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DarkwingDuckrekonq is having a hard time with flash.... am I doing something wrong on my end?00:15
valoriedoes flash work in any other browsers, DarkwingDuck?00:18
valorieI have no flash at all now00:18
valoriefor a few days, since an upgrade00:18
DarkwingDuckvalorie: yup00:20
valorieyup you have it in FF, etc.?00:20
DarkwingDuckbut i hate ff00:20
valorieI even tried Konq, my old standbye00:21
valorieno flash anywhere00:21
valorieuninstalled, reinstalled00:21
valorieno good00:21
c2tarunis quickly only for gtk applications? Not for Qt?00:22
nixternalanyone using gcal or gmail contacts with kmail? if so, HOW? I have followed every tutorial there is and not a single one has worked00:34
nixternalnevermind. kmail, akonono, and such aren't good.00:35
DarkwingDuckI've been using gmail contacts with KMail for a wihle.00:36
DarkwingDuckWell, with kontact.00:36
c2tarunnixternal: I used evolution once when I was using ubuntu. I think methods are same. This page might help you http://tricksfind.blogspot.com/2010/09/setup-gmail-account-in-evolution.html00:37
nixternalpfft, you don't even need to do that with kmail. kmail can set it up for you with just your gmail email address. i can't get the akonono stuff working with contacts or calendar. i don't see errors at all, nor do i see my calendar or contacts either00:41
nixternaltbird is just as shitty too00:41
nixternalcontacts in mutt is easy when using the google terminal scripts00:41
micahgvalorie: DarkwingDuck: bug 71631101:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 716311 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "flash not installed" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71631101:24
micahgdebfx: is there something that needs to be done for qscintilla2?01:24
maconixternal: i do that01:31
maconixternal: i added the cal & contacts resources through the akonadi interface, not through kontact01:38
macomy calendar is still successfully showing me my gcal01:39
nixternalmaco: I have done the same, no luck01:47
DarkwingDuckmicahg: the problem with bug 716311 is that Flash works just fine in FF. It only doesn't work in Rekonq.01:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 716311 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "flash not installed" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71631101:59
micahgDarkwingDuck: ah, then you have a different bug :)01:59
DarkwingDuckmicahg: Aye, I'm looking for a bug to fit it into02:00
nixternali think micahg is lost, he told me he hates kubuntu02:00
DarkwingDuckHey nixternal 02:00
* micahg never said that02:00
* micahg used KDE for many years02:00
nixternalyou told me that one time in band camp02:00
DarkwingDuckWhere is rekonq's plugin folder?02:04
DarkwingDuckRiddell, ScottK, apachelogger: I have a couple meetings setup with Jono Bacon about the Community and Kubuntu community. So, I'll be updating from there.03:32
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debfxmicahg: no, I've marked the bug as won't fix10:08
RiddellScottK, maco: nudge nudge http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/owncloud :)10:46
debfxRiddell: is there a description of what packages the kubuntu package set ought to contain?12:03
Riddelldebfx: the kubuntu seeds12:04
Riddellyou can find the exact set that expands to with edit_acl.py from lp:~ubuntu-archive/ubuntu-archive-tools/trunk12:04
debfxthe package list is somewhat weird12:05
debfxfor example it contains libgnomecanvasmm2.6 but not phonon12:05
debfxbut the list is not automatically updated to contain the packages in the kubuntu seed?12:06
Riddellit is automatically updated, but yes it includes some weirdness, there's usually a good reason for the weirdness but I often can't work it out12:07
Riddellphonon isn't directly needed and probably some other package set has something that depends on something that depends on phonon so it's not considered a kubuntu exclusive package12:07
Riddellyou can ask cjwatson to add overrides though12:08
kubotuRiddell: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"12:09
Riddelloh wheesht kubotu 12:09
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debfxeven kubuntu-debug-installer is not in the package set ^^12:22
Riddelldebfx: well same thing, something in edubuntu will depend on kde bits which depends on that so it's not considered kubuntu only12:26
Riddelldebfx: just e-mail colin and ask for an override12:27
debfxRiddell: what about packages like attica, shared-desktop-ontologies or libqalculate which are very qt/kde-ish but not strictly kde?12:28
Riddellshared-desktop-ontologies is used by gnome and xfce, attica and libqalculate would be good to have though12:30
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shadeslayerDarkwingDuck: rekonq doesn't have a plguins folder :)12:48
shadeslayerDarkwingDuck: put the flash plugin in ~/.mozilla/plugins12:49
shadeslayerdo you have amd64 by any chance?12:49
Riddellvideo support removed from kopete :(12:58
shadeslayeroh yes13:05
shadeslayerRiddell: just saw your mail to kopete devel13:05
shadeslayeroh btw .. what do we do about dcmtk?13:05
shadeslayeroh quite interesting13:07
shadeslayersetup-packaging-environment set's up a packaging env13:08
Riddellshadeslayer: I uploaded dcmtk, now we wait and see if it passed MIR surely?13:09
shadeslayeruh there was a update13:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 702026 in dcmtk (Debian) "[MIR] dcmtk" [Unknown,Confirmed]13:10
Riddellshadeslayer: ah, well might be time to stop trying and give up13:11
Riddellmight worth discussing with upstream13:12
shadeslayeryeah ... altho looking at the package itself i have little hope :(13:13
shadeslayerit does build again libjpeg6213:15
shadeslayerhttp://nokiaplanb.com/about/ << Oh boy13:17
Riddellhola bambee 13:19
shadeslayerim on the uds.ubuntu.com site13:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: im famous!!!13:27
Riddellso is the back of apachelogger's head13:28
shadeslayeryeah :P13:30
ScottKRiddell: Commented.13:32
bambeew00t uds website rocks :D13:34
shadeslayeryeah :D13:34
shadeslayerRiddell: apachelogger will find a way (excuse) to prove that the back of his head is more famous than me :P13:35
alnokia - back to the boots13:39
Riddellal: more realistic than http://nokiaplane.com/13:40
Riddellbonjour Tonio_ 13:41
Riddellhttp://nokiaplang.com/  last one is interesting13:42
Tonio_hey Riddell ! long time no see... how are you ?13:42
Tonio_Riddell, I'm gonna have a baby13:42
bambeeanother french ?13:43
bambeenice :)13:43
ScottKTonio_: Congratulations.13:46
ScottKdebfx: Do I remember correctly that you had some kdesudo fixes you wanted upstream?  If so, ^^^.13:46
tazzlol on the website http://uds.ubuntu.com/ is the "<!---" and "—!>"  intentional?13:47
Tonio_ScottK, thanks ;)13:47
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debfxhi Tonio_14:36
debfxcould you add me to the kdesudo dev team?14:36
debfxit would be good to get a new release out14:36
Tonio_hey debfx 14:36
Tonio_debfx, sure, did you apply for this ?14:36
debfxapply in what way?14:37
debfxTonio_: ^14:46
Tonio_debfx, subscribe to the project14:49
Tonio_debfx, could you subscrie to https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-kdesudo14:51
debfxTonio_: ah yes, I have14:51
Tonio_debfx, done14:51
Tonio_you should have access now14:52
debfxthanks :)14:52
Riddellnew lucid CDs for testing http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/lucid/daily-live/20110215.2/15:52
Riddellmy telephone went for a swim in the river tay last weekend, any advise on a replacement?16:29
Riddellari-tczew: hmm, did you have things for sponsored upload or did I imagine that?16:40
ari-tczewRiddell: 2 syncs are waiting for you :)16:44
Riddellari-tczew: for syncs anyone with upload rights can ack it then subscribe ubuntu-archive16:45
tazzRiddell, n900 ?16:45
Riddelltazz: hmm, dead platform :(16:45
tazzRiddell, but the hardware is good, nokia will come out with atleast 1 more maemo device.16:46
tazzthat tells me, atleast one os upgrade.16:46
tazzbut yea true... dead plateform.16:46
tazzRiddell, or else buy a really cheap phone. And dont care what it is.16:47
ari-tczewRiddell: I don't have upload rights for main :)16:47
Riddellthat has been my tactic so far, I've never spent more than 15 pounds on a mobile16:47
tazzRiddell, continue with the tactic... 16:48
tazzyou can afford to send more phones swimming.16:48
shadeslayerRiddell: Desire S16:53
shadeslayersomething from the new HTC Series16:53
Riddellshadeslayer: you know for the cost of one of those HTC Desire's I could buy another netbook16:55
Riddellor two16:55
Riddellsecond hand HTC Hero seems about the top of my price limit, £12516:55
shadeslayerRiddell: don't they have contracts in Scotland ?16:56
shadeslayerwhere you get the most expensive phones for dirt cheap prices16:56
Riddellcontracts cost money16:56
shadeslayerun branded phones too16:56
shadeslayerHero is old tho16:56
shadeslayerso don't get that16:56
RiddellI have enough bills already, it's not like I use my mobile phone much, if I want to communicate I have the internet16:56
Riddellwhat I'd want from an expensive phone is, MP3 player, maps, WiFi and SIP so I can pretend to have a landline again16:57
ari-tczewRiddell: so you're not interested in sponsoring sync requests?17:01
shadeslayerhmm ... 17:01
Riddellari-tczew: I recommend you ask the current patch pilot17:01
Riddellari-tczew: which today, is me :)17:01
ari-tczewRiddell: Indeed. Did you ACKed them already?17:03
ari-tczewI see subscribed ubuntu-archive.17:03
Riddellari-tczew: I'll do that as a process the syncs17:04
ari-tczewRiddell: ah ok17:05
kubotuRiddell meant: "Iri-tczew: I'll do that as a process the syncs"17:06
Riddelloh do shut up kubotu 17:06
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rbelemRiddell, ping17:22
bambeeWhat I need to do when I finished my changes in qt-language-selector (I need feedbacks before propose merging)? 17:45
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Riddellrbelem: hi18:11
rbelemRiddell, thanks for your comments :-) I'm already working to make the changes18:12
rbelemRiddell, http://blog.qt.nokia.com/2011/02/15/moving-forward-%E2%80%93-qt-at-mwc/18:13
c2tarunRiddell: hi Riddell, can you please explain me this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/567420/18:13
rbelemRiddell, my team at work developed the chicken wranglers game :-D18:14
RiddellI don't even know what a wrangler is :)18:14
rbelemRiddell, i think it is another name for farmer, +or- 18:15
apacheloggerRiddell: I cought the powerflu in brussels it would seem18:18
apacheloggershadeslayer: the back of my head always was more famous than you, nothing needs provig there18:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw i got that download dialog bit regarding KNS318:20
shadeslayerthere's is some weird custom logic in there18:20
apacheloggernothing weird nowhere18:21
apacheloggerit all makes sense18:21
apacheloggeryou just have to see the connection :P18:21
shadeslayernot to me :P18:21
apacheloggershadeslayer: what is the current patch?18:21
shadeslayerone sec18:21
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/4580/18:21
shadeslayerapachelogger: i don't get line 39 to 5718:22
shadeslayerdo i need that? 18:22
apacheloggerI haz lag in my pocket18:22
apacheloggershadeslayer: yes18:23
apacheloggershadeslayer: you just have to do it differently18:23
apacheloggerIIRC the KNS button emits a signal once it exec'd the dialog18:23
rbelemapachelogger, now(from today in my city) i have 5mb internet connection at home, so we can try skype calls :-D18:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: but then i'll have to overload the function right18:23
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apacheloggeror when entires are ready18:23
apacheloggersomething like that18:23
apacheloggerto that signal you connect18:23
apacheloggerand run the code from the function18:24
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Guest69114iirc it emits one if the dialog box gets execd18:24
apacheloggerbut beware that you must not show the dialog again... ;)18:24
* Guest69114 will have a look18:24
Guest69114apachelogger: that part i got :)18:24
apacheloggerrbelem: now since I am at home where I have 0.4mb I do not think so, sir ;)18:24
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apacheloggermaco, DarkwingDuck: about what HAL is replaced with ... actually it is a combination of udev, upower and udisks18:27
apacheloggerthey fragmented the stuffz18:28
Riddellc2tarun: well it can't install all the build-deps, maybe universe isn't enabled and it needs something from universe18:28
c2tarunRiddell: yup, one build-depends is not in natty. What to do?18:29
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Riddellc2tarun: well it depends on the package needed, if it's needed that it'll need to be put into natty somehow18:30
c2tarunRiddell: its needed, because I removed it from build-deps and tried to build the package and it failed.18:32
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yofelc2tarun: what's the missing package in question?18:33
c2tarunyofel: pbbuttonsd-dev18:34
c2tarunyofel: here is the control file http://paste.ubuntu.com/567422/18:34
yofelah, indeed, we had an older version ages ago, but not that one18:38
yofelit does exist in debian though18:38
macoapachelogger: thats just udev getting all modular though isnt it?18:39
Riddellmaco: no, they're unrelated as bits of code18:39
apacheloggermaco: udev never did power management and disk management stuff18:42
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: thanks.18:42
c2tarunyofel: ya, micagh on diff channel told me that this package can only be build on apple machine arch. so I am leaving this bug :) thank ou18:43
yofelindeed, that's only for powerpc CPUs18:43
Riddellari-tczew: seen comment on bug 718156 ?19:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 718156 in powertop (Ubuntu) "Sync powertop 1.97-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71815619:05
ari-tczewRiddell: yes19:06
ari-tczewRiddell: if package doesn't support armel anymore, don't build it on armel19:06
ari-tczewbut should be conflict with binaries to require remove binaries on armel19:07
Riddellari-tczew: as the comment says, it would be nice to have a version on armel still19:08
ari-tczewRiddell: today I was considering about delay this sync to natty+119:09
ari-tczewlet maintainer deal with armel in Debian 19:09
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ari-tczewRiddell: what do you think?19:13
Riddellari-tczew: yes that would be the easy option19:15
ari-tczewRiddell: do you mean delay?19:15
Riddellbambee: very creative mis-spelling of my name on bug 719543 :)19:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 719543 in language-selector (Ubuntu) "qt-language-selector: KCM integration and same features than GTK frontend [PATCH]" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71954319:33
Riddellbut great to see progress on that, I'll take a look tonight or tomorrow19:33
Riddelldebfx: do you know why qca-tls is still in Debian?19:35
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debfxRiddell: because qca is in Debian19:36
RiddellI wonder why they keep that19:37
debfxthough I suspect it will be removed sometime soon: http://bugs.debian.org/60433919:37
Riddelltazz: followed your advise and got a cheapo phone19:42
tazzlol nice...19:42
* apachelogger needs to get himself a freeo phone from some sponsor19:43
Riddellthis thing has no buttons on it, I think it was made for someone 10 years younger than me19:45
macoRiddell: like me?19:47
tazzRiddell, what did you buy ?19:49
bambeeRiddell: ohhh... Apologies xD19:49
bambeeRiddell: fixed19:51
debfxRiddell: the source package sip4-qt3 should probably be removed as well19:52
Riddelltazz: Alcatel OT-708, cheapest one with MP3 and quad band19:56
Riddelldebfx: ok19:56
Riddelldebfx: done19:57
Riddellmaco: you're not 10 years younger than me!19:58
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macoRiddell: yeahg im just rounding up to make you feel old19:58
apacheloggerRiddell: if you could try to apply http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=phonon-gstreamer.git&a=commit&h=a2aed0f998e45b6c98a9827aeae17120ef86b269 on phonon-backend-gstreamer20:18
blueyedAre you aware of issues with kmix in Mavericks kde-4.6-ppa? I have noticed several times that kmix was eating one of my cores in the back when shutting down.20:19
apacheloggerblueyed: plasma issue20:20
blueyedapachelogger: related to maverick only? I am on natty now.20:21
blueyedjust wanted to notify you.20:21
apacheloggerI do not see it on maverick anymore either20:21
apacheloggerit is a rather random problem I suppose20:21
apacheloggerprobably config related or something20:22
apacheloggerI only just heared that it was plasma going wild really20:22
blueyedtoo bad. should not happen really. and it happened until I upgraded yesterday still.20:22
apacheloggerrdieter: ^ you might also be interested int he patch from above regarding gstreamer20:23
blueyedgood to know, thanks.20:23
blueyedI hope you're doing well? ツ20:23
Riddellbambee: some suggestions https://code.launchpad.net/~bambi/language-selector/kcm/+merge/4986920:24
rdieterapachelogger: thx, I can give it a whirl20:25
bambeeRiddell: awesome, thanks :)20:26
sheytanQuintasan shadeslayer /me is going to work on the PN kubuntu subpage now20:27
apacheloggerrdieter, Riddell: btw, phonon gstreamer 4.4.5 coming out soonishy (presumably next week)20:29
sheytanRiddell hey20:39
sheytando you know if it is possible to add ppa with one click as you can  install apps via apturl?20:40
yofelsheytan: got a banner that's more usable for now?20:40
sheytanyofel not yet20:40
sheytanwork in progress20:40
yofelsheytan: I don't think so, but adding ppas is as simple as 'sudo add-apt-repository ppa:<owner>/<ppa>'20:41
bambeeRiddell: about polkit dialog => there are two dbus calls on the system bus in two differents methods from the base class (LanguageSelectorBase)20:41
bambeeso it's normal20:41
yofelsoftware properties should accept ppa: urls too20:41
sheytanyofel, i do know that. Im asking couse it would be cool to put a button "add this source" to the new website ;)20:41
bambeeabout the rests I'll try my best :)20:42
yofelsheytan: don't know about that I fear20:44
Quintasansheytan: Would be nice if you coud auto-join #project-neon and keep the stuff related there :)21:03
sheytansure ;)21:04
sheytana tip for Kubuntu devs: if there's a KCM in systemsettings for something, then do NOT put the same thing into the Kmenu-system or whatever :)21:10
jjesse;hello nigelb21:16
jjessedoh meant hello nixternal21:16
jjessestupid auto complete21:16
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txwikingerHas anybody ever used QWebInspector with the python binding? I always get a segmentation fault22:28
Riddellnot I22:31
JontheEchidnacool: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/UFW+KControl+Module?content=13778922:40
JontheEchidnafrom the same guy as QtCurve22:42
markeyRiddell: apachelogger: Flash video is borked with latest Maverick upgrades22:51
markeyboth Firefox and Chromium claim that you need a newer version of Flash22:51
markeyused to work fine22:51
Riddellmarkey: yeah, some weirdness in packagekit I can't work out :(22:52
Riddellsudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-installer   should fix it22:52
markeycool, lemme try that22:52
debfxJontheEchidna: nice, have you already tested it?22:53
markeyRiddell: awesome, that fixed it :)22:54
markeythanks a bunch22:54
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JontheEchidnadebfx: nope, just saw that in the dot.kde.org kde-apps feed23:11
rbelemRiddell, ping23:29
rbelemRiddell, I updated the patch http://reviewboard.kde.org/r/6308/23:32
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