyChase the thought away with this: http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lge9urybiH1qb7o7ko1_500.png04:51
gpcthat kitty is too cute05:01
nigelbthat kitty looks like a character from pokemon05:08
nigelbgosh I thought there would be no one who knew pokemon :D05:09
macooh come on05:13
macoit was all the rage in '9805:13
macoactually probably more like 200105:13
valorieon that note, http://www.dailykitten.com/05:48
valorieeven i know about pokemon, lol05:49
nigelbmaco: the rage started here after I left school.05:58
* rww starts nudging people towards the less-projectful channel05:58
vishso, with maco winning the DMB , is this the first time we have a women on the DMB?13:38
macovish: yes14:22
macoat least, given being a dev is a requirement, and there are only a small handful of us who are that, and the others havent.... thats my assumption14:23
vishpretty cool maco ! congrats on being the first female DMB member :)14:24
gpcwhat is DMB?15:10
macodeveloper membership board15:11
macodecides who gets upload rights15:11
gpcoh, cool. Congrats!15:12
gpcHappy Valentines day to all who celebrate and those who don't try and have an awesome day also :)15:12
nigelbgpc: the official way to do it is to wish everyone else a happy independence day16:20
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valorieheh, then happy Valentines Day/Independence Day to all23:59
* valorie already got dark chocolate23:59

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