
strycoremaybe I haven't searched enough but I'm having trouble finding the procedure to get proper crash logs for nautilus02:23
charlie-tcaif you can reproduce the crash and the logs are not /var/crash, use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash to get a gdb backtrace02:24
strycorehmm ok, I think I've done this before, but nautilus is special, it restarts itself when it crashes02:30
charlie-tcado a "while application is running " retrace, maybe?02:30
charlie-tcaI have run some apps for a few days, to get a valid backtrace02:31
strycoreif I run killall nautilus && debug nautilus i get Program exited normally. (where debug is https://github.com/strycore/scripts/blob/master/debug )02:31
charlie-tcaYou can also install debugging symbols, and enable apport, so that when it crashes, you get an automatic crash file in /var/crash02:32
strycoreok, i've just installed the -dgb package, making it crash is the easy part :)02:32
strycorehmm reading the crash log, i can't seem to see any useful information, I'm sending it to Launchpad anyway02:41
strycorewait ... what ? "Report a bug about “ubuntuone-client”" ??02:45
charlie-tcadid ubuntuone-client crash?02:50
charlie-tcaIs that apport generated?02:50
strycorenope, it's only nautilus, it's bug #68096802:51
ubot4Launchpad bug 680968 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in g_str_hash() [ubuntuone_nautilus_observed_file_unref] (affects: 13) (dups: 13) (heat: 126)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68096802:51
charlie-tcaNautilus crashed, but the cause of the crash was not anything broken in nautilus, but something in Ubuntuone-client instead02:52
strycoreyes it's ubuntuone that made nautilus crash02:54
strycorei'm installing ubuntuone-client-dbg but i'm not sure I'll get more information about the crash02:55
charlie-tcaTry installing debug symbols for libgobject, too02:57
charlie-tcaif it has any02:57
strycoreoh another crash and now "This is not a genuine Ubuntu package", I bet this is because I have nautilus-elementary installed ...02:58
strycoreoh well, I'll ppa-purge it03:01
bullgardI get a kernel error message similar to http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=495674&trim=no . What package should I associate my error report to Launchpad to?07:09
ubot4Debian bug 495674 in alsa-utils "[udev] Driver 'pcspkr' is already registered, aborting..." [Minor,Open]07:09
nobutoI reported Bug #719170 and attached valgrind.log. But it doesn't seem to contain gconf part. Is there any additional thing I can do?08:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 719170 in gconf (Ubuntu) "Segmentation fault during processing triggers for gconf2 when installing some packages on LiveCD (affects: 1) (dups: 1) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71917008:07
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trinikronoany bug control ninjas online i would like a opinion about bug 35585608:23
ubot4Launchpad bug 355856 in firefox (Ubuntu) "follow system's toolbar preferences (heat: 4)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35585608:24
vishtrinikrono: it needs to be sent upstream.. or linked to an existing upstream bug08:28
trinikronoupstream as in debian ,gnome or firefox vish?08:29
vishtrinikrono: so you'd have to first search mozilla's bugzilla08:29
vishtrinikrono: also..  firefox packaging is done by the Ubuntu mozilla team themselves, so debian does not apply to firefox08:30
trinikronovish: well i am wondering about how it would interact with the system to get the preferences is that a gnome thing?08:32
vishtrinikrono: well, the gnome prefs are saved in ~/.config folder, and firefox would just have to read it..08:33
vishtrinikrono: this is quite an old known issue, so i would probably expect an existing bug in mozilla's tracker08:34
vishor it might be closed as a WONTFIX08:34
trinikronovish: i will go looking for it08:34
trinikronovish: i found one but its unconfirmed08:45
trinikronoi believe that it can be set to triaged and importance low, if you are still around vish08:57
vishtrinikrono: done..09:16
trinikronocan you look at one more bug for me before i go to work ?09:16
trinikronoits bug 601986 i am not sure where too start09:18
ubot4Launchpad bug 601986 in linux (Ubuntu) "Disk driver problems on Toshiba NB305Netbook (affects: 5) (heat: 39)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60198609:18
vishtrinikrono: i'v got no idea either..09:20
trinikronoi still havent picked a package to stick on so my bugs are pretty random09:20
seb128jibel, hey09:42
seb128jibel, do you get that nautilus crash every time?09:42
jibelseb128, yes I do. It looks like the nautilus window needs to be maximized to crash.09:48
seb128jibel, I don't get the issue there, can you get me a stacktrace?09:49
seb128the bug one is useless09:49
seb128jibel, I just tried like 15 times it doesn't crash here09:50
jibelseb128, okay. I'll change the testcase it's not related to the way nautilus is launched. If I launch it from the command line it crashes too.09:50
seb128jibel, rather get me a stacktrace ;-)09:51
jibelseb128, indeed, it crashes on a netbook but not on a laptop, both running on i386.09:51
seb128jibel, can you scp the .crash file somewhere when I can download it?09:52
seb128the retracers clean the bugs as duplicate and whipe the infos09:52
seb128it's a bit annoying when the master lacks details09:53
seb128it means we don't get those details from the new bugs09:53
bullgardI get a kernel error message similar to http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=495674&trim=no . What package should I associate my error report in Launchpad to?10:03
ubot4Debian bug 495674 in alsa-utils "[udev] Driver 'pcspkr' is already registered, aborting..." [Minor,Open]10:03
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jibelcharlie-tca, Hi, I don't understand your comment in bug 659577, you say it is fixed in bug 681518. My understanding is that it is fixed in Natty and may need a SRU in Lucid.14:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 659577 in xfce4-panel (Ubuntu) "xfce4-panel crashed with SIGSEGV in SmcRequestSaveYourself() this happens when i log out of xubuntu 10.10 (affects: 6) (dups: 6) (heat: 58)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65957714:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 681518 in xfce4-panel (Ubuntu) "xfce4-panel crashed with SIGSEGV in SmcRequestSaveYourself(). (affects: 1) (heat: 48)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68151814:08
kklimondawhich was the first ubuntu with grub2 installed by default?14:10
charlie-tcajibel: I never got a reponse on it being fixed in natty14:15
charlie-tcaIt was reproduced in both 10.10 and 10.04, but I don't know if actually got fixed in natty14:16
jibelcharlie-tca, so 681518 shouldn't have been set to fix released ?14:16
charlie-tcaMaybe I screwed the things up? The stacktraces did not match, so I could not dup #681518 to #659577.14:20
charlie-tcaI will put the thing back to hoping for a sru if you think they should be the same thing.14:21
jibelcharlie-tca, okay. I referred 659518 in the iso-tracker, that's the one the retracer think it is a duplicate of. Lets trust it this time.14:22
charlie-tcaokay, and I should put it triaged, right?14:23
charlie-tcaHm, no, that should be fix-released with awaiting a sru, if it is fixed in natty14:24
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bcurtiswxbdmurray, you there?14:24
jibelcharlie-tca, correct.14:24
charlie-tcajibel: thanks for keeping me straight14:25
jibelcharlie-tca, :-)14:25
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: jibel: it's fixed in natty, because xfce4-panel has been rewritten and doesn't use libxfcegui4 anymore (and this is also why it can't be backported/sru'ed)14:37
jibelmr_pouit, thanks for confirming, I've added it to the isotracker as a failure in 10.04.2, now it's up to you if you want/can fix it there or not.14:40
kklimondaany idea how to check which one of two - grub or grub2 is installed in the mbr?15:07
penguin42probably not trivial15:10
arandkklimonda: well, you can read it with dd -> xxd, I reckon you'd ned documentation to tell which code comes from which though...15:15
kklimondaarand: right, I was hoping for a higher-level solution :)15:16
arandI'm not sure if bootinfo script does that, or if it just says "GRUB"15:17
kklimondahmm, I'll have to check15:18
arandLooking at an example RESULTS.txt it doesn't seem so.15:19
kklimondaoh well, I've just asked a guy to reboot ;)15:21
kklimondaI'll if he shows up again15:22
kklimondaI'll have to wait and see*15:22
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njinhello, can someone change status to medium instead low to bug 717690 thanks16:56
ubot4Launchpad bug 717690 in qemu-kvm (Ubuntu) "package qemu-kvm 0.13.0+noroms-0ubuntu12 [modified: usr/share/man/man1/qemu-user.1.gz] failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/qemu-ppc64', which is also in package qemu-user 0.13.50-2011.02-0-0ubuntu1 (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 18)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71769016:56
bdmurrayHello, it is the 15th and 1700UTC right?17:02
bdmurrayAnybody here for a meeting?17:04
bdmurrayso the agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Meeting17:09
bdmurrayWe have some action items from the last meeting17:09
bdmurrayhggdh: Is preparing a regression-potential bug day something you still have time for?17:10
bdmurrayActually lookin in Launchpad there are only 11 of these that aren't kernel bugs.17:11
bdmurraySo I'll review those and we can drop the r-p bug day idea17:12
bdmurrayhggdh: there is also "clean up the Regression wiki pages" assigned to you17:14
bdmurraywe double-checked this last week and it looked done right?17:14
hggdhbdmurray: yes indeed17:14
hggdhjibel and I did it17:14
bdmurraynigelb: there is an item assigned to you - "edit bugsquad headers to be similar or link to each other appropriately".  Does that sound familiar?17:15
* charlie-tca made it17:17
bdmurrayokay I'll follow up with nigelb after the meeting17:17
bdmurrayHas anybody seen devildante around?17:18
charlie-tcanot for a long time, now that you mention it17:18
bdmurrayHmm, I hope everything is alright.17:19
bdmurrayI'll follow up on the list regarding HowToTriage simplification.17:20
bdmurrayIt seems to me a lot of people are curious about where to start or what is first ....17:20
bdmurrayvish: Do you have any updates regarding the mentorship program?17:22
vishoh! meeting..17:22
vishbdmurray: nope.. :)17:22
vishjust that not much of activity going on there ;p17:22
vishand both me and bdmurray have tried poking the team, but we have had little response17:23
vishany ideas for encouraging the mentees would be good.. :)17:24
bdmurraySome questions that come to my mind are "how did people end up becoming mentees?" and "what are they looking for in a mentor?"17:26
hggdhI am also wondering about it, and about commitment from the mentees17:27
vishwell, some "mentees" might just be curious lp usrs joining teams17:28
vishIMO, one way to ensure that a mentee is active is getting them to send reports17:30
vishon that, i would also like to mention that we seem to have had very few gain in BC members over the past few months17:31
micahgif you feel the need for mentees to send reports, I think you've already lost17:33
bdmurrayDoes anybody recall how the mentorship team / program was advertised?17:33
vishmicahg: we are already at 0, it cant get worse ;)17:33
vish0 activity*17:34
bdmurrayI think micahg's point is if we are asking people to report as a way to motivate them we are doing it wrong17:35
bdmurrayThe mentorship program should make it fun somehow17:35
vishwhy i _thought_ a report(any activity or no activity) might work is, alteast it makes the mentee commit to a schedule.. right now we have no schedule and no target17:36
micahgwhen I was being mentored, *I* was asking questions because *I* wanted to be involved and learn how things work17:36
vishmicahg: yes, very true17:37
vishbut how to motivate the less motivated?17:37
micahgvish: I think it might be better to try to attract the more motivated17:37
bdmurraymicahg: +117:38
vishhow do we weed them out?17:38
micahgi.e. more publicity about what bug squad does17:38
vishright now how the mentoring team works is.. anyone can join the team,17:38
bdmurraylook at who is already active in Launchpad17:38
vishand the memberships are approved by the date17:38
vishand we wait for the mentee to start work17:39
bdmurrayIts an open team really?17:39
vishno, but we approve anyone17:39
* micahg thought the mentoring teams were going to be moderated or restricted17:39
vishanyone in the sense, we approve motivated <----> less motivated individuals.17:40
vishwe dont have a system to sort them17:40
micahgvish: 90 day trial17:40
bdmurraySo I think an effort should be made to "clean up" the team.  I noticed at least one person in the team that might be a mistake17:40
micahgor 30 day even17:41
vishNOTE: I'm not focussed on the report is a must thing.. i'm open to any ideas  :)17:41
charlie-tcano work in 30 days should be plenty to say "try again when you have time"17:41
charlie-tcabut if they are active, we see them before they even get a mentor assigned17:41
vishyet, thats a schedule :)17:42
charlie-tcaSo, we wait a year, two years, more? that is still a schedule17:42
vishso thats was the kinda thing i was thinking ; only making them report about it would have been the wrong part :)17:42
bdmurrayI think a schedule of doing 1 thing in 30 days isn't unreasonable17:42
visherr.. s/yet/yep17:43
bdmurrayThat one thing can be editing a bug title or adding a tag17:43
charlie-tcaI would expect anyone who wants to learn would be doing at least one bug a week.17:43
bdmurrayHow about one thing a fortnight? ;-)17:44
njini think that if someone would learn frequent assidually bugsquad17:44
njinwould/want to17:44
vishsounds good to me..17:44
charlie-tcaIf they are doing a single bug a month, how will they remember what to do?17:44
bdmurrayIn terms of actions wrt to the mentorship program I see the following:17:45
hggdhone a week is already too few17:45
bdmurray1) "Clean up" existing team17:45
vishso who checks?17:45
bdmurray2) Advertise the team and purpose again17:45
hggdhand keep on checking17:52
njinI think that is also a good idea to have more visibility17:55
njinand explain to people that is easy to start to work in bugs triaging17:56
charlie-tcanow it feels right... ;-)17:57
charlie-tcaoops, looks the whole meeting went too, huh?18:00
njinwhat's *net*split18:02
micahg!netsplit | njin18:02
ubot4njin: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit18:02
njinmicahg, thanks18:03
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micahgbdmurray: did our meeting fizzle?18:28
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bdmurraymicahg: that's one word for it. ;-)18:30
bdmurrayI think we covered everything though18:32
bcurtiswxbdmurray, hey i wanted to add something but couldn't catch you before I had to head out for another meeting18:33
bdmurraybcurtiswx: oh, sorry about that!18:33
bcurtiswxbdmurray, i was going to suggest for people who have adopted packages to talk to their upstreams more frequently about how they can improve bug report/bug flow.  I did with mine (empathy) and i think it was a great thing to do..18:34
bdmurraybcurtiswx: could you tell us about that on your blog or on the bug squad mailing list?18:34
bdmurraybcurtiswx: here is what I did and how it has helped?18:36
bcurtiswxbdmurray, OK18:36
bdmurraybcurtiswx: cool, I'm excited to hear about it!18:36
AbhijiThi guys19:12
AbhijiTwould love if someone set this bug for wish list19:12
ubot4Launchpad bug 719529 in dia (Ubuntu) "Dia UML object selection (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]19:12
ubot4ping-pong, a fun game for all the family19:15
bdmurrayAbhijiT: done19:16
AbhijiTbdmurray, :D thanks!!! :D19:16
AbhijiTmy net problem here!19:16
nigelbbdmurray: Hey.  Its on my list.  I'll get to it soon.20:07
bdmurraynigelb: cool, thanks for letting me know!20:08
nigelbbdmurray: sorry, I was away from IRC for a while working :)20:09
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keeshggdh: sbeattie pointed bug 718839 out to me21:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 718839 in linux (Ubuntu) "QA Regression test kernel-security reports two failures on 2.6.24-28.84 Xen (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71883921:17
keeshggdh: I'm not sure I'd ever run qrt on the Xen host before, so I don't think either of those issues are regressions.21:18
hggdhkees: I was not sure (hell, this is a nice way of saying I had no idea) either; I tried to raise you folks yesterday about it21:18
hggdhkees: I do no think this is an issue, but it might be interesting to follow later on21:19
keeshggdh: yeah, I'm adding some notes to the bug report.21:19
keeshggdh: do you have that system still running? I'm curious what /proc/version_signature shows21:20
hggdhkees: I *think* it is still surviving, let me look21:20
hggdhkees: yup, still alive21:21
hggdhkees: Ubuntu 2.6.24-4.6-generic21:22
hggdhuname -a reports it as a -xen kernel21:22
keeshggdh: /proc/version_signature doesn't mention -xen ?21:23
hggdhkees: nope. uname reports 2.6.24-28-xen21:23
hggdhnotice the versions are different21:24
hggdhkees: if you want to play with it, it is accessible from citron21:24
keeshggdh: sorry, I'm a bit confused. this is for the -xen _host_ kernel yes?21:27
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hggdhkees: yes, indeed, Xen host21:43
keeshggdh: why does uname -a and /proc/version_signature differ?21:44
keesI probably don't want to know. regardless, -xen in uname -r is sufficient for me to skip those tests in the future.21:44
hggdhkees: heh. It *might* be because I installed the kernel on a -generic?21:45
keesmaybe I just don't understand Xen. you're running this on the dom0 not the domU right?21:45
hggdhkees: yes, this would be a Dom0 -- the actual hipervisor21:46
keesstrange! but, I don't mind. :) I've update q-r-t now.21:47
penguin42kees: In Xen there are two layers, Dom0 and DomU; DomU is a guest, Dom0 is the host, they both need special code (in the paravirtualised setup); I think you can build the code so that the same kernel can be used for both and it'll detect if its on real hardware21:59
keespenguin42: right, but you can still log into the host as a real machine, right?22:00
penguin42kees: Yeh22:00
* kees nods22:01
hggdhDom0 is still functional22:04
* penguin42 hasn't used xen for years ago22:05
njinhello, can someone triage this and set to low for me bug 719654 (screencast attached), thanks fabio22:23
ubot4Launchpad bug 719654 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "0.2.28 - boucing bar or progress bar ? (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71965422:23
bdmurraynjin: done22:30
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bdmurraynjin: oh, by the way is there a reason for moving bug 718187 from linux to xorg?22:33
ubot4Launchpad bug 718187 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Acer T230H Multi-touch Monitor (Quanta Optical Touch) (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71818722:33
njinbdmurray: yes, it is detected and working, but sometimes don't respond and the touch is delayed22:39
penguin42I'd say it's 50/50 if it's the kernel or X22:39
njinbut i'm waiting reply for the reporter22:39
penguin42I suppose having flipped it to xorg, getting him to do an apport-collect will get the info on X as well as the kernel stuff already collected22:40
bdmurraynjin: ah I see it bootdmesg.txt now22:42
bdmurrayI think, or like to think, copying relevant log file bits into a comment saves other people time later on22:44
penguin42bdmurray: Yeh, I wish the bots would do some of that22:44
penguin42especially for some of the boring package installation failures22:44
bdmurraypenguin42: Do you have an idea of what could be done?22:45
penguin42bdmurray: Only some of one at this point; the package installation ones tend to have vast apt logs and an error at the end - but the trick seems to be finding the first real error in the log, and that's boring with a long file and difficult if it's not in your native language; that sounds automatable at least partially22:45
njinbdmurray, thanks for triaging usb-creator bug22:46
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=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Ubuntu BugSquad - next meeting 3/8/11 | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ | Want to report a bug? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs | User support (not related to triage) is in #ubuntu

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