
=== Sgeo__ is now known as Sgeo
=== raechl is now known as Mossyfunk
MossyfunkHey, I set up lubuntu 10.10 on my girls laptop but had to start from the mini iso due to memory restraints. The system is up and everything works... but hen I put my password in to start synaptic it tells me it's wrong... yet I can login an sudo with the same password. Anyone have any ideas? sh'es not too good with command line stuff01:47
MrChrisDruifMossyfunk: You got it working with the miniISO? :)01:51
Mossyfunkyup all good01:51
Mossyfunkysorted that password issue haha should have googles >_>01:51
MrChrisDruifYou fixed it?01:52
Mossyfunksynaptic shortcut was running gksu synaptic instead of gksudo synaptic01:52
MrChrisDruifAlright....not good I presume?01:52
Mossyfunklol just googled and got the answer... damn i'm daft sometimes01:52
MrChrisDruifWell....it should be good from the get go right?01:52
MrChrisDruifMight be a bite-size bug :)01:53
Mossyfunkseems like just happened starting from the mini iso.... normal 10.10 install never did that01:56
MrChrisDruifThen something on the mini-iso is wrong I guess01:57
MrChrisDruifOr in the ppa01:57
MrChrisDruifLubuntu is install via ppa right?01:57
Mossyfunkyeah just installed python stuff and lubuntu-desktop from the PPA01:58
MrChrisDruifSo it might be the ppa, alright, thanks for letting us know :)01:59
MossyfunkHow do I change the command run by application shortcuts in the menu? i right click and change the command but it just goes back to what it was02:00
MrChrisDruifWhat do you mean?02:00
Mossyfunkneed to make the synaptic shortcut run gksudo instead of gksu02:01
Mossyfunkbut whenever i change the command in the shortcut properties it just changes it back to gksu02:01
NRWliongood morning every106:58
NRWlionanyone a good ftp client and webeditor for HTML?09:55
bioterrorNRWlion, lftp & vi/vim/joe/nano10:14
bioterrorif you use nano10:16
bioterroryou can notice that /usr/lib/xulrunner- uses different kind of colours10:16
bioterrormight make it easier10:17
NRWlionthx again10:20
NRWlioni'm happy to have my other problems solved :D10:20
NRWlionnow i have to return to my "normal" business10:20
NRWlionso, cu maybe tonight10:20
ct529how do you change keyboard layout on lubuntu?13:16
mark76There's an app for that13:17
mark76Something like LXKeyboard13:17
ct529mark76: thanks13:18
MrChrisDruifAhh...there's an app for that....wasn't that some website as well? :P13:18
mark76It should be installed under Preferences13:19
b0o-awesomeWhere is the character map?14:29
bioterrorb0o-awesome, apt-cache search character map |less14:30
MrChrisDruifbioterror: not with a dash? character-map?14:31
bioterroryou tell us14:32
b0o-awesomecan't see good applications to do that14:33
MrChrisDruifDefault in Ubunut14:35
b0o-awesomeand i need to cut some used space down14:36
MrChrisDruif578kb installed14:36
MrChrisDruifWoops, 56114:37
MrChrisDruifThat gucharmap14:37
MrChrisDruifIt's used in Ubuntu14:37
MrChrisDruifThe mother of all derivations :P14:38
b0o-awesomei used gucharmap14:39
b0o-awesomeIt works14:39
MrChrisDruifLooks awesome b0o-awesome :)14:39
b0o-awesomeThan you14:40
b0o-awesomeThank you*14:40
MrChrisDruifDid it have any dependencies you didn't have?14:40
MrChrisDruifAlright...then I could suggest adding gucharmap to Lubuntu...some people might like it :)14:40
MrChrisDruifIt's pretty damn light afaik14:41
MrChrisDruifDoes anybody know where I can make suggestions?14:42
JoeMaverickSettMrChrisDruif: mailing list perhaps ;)14:44
MrChrisDruifAhh...alright :) Got a link for me?14:45
JoeMaverickSettMrChrisDruif: if you're subscribed to the launchpad page.  you'll have it ;)14:45
MrChrisDruifWhich I'm not ;)14:45
JoeMaverickSettMrChrisDruif: then you should? :P14:45
bioterroryou hang in here but you're not on the mailing list14:46
JoeMaverickSettnever mind,i'll get ya a link14:46
JoeMaverickSettMrChrisDruif: lubuntu-desktop@lists.launchpad.net14:46
MrChrisDruifWoohoo, awesome-sauce :D14:46
MrChrisDruifJoined the launchpad team :P14:47
=== zmijunkie_ is now known as zmijunkie
NRWlionhey everyone!15:17
MrChrisDruifHai NRWlion15:18
NRWlionwe already know each other, right? ;)15:19
MrChrisDruifNRWlion: Who, you and me?15:31
NRWlionright ;)15:32
MrChrisDruifWell....just a bit of course :D15:33
NRWlionbut we have seen each other today, rigfht?15:41
MrChrisDruifYeah :)15:59
pip__ozone theme looks well chaps16:08
SuperHarkOh wow17:57
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=== AndrewMC is now known as Guest9080
=== jmarsden is now known as Guest69915
exutuxhi all, how can i remove wifi password request at login? ( gnome-keyring )19:38
=== JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett
=== Timo__ is now known as Timo_
=== Timo_ is now known as Guest30325
hosokais there a way to find out what the max on memory is without opening de desktop ? e.g. via System profiler ?20:46
kosaidpo|hello guys20:51
kosaidpo|i cant make this adio extention to work even installed vlc plugin20:51
kosaidpo|any idea guys ??20:54
=== Guest69915 is now known as jmarsden
hosokaRequires Windows Media Player plugin or VLC media player with Mozilla plugin to play the radio streams.20:55
kosaidpo|hosoka: yeh im on linux so i used vlc plugin20:55
kosaidpo|hosoka: this sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-pulse mozilla-plugin-vlc20:56
kosaidpo|but still doesnt wok hosoka20:56
hosokanot realy familiar with this20:56
kosaidpo|hosoka: ohh okies tnx anyway20:57
hosokahave seen that not every one got this working.20:58
hosokalooking at the reviews20:58
hosokausing Chrome or Chromium /20:58
kosaidpo|chomuim yeh i jst ead that in cmmt20:59
kosaidpo|i guess it works with googlwe chrome20:59
hosokain your general settings what do you see in Active Plugin ?21:00
kosaidpo|wht general ?? where ??21:00
hosokaif you go to options21:01
hosokayou either need to use the debug page from21:01
kosaidpo|ahh this Could not find a plugin.21:01
hosokaso from there on you sort it out.21:01
hosokayou will also see how you can troubleshoot this.21:02
hosokabut there is an email where to sent this out.21:02
hosokathink probs Google21:02
hosokaalso check out21:03
kosaidpo|yeh i saw this one21:04
kosaidpo|n tried to install wht it takes but no succes21:04
hosokause the debug list and sent out to their emailaddress.21:06
hosokaafter installing have you close and open the browser back /21:06
hosokarun the test at the Player Debug21:13
hosokaand then for further help, please use the Give feedback form.21:13
hosokainclude the test results in there.21:13
kosaidpo|yeh ill but21:15
kosaidpo|i wanna keep it as the last option21:15
hosokajust tried it and it gives me same fault as what you have now.21:16
kosaidpo|hosoka: even  afte installin the plugins??21:17
hosokaso what I did is Run Tests21:17
hosokaand even there it mentioned in the output that there might be at least 5 failures21:18
hosokahave you done that test ?21:18
hosokathe Player Debug ?21:18
kosaidpo|they said even thweres some failurs it will work but it didint :P21:18
hosokaI will sent them my debuglist21:22
hosokahopefully it can be sorten out.21:22
hosokacould not help you further on this.21:22
hosokaeven i do not use vlc but just downloaded it and it just works fine without using it with that radio player21:23
hosokaso I do not think it is on the vlc.21:23
hosokawhere can I find the default desktop image of Lubuntu ?21:31
kosaidpo|hosoka: it worked ??21:37
hosokastill the same21:37
hosokahave sent the debuglist to Andreas. He seems to be the man behind this.21:37
kosaidpo|yeh well me  i embe a few month ago21:38
kosaidpo|under windows i faced this poblem21:38
hosokaand now also under linux :-)21:41
kosaidpo|yesh :P21:43
hosokathat is not good21:44
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=== Guest31815 is now known as NRWlion
MrChrisDruifHai odium_ :)22:31
odium_the installatipn told me that i can find help here =)22:32
MrChrisDruifGreat :)22:33
odium_because after the installation i don't have any programs in the start bar, and i can't connect to any WLAN (they're there, but the password windows appears just for an instance)22:34
MrChrisDruifDid you do a normal installation?22:35
odium_i think so^^22:36
odium_i installed from a live usb, and under the usb all is working fine22:37
MrChrisDruifEven more odd <_<"22:37
MrChrisDruifLet me see if I can boot my VM....22:37
MrChrisDruifIf anyone else could aid, it would be appreciated :P22:37
kosaidpo|odium_: whts u prob ??22:37
odium_kosaidpo|: it seems that i don't have any programms after installation and can't access any Wlan, because the password window vanishes in an instant22:39
kosaidpo|ohh thats weird22:39
odium_and i had hoped that it's just a "look at the faq" problem :D22:40
MrChrisDruifodium_: No, your special :D22:41
odium_i hate being special :D22:41
MrChrisDruifEven if that means you'd get special care? O:-)22:43
=== Guest30325 is now known as Timo_
MrChrisDruifI can't seem to even boot the VM from iso <_<"22:43
odium_like severly wounded & dying people? :P22:43
MrChrisDruifodium_: No, like people go search for hours to find a solution to your problem :P22:44
odium_just in case: my lubuntu partion is just 10 gb, but i thought that would be enough22:45
MrChrisDruifMy root partition on Ubuntu is also 10GB22:47
MrChrisDruifI've got an separate /home...22:47
odium_that was my plan too22:47
MrChrisDruifBut it should probably have been a /data...learned that later22:48
MrChrisDruifOr better put...I still need to read about it :P22:48
odium_ok, i installed it again, lets try and hope22:48
=== odium is now known as odium_
odium_it worked!22:53
MrChrisDruifAwesome-sauce :D22:53
odium_more or less. now its on auto sign in and without encyption22:54
MrChrisDruifSo we should put in the instructions you should install it twice? O:-)22:54
odium_i think this was my 4. trail22:54
odium_could be worse^^22:55
MrChrisDruifGreat too meet such an up-spirited person :D22:56
=== T44 is now known as Topy44
odium_i don't see the problem... last time i played with a virus scanner, it took me days -.-'22:59
MrChrisDruifVirus scanner in Linux??23:07
MrChrisDruifOr was that on Windows? :P23:07
odium_there are linux viruses^^ (ok, i guess the half of them runs on java...)23:08
MrChrisDruifodium_: I know....it's not worth my effort :D23:10
odium_yeah, i am now thinking the same, at least about live scanners. I keep my "once or twice a year" scan^^23:12
MrChrisDruifI keep it to my once or twice a year reinstallation :D23:16
=== Guest9080 is now known as AndrewMC
=== zkriesse is now known as That_Wiki_Guy
=== MrChrisDruif is now known as Another_Wiki_Guy
=== That_Wiki_Guy is now known as zkriesse
=== Another_Wiki_Guy is now known as MrChrisDruif

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