
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina-afk
rtdosworked, thanks.00:06
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mw46anybody has an idea why my skype & pidgin icons would have disappeared from the `notification area' of the panel?00:17
mw46also the little kmix/speaker,00:18
mw46skype still seems to be running so it pidgin00:18
hidensofthi friends01:07
hidensofti have problem with all https website01:07
hidensoft"The connection has timed out" i see this for all https website01:08
prefrontaljust upgraded to Maverick 64 bit running kernel 2.6.32-21-generic. trying to install nvidia drivers but they can't find the kernel source. linux-headers-generic is installed but linux-headers-2.6.32-21 and linux-headers-2.6.32-21-generic don't exist01:14
prefrontalwhy is the latest kernel shown here but i only have 2.6.32-21 even though I have fully upgraded?01:25
hidensofti need firebug but i can't download it01:28
Piciprefrontal: How do you normally do updates?01:29
prefrontalPici, I upgraded from Lucid to Maverick today using the update manager01:30
prefrontalI seem to have not gotten the latest  kernel01:30
prefrontalI can't figure out how to get it to take..01:30
prefrontali use aptitude upgrade..01:30
Piciprefrontal: have you tried doing a full-upgrade with aptitude?01:31
prefrontaljust tried - didn't get anything01:31
Piciprefrontal: does: apt-cache policy linux-generic   say it is installed?01:32
prefrontalyes it does, but it conflicts with uname -a01:33
PiciYou did reboot after the upgrade, right?01:34
prefrontalyes a couple of times now01:34
Piciprefrontal: I'd try to reinstall linux-image-generic, and see if it updates your grub menu properly.01:36
PiciI can't recall the proper syntax to re-generate grub, and I don't want to guess as it may break something.01:37
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hidensofti cant open any https web site , any body can't help me??01:42
prefrontalPici, didn't work.. there are a ton of 2.6.32 files on my system, purging them seems ideal. i also can't seem to get into grub at any point in bootup which seems strange01:43
Piciprefrontal: hold down shift while booting.01:43
Pici!grub2 | this may help01:43
ubottuthis may help: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:43
prefrontalnew kernel is not listed!01:44
prefrontalhrm, Pici, what do you think about aptitude remove linux-2.6.32 ? seems dangerous since grub doesn't recognize 2.6.3501:52
Piciprefrontal: I'd agree.01:52
Piciprefrontal: You may want to ask in #ubuntu as well, as this really isn't Kubuntu specific.01:53
prefrontalyeah i asked in there.. i think the channel is too congested, signal gets lost as noise..01:54
prefrontali'll take another stab at this tmrw. thanks for your wisdom =)01:54
Piciprefrontal: sorry I couldn't be of more help.01:55
hidensoftno idea ?01:59
hidensoftholy shit problem01:59
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steff12321i cannot untar files in 10.1003:04
AntOggI installed kgpg and when i try to generate a new key, under the "Notifications and Jobs" in my tray, it says 0% progress and never finishes.  Any ideas?03:13
Thinkerer68steff12321: "tar -xvf myfile.tar" works for me03:14
steff12321Cannot open: no such file/directory03:17
steff12321got it03:21
AntOggI installed kgpg and when i try to generate a new key, under the "Notifications and Jobs" in my tray, it says 0% progress and never finishes.  Any ideas?03:41
natakubuntu got .bashrc this file @ not?03:51
natai cant find it03:51
amstanhello, running 10.10, updated to kde4.6 using the ppa, it seems like all the kio slaves have stopped working04:29
amstansamba refuses to do any kind of logins, sftp shows unknown error and so on04:30
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ecinx3DvDs aren't working in this computer, any ideas? the title of the disk appears and the audio TS and video folder and files are there05:44
nataecinx3: instll mplayer test05:48
nataecinx3: and install also kubuntu restric extra05:49
ecinx3nata: they both were installed05:52
nataecinx3: add more smplayer see. mayb yr dvd player have problem already05:53
ecinx3smplayer wasn't installed05:55
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:55
nataubottu: but s/he already install kubuntu retric extra05:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:56
ecinx3ty libdvdcss wasn't installed, other libdvd's were05:56
natai think u may try  libdvdcss2 (for play encrypt dvd)06:01
ecinx3ty nata i don't know what fixed it smbplayer or libdvdcss206:01
natasmplayer should right06:02
nataaccually u can play dvd without libdvdcss2 when instll restric extra06:03
nataecinx3: libxine1-ffmpeg and libxine1-plugins06:05
ecinx3those are installed06:05
ecinx3it's working now, thouhg06:05
nataizit cause by libdvdcss2 ?06:07
ecinx3only two things i've installed was smplayer and libdvdcss206:08
ecinx3next time someone has this same problem you can say apt-get install smplayer and !dvd :D06:08
nataDaskreech is right06:10
* Daskreech bows06:12
* ecinx3 thanks both of you06:12
ecinx3here's a harder question. do you know of any apps that help visualize a 'program'  or 'code'06:14
ecinx3so you can understand concepts like arrays and object creation etc06:15
nataI'm not programmer06:15
ecinx3educational tools06:16
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sylverfoxhi all08:06
sylverfoxi use kubuntu 10.10, recently upgraded kde to 4.6 from PPA, and somethimes (randomly) boot stops at boot screen (Kubuntu with the 4 dots)08:07
sylverfoxany ideas?08:07
sylverfoxsometimes works well after restart, sometimes not08:08
sylverfoxi tried if is a problem connected to autologin, but it is not08:13
venttihello :)08:44
Fleckhey.... have problem, when i copy something from kmail09:47
Flecki get <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><body>00501</body> etc stuff....09:47
Fleckin this example i selected number 00501 and thats it...09:48
Tm_TFleck: html email?09:49
Flecksimple txt09:50
Tm_Thmm, it's trying to paste out in html then anyway, interesting...09:50
rorkHello Fleck, people are more likely to react if you tell what the problem is09:50
Fleck:D ?09:51
Fleckrork ? :D09:51
rorkhm, I missed a couple of minutes there. Fleck, all I know is you have a problem, it occurs when you copy something from kmail. But what does(n't) happen and what are you trying to copy?09:52
Tm_Trork: he's copypasting plaintext but the paste is formatted html09:53
Flecki remobed Prefer HTML over plain text09:54
Flecknow its ok09:54
Tm_Thaving the paste containing html headers and all confuses me though09:54
Fleckanyway its not ok09:55
Fleckeven if i get html message09:55
Fleckwhen i copy something - i dont whant it to be html09:55
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Tm_TFleck: please check if there's bug report about this in bugs.kde.org and if not, file a new one09:56
Flecknah, sick of registering on every piece of software site, to report bugs...09:57
thangaveljoin #ubuntu10:46
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thangaveljoin /#ubuntu10:46
thangavelhow to solve this - Unable to exec g++.real: No such file or directory10:47
deus_this morning kubuntu couldnt find the printer. Cups seemed to be broken, so I tried reinstalling cups, but the uninstaller hanged at some point. Now I basically can't install anything anymore :(10:47
deus_this is the error I get: http://pastebin.com/MAJ3yr9a10:47
deus_any suggestions on how to resolve this?10:47
thangavelhow to solve this - Unable to exec g++.real: No such file or directory10:51
susundbergDo you have gcc installed? Why is it calling g++.real and not g++ =10:52
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cyri_hello, have you an idea for reset the Terminal with the keyboard? (other then control-L, which only clear)13:02
Peace-cyri_: mm nope13:26
cyri_Peace-, thanks13:26
Peace-cyri_: maybe...13:27
Peace-cyri_:  remove or move  ~/.kde/share/apps/konsole13:27
Peace-cyri_: you could create a script that move or remove that folder13:29
Peace-cyri_: called  reset_konsole13:29
Peace-and run it from konsole xD13:29
cyri_lal :)13:31
cyri_yep, this is a solution ;)13:31
Peace-you could create a script remove move the folder and lauch konsole again13:32
Peace-mah there is a lots of soltuions13:32
BluesKajHi all13:46
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bbububrim running sudo but im still getting output permission denied13:51
ahoxbbububr: how do you run sudo?13:53
bbububrsudo sh serverstart.sh13:53
ahoxbbububr: as in, what is the whole cmdline?13:53
ahoxcan you post your file serverstart.sh and the complete output to paste.kde.org ?13:55
ahoxAnother possibility is that the script tries to write to a network share where local root has no write-access. Is this possible?13:56
ahoxbbububr:  You can check this by typing sudo -s; strace serverstart.sh &> strace.out; grep EACCES strace.out13:59
khalid_que es asterisk14:23
khalid_someone I can be in form of the asterisk server14:30
BluesKaj!es | khalid_14:38
ubottukhalid_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:38
ristowhere i could find the flash installing guide for 32 bit?15:05
yofelristo: install flashplugin-installer from kpackagekit15:07
BluesKajristo, open a terminal , sudo aptitude install flashplugin-installer..don't use the flashplayer offered by websites or adobe , use the kubuntu default installer15:08
ristoE: Unable to locate package flashplugin-installer there's no such thing in repo15:09
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BluesKajristo, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras15:12
BluesKajristo, open your package manager and enable ,canonical partners, and other software sources15:13
ristook i have now installed the extras15:14
BluesKajristo, did you enable the repositories too ?15:15
ristonot yet installing fonts15:15
BluesKajsoftware sources?15:15
BluesKajristo, ok try installing the flashplugin-installer15:16
ristoworks now15:17
BluesKajok, risto , good15:18
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ct529I keep experiencing random reboots, that is pretty bad!15:34
ezra_I am opening an apache config file with kate but I see no syntax highlighting, excuse me for this basic question but.. how do I enable it?16:05
Peace-ezra_: maybe settings16:10
ezra_ahh, found it, mode apache config mode, I overlooked it earlier16:11
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tolishello there i think i've found a bug in rekonq16:26
shane4ubuntuwhy is virtuoso-t using 170% of cpu???16:30
shane4ubuntuwhat is virtuoso-t??16:31
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shane4ubuntuwe need an alert button on #kubuntu, because many times, I'm here, but don't have a clue someone is asking a question16:33
shane4ubuntuand that often happens to me.16:33
BluesKajshane4ubuntu, which irc client are you using , there's a colour highlight option on some clients that changes colour when text is posted by someone16:37
shane4ubuntuBluesKaj: hey there, yes, I have it when my nick is used, but in general16:38
shane4ubuntualthough it would probably get annoying16:38
Peace-shane4ubuntu: well 170% of cpu ? you could get only 10016:38
shane4ubuntuBluesKaj: my real question is virtuoso16:38
Peace-shane4ubuntu: xD it0s like i have 1 apple but i eat 1,716:38
BluesKajwhich client , shane4ubuntu ?16:38
shane4ubuntuPeace-: right, I know, that is just what top is reporting, although I have dual processor, perhaps top doesn't know that?16:38
shane4ubuntuBluesKaj: well, that is really secondary, my primary prob is virtuoso eating memory16:39
Peace-shane4ubuntu: ok first you could kill virtuoso16:39
Peace-shane4ubuntu: second you could disable sematic desktop16:39
shane4ubuntuPeace-: what is virtuoso??16:39
yofelyep, top will add teh cpu loads, so for a dual core system, maximum would be 200% for a process16:39
yofelvirtuoso is the nepomuk storage database I think16:40
Peace-shane4ubuntu: you can disable nepomuck via system settings16:40
shane4ubuntuohh, that virtuoso, the thing I have been trying to get to work and index my system for searches16:40
shane4ubuntusomehow my mind doesn't associate nepomuck and virtuoso16:41
shane4ubuntutwo names, two separate thigns16:41
Peace-shane4ubuntu: this article i have done could help you to decrease your ram usage16:41
Peace-and cpu usage16:41
yofelyeah, it's hard to not get confused by nepomuk, virtuoso, soprano, strig, akonadi, sqlite, mysql, ...16:41
Peace-but ... you remove the nepomuck stuff16:42
Peace-... so you could get some problem16:42
shane4ubuntuPeace-: got a link for that article?16:42
Peace-if you use info pannel on dlphin16:42
shane4ubuntuyofel: right, I'm having a hard time keeping all that stuff straight.16:42
Peace-i have my blog shane4ubuntu16:42
Peace-just a second16:42
shane4ubuntuI don't use the info panel on dolphin, I like the simpler look16:43
Peace-shane4ubuntu: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/11/07/trick-faster-kubuntu/  BUT PLEASE if you get some weird behavior you could just reset that stuff you have found in this article16:43
shane4ubuntuPeace-: ahh, I see, use at your own risk. :)16:44
shane4ubuntuPeace-: ok, before I do any of this stuff, what is akonadi ?  and what does it control?16:45
Peace-shane4ubuntu: risk is ... something like dolphin could hang could here on natty doesn't16:45
Peace-shane4ubuntu: btw if you reset the file configuration you get the old situation... so you have a way to fix16:45
shane4ubuntuPeace-: understood, I take all how-to's at a use at your own risk16:45
Peace-shane4ubuntu: http://userbase.kde.org/Akonadi16:46
Peace-shane4ubuntu: If you are experiencing 100% CPU usage by the virtuoso-t process when using Akonadi and related programs from KDE PIM 4.6, you should try this proposed workaround while it is being investigated. In KRunner's configuration page, disable the Nepomuk search plugin and the Contact plugin, then log out and back in.16:47
shane4ubuntuPeace-: thanks for the info!  I'm not using any of the k-pim kontact stuff, just wanted to use the desktop search stuff, but not at 170% cpu usage. :)16:48
shane4ubuntukilling virtuoso-t did the trick, and I disabled it in the system settings, I think I will leave it at that for the time being, perhaps when I get more familiar with kde, I will look at modifying it to run faster.16:49
BluesKajshane4ubuntu, open sytem settings/ startup abd shutdown / service manager , check the nepomuk service to off16:50
shane4ubuntuohh, I didn't hit that one, thanks16:50
BluesKajshane4ubuntu, make sure click the "stop" button there16:51
shane4ubuntugot it, thanks BluesKaj16:51
Peace-shane4ubuntu: you can found a lots of stuff here  if you are a gnome guy http://nowardev.wordpress.com/usefull-link-for-kubuntu-and-multimedia-stuff/what-you-would-want-to-do-on-startup-multimedia-side/16:52
shane4ubuntuPeace-: thanks a bundle, I'm a gnome guy in transit to kde. :)16:52
Peace-shane4ubuntu: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/gnome2kde/16:54
shane4ubuntuPeace-: wow you are just full of links. :)  Thanks that one will help a bundle, as I don't know all the kde apps.16:55
Peace-shane4ubuntu: well i am kubuntu user from mm 3 years?17:00
jaisoncan anyone help me out ?17:01
shane4ubuntu!ask | jaison17:01
ubottujaison: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:01
jaisonthanks fr that one line reply:)17:01
shane4ubuntuPeace-: I've been using Linux for quite a while, but mostly stayed with gnome, tinkered now and then with kde, but always stuck to gnome17:02
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jaisonI have searched the entire Ubuntu forums. No forum has clear steps to install free Open source flex SDK in Ubuntu10.04 (as a matter of fact any version). But installation for Adobe flex sdk is given clearly.17:03
Daskreechshane4ubuntu: Hello :)17:03
shane4ubuntuhey Daskreech, how is everything going?17:03
jaisonSo can anyone ssay how to install free Open source flex SDK17:03
DaskreechNot too badk17:03
shane4ubuntujaison: hmm, that one is out of my league. :)  Someone probably has the answer17:04
jaisonthank u shane for responding17:04
jaisonis there anyone  to respond ma question?17:05
Peace-shane4ubuntu: i used gnome 6 months17:05
Peace-shane4ubuntu: then always kde17:05
jaisonMr. ubotto ??17:06
BluesKajok jaison , I'm not familiar with  Open source flex SDK, is it only available at svn or git ?17:07
shane4ubuntujaison: sometimes everyone is busy, so you may have to wait a bit to get a reply, also, given the nature of your question you may ask in #ubuntu as their is often a little more activity in that room.17:07
jaisonthe concern is . it is available in zip file17:07
BluesKajjaison, ubotto is an info bot17:07
jaisonthanks BluesKaj17:08
jaisonits been long time since i came here17:08
Daskreechshane4ubuntu: Well it was probably already running quite fast :) you want to run it with less resources17:08
BluesKajjaison, then use unp to uncompress the file in your /home dir17:08
shane4ubuntuDaskreech: virtuoso-t/nepomuk?17:08
Daskreechyes ;)17:08
shane4ubuntuDaskreech: that would be fine with me.17:08
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Daskreechjaison: where is the Open source Flex from?17:09
jaisonblueskaj can u be more speciic17:09
jaisonDaskreech : open souce flex from adobe17:10
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BluesKajjaison, open a terminal , sudo unp nameofapplication (if you have unp installed )17:11
Daskreechjaison: What's the URL for it?17:11
DaskreechIf it's in a zip file ark will open it17:11
Daskreech(So will dolphin)17:11
jaisonoops i dont have unp17:12
Daskreechjaison: what environment are you using? KDE?17:12
DaskreechAlright what is the problem you are having? A zip file shouldn't be an issue17:13
jaisondaskreech actually it has to be integrated with eclipse 3.3 europa version17:13
jaisoni need to know the steps of that17:14
DaskreechRight but what are the problems you are having?17:14
Daskreech#eclipse can help with that17:14
BluesKajit's probly a binary that needs to be compiled17:14
jaisonok thanks daskreech17:14
jaisoni will ask them17:14
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina-lunch
illioAfter having updated my system and rebooted, I can't login to my kubuntu box.. I get the kdm login screen and it does recognize my password, but after it goes to blank screen it just goes back to the login screen again.. I've tried going back to another kernel, checked the xorg, kdm, messages and auth logs.. and haven't found anything yet.. Any ideas?17:28
ansgar_can you switch your desktop? such as safe or terminal or what have you?17:30
ansgar_i'm having some trouble with with X, i've installed kubuntu 10.10 (which worked fine) and then i installed the nvidia-current driver and ran nvidia-xconfig (i think). now i get the kubuntu splash screen, the 5 white dots fill in blue and then i get a black screen with no video output17:31
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nataansgar_: may b u can try log in to safe mode then try nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf(if i stil remember) to change the video driver to vesa17:44
nataor sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:46
natasudo /etc/init.d/kdm start17:46
natatry yr own risk, cause I'm not expert17:47
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vanguardI am looking for a program like iTunes for Kubuntu. What would you recommend? (I do not understand Amarok somehow ...)18:09
oldmanjoeunde sinteti ?18:09
DarthFrogvanguard: You could try Rhythmbox.18:11
DarthFrog!nl | oldmanjoe18:11
ubottuoldmanjoe: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl18:11
vanguardDarthFrog: It is GTK, but that made a good impression on me during my Gnome days18:11
DarthFrogWhat does it matter that it's GTK?18:11
vanguardDarthFrog: It does not blend in perfectly to KDE :)18:12
vanguardJuK is dead, right?18:12
DarthFrogJuK is available to install in 10.10.18:12
DarthFrogapt-cache search juk18:12
vanguardDarthFrog: I know that, I just think that it is not devel'd any more?18:13
DarthFrogIt's probably in medibuntu.18:13
DarthFrogno idea, sorry.  I've never run it.18:13
DarthFrogI really like Amarok. :-)18:13
vanguardDarthFrog: It seems very powerful, but I somehow cannot use it because I do not understand how it works. I haven't gotten it to play trough a part of my files now18:14
nataamarok good but eq bad18:15
natavanguard: u should take a try clemetine18:16
nataclementine sorry18:17
DarthFrogvanguard:  I particularly like Amarok with the Shoutcast plugin for playing streams from the net.  It also has a CBC radio plugin so I can get my fix with that, also. :-)18:17
vanguardnata: what do you mean with the first line?18:18
nataclementine is difference version of amarok i think almost same to itune18:21
ecinx3how do i identify in quassel?18:22
JR_wWanting to install Kuickshow.  Not found in any repos ....18:22
ecinx3Nothing i Type shows up on the server window, I think the server window is the one named "Kubutntu IRC"18:22
DarthFrogJR_w: I think it's been replaced by gwenview.18:23
tsimpsonecinx3: you can't identify right now, services are currently offline18:23
tsimpsonwell, as soon as I say that they come back...18:23
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Daskreechecinx3: /msg nickserv help identify18:24
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JR_wDarthFrog -- Yes, but gwenview does not do the same stuff as Kuickshow.  I use Gwenview, but need Kuickshow also18:24
DaskreechJR_w: Kuickshow is now Gwenview. What do you need?18:24
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DarthFrogJR_w:  http://kuickshow.sourceforge.net/18:25
ecinx3i need a better IRC client18:26
ecinx3this blows18:26
ecinx3i can't talk in #vim18:26
DarthFrogJR_w: It looks like the last update by a dev to Kuickshow was last June.18:26
Daskreechecinx3: Did you speak with nickserv?18:26
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ecinx3I cant18:26
tsimpsonit should be back now18:27
Guest30254ecinx3: freenode is having some issues right now.18:27
ecinx3that's the problem Daskreech, I can't18:27
Guest30254ecinx3: Please be patient.18:27
JR_wDaskreech I like the quick ability to fit any image to screen ... the quick adjustment of brightness and contrast.....etc18:27
Daskreechecinx3: can you message anyone?18:27
Daskreechecinx3: can You join #freenode?18:27
tsimpsonyou should try again, NickServ was absent until a couple of minutes ago18:28
ecinx3 /j #freenode18:28
ecinx3that worked18:28
Guest30254ecinx3: Please read thwat tsimpson is saying.18:28
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JR_wThanks folks.18:31
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ecinx3works now18:39
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noaXesshey all18:53
noaXessearlier i had a preview in dolphin for pdf files.. in the information panel... on kde 4.6 with dolphin 1.6 no preview for pdf's in information panel.. any idea how to get that back=18:54
alvarohola gente19:06
alvaroalguien me puede decir esto que es19:07
alvaroque me he instalado un programa nuevo19:07
ezra-sesto el que?19:07
alvaroeste chat19:07
ezra-seste chat es el IRC de la red FREENODE19:07
ezra-salvaro: sabes de lo que te hablo o tu pregunta es otra?19:08
alvaromas o menos19:08
alvaroy como me puedo meter en otro canal19:09
alvaroes que yo he instalado un programa en ubuntu19:09
greendevilhowdy there19:09
alvaroque se llama konversation19:09
alvaroy directamente se ha conectado aqui19:09
ezra-salvaro, en irc los comandos mas comunes son /part #canal para salir del canal  /join #canal  etc..19:09
ezra-salvaro se ha conectado aqui porque te has instalado kubuntu y tiene eso por defecto supongo19:09
greendevilhow's everyone19:10
noaXessisn't there a kubuntu-es channel?19:10
ezra-salvaro: IRC es Internet Relay Chat es la red max extensa de chat de internet y existe mucho antes que msn y otros instant messengers...19:11
ezra-snoaXess: there was noone talking19:11
alvaroahh vale19:12
alvarono lo sabia19:12
alvaroy como puedo ver que canales hay?19:13
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:13
ezra-salvaro: si la memoria no me falla /list  es una lista inmensa19:13
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ezra-salvaro: can you speak english? These silent bastards who are not even talking are complaining they can't understand you ;P19:14
alvaroahh okk19:15
ezra-sno worries19:15
alvaroi will try to speak english19:15
ezra-salvaro: Freenode is huge, so you will find hundreds if not more channels19:15
ezra-salvaro: what I usually do is try to join the channel with the theme I want.. for instance /join #linux   or /join #ubuntu or /join #spain if any of those are empty I leave them and keep looking19:16
BlackAurahey guys, just did the ppa install of kde sc 4.6, and from what I can tell I've lost the oxygen-gtk and/or my gtk theming is broken.19:16
ezra-sBlackAura: all gtk applications? I for example see some don't have any gtk theming and some have, but since I recently installed kde I can't tell if thats a new bug or not19:20
ezra-stried installing synaptic and it has no gtk theme, while other apps seem to have one19:20
alvaroa lot of thanks19:20
ezra-sand the kde setting for gtk apply19:20
ezra-salvaro: you are welcome, have fun, irc is great ;)19:20
BlackAuraso unfortunately I can't find anything online regarding my issue, not sure if anyone else has had it.  Before Firefox/Thunderbird (and other gtk apps I assume) were themed similar to other KDE apps, probably using oxygen+gtk or the like.  After upgrading to KDE 4.6 that's broken now.  Anyone have any ideas?  Thanks!19:21
ezra-sfirefox gtk theming works in my case19:22
BlackAurawell, it does seem to be loading the default gtk theme, but when I check my system settings -> app appearance -> gtk+ appearance, the widget style is QtCurve19:23
BlackAuraand if I change that to the other option, Raleigh, I see no difference19:24
BlackAuranot sure if either would provide the theming I'm looking for, but the stock 10.10 box I have next to me looks fine, and it's running QtCurve19:25
BlackAuraer...Widget style is set to QtCurve19:25
prefrontaljust upgraded lucid to maverick, fully updated. boots into 2.6.32 kernel even though 2.6.35 is installed. grub-update doesn't add 2.6.35 to the kernel menu. need help.19:29
BlackAuraback, sorry19:39
BlackAuraprefrontal, sorry, should have mentioned I'm already running maverick...I'm referring to the default install of 4.5.1, which worked fine, vs the ppa backports install of 4.6, which doesn't seem to be gtk themed.19:40
BlackAuraI'm running the 2.6.35-25 kernel19:40
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BlackAuraer...to rephrase that, doesn't seem to be theming gtk apps into kde properly.19:41
BluesKajBlackAura, running kde 4.6 here  with few glitches altho I run very few gtk apps19:47
yofeliirc there was an issue with gtk theming at some point, but that should've been fixed19:48
BlackAurahmmm, at least I know what I'm looking for now...before it was "firefox looks weird in KDE 4.6" :p  Hopefully it's just a missing package or the like.19:50
BlackAuraOdd....fixed my issue, installed the gtk-theme-switch package, ran it, applied QTCurve, and everything looks great now.19:55
=== Philip6 is now known as Philip5
ct529I keep having problem with random reboots19:59
DarthFrogct529:  Don't you suspect a hardware issue?20:00
ct529it seems I am not the only one .... there are plenty of people on the net having the same problem with *ubuntu20:00
ct529DarthFrog: mmmm .... do not think so20:00
ct529DarthFrog: just google "random reboot ubuntu"20:01
ct529DarthFrog: it is so unpredictable ..... that is the annoying bit20:01
DarthFrogWell, if they're random they'll be difficult to fix.20:01
DarthFrogAlthough it's of no help to you I realise, I can say that Kubuntu has been rock-solid for me.20:02
ct529DarthFrog: there must be something that reboots the machine ....20:02
BlackAuraI've only ever had issues with a single box, which I'm pretty sure were hardware related....got a kernel fault, hard locking the box every month or so and I had to reboot it.20:02
ct529DarthFrog: I do not understand ....20:03
BlackAuraDo you have a timeframe?  Like...does it reboot within an hour or so?20:03
ct529DarthFrog: well, it si an extrenely serious critical issue .... it reboots in the middle of working.20:03
ct529BlackAura: nope .... it reboots some times20:03
ct529BlackAura: for example today once after 6 hours of continuous use20:03
DarthFrogct529: Which OS are you running?20:04
ct529BlackAura: I wonder if it has anything to do with sensors reading20:04
ct529DarthFrog: 1010 64 bit20:04
ct529DarthFrog: but it happened also on 1004 lts20:04
DarthFrogUbuntu or Kubuntu?20:04
ct52964 bit20:04
DarthFrogCan you guess how long it will go before rebooting?20:05
ct529DarthFrog: nope .... once it rebooted twice in the same hour, then nothing for the rest of the day ....20:05
DarthFrogOne thing occurs to me.  Can you check the CPU temperature from the BIOS immediately after a random reboot?20:06
ct529DarthFrog: it always reboot when (1) i am running many different applications at the same time including multiple browsers.20:06
ct529DarthFrog: I have the feeling that everytime it is rebooting npviewer is running, but I am not 100% sure20:07
DarthFrogWell, that would tax the CPU and if it overheats, the thermal protection might be kicking in.20:07
ct529DarthFrog: yes, that is what I thought .... but it should notify me20:08
DarthFrogAnother thing might be an issue with memory.  Have you tried reseating your RAM sticks?  Perhaps remove all RAM but one stick and see if that improves stability.  If so, you can swap that stick for one of the unused sticks until you find a bad one.20:08
ct529DarthFrog: I was wondering whether I can monitor the temperature from within kde and see if there is a pattern there20:08
DarthFrogct529: Plasma has various system monitoring widgets.20:09
ct529DarthFrog: for the memory I could just run memtest20:09
ct529DarthFrog: if I open it I may invalidate the warranty :-(20:10
BlackAurasorry, work gets in the way of chatting sometimes :p  one sec while I catch up20:10
ct529DarthFrog: it is my work machine I bring home when I work from home20:10
BlackAuraah, yeah, I also had a system I ran with no swap space, and it would (of course) have issues when I filled up the ram.  That usually resulted in the application requesting more memory crashing though, not the whole system.20:11
ct529DarthFrog: I will try to do both things we discussed and see how it goes20:11
ct529BlackAura: not a problem here .... I have 20Gb swap20:12
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DarthFrogct529: You could also try setting the trip temperature to a higher value in the BIOS.20:13
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:27
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ubuntu__!nick diavolo21:04
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ubuntu__ciao a tutti21:07
vanguardI want to create a second user which has an encrypted home folder. Is there a simple option to do that?21:13
BluesKaj!encrypt | vanguard21:14
ubottuvanguard: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory21:14
vanguardBluesKaj: Well, that only encrypts a ~/.Private dir, I want the whole ~21:16
vanguardwhen you install (K)ubuntu, you can just choose what you want to use21:17
vanguardlike "require password (a) just for login (b) to decrypt home folder"21:17
lorchoI need help installing my first Ubuntu 10.121:17
lorchoI did not see the screen to "Install Ubuntu".21:19
=== Aranel_ is now known as Aranel
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:25
mantiseI installed kubuntu, activated my Nvidia-current driver21:33
mantisedid sudo nvidia-xconfig21:33
mantiseand reboot21:33
mantisethen i cant start x21:33
mantisesays no screen found21:35
=== srDeath is now known as chico_sn
baxeicoplease, someone can paste somewhere the content of /etc/default/grub in kubuntu maverick? I need the original version distributed with maverick21:50
baxeicoI changed mine and now I'm willing to restore the original /etc/default/grub21:51
baxeicooh, maybe I found the default in /usr/share/grub/default/grub21:55
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mantisecan anyone try to help me with my x server problem? installed the nvidia-current on my laptop, for my nvidia geforce 310M grafic card. did nvidia-xconfig after that, and now i cant start X22:07
mantisesays that it cant find any screens22:08
mantiseand a fatal server error happend22:08
BluesKajmantise, reboot and hold down the shift key for the grub menu , then choose the recovery kernel , then in the dilog choose "fix broken packages" , then reboot22:10
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paul__is there any software that I can download that utilizes tablet pen input?22:39
valoriepaul_: for painting, drawing, writing?22:41
valorieand into what app?22:41
valorieI assume some apps have plugins22:41
=== mren is now known as mren|off
JasonBoxLaptopIs there some magic place I can create .desktop files to manually add entries?23:01
JasonBoxLaptopi.e. I want to create one for thunderbird that is launched with kdocker23:01
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yofelJasonBoxLaptop: the .desktop files for the menu are in /usr/share/applications/23:22
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JasonBoxLaptopyofel: There's no place in ~ I can override?23:38
yofelmaybe, but I don't know that I fear23:39
prefrontaljust upgraded lucid to maverick, fully updated. boots into 2.6.32 kernel even though 2.6.35 is installed. grub-update doesn't add 2.6.35 to the kernel menu. need help.23:39
JasonBoxLaptopSounds like fun23:41
JasonBoxLaptopprefrontal: vmlinuz-2.6.35-22-generic is in /boot?23:42
JasonBoxLaptopprefrontal: ls -l /vmlinuz ?23:42

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